I could'nt read all of that site , but , it's fascinating the things that did get censored , and why ....It's interesting , too , to realize what songs were NOT censored ....There was an article about that in Buddy Magazine out of Dallas /Ft. Worth. Of course , it's hard to believe "Walk on The Wildside" did'nt get banned (Yes , there was a cleaned up version , but , I seldom heard it on the radio !) , but , I had no idea why the popular yawnathon "Miracles" by Jefferson Starship was considered risque. I had to try to stay awake thru it , several times , when I realized he's saying something like "Do you remember when I went down on you". That's the only thing to recommend about the damn song ! By the 70's and 80's , you had songs like "Money" by "Pink Floyd" , "Life in The Fast Lane" by the Fleagles , or "Tough Guys" by REO Slowdraggin' that did say "Shit" or "Goddamn" . or other things , but were produced in such a way , it was easy to miss , the first time.
My views of censorship? Negative. But , there are certain things I would'nt want my kids to have access to , if I had kids. But , when the PMRC arrived , they did NOT advocate parents discussing with their kids why they might find certain materials objectionable (Uhhh...Because Tipper SAID they were objectionable?), and , God forbid , giving kids a chance to make informed choices of their own......I remember a "Sample list " of songs they disapproved of. One was "Bastard" by Motley Crue. Now , I don't like Motley Crue , but the song is about encouraging a rape survivor to defend herself. THAT's objectionable?!
I DJ'ed at a public radio station in the 80's. Like we did'nt have enough problems , the local "Christian" station was trying to bump us off our frequency , and take it from us. They had their own Secret Police , listening to us 24/7 , hoping to catch someone in the act of playing a record with a dirty word on it , so they could turn us in to the F.C.C. and have us banned. Yes , a public radio station had to fear these modern day Stalinists , who ,incidentally , had a LOT more money than the hovel in drugtown we worked out of , to carry out their unamerican and even anti - Xian scheme , and win.
My Station Manager told me , look , if you want to play a song that has the word "Fuck " or "Shit" in it , or whatever , as long as you think you can get away with it , do it. If it's too obvious , don't take a chance. I only played 2 or 3 songs that'd fit the bill , because these people were not %$#@!! around.