you are right. the question was poorly worded and definitely not clear. sorry and just forget the whole thing. we apologize for wasting everyone's time.
joey fuckup said:
Well, maybe you should have titled this discussion "How would you guys define garage"? You said you were not looking for a definition, yet your discussion header clearly was "What is garage music?" Um, so isn't that an invite for people to reply with "definitions"?
DEPRAVOS DE LA MOUR said:mr fuckup. we were not looking for a definition of garage music. we are not newcomers to it. as we stated 40 times we are just interested in hearing other peoples "personal" meanings of the term. you can get into some very nasty arguments about what constitutes "real" garage versus "hipster" garage etc ad infinitum. that isn't what we wanted to do. we wanted to find out what people personally think of when the term garage rock is brought up. we did not want to argue. WE JUST WANTED TO LISTEN TO OTHER PEOPLES IDEAS!!!! that seems to be a really fucking radical concept around here. don't tell us we should be satisfied with hearing a few ideas. only we know when we are satisfied.
joey fuckup said:I think you've been pointed in the right direction on where to find "garage" (um, here on the Hideout, the comps, many of the bands on here). Garage can be far reaching on musical borders, so just go listen and see if that gives you a clue. Honestly, with garage (in my opinion), you either "get it" or you don't. Just like a lot of people I am around every day, they don't "get it", and they never will. Instead of trying to "define" and dissecting what garage is, just go see if you "get it". Why is it so important that you need a definition for the term? Just go listen to the music and enjoy it...It really isn't that complicated...