I guess I shoulD add , Vanian reminded me of Chas. Laughton because he had a MONACLE.
The Dyes (Look 'em up on youtube)did their yearly Cramps tribute , with help from members of Thee Invaders and The Bamalamas. It was great. It got very spooky , as "Lux" (Mike) accidentally hit "Ivy" (Lisa)with a piece of the mike stand , from behind ( She did'nt appear to be hurt.) . The exact same thing happened at The Cramps' penultimate Chicago gig in 2003 !
John Battles said:
Nice pic. If you scroll up , you'll see that I was there , too. I could'nt believe they did the first album , first , but I guess they wanted to get it out of the way. I've seen them 4 times since they started touring the States , again , in '97, and they've always put on a great show.
But , they also , generally have only done the two "Hits" from the 1st LP , "New Rose" and "Neat , Neat , Neat". Once , when they and The The Dickies blew the "Misfits" , Agnostic Front and Balzac from Japan (Who , at least ,were better at being The Misfits than The Misfits playing that night.) off the stage , they also did "See Her Tonight".But , I was looking forward to seeing them do the first album , live , even tho' it's not the original band (It's a real band tho' , and a very good one.). Oh , well. That's my lot. Dave looks like Lionel Atwill with that moustachue. I saw him on TV A YEAR OR TWO AGO , HE REMINDED ME OF A THINNER , UHHH , straight , version of Charles Laughton. But , I think that was more his theatrical mannerisms than his appearance.
Brian Shapiro said: