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    • February 7, 2011 1:58 PM CST

    • February 7, 2011 10:34 AM CST
    • Bob Log III fer sure!

    • February 6, 2011 11:27 PM CST
    • I saw Subourbon Son a year or so ago and he was great! I hope he's still doing it.

      Although he wasn't a full one-man band, Cranford Nix(R.I.P.) and his guitar could really control and thoroughly entertain a crowd, even those who had never heard of him.

      WolfBoy Slim said:

      theres venus fly tray one girl band,miss-ippi, and miss firecracker one woman band

      Rock & Roll Rampage Radio Show said:

      Hasil Adkins the crazy rocker!!! Some other lonely rockers I like are

      Urban Junior

      King Automatic

      Ty Segall

      King Louie One Man Band

      and from my from my own country Dead Elvis and His One Man Grave offcourse!!!


      Where are the one-girl bands?

    • February 7, 2011 11:22 AM CST
    • I haven't looked at it in ages, but isn't this what Book Your Own Fuckin' Life set out to achieve? It was started originally by the folks behind MRR. Have you checked that out? Just a thought...

    • February 7, 2011 11:16 AM CST
    • I got my Grace radio (pictured above) and got it all set up over the weekend and I fuckin' LOVE this thing. I've got a bunch of great college & indie public radio stations all over the country programmed into it, so any time I want I can just flip the dial and select a station in Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Boston, locally here in St. Louis... you name it. I also have several online-only streaming audio stations and podcasts programmed into it. I keep it in our kitchen and it's great to listen to whatever the hell I want when I'm in there fixing dinner or doing the dishes. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

    • February 7, 2011 10:39 AM CST
    • I agree: too much of a good thing. I'm not complaining, though.

      I just think that your idea of organizing them, or at least tagging them so they are easily searchable, might be a good way to self-promote them a bit better. Maybe each episode could be tagged much in the way we can tag these forums/discussion topics.


      PS: Try Radioblivian (my personal fav), I think you'll like that one, too.


    • February 7, 2011 10:16 AM CST
    • Yeah I've listened to most of the older ones from years back, and I really like Mike Stax's show. I'm sad the Radioblivion is over. And I have listened to and enjoyed your show, sir. I'm going to check out the greasy RnB 'casts you mentioned as i don't *think* I've checked those two out before, despite having been listening here almost as long as GaragePunk has existed. Thanks!

      Mal Thursday said:

      I would say that most of the shows here meet your criteria. Of course, I gotta tell ya, you're missing out on some great shows. For instance, THE MAL THURSDAY SHOW, TEXAS TYME MACHINE, and FLORIDA ROCKS AGAIN!

      For greasy R&B, a couple of no longer active 'casts, HOT SLOP and SHOUT BAMALAMA! Had some good stuff.

      My favorite new show is UGLY THINGS ON THE RADIO.

    • February 7, 2011 9:54 AM CST
    • I would say that most of the shows here meet your criteria. Of course, I gotta tell ya, you're missing out on some great shows. For instance, THE MAL THURSDAY SHOW, TEXAS TYME MACHINE, and FLORIDA ROCKS AGAIN!

      For greasy R&B, a couple of no longer active 'casts, HOT SLOP and SHOUT BAMALAMA! Had some good stuff.

      My favorite new show is UGLY THINGS ON THE RADIO.

    • February 7, 2011 9:01 AM CST
    • Here is a whiny complaint from an ingrate. :) There are just too many awesome podcasts. Wayyy too many with similar form and content to listen to them all. You have to sift through hours of stuff to find ones you really like. I either listen to podcasts while I'm exploring the Hideout site, or on my iPhone while I'm out stumbling around. So I only have time to basically choose one or two and go with those, which leaves me sticking to the same two or three podcasts at all times. FlyingSsaucer RnR is always good, Koppers' show is always good, I like the Surfcast. Other than that, despite there being tons of great shows here, (Get Drunk and Play Records gets honorable mention) I don't check as many out as I'd like to. MAYBE there's a way to organize the podcasts into, like, categories so people can find the ones they're interested in more easily? For example I'm mostly interested in hearing vintage 50s and 60s stuff, some rockabilly, some garage, some surf, some old greasy soul/RnB, and newer bands that sound like that. Not so much interested in KBD style punk and noise-punk. So I'd prefer to avoid that stuff, where other people might want to go straight for that and avoid the vintage stuff. I dunno, I'm probably being a dick. But there you have it. :)

    • February 7, 2011 10:01 AM CST
    • Ko mentioned this album on her Underground Garage show on Sirius/XM.  She's really excited about it, but she also admits that a lot of people probably aren't going to like it.  Unfortunately, that's the price you pay for doing something new or different.

    • February 7, 2011 9:58 AM CST
    • Sounds cool to me:)

      electrocute your cock said:

      Sounds like the score for some cheesy straight to dvd burnt-out maverick-cop-on-the-edge action film.

    • February 6, 2011 6:06 AM CST
    • Fantastic!

    • February 5, 2011 8:53 PM CST
    • not impressed. in fact, pretty lazy and horrible

    • February 7, 2011 9:56 AM CST
    • I would draw the line at "Sgt. Pepper."  Anything before that could be considered early, and anything after that could be considered later.


      Yes, I know some of those "early" albums were also very experimental, i.e. "Rubber Soul" and "Revolver," but they were still pop albums for the most part, albeit ones with more adventurous sounds and lyrics.


      BTW, I'm just generalizing.  I know some of you are going to split hairs over this and disagree vehemently, and that's fine.  This is just my viewpoint. 

      Sander Smeenk said:

      I think I'll go for the early beatles. Just simple rock n roll songs instead of strange sitar plucking. But that doesn't mean that every later beatles song. Some are even better than the early ones in my opinion (Julia, Taxman, Magical Mystery Tour). And also, when is something early and when is something later?

    • February 7, 2011 9:14 AM CST
    • I think I'll go for the early beatles. Just simple rock n roll songs instead of strange sitar plucking. But that doesn't mean that every later beatles song. Some are even better than the early ones in my opinion (Julia, Taxman, Magical Mystery Tour). And also, when is something early and when is something later?

    • February 7, 2011 7:50 AM CST
    • Which do you prefer?  I know this is probably a pointless question to ask at a place like this, but I'm still curious.  Maybe I'll be surprised and find out there are a lot of "Sgt. Pepper" fans around here after all.


      Speaking for myself, I lean toward the early material.  Not that I have any problems with the later material, but I just prefer the band's short and simple pop tunes from their early days.  To me, those songs are pure pop magic.


      BTW, I decided to bring this up because I was listening to "Breakfast with the Beatles" on the Sirius Underground Garage channel yesterday, and because it was the day of the 45th Super Bowl, Chris Carter decided to play all of the Beatles' 45s in chronological order (45th Super Bowl, 45 records, get it?).  I lost the signal after the first hour, because I'm located in a spot where I lose the signal at certain times (I suppose it's because the satellite is changing its position), but that's OK because I heard a lot of my favorite early hit singles.

    • February 7, 2011 8:50 AM CST
    • I get them through iTunes and stick them on my iPhone. My issue with Garage is that it's an embarrassment of riches. There are wayyy too many podcasts to listen to them all, and some of them are fairly similar in form and content, so you have to sift through them to figure out which ones you really like. I usually listen to Surfcast, Flying saucer RnR, Kopper's show and that's about it. I like alot of the other podcasts (Get Drunk And Play records is awesome) but just don't have the time to shove them all in my ear holes.

    • February 7, 2011 8:34 AM CST
    • I'm gonna agree on this one. I too, used to have an Ampeg Reverberocket. I was using a Gibson LP Jr at the time and it sounded amazing through this. I have an Epiphone Galaxie all tube from the mid 90s now, which is pretty close.

      kopper said:

      I used to have an Ampeg Reverberocket. That thing was awesome. Wish I still had it!

    • February 6, 2011 11:12 PM CST
    • i saw them a few times a couple years back and they were great. i haven't heard much of them since. nice to know they're still around.

    • February 6, 2011 5:59 PM CST
    • I used to post to the truffle, lots of folks from the PNW if I remember correctly.

    • February 6, 2011 12:04 PM CST
    • I agree with you. The only punk rock album by the clash is the first the one. The rest is punk-influenced at best.

    • February 6, 2011 6:16 AM CST
    • Hey A!

      Thanks for asking and I'm glad you enjoy them! Please feel free to repost and link, it's appreciated, that's for sure.

      Bestest, IDON

      YOU GOT GOOD TASTE said:

      Nice artwork ID very cool.
      Can I put them on my various sites with links to your GaragePunk page?
      I think all the followers of my show would dig seeing your work so I'll wait for your nod of approval.
      Mr A

    • February 5, 2011 7:28 PM CST
    • Nice artwork ID very cool.
      Can I put them on my various sites with links to your GaragePunk page?
      I think all the followers of my show would dig seeing your work so I'll wait for your nod of approval.
      Mr A

    • February 5, 2011 6:45 PM CST
    • Hey,
      I enjoyed the stuff they came up with! The show filled with bootlegs was great too of course.

      I put some drawings of Lux together and made a drawn tribute, (belated, thanks to activities in the other life...), you can see it here on my Hideout Blog:


      YOU GOT GOOD TASTE said:

      Thanks ID

      Appreciate your offer, I've got two lovely ladies who've put seperate covers together so I reckon I'm covered BUT in the future I'm changing the format of show away from the themed show to a more looser format! And I'm more than happy to shw off yours or any other GP's work. I do enjoy looking for images myself but it would be good to promte any artist/graphic listeners out there.

      Mr A