why did i not thinck of jack the ripper or talk talk
Jack the Ripper ?
the tamrons - wild man
stooges - now i wanna be your dog
the wailers - out of our tree
bunker hill - the girl can't dance
sonics - shot down
talk talk ?
liar,liar (the castaways), heart full of soul (the yardbirds), night time (the strangeloves) has a great trashy guitar tone to it(if you cant tell i just got nuggets on vinyl)
Great song.
Great ad.
i think it just a remix it just seems they made the fuzz more prominant
The Raw Cuts said:
Saw that 'Human Fly' commercial here in Finland, too. But it's not the Cramps original. It's some lame coverversion.
i really wanna phantom and maestro fuzztone or mk1 tone bender and a black or silverface fender or a vox or maybe a ric
just me who thinks they should remake the vox starstreamer
also about modern cheap gear i prefer the old ones tones most modern ones are either with buckers or generic strat p/ups old oes are so much more cool sounding
mid period Damned are great
oh liar liars key are good too
its not complex but ilike it
dying slowly said:
the organ in the standells some times good guys dont wear white blows me away
I AGREE , Larry Tamblyn, who already gets cool points for being Russ Tamblyn's Brother, did some great keyboard parts with The Standells - I'm partial to the Faux Gypsy /Italian Guitar - Keyboard combination he and Tony Valentino cooked up on "Why Pick on Me".
dying slowly said:
the organ in the standells some times good guys dont wear white blows me away
I meant to , but I felt I'd have to mention DMZ (Whom I love) , as well as The Lyres (Whom I tried to love.). When Jeff is /was on , he was unstoppable. I saw him once , when he feigned interest , but , just did not care , and , another time where he had his moments , to be sure.
Alex said:
Obviously Jerry Lee Lewis and Little Richard. But I'm also surprised to see that no one has mentioned Jeff "Monoman" Conolly from Lyres/DMZ.
upload your tones to the tone room and tell us your username
amoebaboy said:
cool ! yes it is a vt+ il go and have look around.
dying slowly said:is it a vt+? caus thats what ive got if it is go on the vox website click toneroom an search garage rock click the name decay666 and go throse those tones their mine
amoebaboy said:there is no way i could afford an ac 30, so i went out and bought a vox valvetronix , the real thing it aint, but it still sounds friggin awesome.
its the cheap alternative, for folks like me who hardly have a pot to piss in.
loads of classic amp models to choose from with a selection of useable fx on board.
seriously, go and try one, our guitarist has a cool orange tube amp, even he was impressed by it
......And definitely get the "Back From The Grave" and "Teenage Shutdown" records , as suggested elsewhere....Tim Warren at Crypt was determined to put out better - sounding versions of songs the late Greg Shaw had released , earlier (At least , that's the word on the street. Shaw's involvement with the Pebbles series has come into question , recently.) , and , he did succeed. Still , we owe it all to Shaw , and Lenny Kaye before him , for drumming up interest in a previously ignored genre. They HAD to call it Punk Rock or Garage Rock , because , in the 70's , this stuff did'nt have a name .
YES ! When I saw the heading on your column , the first thing I thought was , you should start with the Nuggets box sets , and go from there. You'll have a basic knowledge of some of the best stuff , and if there's something you REALLY like , you can pursue it further. Other comps , Like Rubbles , The Pebbles series , AND , WELL , THERE'S SO MANY OTHERS , IT'S SICK. i'M NOnot saying you should buy these $22 comps , sight unseen , but there's so muchgood stuff out there , that's affordable , if you're patient , and enjoy yourself along the way. Good Luck , John.
Jake Austen wanted to show a video compiled from Guitar Wold and D'Lana's scenes in "The Sore Losers"on "Chic - A - Go Go". He could'nt show any nude scenes , as it's a kid's show , so he substituted them with footage of The Fat Boys CHOWING DOWN ON A BIG - ASS PIZZA !!
J.Michael is a good cat. Had Bar - B-Cue with him and our mutual good friend , Msr. Jeffrey Evans , on my first trip to Memphis. He also took us to his house and showed us rough footage from Superstarlet A.D. , super cinematography by Chicago's own Mike Miller , better known as "MILLER". He came to Chicago a few years later. The bartender gave him shit , because he does that with everyone. He does'nt work at this bar anymore.....He thought he was being cute. Yeah , whatever.We went to see The WOggles , later , who slept on my floor. McCarthy is a Trash film visionary. Part Russ Meyer , part Al Adamson (He even looks a bit like Adamson !) , and a lot of his own thing.
Sore Losers is a beautifully filmed , for the most part , expertly casted , sex and EC comic and Rock'n'Roll adventure. I met my future girlfriend at the first screening in Chicago , and , as it happened , Jim Van Beeber rescued her , and my dear lady friend from High school (Who'd just moved here.) , from being slipped a date rape drug by some no - life havin' douchebag.....I'm told he was'nt lookin' too good when it all was over.
Looks like these guys are doing really well for themselves! This stuff is so rad. The art is incredible! If you go on they're main site: Pork's Site they also have really cool nik-naks to buy. Great find man!
Damn! I'm so happy I saw this this is so sick. I like the rawness of his voice. It might be a bit corny but The Ghastly Ones have some pretty cool stuff and also Messer Chups from Russia has a sick spook vibe.
Marty Shane, Pacifiction Records said:
I was gonna post a vid of The Fang by Nervous Norvus... and then I stumbled on this!