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    • May 27, 2011 4:02 PM CDT
    • Show #327: "Bands & Artists Starting With T, Part 7"

      Every 3 weeks I do a show where I randomly draw a letter from the alphabet. Then I play all bands & artists in my collection from the 50s, 60s and 70s that start with that letter in alphabetical order. This week I drew the letter "T". This is the seventh time I've drawn the letter "T", so I will start from where I left off (which was with The Treasures). So, tune in tonight (Friday at 10:00pm EST) to hear 3 hours of bands and artists that start with "T" like: The Tree, 3 different Trees, The Treetops, The Tremeloes, Trendsetters LTD., The Trespassers, Trettioariga Kriget, 3 bands called The Tribe, Trilogy, Tripsichord Music Box, 3 different Triumphs, Triumvirat and many many more!!!

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live, listen to past shows, view playlists, etc…check out my website: or Friday nights at 10pm EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!

      Watch my playlist unravel before your eyes LIVE here:


    • May 26, 2011 12:57 PM CDT
    • Not sure if you will like the music but video great!


    • May 26, 2011 12:53 PM CDT
    • Try this for a bit of colour!




    • May 25, 2011 12:10 PM CDT

    • really great band.

    • May 27, 2011 2:06 PM CDT
    • Let's not forget the Drags, the Cynics, the Devil Dogs, the Revelators, the's, Bantam Rooster, Cheater Slicks, Lord High Fixers, Jack o' Fire, '68 Comeback, the A-Bones, the Dirtbombs, the Stomachmouths, the Satelliters, the Raunch Hands, Honeymoon Killers, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, the Chrome Cranks, the Fall-Outs, the Subsonics, Sons of Hercules, the Barracudas, the Stems, the Real Kids, Lyres, DMZ, the Mono Men, Lightning Beat-Man's stuff (solo as well as w/ the Monsters), the Joneses, Dirtys, the Swingin’ Neckbreakers, the Humpers, the Spaceshits, the Royal Pendletons, the Reatards, Country Teasers, the Screws, Bassholes, the Insomniacs, the Kaisers, the Fleshtones, the Untamed Youth, the Von Zippers, the Woggles, the Fells, the Mullens, the Hentchmen, the Boss Martians, Sugar Shack, the Dukes of Hamburg, the Mortals, the Nomads, (early) Dwarves, the Compulsive Gamblers... and the OBLIVIANS!!

      Also, it should go without saying that we're also including the Cramps on this list.

    • May 27, 2011 11:36 AM CDT
    • This is great! Good subject, good question, good responses. Thanks!


      I guess I'll chime in as the "grunge guy""...


      I always thought Mudhoney was a pretty cool band from the latter part of that era, along with some of the other Sub Pop bands from back then.

      Look into the Sub Pop label for that Seattle slice of this pie. 

    • May 27, 2011 9:55 AM CDT
    • OKOK,

      some 90's:

      Lazy Cowgirls - Tapping the source or/and the self titled first one.

      New Bomb Turks - Destroy oh boy! = Classic + Nightmare Scenario.

      And take a bit of GAUNT with that.

      Pleasure Fuckers - For your pleasure (among their other things. They turned into the sin city six when good Kike Turmix went on to leave this world).

      Teengenerate - Get Action! is a good entrance.

      Guitar Wolf - Loads, but Ufo Romantics & Jet Generation will help at first. Ya can catch them play right now. It's what zen is meant to be!

      The Rip Offs - Got a record + Rip off records - (Among them Greg Lowry from Supercharger. Some of these folks are to be blamed ;) for helping a band called the Donnas be the Badasses they are now)

      The Flat Duo Jets - Take "Safari" or "Introducing..." if you ask me. But ya can't go wrong with the FDJ (The Romweber Family is a american RNR treasure)

      The Chrome Cranks - (A bit of the Teel Family, ya know)

      The Makers - Just dig thru anything leading up to "Psychopathia Sexualis"

      ...and a bazillion more.


      Check these flicks: WILD ZERO and The Sore Losers. They have a lot 90's Rock'NRoll peeps in them.


      Hell, just check Crypt records and dig thru the cake!


      But as with one of them KUNG FU scrolls that leave the end of the formula out to have you find your own way , ...go out and dig this shtuff!

    • May 27, 2011 9:16 AM CDT
    • Yup, that about soups up the ship!

      And don't let it get past you that good Gring here had a hand in some vivacious TRASH himself. Before he was in the Jackets even. The local peacekeepers might not want you to know about it, but he's in with this gang of goofs that are making this VOODOO RYTHM label. Part of the mess up that got me into the wild sounds of Rock'n'Roll back in the 90's. ;)



      Gringo Starr said:

      Here is my list of some of the best albums from the '80s garage revival. In no particular order:

      The Miracle Workers - Inside Out
      The Gravedigger V - All Black And Hairy
      The Untold Fables - Every Mothers Nightmare
      The Morlocks - Emerge
      The Fuzztones - Leave Your Mind At Home
      The Chesterfield Kings - Here Are The
      The Tell-Tale Hearts - The Tell-Tale Hearts
      The Unclaimed - Primordial Ooze Flavored Unclaimed
      The Pandoras - It's About Time
      The Crawdaddys - Crawdaddy Express
      The Creeps - Enjoy The Creeps
      The Beguiled - Gone Away
      The Outta Place - We're Outta Place
      Thee Fourgiven - It Aint Pretty Down There

      I'm just skimming the surface greatness here. There are many more great bands and albums from the 80s to discover. I also forgot to mention VOXX Records' great compilations, "Battle of the Garages" - probably the first definitive collection of the first wave of 80s Garage bands.


    • May 27, 2011 8:36 AM CDT
    • Here is my list of some of the best albums from the '80s garage revival. In no particular order:

      The Miracle Workers - Inside Out
      The Gravedigger V - All Black And Hairy
      The Untold Fables - Every Mothers Nightmare
      The Morlocks - Emerge
      The Fuzztones - Leave Your Mind At Home
      The Chesterfield Kings - Here Are The
      The Tell-Tale Hearts - The Tell-Tale Hearts
      The Unclaimed - Primordial Ooze Flavored Unclaimed
      The Pandoras - It's About Time
      The Crawdaddys - Crawdaddy Express
      The Creeps - Enjoy The Creeps
      The Beguiled - Gone Away
      The Outta Place - We're Outta Place
      Thee Fourgiven - It Aint Pretty Down There

      I'm just skimming the surface greatness here. There are many more great bands and albums from the 80s to discover. I also forgot to mention VOXX Records' great compilations, "Battle of the Garages" - probably the first definitive collection of the first wave of 80s Garage bands.


    • May 27, 2011 7:59 AM CDT
    • I agree, the book is a must. If you only read the first page of each chapter then you'll get a potted history of it.

    • May 27, 2011 7:53 AM CDT
    • Dude!!!?? The first big Garage Revival happened in the 80s!! Wilderness years??? Come on! Check out the above link as well as Timothy Gassen's book, "Echoes In Time" - plus his DVD's, "Knights of Fuzz". If Gories and Mummies is all you know, you are about to be pleasantly surprised! Get Googleing!

    • May 27, 2011 4:33 AM CDT
    • oh yeah i meant to add i suppose i'm trying to paint a picture of what was going on before the so-called garage revival of 99/00

    • May 27, 2011 4:27 AM CDT
    • can anyone give us a potted history of the bands that flew the garage flag through out the wilderness years?


      maybe break it down to early/late 80s and early/late 90s with suggested singles or albums.


      beyond the gories, mummies and eternal stalwart billy childish my knowledge is a little lacking in this area.






    • May 27, 2011 1:00 PM CDT
    • Billy Idol has a son named Willem, who has a band called FIM (???). Anyway, aside from the goofy name, after listening to several of their songs I have to admit that I like these guys quite a lot. They remind me of early '80s Talking Heads meets Violent Femmes. Not particularly garagey, but easily as good as most of the stuff you'll hear coming out on Vice Records these days. Check 'em out:

    • May 26, 2011 4:23 PM CDT
    • Most hated song ever is 'Hotel California by the Eagles'. Next up is 'Simply the best by Tina Turne'r.

       When I am forced to listen to evil nasty top 40 radio I substitute the word 'WANK' for the main verb in the song. Elton John's 'I'm still standing' becomes 'I'm still Wanking'. Mick Jagger and David Bowie's 'Dancin in the Streets' becomes 'Wanking in the Streets'  Wham's 'Wake Me Up Before You Go Go' Becomes 'Wank Me Off Before You Go Go' etc..

      It passes the time.

    • May 26, 2011 3:50 PM CDT
    • Lions do a great cover of girl from the north country

    • May 26, 2011 12:03 PM CDT
    • I have a two-register Farf for sale if someone is interested.

    • May 26, 2011 11:47 AM CDT
    • The Nord is about it so far, but I think there is a new digital Hammond coming out (SK1?) that will also have Vox sounds. I play a Hammond XK1 and it has an almost-but-not-quite voxy preset.


      I've tried a couple of cheap old combos from E-bay but there's the question of reliabliaty and/or cost to service them

    • May 26, 2011 11:49 AM CDT
    • A Solton Turbo rotary for me - a lot cheaper than a lesley and louder too....

    • May 26, 2011 4:42 AM CDT
    • Hey listen professor, you know I don't have my math together ;) the fastest refernce I had at hand was the Ventures.


      Original song/theme: Haven't looked into it, but I don't guess so. It sounds way polished.


      I'm guilty of taking this one off topic, sorry everyone!



      kopper said:

      Yeah, the Ventures covered the Hawaii Five-0 theme, which was composed by Morton Stevens.

      Does the new series use the Ventures' version?

      Mardy Pune said:

      Huh? Haven't you seen the original series?

      IDON MINE said:

      Ha! TV's got it's lucky days when it comes to music ;)


      Besides, I'm still kinda weirded out by that use of the Ventures tune on the Hawaii Five-0 show, but I'm happy to hear it anyhow.

    • May 26, 2011 4:39 AM CDT
    • Sure did! Just weirded out in a good way to see this new show have that old style tune on it. Figured they would go with something like New Republic ;)

      Mardy Pune said:

      Huh? Haven't you seen the original series?

      IDON MINE said:

      Ha! TV's got it's lucky days when it comes to music ;)


      Besides, I'm still kinda weirded out by that use of the Ventures tune on the Hawaii Five-0 show, but I'm happy to hear it anyhow.

    • May 25, 2011 10:34 AM CDT
    • Oh, I beg to differ! The "Girls in the Garage" comp series has tons of great '60s girl garage trash. So does "Girls Go Zonk."

      Anela Go-Go said:

      unfortunately, there weren't too many good girl groups from the 60s.
      but who has a podcast with just good 60s girls garage?