Best movie quote ever, at least I think it was "DOA".
"So, what do you do? As little as possible!!
Best movie quote ever, at least I think it was "DOA".
"So, what do you do? As little as possible!!
Rikki Styxx Rocks!!!!! Thanks for the purty sparkle drum kit!
I'm going tooooo exploooode IVE HAD IT
oh yeah - we do -
we cover 'fix me' doing an extreme loud version and a jazzy freak version - started doing it when we bought the whole Chuck Biscuits hoax - funny and glad :)
Oh, how I love the Flag! Pre-Rollins is definitely my favorite era. I've got a black bars sticker on my car.
Just saw Mudhoney play here in Seattle last month, and they've taken to closing with a killer cover of Fix Me. They were playing at the Tractor Tavern, home to lots of roots music in Seattle, so Mark Arm closed their encore by commenting, "Now we're going to play some roots music from Lawndale, California..."
I know! I'm sorry about that. I recorded it with an mp3 player at a bar in Berlin called soulcat where they only play 60's vinyl, so at least there's a timeframe...
I don't think it's a version (or cover) of either Chuck Berry's or Ray Charles' "Talkin' 'Bout You"... seems like a different song entirely. No idea who did it. Where is the song from? Did you record it live, or is it from a movie or something? It's not a very good recording!
Apologies for doing this so early, but this has been killing me for more than a year.
Seems to be a version of Talkin' 'bout you.
Thanks in advance
p.s. song is attached
I am officially closing off submissions for Vol. 6. Thanks to all the bands/musicians/labels here who have uploaded songs!
You might be wondering if there will be a Vol. 7... and that's a good question. I only received about a third the number of songs submitted for this round that I did for the first round. The reason I had to do five volumes last time was because there were so many great songs sent in. This time? Not so much. Definitely enough for one more volume (6), but doubtful for more. Bands can continue to upload tracks, though, so I'll take another look at what we've got left over later in the year (probably in November). So I'll set the next cut-off date for submissions for a possible Vol. 7 at Nov. 1, 2011.
Once again, if you haven't already joined, please send in your request to join the GRGPNK Records group here. As long as you're an active member of the site, we'll let you in. If you're not active, then it's time to get involved! ;)
Fender Strats ARE cool! I think sometimes we crave the "excitement" of getting a new guitar, its a cheap thrill, like getting um... a new pair of chuck taylors or something, i dont know. If your Strat works great than you have nothing to worry about. Dont trade it. Shit, you could save up money and get 2 guitars. heheh good topic.
Sorry, but I totally disagree with the French chick and tears analogy. Unless you mean tears of joy.
French chicks who love rock and roll can totally can rock and roll.
Bring it on!!!
But to each his own.
Cottenhead is brilliantly, bravely and honestly expressing something many of us feel and probably have debated about for years but would have never thought to admit to in writing.
"just checkin out some of the cool things happenin' along the way" -Fleshtones
Sorry but I can't find a link to the original Fleshtones version.
Hi , My name is Phil and I suffer from cheap G.A.S. syndrome.
I don't think your envy is beneficial to your piece of mind. Think of it like this. Your guitar is your steady girl, your old lady and you know ALL the right moves to squeeze all the joy out of her and make her wail beautifully. A new girl would be good for a while but you'd be going back along the road you've already travelled to get to the same destination.
It's a nice fantasy but like having an a affair with a French chick it would ultimately end in tears. Stick to your weapon of choice for transcendental musical and erotic satisfaction. Peace out, DomThe Raven
I gotta agree: I think GFS carries excellent stuff for surprisingly low prices. The Dream 90s you speak of are excellent and, in my opinion, better than TV Jones (and a fraction of the price).
I also have to agree that my biggest beef with Strats is the location of the volume knob that I accidentally wind up turning myself down the harder I rock. You could always move the knob to one of the other holes and replace it with a blinking light or some other weird thing that would make your guitar cooler.
The great thing about this forum is that I don't think you'll get the snobbery. garage and punk "style" is that of a dude that wants to rock but can only afford less-expensive gear. So, discussing how someone can rock out on a cool guitar without spending a ton of money is a great topic of conversation (with all due respect to Fenders and Gibsons).
Phil holloway said:
Its pretty interesting that we all seem to be essentially on the same page.
But then again we don't flock to Garage Punk to discuss getting that ubiquitous "Nickelback" or the hipster equivalent "Arcade Fire" sound.
As for modding, I have on more than a few occasions dropped GFS "Dream 90's" and "mean 90's" into SG and les Paul type copies for friends (this is a humbucker sized P90) to make them sound and interact with the amp more like Les Paul juniors. In all cases I felt a pang of pain as I gave them back to the owners as I had improved them 10000%.
This is not a flippant plug for GFS pickups, I really do think they are good value for the money. with the P90's you get that single coil sound but with a little extra boost and they really well potted thus avoiding the nastier and unwanted feedback problems.
I also am currently re-wiring and experimenting with a 3 pickup SG to give me a more Ric type sound. (believe it or not).
My strat is completely stock and is perfect. l.uck of the draw? (volume pot location excepted due to my playing style)
a good fender jaguar would be on my wishlist.
As for guitars online. There is always the problem of neck confort that is a gamble. What would be great would be local guitar swap meets or guitar clubs to swap guitars and ideas without the snobbery or bull. One mans lemon is another mans goldmine.
Great topic!
RE"I bet Link Wray would look cool rocking an Ibanez."
Link Wray would look cool playing even a Peavey!
very true. i thought flying V's were lame until jay reatard rocked the shit out of them.
The Dark Rags said:
I think it's all up to the person playing the guitar. I bet Link Wray would look cool rocking an Ibanez.
the slits
The Neanderthals, The Mummies, Go-Nuts and Los Straitjackets are 4 of my favourites
The Mummies are the fucking best. Also, a great band from Madison WI called Knuckeldrager.
I tried to find you cover on the YooToob, but no luck. Is it uploaded anywhere? I'd like to hear it.
Casey Miller said:
excellent. my band actually covers that tommy blake song. i've heard it called "all night long."
Zorch Radio said:Here's some stompin' singles that deserve a mention:
"Miss Pearl" - Jimmy Wages
"Hang Up" - Fabulous Wailers
"Lordy Hoody" - Tommy Blake
I used to OWN this tape...lost it in a move or ten about 20 years back.
It was ok. If you love Pussy Galore, you will like it. If you don't, or were meh about them, then you would be meh about this collection. Which I was. True confession.
You may be right.
I might of mis-remembered. The book is too thick for me to remember or find the page.
Or was it Jumping Jack Flash he used that technique on?
Either way anyone can screw around with the idea and get some interesting results.
I just read that part. I'm pretty sure he said it was either JJ Flash or Street Fighting Man (or both?) that he did that way. He made a point of saying that he used an "echoplex" effect for satisfaction, which was a new thing then, but the bit about using acoustics through a tape recorder was a bit later...right?
Phil holloway said:
Personally I believe Kieth is holding a bit back on the Satisfaction thing. If it was an acoustic into a tape machine...