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    • November 3, 2011 6:29 PM CDT
    • Pretty excited Death From Above 1979 is coming to vancouver in 3 weeks! was holding out for this tour cuz I didn't bother going to any of the major festivals they played in the summer.

    • November 3, 2011 3:58 PM CDT
    • Caught Wooden Shjps in Leeds a few weeks back. Excellent band but not the worlds liveliest performers!

    • November 3, 2011 10:22 AM CDT
    • Komet a nice bar in Hamburg near the Reeperbahn with pretty good concert in the basement. Drinks and fun on a Tuesday night.

    • November 3, 2011 9:04 AM CDT
    • Yeah good fun. And the Japanese kids sure did have a good time! Fun to see Enoky from Jackie & the Cedrics push his way around such a manic crowd and SWANK DJ Hiroshi Sekiguchi get a piggy back ride through it all! I was at the Fri nite show here:


    • November 3, 2011 5:26 AM CDT
    • Saw Jon Von yesterday at the rehearsal, apparently it was a sucess !

      there's some vids on youtube.

      John Battles said:

      Yeah ,you know what , I'm friends with one of The Rip Offs' sig - others. I KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO be the gai - jin band at a festival in Tokyo , but , I did'nt know what it was called .

      Hope it's a success. Our friends in Japan need to have a good time , now , y'know ? 

      Marty Shane, Pacifiction Records said:

      It's the Back from the Grave Halloween Ball that goes on every year in Tokyo. There are a ton of Japanese garage bands like Guitar Wolf, Jet Boys, The Go Devils, Jackie & the Cedrics and like 30 more... for 2 nites, first show is an all-niter. They usually have a special guest from overseas and this year it's the Rip Offs.

      John Battles said:

      Yeah , including Roy Loney and The Longshots and The Legendary Stardust Cowboy ! Or , no , waitaminnit that's the Ripoff Records show , is'nt it?

      P.S. -THE CYNICS , NOV. 3 , BOTTOM LOUNGE , CHICAGO. Your only excuse is that you live 100 miles away , or more.

      Marty Shane, Pacifiction Records said:

      The Rip Offs are playing with a slew of Japanese garage bands this weekend at the Back from the Grave Halloween Ball!

    • November 3, 2011 5:25 AM CDT
    • Urban Junior is the hot shit from switzerland !!! best one man band since Bob log ...


      Mina said:

      I have decided. From now on I will only go to Voodoo Rhythm concerts, other wise I might get disappointed.

    • November 2, 2011 6:52 PM CDT
    • ....Cynics , tommorrow. Hope to see all THREE fans that I know. Malcolm should be here , but it's not his fault. Maybe they'll play his town. Maybe they'll be selling the new Nervebreakers  Get Hip reissue on 190,000 gram vinyl , as well as their own sweet ass merch. It's $5 to get in ! "Don't talk about it , all you do is...DO IT ! It's Rock'n'Roll , and the message is..DO IT ! TO IT !".        Dec 3 - Jerry Lee , Question Mark (Not in the sameplace.).

    • November 2, 2011 5:58 PM CDT
    • Drove five hours to Pittsburgh for the Mud City Manglers 45 release show. 

    • November 2, 2011 5:31 PM CDT
    • MAGNETIX & YVY, October 26th...VIVE LA FRANCE!!!! with the estimated attendance of about 40 (or less) people...shame, shame, shame on my hometown!!!

    • November 3, 2011 5:22 PM CDT
    • Absolutely. And The Cramps' version , based not on The Sonics , but The Swamp Rats.

    • November 3, 2011 4:28 AM CDT
    • Gotta say Swamp Rats..Killer!

      Just Fuz Trashin Great

    • November 3, 2011 4:21 PM CDT
    • The Big Mix – 1/28/11

      1 – 1966 – Boys From Nowhere

      2 – Don’t Looks Back – Chords

      3 – She’s My Witch – Kip Tyler

      4 – Girl Ain’t No Good – The Milkshakes

      5 – Water – The Who

      6 – Trouble – Oblivians

      7 – 49 Tons – Fred Eaglesmith

      8 – Riverbed – Girl Trouble

      9 – Satisfaction – Los Apsons


      10 – Rosie Jones – Wild Billy Childish and the MBEs

      11 – Kill The Bee Gees – Accident

      12 – Love And Roll – Gito Gito Hustler

      13 – When I was Young – The Animals

      14 – Unconscious Power – Iron Butterfly

      15 – Come And Get It – Blue Cheer

      16 – Sheep Police – Swell Maps

      17 – Original Nothing People – Beaten Path

      18 – Not Long To Live – The Mummies


      19 – I’m Not Like Everybody Else

      20 – Rough Kids – Kilburn and the High Roads

      21 – Boys From County Hell – The Pogues

      22 – Perfect Sin – Amazing (Royal) Crowns

      23 – Tonic – Balboas


      24 – Mr. Big – The Dils

      25 – Lakeside Trailer Park – Beat Farmers

      26 – Uncontrollable Urge – Devo

    • November 3, 2011 2:43 PM CDT
    • Honestly, if their  is a way you can get your recordings onto tape you'll be surprised by how good it sounds. Its my opinion, but the natural compression of tape does wonders.



    • November 3, 2011 1:00 PM CDT
    • That could be cool, but my friends and I have been hankering to road trip for quite a while now, and this would be the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

      It'd be kind of like a vacation and a tour at the same time.


      But I do see what you're saying with the whole making connections thing, maybe that's something a first tour can do, you know?


      But I'm new to this so I don't even know.

    • November 3, 2011 12:54 PM CDT
    • Book your own gigs.  Also, try to hook up with another band and play together.  Also instead touring all the way to Montreal.  Try a few locals closer to home ie: Hamilton, London, K-W.  Work your way up to a longer tour.  Once you make the connections with the venues and they know ya it will be easier to book a larger tour.  I might even suggest that when the time comes, that you start the tour in Montreal and work your way home. 

    • November 3, 2011 12:32 PM CDT
    • Hello everyone, i come to you in my time of need!

      Me and my band Weirdonia are planning a 6-8 stop tour going from Windsor Ontario to Montreal Quebec. Since we're a two piece we're gonna haul along 3 or 4 friends to just be roadies and make everything easier.

      But since this is our first tour, I'm kind of shooting in the dark at what to do, I mean i've been contacting random venues and booking agencies from different areas, but I feel like I don't really know what I'm doing.


      Any tips/helpful ideas for us? Expectations? Let us know what you think!

      Oh yeah we already know the whole "don't expect to make money" thing, that's why we be savin' up the simoleans.





    • November 3, 2011 5:55 AM CDT
    • I have to list the station I'm at, WMBR in Cambridge/Boston, MIT radio (, 88.1FM). I do Thurs. of the Late Riser's Club ( plus there's Aural Fixation, Gorilla Got Me and a few others.

      WHRB the Harvard Station (Record Hospital is the show) and WZBC the BC station play some garage.

    • November 3, 2011 2:22 AM CDT
    • Hey I've been sending out cd's to campus radio for a few months now, for podcasters here's the link to the album all zipped up:

      For broadcast radio it would be a lot better to be able to send them straight to good shows than just to the music director...If you know some good local campus radio that would actually play garage/punk music let's get a list going. This could be a big help to all the bands on garage punk hideout to get their stuff heard.

      I would start the list off myself but i've been living in South America too long. Back in January!


    • November 3, 2011 2:31 AM CDT
    • Ive got a few guitars I play but heres my recording setup.

      One shure microphone(except for drums, forget that list..)

      one laney all tube amp(the cheapest one! 10 inch speaker). I think theyre one of the best all tube amps for the price, much better than the fenders in the same range.

      One univox hi-flyer mosrite copy (pictured). If you see one dont pick it up I want more of them.

      through a big muff with wicker and/or a Univox superfuzz clone.

      download the zipped album here!

    • November 2, 2011 11:56 PM CDT
    • should try and get an original just keep lurkin ebay for a cheep one i got mine for 1500 in sydney australia and it's a 63-64 model 

    • November 2, 2011 10:46 PM CDT
    • Is that like a closet Nazi, but a little more out in the open?

      swt said:

      "Garage Nazis" is a scary concept. But I know what you mean.

    • November 2, 2011 3:03 PM CDT
    • This is true , but check out "Run Devil Run" , Paul's Rockabilly / R'n'R album , with Mick Green from The Pirates on lead guitar. Even if you have'nt liked anything of his since 1970 (I still like "Ram" , that's about it.) , this is some foot - in - ass Rock 'n'Roll. Even his FANS were alienated by it ! YEAAA!!!

      trashman said:

      then we wouldn't have to watch Macca in his post beatles/wings/michael jackson now I will be arrogant and write orchestra pieces.

      What's wrong with that...I need to know....because here I go agaaaaiiiiinnn.

    • November 2, 2011 2:58 PM CDT
    • Mike ,

       I've never heard a song about Las Vegas written by an English group , but , it's not inconcievable , if somebody went there , or imagined themselves there , and brought the germ of an idea home with them , such a song could happen. How convincing it would be , that would be down to the listener.....Personally , I love The Rattles' "Las Vegas" ( "LA LA LA
      LA LA  , LA LA LA  LA - AUS ! AUS ! LAS VEGAS ! (From! From ! Las Vegas ?!). "Have a whiskey , have a soda !" (Have a whiskey soda ?). The song rocks , I don't care if it's not lyrically accurate. If it were , they'd say , "Enjoy it ,in 40 years , it'll be Disneyland with shitty music and magic shows everywhere!".    Then there's "Chicago" by The Phantom Brothers. The lyrics are pretty simple and to the point , not specifically about Chicago. But , it's a song by a German band , about Chicago (Which , incidentally , has a large German population.), and it's NOT a Blues number - Danke !    But , where Britain's concerned , it's flattering , sometimes exhausting , to learn how steeped in American culture (Usually that of the past.) many people , over there , really are.  And Western Europeans , Japanese , etc.  I find their fervor inspiring.
      Mike Humsgreen said:

      I imagine it's kind of important to remember the physical and cultural landscapes of the two countries. Many of the things that are valued in America are often seen as crass and vulgar in Britain, and just like if you compare British and American hiphop today you see a massive difference. Not only that but the physical landscape is different too; Britain doesn't have rampant gun culture, vast swathes of untouched wilderness, mythical highways etc.

      And this totally comes out in the music. Sure bands have done covers of American songs but can you imagine a British band ever writing a song like Viva Las Vegas, New York, I've Been Everywhere? The Kinks sang Waterloo Sunset which touches feelings on a trainstation but singing about a city or a place in Britain with anything less than a deep dose of irony, melachony or sarcasm sounds embarrassing. It's why you don't have thousands of songs about London.

    • November 2, 2011 2:38 PM CDT
    • It's true , the social conditions affected the teens in America , deeply. But , some were probably saying , if they drop the bomb , let's at least say we lived it up. But , there was that period , there , where Protest and politically - themed songs were something of an after thought , or maybe for Phil Ochs and Bob Dylan , but not the Crashin' Boars playing "Empty Heart" down the street.

      It's interesting , to me , at least , to note how Britain and The United States have influenced each other over the years...Even when Punk hit , The Ramones were the only American band to find much success in The UK , because everybody knew they jump - started the movement. Most of the other New York Punk bands , barring The Heartbreakers (Who even got on the "Honor System" smack withdrawal program) were'nt really acknowledged for their contributions to "Culture" , once they made it to England.

      On the other hand , when Hardcore was going on , here , it was'nt considered cool to listen to bands who were'nt from The U.S.

      The thought of a "monkskrieg" (Gary Burger stated , at their first reunion show , "We are a GERMAN band.") would probably make a better movie than the alleged film about their actual career (I don't mean the Documentary , I mean the proposed big bucks Hollywood film that would have been so saturated in bullshit , the band refused to have anything to do with it.) , just because it would have been like an invasion from outer space ! Like "The Way - Outs" on "The Flintstones " ! Germany , with far more Avant - Garde tendencies , barely accepted the monks , allowing them to live on the outer fringes of the Beat Boom . Though they were supposed to be granted a US release on their one Polydor LP , it's hard to imagine anyone buying it , at the time. They would have drastically undersold The Velvet Underground. Underground Radio was'nt yet up and running in 1966 , so there would'nt have been a forum for that album in the states. Even they might have been REALLY scared to touch it. But , it's fun to consider the monks literally invading their own country , at the time. At least , they lived to see the first real wave of mania surrounding them. Of course , Dave and Roger are gone , now , but , they saw it.

      Bry said:

      re: the start of this discussion - here's my thruppence ....


      I tend to think the garage explosion would have still happened without the British Invasion - maybe there would even have been more garage & less 'beat' - OK so Vox introduced the vox wah wah and AC amps here .. but  there was also Lysergic acid diethylamide rampaging throughout UK  Europe & the US [although obviously that had no influence whatsoever in US music of the era ...ha ha ] ... a lot of angry young americans also had the daily nuke sirens at school / the draught / segregation & vietnam to contend with -  certainly more than enough to make pretty raw & angry young sounds... especially if you knew there was a chance that the draught meant you weren't gonna make it home again (we only had the beatles and the stones to contend with ha ha )  - OK... so  the beatles were maybe the 1st after Elvis to really nail down & utilise mass branding & marketing but i think it was just that rather than themselves  - just marketing - the youth of the world needed something to cling to pretty much in the way that Mcclaren utilised the Pistols into his blanket marketing machine onto us all in 76/77 - raw 'Punk' was already live and kickin in the US well before that - Ramones / Electric chairs / Iggy etc even goin back to good ol Alice Cooper and the spiders in the mid 60's - 'no price tag' etc ...yet there was certainly was an influence re: so called British Invasion - but i reckon it'd still have happened just the same without it . cos for example the US already had the Nitecaps 'tall cool one ' pretty damn raw [later to become The Wailers - mau mau is a classic raw track - 1961 I think without lookin ] the list is endless - there was also in Europe ...the 5 torquays who later became  the Monks - their feedback and t fuzztone experimentation led into  Uberbeat around 1965 - so a tweak here and there and it all could have been a 'german invasion' instead of the UK invasion ..strangely enough a gernman invasion but led  by the americans as the Monks were all US GI's . . . .  whatever next eh ; )