Guitars, amps, and pedals make tone, with the amp probably having the biggest direct effect, if you ask me. The guitar is the part that most directly interacts with the thong that mst affects the musicality of what you are playing, that is, your hands. If it feels good do it, I say. The guitar is wood and plastic and metal and electronics, find whatever speaks to you and get it to play and feel right, tweak pickups as needed to get the right interaction with the amp, and don't look back.
Myfav guitar is a 335 knockoff I paid 120 for shipped across the country, it now has new pickups , frets tuners and bridge and sounds, plays and looks amazing ( to me). Doing that work over years made me realize how much I like that process and I am about to start building my first guitar from raw wood. I also have a strat, LP, had SGs (standard and classic with p90s), and each has it's place.
What does all this mean? Mainly that I need to stop messing with gear and play more.