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    • October 19, 2011 1:34 PM CDT
    • Tombstone Brawlers

    • October 19, 2011 1:28 PM CDT
    • Yeah, I'm pretty sure Dave Vanian, of The Damned was a fan of Screaming Lord Sutch.

      DammitDave said:

      Don't forget Screaming Lord Sutch!

    • October 19, 2011 1:06 PM CDT
    • Maybe too obvious but The Mummies.

    • October 19, 2011 11:57 AM CDT
    • Don't forget Screaming Lord Sutch!

    • October 19, 2011 11:41 AM CDT
    • Zombie Ghost Train, The Raymen.

    • October 19, 2011 12:47 PM CDT
    • Second that... the Gypsies vocals are on par with Morrisons own efforts (or at least not far off) as far as I can remember.

      joe said:

      get the belfasy gypsies . its pretty good stuff

    • October 19, 2011 12:41 PM CDT
    • yeah god bless the hideout

    • October 19, 2011 7:42 AM CDT
    • great stuff! it is what we love about the entire gph. another different flavor. the bands here don't all sound alike.

    • October 19, 2011 11:42 AM CDT
    • Thanks, I appreciate that...I have one more show this week actually, and then I'll be taking a break from it. Or depending on my situation, may not be bringing it back. I have no issues with doing it monthly, but the sites that hosted it want weekly shows. And honestly, the show was a hard sale to the "underground country" scene masses. In other words, most of those in that scene want tons of Hank 3, Pantera, David Allan Coe mixed in with the marijuana leaves/Confederate flags/Pentagram engraved goat skull imagery. And since my show was way different from "the norm", they weren't into it. I think that's why a majority of my listeners were people with eclectic tastes that liked the mix I played (like Hideout members), which was perfectly fine with me.

      Mottey's Garage said:

      I know what your talking bout...looking forwardnto next one though..when ever

    • October 19, 2011 10:57 AM CDT
    • Yeah, good point on Lux etc.. 

      I've met Thurston. He was nothing but legit and awesome. Musicians are just people to. Sometimes you don't want people in your face demanding you to have conversations etc.

      People are people.

    • October 19, 2011 2:37 AM CDT
    • Authentic Assholes? Oh, come on, they have every right to find Nardwuar annoying. He is.

      I think they are being nice & polite under the circumstances.. 

      kopper said:

      Have you ever seen Nardwuar's interview with them from '91? They were pretty much assholes to Nardwuar, too. I realize a lot of people are (and Nardwuar always eats it up), but they seemed like real AUTHENTIC assholes. See for yourself:

      Doc Detroit said:

      A friend and I had a run-in with Moore at a record store in SF many years ago.  He was a total asshole.

    • October 19, 2011 10:47 AM CDT
    • The dude is a genius. Caught him a few weeks back with Mikal Cronin and it was definitely great. Long live garage rock!


    • October 19, 2011 10:17 AM CDT
    • I think everyone needs to see him at least once before they die.

      Kidango said:

      I really dig Goodbye Bread, its been said before but he gives off a very Lennon-ey vibe throughout the record, hopin to see him in San Fran this month!

    • October 19, 2011 1:12 AM CDT
    • I really dig Goodbye Bread, its been said before but he gives off a very Lennon-ey vibe throughout the record, hopin to see him in San Fran this month!

    • October 18, 2011 11:47 PM CDT
    • Yes...that is Ty. Love his work, by the way.

    • October 18, 2011 10:36 PM CDT
    • How about The Viletones or The Sinisters?

      Nick X said:

      I love that song "Situations" by Slaughter and the Dogs but it's more of a powerpop tune than what I was referring to in the opening of this thread. I have the album 'Do it Dog Style', I'll have to give it another spin.

      Dad Swamp said:
      slaughter and the dogs were a great early band check out "Where have all the boot boys gone" Crass were probably the most uncompromising of the british bands, The "feeding of the five thousand " still sounds great over 30 years later" Do they owe us a living " and "Banned from the roxy" are particular favourites, also Steve Albini's Big Black are well worth a listen particulary "Kerosene" . Killing Joke's "Whats This For" sounded pretty brutal when it first came out.

    • October 18, 2011 10:11 PM CDT
    • I love that song "Situations" by Slaughter and the Dogs but it's more of a powerpop tune than what I was referring to in the opening of this thread. I have the album 'Do it Dog Style', I'll have to give it another spin.

      Dad Swamp said:

      slaughter and the dogs were a great early band check out "Where have all the boot boys gone" Crass were probably the most uncompromising of the british bands, The "feeding of the five thousand " still sounds great over 30 years later" Do they owe us a living " and "Banned from the roxy" are particular favourites, also Steve Albini's Big Black are well worth a listen particulary "Kerosene" . Killing Joke's "Whats This For" sounded pretty brutal when it first came out.

    • October 18, 2011 7:07 PM CDT
    • Thomas , I was joking. When he was living , few people would have put it past Bobby to add a little something "Special" to the pizza , even if he never did. I think , later , Bobby became increasingly unemployable. I'd see him doing odd jobs , sometimes , like working the concession stand at The Arcadia Theatre (Ironically , at a Ramones show, years after  letting a friend take the fall for spitting on Johnny Ramone.) or helping do the door at The Twilite Room , but , those were one - offs at best. The TV appearance where he's shown working as a Cook was probably about 80 or 81. I met him in '82 , and only saw him around , occasionally , because I could'nt get into the clubs , yet. Then ,  I saw him more frequently around and after '83. He seemed too erratic , by the mid -80's , to hold down a regular job.      It's true , performing with his band , Stickmen With Rayguns , was probably his primary source of income. They gigged quite a bit , and were patronized by The Butthole Surfers , but , they probably did'nt make any more or less than the next band. Some venues paid , if they could , or if they felt like it , while others never did. I played at some of the same places they did , so , I knew about that.                     John.  

      Thomas Marshall said:

      If Bobby's trying to pay the bills because a musician's wage isn't anything then I would do the same in that situation and I would have eaten there out of respect for Bobby. Most musicians don't get paid.

    • October 18, 2011 8:49 PM CDT
    • I've never found anything people would normally consider a "gem", but I've found tons of WEIRD regional records and self released stuff. Most of it is kooky religious stuff, talent shows, spoken word etc.. I can't get enough of that kind of garbage though.

    • October 18, 2011 7:21 PM CDT
    • It kinda looks like they are all going to start ripping each-other off soon! But, needless to say, it will be a good time :)