My favorite grunge band is, without any doubt, Mudhoney.
For the underrated/obscure I'd say Die Kreuzen, a grunge band before the grunge era...
My favorite grunge band is, without any doubt, Mudhoney.
For the underrated/obscure I'd say Die Kreuzen, a grunge band before the grunge era...
swt said:
Angel Baby is missing in action.
Angel Baby is still in action at:
Just maybe not very active on this forum anymore. I'm reasonably sure she mentioned there will be a Halloween episode.
The Halloween episode of Murder City Nights is hot off the press:
Well, not really a Halloween show but, since it's dealing with Death, tombs and graveyards, I thought it may fit with the theme here :
Yeah, kind a is trendy with the hipster crowd, but speaking from experience, in Minneapolis when bands like Black Lips or King Khan and BBQ come through town 500 people show up, but when bands like Bare Wires or Personal and the Pizzas come through there's only like 50 people that show up, the same 50 peoples that were around when the Fevers were playing, so....Fuck the hipsters, garage will never really be "cool" and that is fine with me. None of those assholes jocking black lips have no idea who the Spaceshits or Billy Childish were! Stupids.
thanks lad!
I've seen Niagara's work on her website and it's really horrorshow. Very Cartoonish, but in a noirish manner. She should do a cartoon strip.
Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
Nightmare...the song that started this discussion is pretty great.
Ben Simon said:
What would you say are his best songs other than "Fire?"I would say , "The Great Spontaneous Apple Creation" , "Spirit of Joy" (Kingdom Come), and Arthur also did a great version of "The Green Manalishi (With The Two Pronged Crown)on the Peter Green tribute (2) CD, "Rattlesnake Shake". But , it's hard for me to narrow it down to one song , because most of his albums are built around a central theme , and go from one point to another , almost seamlessly. The unreleased second Crazy World album , "Strange Worlds", recorded in '68 or '69 , finally saw the light of day on Reckless Records (UK) in 1988 , if I'm not mistaken...I have'nt listened to it in a long time , but I remember it being scarier and more Psychedelic than the first.Brown also had a great song on the late Rob Calvert(From Hawkwind)'s "Concept" album "Captain Lockheed" which is a fine Psych/Space Rock effort all around , with pretty much all of Hawkwind (Including Lemmy !) and several of The Pink Fairies.Destroy All Monsters covered "The Right Stuff" from this LP.
Hey folks,
I just posted a special Halloween episode of Murder City Nights. Enjoy!
Set List:
Whoa, those are cool.
This Cornfed dame is for you Lux!!!
Happy Birthday, stay sick.
ahhh... such good songs this lord taught us!!! Gone but never forgotten...
you got good taste....sang the heavenly choir...
Wow. That was Johnny's thing , then,being the "Folk Singer", and having someone in the audience loan him their hat , and somebody giving him a joint. Snorting disco drugs on stage ? Wow! How Devil May Care. Rickey Rat ? You mean , from the Trash Brats? I have a very funny tape of Johnny from '89 in Detroit. The comedy is better than the music !
"This is Sally . Sally Butthole . She's one of The Butthole Surfers." "Le'me tell yuh bowt thuh first time ah got FUCKED. AH WUZ WITH THIS BLEACHED BLONDE AFTUH UH VAGRANTS CAHHNCERT.". "Ah went tuh the John Mayall University oh British Blooze Guitah -rists...Eric Clapton , Peter Green , Mick Taylor..."
Brian T. Kirchner said:
Yeah, I should have mentioned that Teenage Head were backing up Thunders. At the conclusion of the Viletones set Steve announced that he was going to smash a Gibson Les Paul onstage.He destroyed the guitar but it wasn't a Gibson--just a cheap knock-off. The Thunders set was amazing. Johnny had joints in his mouth through the whole set and would occasionally crouch down to do lines of coke off his amp. The next night we got to see The Forgotten Rebels at Larry's Hideaway. It was my first trip to Toronto, accompanied by Ricky Rat & his girlfriend. It was a weekend that I'll never forget.
Melbourne band The Sick Things fit the bill
By the way Chris Bailey drunk on cheap port is a very scary sight
Yeah, I should have mentioned that Teenage Head were backing up Thunders. At the conclusion of the Viletones set Steve announced that he was going to smash a Gibson Les Paul onstage.He destroyed the guitar but it wasn't a Gibson--just a cheap knock-off. The Thunders set was amazing. Johnny had joints in his mouth through the whole set and would occasionally crouch down to do lines of coke off his amp. The next night we got to see The Forgotten Rebels at Larry's Hideaway. It was my first trip to Toronto, accompanied by Ricky Rat & his girlfriend. It was a weekend that I'll never forget.
I haven't seen these mentioned and I don't know if these are too obvious, but I'd recommend the following:
Omar Khorshid
The Orient Express
The Devil's Anvil
John Berberian
I saw Digger and the Pussycats last night.
Is there a better 2 piece?
One hour+ of stripped down,tight garage punk. Great banter between songs and real high energy levels, even playing to 70 people in an empty venue.
Great to see the look one the face of some unsuspecting punters when they played "Drive Like a Cunt".
The Higher State (playing with the Fuzztones this Friday at the Dome) and the Black Lips. Check em out now!
Playlist Thursday Oct 20/2010....The Fryfogle Years Part 2
It's fundraising time here at CHRW, so feel free to call in at 519-661-3600 to pledge your support. The money is used to purchase much needed new equipment at the station to make this, and every other show on CHRW that much better. Where else are you going to hear music, sports and talk shows like what gets played on CHRW? That's right, so pledge away...
1. Howlin' WOlf...Do The Do...from the Change My Way LP...Muddy Waters also played at Fryfogles, which was located on the south side of Dundas St in downtown London, approx where the entrance to the public library is presently located.
2. Martha and The Muffins...Cheesies and Gum...from the Metro Music LP. This whole LP received TONS of airplay on CHRW back in 1980 when it was released.
3. Joe King Carrasco...Let's Go...from the Party Weekend LP from 1983. Joe played at The Cedar Lounge in about 1979 and for his second appearance in London played at Frys.
4. Joe King Carrasco...Houston El Mover...from the self titled LP.
5. The Stranglers...No More Heroes...which sums up the whole punk movement back then. Stranglers played late May early June 1981 at Frys.
6. Stranglers...5 Minutes...from IV and one of my fave Strangler tunes with it's relentless unforgiving anger!!!
7. The Stranglers...Peaches...from Rattus Norvegicus LP.
8. Nach Dem Tode...a live track, dunno the name but we got that one from Bob Glidden who played bass in the band. NDT played at the pre-Stranglers show according to bassist Brian Lambert. Yep, 2 bass players!
9. Rezillos...Bad Guy Reaction...from the Can't Stand The Rezillos LP from 1978. It was actually The Revillos who played at Frys Sept 1981, a slight re-name, personel change in the band but still the frenzied pop music!
10. The Rezillos...Top Of The above.
11.999...Homicide...from the 1978 LP High Energy Plan. Another great UK combo who played at Frys sometime in 1981...missed this show.
12. John Cale...Honi Soit...from the LP of the same name. Another summer 1981 show where John brought his band to Frys and put on a Killer show! I took pics that night, some of which are on facebook. This was a really packed and intense show, but as usual i was up near the front trying to absorb it all!
13. John Cale...Chicken Shit...from the 1979 Animal Justice 12". John made at least 2 more trips to Fryfogles as a solo act.
14. Zellots...Empty Victories....from You Only Get One Shot At The Big Time from Wizzard in Vinyl from Japan. One of my fave local combos from the era and they opened for John Cale and many others. John was so impressed by the band, he wanted them to open all of his European shows. Unfortunatly the band couldn't get it together financially to get over and do the honours. The full story of The Zellots is in the latest ish of Mongrel Zine, #10 available at Grooves Records here in town. And there's pictures that i took of the band at Fryfogles in the booklet that comes with this CD.
15. The Zellots...Soldiers...from a 1981 EMAC demo. Rumours are that The Zellots will soon have an LP out on Rave Up Records out of Italy.
16. Certain General...The Shang....from November's Heat LP. Certain General were an NYC pop/surf/psych/new wave combo that featured local drummer Marcy Saddy. They came to London in Aug 1981 to do some practicing and hanging out and ended up doing several shows at The Cedar, Fryfogles and maybe the Embassy (that could have been in 1984). Check out the Certain General facebook group for a bunch of pictures that i took of them at the Embassy in Jan 1984.
17. Certain General...Leader Out...from their 1982 EP Holiday Of Love which was a big seller here in London. I distinctly remember singer Parker bringing out a candelabra filled with burning candles to the stage of Frys to open their first set...they had that late 60's psych vibe ala Jim Morrison at times and were quite hypnotic!
18. Sheep Look Up...Civil Disobedience...from their cassette. Local combo who started as The VD Teens, Raw Dogs, Radio 4 and settled on Sheep Look Up. Some pretty intense stuff when they first started out. And this song is certainly timely for us 99%.
19. Black Flag...6 Pack....oh ya, the big announcement. Raymond Pettibon, the artist responsible for all of Black Flag's imagery is going to be exhibiting at the Macintosh Gallery here in London in September 2012! He's a huge artist now, exhibiting worldwide! And Jason McLean will also be exhibiting at the same time. And in conjunction with these 2 will be an exhibit at a downtown gallery (not finalized yet) featuring the imagery of London from about 1978 to 1988 including posters, pictures, the zines of the era etc...This is going to be a huge display of all of that epherma and curator Brian Lambert is looking for that kind of material from that era. What Wave will be represented at this show for sure!
And getting back to Black Flag, they played at Frys in about 1982 and then later at the Embassy. At the end of the Frys show, well after the band had stopped playing, bassist Chuck Dukowski somehow slipped getting off the stage, twisted his leg or knee and ended up lying on the dance floor in agony. Dave Napalm and myself both looked at him, each other and walked up to him. Dave and myself kneeled down to ask him if he was OK and Dave got SMACKED in the head by Chuck for his effort!! We both stood up, Dave was holding his jaw and we looked at each other what the fuck!! Needless to say we left him lying there...fucking asshole!!
20. DOA...Liar For Hire...from the War On 45 LP. We were sitting right near the stage when DOA made their first appearance at Frys (winter 81?? or 82) and these guys came in with their lumberjack coats, hydro parkas and looked like these HUGE rednecks that you wouldn't mess with no matter what! These guys were enormous and scared the shit out of some of us as that's not what we were expecting. You can't tell much about someone's size from pictures on records! This was the era of Joe, Dave Gregg, Dimwit and Wimpy Roy, who i immediatley recognized from The Subhumans. They put on a great show that night...really intense punk'n'roll! I took pictures at their next Frys appearance, some of which are on facebook.
21. DOA...Royal Police...DOA must have played London a dozen or more times in the last 30 years and they ALWAYS deliver a killer show!!
22. Napalm Babys....Mental Block...from a live in Ottawa CD. These guys opened for many bands at Frys and were always entertaining!
That's it for part 2, next week is part 3 plus some other bands that played London approx 30 years ago. Thanx for all the phoneins, emails, facebook messages etc!!!
And thanx to Kerry Piper for calling in to pledge $5 for every member of The Dead Rabbits and Flying Squad that appeared on the stage of Fryfogles!!
The London Record show is on Sat Oct 30th....CHRW will have a table there so come on up and say HEY!
And the night before, our pals The Cynics play at Call The Office here in London!
And we've got a big show at Brennan's Beer Bistro on Sat Nov 5th with The Hook Up, The Fine Print and The's gonna be a KILLER.
ANd here's the link to the archived show:
Here's the link to listen to the archived show:
Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats have a cool cover of Wicked Anabella worth checking out!
The Blue Squares said:
'Wicked Anabella' by The Kinks
Vampire Circus - Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats.
Victims of the Vampire - Slaughter and the Dogs
I love digging up the old and new Halloween Specials from this site. Thanks Mal. and Podcasters in general should never think the Halloween special gets old; I think most people are waiting for those. garage punk and Halloween go hand in hand.
Mal Thursday said:
I have a mess of 'em in THE MAL THURSDAY SHOW Halloween Special, but I left out a whole set of psycho killers: "Strangler of Boston Town" by Thee Headcoats, "Albert, Albert" by the Bugs, "Night of the Sadist" by Larry & the Bluenotes, "Richard Speck" by the Chesterfield Kings...