Joe Buck Yourself. the new hasil adkins fur shure.
Joe Buck Yourself. the new hasil adkins fur shure.
Homer Henderson , Bloodshot Bill , Msr Jefferey Evans (solo) , King Louie , Earwig Spectre .....
One WOMAN Bands - Cordell Jackson , Margaret Doll Rod , Honkitonkioke.
One RABBIT bands - NoBunny ,Drum Chicken.
There's others.....I've always been a Hasil Adkins fan , but , I need to step away from his music now and then. We had a One Man Band Festival here , several years ago , and it was amazing how many people could'nt get past aping Hasil.
Scientific evidence shows The Sonics version removes more earwax but The Kingsmen erodes more floor wax.
I gotta say Richard Berry's original will make me shed a tear or two.
Well we've got onto a few colleges already, and if all goes well we're gonna be playing on Whatwave Dave's show next month (hell yeah!)
One thing we wanted to do which i've seen some bands do, is sell cassettes. definitely a cool novelty, and I just love cassettes anyway.
In my experience, vinyl and T-Shirts go over better than CDs but some kind of swag is critical.
If you don't have a legit release, make some CDRs of a practice even. Put those in a paper sleeve with some quick and easy contact info, then encourage / stress everyone to take one maybe a couple of times. Have a tip bucket next to it and ask people to give what they think is right to help you out. I've seen this work.
Maybe it won't help you make a profit on the tour but it may help you break even and it will help promote you.
I never thought of this until right now but you might do some research and try contacting a community or college radio station that has a show with a like minded DJ. Podcasters, too, I guess.
The Wedding Present had a Spin off project called Beachbuggy, which was very surf and garage influenced, inspired by Darren Belk's love of American cars and drag racing.
Anyone like anything from Thee Sheffield Phonographic Corporation label?
astralbating said:
Don't care for a lot of the radio stuff but there are some notable groups from around that time/place that I am absolutely in love with:
The Wedding Present
House of Love
Boo Radleys
(already mentioned) Swervedriver
Venus Beads
The Auteurs
Here is a nice cover of Love by the Boo Radleys:
Not much. Elastica's debut , yeah. Saw them when it came out. Did'nt bother when they came back , 5 years later. I did'nt hate 'em , by then , but the momentum was past. When I did hear their 2nd CD , years later , still , I did'nt get it. I still play the first album once in a while.
Don't care for a lot of the radio stuff but there are some notable groups from around that time/place that I am absolutely in love with:
The Wedding Present
House of Love
Boo Radleys
(already mentioned) Swervedriver
Venus Beads
The Auteurs
Here is a nice cover of Love by the Boo Radleys:
Thanks for that link, I'll investigate those pedals.
The Vox amp has a bunch of amp models to choose from, like AC 15, AC 30, Tweed, Blackface, a couple that sound like different Marshalls, etc. It also has some built-in effects like Reverb, Trem, Rotary Reverb, delay, etc. It's pretty fun. It also has knobs for gain, volume, treble, middle and bass. Right now, I'm cranking up the mid and keeping the bass and treble at about half, with the gain less than half. I like it but maybe it needs a little something...
I like the AC30 sound but are garage bands known for playing Tweeds or Blackface amps? I have some options.
Thanks again!
North Effects [] do some great repros of 'classic' pedals; check out their site. Are you talking about playing live or recording [or both]? Not familiar with that amp - what does it allow you to do?
i am not a guitarist. gear is fine. playing clean or with overdrive is a matter of taste. if you want the 60's fuzz, try big muff, fuzz face, or go vintage with a classic maestro! as for recording, try to get your sound sources set right, put it in analog with the best mics possible, and dont mess with it too much. but then it is just me ...
Hi, folks, I'm new here. I am starting up a little garage-y type band and I'm trying to get a good clean sound out of my gear. Something with a little bite, but not too distorted. Something that sounds a little 60's-ish. Most importantly, something that won't make the rest of the band continue urging me to turn on the overdrive pedal when I'm playing clean.
Anyway, here's what I'm working with:
I have a Vox modeling amp that I usually set to the AC30 sound.
I have a Danelectro DC, a Paul Westerberg signature First Act guitar, and an Epi Les Paul.
I also have a Dano overdrive pedal and a Fuzz. Trying not to spend any more dough on gear at the moment but if anyone has any suggestions for amp/guitar settings, or a cheap pedal or something, that would be most helpful!
PS - maybe I should also mention that while I have played guitar for a few years, being the only "lead" guitarist in a band is a whole new deal for me.
I guess if 'free speech' is truly free [yeah right!!], then you can't advocate censorship, however distasteful the material may be. Personally I'm not in favour of anything that actively promotes prejudice, but like, I just won't buy it or listen to it. Isn't that the point, that we have a CHOICE? Censorship is someone else's choice, not mine.
I think people who complain the most about repression don't know what repression is.
By comparison , neither do I. I've spoken with people who were in Cambodia , under Pol Pot's regime , former US Soldiers , refugees and others. But , most of them did'nt talk about things like this....I'm sure that even getting a hold of a "Banned" record , or simply a record that went under the radar was difficult enough. That's why it's not so odd to come across a Black Market record on an extremely mainstream artist - Say , The Rolling Stones , Elvis , Deep Purple , from the former Soviet Union. I've seen some that would now be barely 25 years old , crappy graphics , crappy vinyl and probably worse sound. But , that was the best they could get , at the time. But , you've opened up something interesting. It's difficult for we , in the states , to comprehend how influential a song can become in Britain , and how quickly it can get around. The upside is , while Punk Rock tanked , here , a lot of great Punk singles made the top 20 and top 10 (However , we all know about the record that hit number one , that's on your list , but , was'nt even listed by name.)..... Of course , if a song was deemed a rallying cry to violence against a specific group , and could reach a lot of people in a short time , it should be put to question....But , the short lived "Death Discs" era that produced songs like "Ebony Eyes" was challenged by the powers that be. Some of these records were derided for "Sick Content" , when young people were'nt out to make themselves depressed (AS deemed by censors , here and abroad) , but , coming to terms with the fact that you're never too young to die....Songs like "Leader of The Pack " and "Last Kiss"usually tried to deal with young person's concerns over the mortality of themselves and their family and friends in a relatively tasteful manner. Maybe , not always , but , we need some bad taste to stir up the pot , hence , songs like "I Want My Baby Back"....BUT "eBONY eYES" , FOR EXAMPLE , IS JUST A STORY SONG , LIKE A FOLK BALLAD.... I saw Charlie Louvin , a few years ago , and he explained that "Knoxville Girl" , the popular and graphic murder ballad , dates back to England , hundreds of years ago.... On the other hand , I also remember hearing a news report , from Scotland , blaming The Ramones , in part , for the rash of glue sniffing and the deaths associated with it. I did'nt even know who the Hell The Ramones were , or what "Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue" sounded like. Even then , at the age of 12 or 13 , I thought it merely a strange topic for a Rock song. This was before you could hear The Ramones in a Grocery Store or on a TV commercial . I was'nt even reading about Punk Rock until 1977 , and The Ramones were only getting mention , by then , because they were regarded as the only American BAND THAT COULD HOLD IT'S OWN WITH THE UK PUNK MOVEMENT. I only read , late r, about how much influence they had on the latter. But, most people , I think , understood that it was Black Humor , much of it going over the average Joe's head , anyway. Nevertheless , The Ramones were unofficially banned , or discouraged , at least , from radio airplay in many , or most US markets. I only heard them , once , in prime time , in '84 . A friend of mine who was also friends with the band said that was also the record company's doing , in no small part. But , I apologize for rambling , I'd love to see the rest of the list !
Chris Henniker said:
It could be worse, we could be in Cambodia under Pol Pot. Ros Sereysothea and Sinn Sissamouth were murdered just because they were musicians. My views are that I'm against it but, in some cases, it's a neccessary evil. For example, the song incites anything illegal, like violence against travellers or even a rival football team, or creates a susbtantial risk of serious prejudice in a court case. I studied media law and they've got to be judged on its merits. However, the artistic merit is often more important when deciding.
Here's a list of songs banned by the BBC, with some really unlikely candidates (I even wonder whether som of it is due to over sensitivity):
- "Baby, Let Me Follow You Down" - Bob Dylan (1962)[2]
- "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" - Cher (1966) (banned during Gulf War)[13]
- "Baubles, Bangles and Beads" from the musical Kismet (1953)[2]
- "Boom Bang-a-Bang" - Lulu (1969) (banned during Gulf War)[1]
[edit] C
- "Charlie Brown" – The Coasters (1959)[10]
[edit] D
- "A Day in the Life" - The Beatles (1967)[8]
- "Diggin' My Potatoes" - Lonnie Donegan (1954)[9]
- "Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Germans" - Noël Coward (1943)[9]
[edit] E
- "Ebeneezer Goode" - The Shamen (1992)[14]
- "Ebony Eyes" - The Everly Brothers (1961)[15]
[edit] F
- "Fairytale of New York" - The Pogues featuring Kirsty MacColl (1987)[12]
[edit] G
- "Give Ireland Back to the Irish" - Wings (1972)[16]
- "Glad to Be Gay" - Tom Robinson Band (1978)[17][18]
- "Gloomy Sunday" - Billie Holiday (1941)[1]
- "God Save the Queen" - Sex Pistols (1977)[6]
- "Green Jeans" - The Flee-Rekkers (1960)[2]
[edit] H
What really gets me is he tries to make it look like it's the most badass shit ever at 0:59
This is the best thing I've read on the internet today! The Burns is worth looking into too.
Axel Björnsson said:
...You are a Telecasterman or a Stratocasterman I think that is the meaning of life.
What about Burns. There are lots of them in denmarkstreet. Very cool guitars (Hank Marvin yeeeeeah) A Black and Green one our just pure white dannnm... The only guitar who beat that is Mosrite Ventures style... But if you're wondering about this fenders I would go for the Jaguar-He is supposed to be the ultimate surf guitar. But i would always pick Stratocaster over a Telecaster. You are a Telecasterman or a Stratocasterman I think that is the meaning of life.
It could be that the producers of the film bought the song from a local (Sucker!) band , outright , so they could use it in that brief snippet , and not have to pay any royalties.....You never know. If you like mysteries of this nature , see "Targets" , Peter Bogdanovich's first film (I think.) and Boris Karloff's last. It features a great pastiche on no name , never heard of 'em songs like that , emanating from the Charles Whitman - like killer's radio , which great DJ HEP KAT PATTER AND SPLATTER. The songs were all demos donated by Sono Bono of groups he'd worked with or refused on , which meant , if anyone got paid , it was Sonny. Great stuff , tho'.
HERBIE DUNCAN - "HOT LIPS BABY " B/W "LITTLE ANGEL". Some of the wildest Rockabilly , ever. His later tracks vary , and are nearly impossible to find , even on reissues. I only ever heard them because his Daughter had them posted on her My Space.
Glen Goza - Goshamotty Whattabotty
Anything by Charlie Feathers , because if it is'nt wild Rockabilly , it's hard Honkytonk.
Harmonica Frank Floyd - Rockin' Chair Daddy. SUN , 1951 !
Jaybee Wasden - Elvis in The Army b/w De Castro.
Jett Powers (P.J. Proby) Go , Girl , Go.
George Jones - Rock it (Raw as fuck !) .
Sparkle Moore - Skull and Crossbones , Killer , Tiger (Lesser known, for no damned good reason , She - Billy.)
Tony Casanova - Yeah ! Yeah ! Come Another Day. (Maximum Mexibilly.)
Nat Couty - Woodpecker Rock , Magic Sam - 21 Days in Jail (Badass Blackabilly.)
Sorry to hear that. I only have one original LP , from their John Mayall phase , and a nice bootleg. I was'nt aware , until recently , that Herman Brood was once in that band.
I remember seeing that very same LP , when it came out. I asked my friend in the store if he would play a bit of it...I liked it all right , but , not enough to pay $30 for it ! About 8 months ago , I found a burned copy on CD in a thrift store. Seriously. It does sound better at a dollar a throw. Reportedly , the compilation was the work of a former U.S. Serviceman , who'd picked up tapes of various local bands (Which might not have been labelled , either.) when he was stationed in Campuchea/Cambodia. But , who knows ?
Just sounds like a massive fuckup , down on the record farm. My copies of #3 and #4 are listed different , and they play the songs listed...But , it could be , that , later on , several copies of #3 were released (By mistake, we presume.) with the different artwork and a #4 listing. Stranger things have happened. I bought a "Best of Mud" CD with Johnny Hallyday on it , once. In the early 80's , I bought Joe "King " Carrasco and The Crowns' first (U.S.) album. It had side one on both sides. The record store re- ordered it 3 times . Same thing. They finally gave me store credit ,and let me keep the record. I DO have a "Best of Dusty Springfield " CD that's ALL Black Metal. Have'nt figured out whether to keep it , or use it in a high - concept prank.
This is a great band (Der Moderne Man):
I play a lot of NDW stuff on my podcast (this is not self-promotion because that is not allowed). ;)
Thanks for the band suggestions, will check them out.