Hi - just asked Russel Quan and he said that was one of Thilo's (guitar player) - it's a GREAT track too!
Hi - just asked Russel Quan and he said that was one of Thilo's (guitar player) - it's a GREAT track too!
hey brotha', if you dig this, check out my show on baconrock.com called, Kustom City Sounds on friday nights at 7 p.m. (central) it has a lot of tunes from a lot of different tribes, you dig. Oh yeah and it repeats at midnight (central) on sat. morning. Just thought I'd shamelessly promote my show fer ya. later doornail
whatwave dave said:
Basement 5???? Simply Saucer??? Swell Maps????? You gots good taste doornail!!! Haven't heard anyone else mention Basement 5 in years!
Finally got to see Simply Saucer about 3 years ago and they are still absolute KILLER live!!!!
doornail said:Basement 5, Suicide, Simply Saucers, Destroy All Monsters, Chrome, Throbbing Gristle, The Pop Group, Swell Maps, P.I.L., The Residents, Swans.
I would also recommend the "Children of Nuggets" box on Rhino. Obviously most of that is garage/psych revival from the late '70s through the early '90s, but it's still a pretty great comp set and would appeal to anyone into the post-punk stuff as well as a lot of '80s alternative/art rock.
I guess the Comateens might fit into this thread... I really love their Munsters theme, being close to Halloween and all!
yeah, love Basement 5 and I bet Simply Saucer was freakin' incredible, what a great band. Thanks for the compliment my brotha'. doornail
Basement 5???? Simply Saucer??? Swell Maps????? You gots good taste doornail!!! Haven't heard anyone else mention Basement 5 in years!
Finally got to see Simply Saucer about 3 years ago and they are still absolute KILLER live!!!!
doornail said:
Basement 5, Suicide, Simply Saucers, Destroy All Monsters, Chrome, Throbbing Gristle, The Pop Group, Swell Maps, P.I.L., The Residents, Swans.
Kopper, I'm not trying to start a fight with you, but I met Little Steven a couple of weeks ago in NYC when I went up there to see the Cocktail Slippers. I asked him about Fuzztopia, and he said it will be launched next year. My guess is that maybe he's going to do this in conjunction with the ten year anniversary of the launch of the Underground Garage, which will be this April. Yes, I know you think he's lying to me, or he's just saying that in the hope that it will happen, but I still wanted to say this anyway.
Now, I will say this...it sure has taken a ridiculously long time to get this thing up and running. It reminds me of a documentary about the making of "Heaven's Gate," an epic western that went way over schedule and budget when it was being filmed. I have no idea why this is the case with fuzztopia, and now I'm starting to think that if fuzztopia ever does get launched, it's going to feel kind of anti-climatic at this point.
BTW, the site has been down for quite some time. This really isn't news to me.
kopper said:
Not sure what happened, but Little Steven's Fuzztopia site has apparently VANISHED!
I guess they realized they couldn't compete with the Hideout after all, nyuck nyuck nyuck...
how ridiculous is this! I mean, do you think many of us give a shit about the freakin' boss, how lame. I guess you could sell the autograph on ebay, if you can fathom sitting there for the boring of a show for that long. I would rather give myself a tattoo with a silversmith tool. They seem to have lost their mission of what the hell they were trying to accomplish with The Underground Garage, I just hope that the show on Sirius doesn't suffer with this bs.
Not sure what happened, but Little Steven's Fuzztopia site has apparently VANISHED!
I guess they realized they couldn't compete with the Hideout after all, nyuck nyuck nyuck...
Cool, thanks for the info.
My friends run No Fun Records, which is an Ann Arbor/Buenos Aires label (distributed by Get Hip Records). The couple that owns/runs it are originally from Argentina but relocated to Ann Arbor, Michigan.
They put on some of the "cooler" shows in my area (unfortunately, Ann Arbor isn't teaming with as much of a cool music scene as one would expect; but No Fun does some cool stuff).
You should check out some of their catalog here: http://www.nofunrecords.com/index.php
There might be some good bands there for you to discover.
la bicicleta said:
one of the best podcast of GPN...el tocadisco salvaje...full of south america garage bands!!!!...my fav are Los explosivos from mexico...wyld teenage fever!!!! & horror de luxe from brasil (raw swamp duo)
one of the best podcast of GPN...el tocadisco salvaje...full of south america garage bands!!!!...my fav are Los explosivos from mexico...wyld teenage fever!!!! & horror de luxe from brasil (raw swamp duo)
I am sure there are a great number of good bands coming out of that hemisphere. On a related note, I gotta say that Davilla 666 is a really cool group from Puerto Rico (I believe) with all lyrics sung in Spanish. This band seems to be doing a decent job of crossing international borders and breaking into the American market, and their kick-ass album on In The Red Records probably really helps.
It appears that we Americans don't hear much from South of the border. It is not surprising to hear European bands playing "American music", but I don't seem to notice too many bands from the South. It is like an odd "iron curtain" that keeps those bands out of our cultural loop. It probably boils down to some form of strange/tacet racism in light of Americans' Euro-centricism.
I am not going to get all sociological about it here, but I just have a feeling that Americans may be missing out on a lot of great bands from that part of the world. Does anybody have any good and easily accessible sources for finding out about this kind of music? Maybe La Bicicleta can give us some links to podcasts, etc...
Best Current/Recent Garage bands?....quite difficult to answer...but without doubts, for me the best current garage punk area is SOUTH AMERICA!!!! (mexico, brasil, colombia, argentina, chile....)...
Agreed. Oldies=Goodies, but hey it's good to keep it new too right?
Been really digging the Old Haunts lately. Stumbled upon them a few years back playing in an old mortuary house in Oregon, and have since rediscovered them I guess. They're from WAshington state. Worth checking out
you must create another one! this is awsome!
Mina said:
I had a one woman band group on facebook, but then some asshole from the one man band group accused me of stupid BS. so I deleted the group.
it is the poster. there is a sticker on the front too that ID's the poster inside.
yeah, i like girls and stuff too :)
John Battles said:
Robert , Did yours come with a poster , or a color photo booklet ? If you answered "Poster" , I THINK YOU'VE GOT A REAL RARITY , THERE..... Just wondering. I still go out with girls and stuff.
robert mendoza said:how funny! i just found a copy of P. Revere and the Raiders "Greatest Hits" in mono, on Columbia, with the poster inside...in near mint condition: it cost me all of $3.00!
John Battles said:..I recently found Paul Revere and The Raiders' first single "Orbit - The Spy" , a killer surf instrumental that had taken me years to find a copy of , even on a compilation. The "A" side was "Beatnik Sticks" , similar to the Hit follow - up , "Like , Long Hair" , but , arguably the better of the two. This was at an antique store that had'nt got anything "New" in for years. I also just found a Joe Maphis 78 in a thrift store , both sides rockin' Instrumentals. Have'nt found any "Garage" 45s , lately.They turn up , sometimes , if you're patient enough to watch paint peel.
No matter how much I like Reatards I tend to listen more to the solo stuff.
"I get Nervous" might be his best song though.
The reatards! I think some of the solo stuff got really lame. RIP JAY REATARD
Well. this WAS the Back from the Grave HALLOWEEN Ball, but I've seen 'em enough times to know you speak the truth!
Atomic Suplex said:
I give the Go Devils points just for their outfits.
I give the Go Devils points just for their outfits.
Can't believe I neglected THE GO-DEVILS! Hadda sift thru my own blog fer shame!
Thanks Marty! I always wondered what happened to them just sort assuming they vanished from the world, but I'm already google-ing as I reply. Sort of.
I did a little searching a few years ago, but didn;t find anything out. I live 10 hours form Montreal which I imagine would be the closest that I would get to see Kid. I'll ask if ever I see him, in a very kindly way.
John Battles said:
I don't know...If you ever see Kid Congo (And , you should , if you can.), you could ask him. I don't think he'd mind , if , of course , you're respectful about it. There's probably a Gun Club /Pierce website or two that could help you , too.
Tommy Careless said:I've always wanted to know where Jeffrey Lee Pierce was buried too. Anyone know ?
Sonic Nightmares #17 (from the old daze when it was just Beat-Man and me):