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    • February 2, 2011 8:57 PM CST
    • Ha!  I'll drink to that !

      Heather Drain said:

      Tommy, that doesn't make you old....that makes you a badass! Good taste always deserves a toast.



      Tommy Careless said:

      I put Plan 9, and I wanna be loved on the 1st mix I gave my pretty little miss, and have since given her a Date With Elvis, however Thunderhead was the 1st Gun Club song I put on a mix tape for her... Some 10 years ago. Shit I feel old.

    • February 2, 2011 8:26 PM CST
    • Tommy, that doesn't make you old....that makes you a badass! Good taste always deserves a toast.



      Tommy Careless said:

      I put Plan 9, and I wanna be loved on the 1st mix I gave my pretty little miss, and have since given her a Date With Elvis, however Thunderhead was the 1st Gun Club song I put on a mix tape for her... Some 10 years ago. Shit I feel old.

    • February 2, 2011 7:48 PM CST
    • Weird, I put Plan 9, and I wanna be loved on the 1st mix I gave my pretty little miss, and have since given her a Date With Elvis, however Thunderhead was the 1st Gun Club song I put on a mix tape for her... Some 10 years ago. Shit I feel old. ~T

      Heather Drain said:

      It warms my heart to see both "Skulls" by the Misfits and "Baby Baby" on here. Plus the Nervous Eaters..huzzah.


      My list would have to be....


      "Little Red Riding Hood" Sam the Sham

      "Telestar" The Tornadoes

      "Cuz I Love You" Slade

      "Baby Baby" the Vibrators

      The entire "Date with Elvis" album by the Cramps

      "Pirate Love" The Heartbreakers

      "Plan 9 Channel 7" The Damned

      "Don't You Ever Leave Me" Hanoi Rocks

      "Breaking Hands" The Gun Club

      "Plan 9 From Las Vegas" Department of Crooks

      "Cheree" Suicide

    • February 2, 2011 6:27 PM CST
    • It warms my heart to see both "Skulls" by the Misfits and "Baby Baby" on here. Plus the Nervous Eaters..huzzah.


      My list would have to be....


      "Little Red Riding Hood" Sam the Sham

      "Telestar" The Tornadoes

      "Cuz I Love You" Slade

      "Baby Baby" the Vibrators

      The entire "Date with Elvis" album by the Cramps

      "Pirate Love" The Heartbreakers

      "Plan 9 Channel 7" The Damned

      "Don't You Ever Leave Me" Hanoi Rocks

      "Breaking Hands" The Gun Club

      "Plan 9 From Las Vegas" Department of Crooks

      "Cheree" Suicide

    • February 2, 2011 8:38 PM CST
    • ex humans

    • February 2, 2011 8:24 PM CST
    • The Crystelles all the way.

    • February 2, 2011 8:20 PM CST
    • I'm seriously hoping this is only temporary since Radioblivion was one of the very first podcast I heard from Garagepunk. Sometimes creative folks just need a break.

    • February 2, 2011 7:33 PM CST
    • Boss Christ.

    • February 2, 2011 7:00 PM CST
    • There is this cat here in Michigan called Scotty Karate that used to be in Plumbobs and Crablady. He is totally worth checking out, esp if you're into the Haze.

    • February 2, 2011 6:11 PM CST
    • I like a lot of the ones people have already listed. 


      I think my favorite is King Automatic though. 

    • February 2, 2011 5:57 PM CST
    • Ooh great call on Scott H. Biram. He's an artist I definitely need to hear more. Hasil owns this thread. While his work doesn't quite fit the garagepunk spectrum, I think Nash the Slash is incredible.

    • February 2, 2011 6:33 PM CST
    •   In pre-historic times, way back before C.B.G.B.'S, (when I was in High school), music was not so compartmentalized as it is now. Everything was lumped into one big giant category called rock. There were a few sub-genre's. There was not even a genre yet called "Heavy Metal" we used to refer to bands like Black Sabbath  or Jimi Hendrix as "Acid Rock" or Hard Rock. Alice Cooper, Bowie, T.Rex, etc. were "Glitter Rock" (Not Glam). The California Hippie bands were called "Country Rock: & Bob Dylan was "Folk Rock".

        The first time I heard the term "Punk Rock" was in around 74-75 when The NY Daily News did a story on the NY Underground Rock scene & used the term as their Byline. There was a picture  of The Dictators on the cover  of the Sunday entertainment section with those words as the headline. It stuck. As part of that scene, we started referring to it as "Punk Rock". It was way different from what it morphed into & what people nowdays think of as "Punk Rock".

       Basically the idea came from an attitude. Not from an image. The subject matter in the song lyrics is what pieced the scene together. Not the look. That came way after.

       It's why you could have so many diverse bands come from the same scene, though they looked different & sounded different, there was a common thread in the attitude.They were all non conformists. In 1974, it was quite revolutionary to hear a song with lyrics like "Beat On the Brat", (Ramones) "Rip Her To Shreds" (Blondie) "Psycho Killer (Talking Heads). The Clash fit right into that attitude with songs like "White Riot".

       In the beginning, this was a relatively small local scene.I can remember early Ramones shows where there were maybe 20 people in the room. As the idea spread, first across the Atlantic & then out West, the kids in those scenes put their own spin on things until Punk became exactly what it started out to tear down. It's now a pre-conceived notion. A genre with a look & sound that people expect. Take for instance, the mosh pit. I went to C.B.G.B's or Max's just about every weekend from 1974-1983 &I never saw a Mosh Pit. The first time I did see a mosh pit was in San Francisco in 1981 at a Dead Kennedy's show. Now, when you think of Punk, you think Mosh pit. However, the "Punk Scene" had existed for 6 or 7 years before the Mosh Pit became the norm. 

        Some might argue that the 60's Garage Punk scene came before, but that genre was named "Garage Punk" retrospectively. it started to be called that after The Nuggets compilation came about, this was after the NY Underground scene was already being labeled "Punk Rock".

       So this is why people like Patti Smith & Television  are or were called "Punk Rock" and younger kids today do not understand this at all because, they see Punk as something completely different.


       My best advice. Don't worry about it. if you like something who cares what label it falls under?



    • February 2, 2011 12:26 PM CST
    • Sex Pistols don't come anywhere near the Clash musically speaking. If either of those bands were relying on cosmetics then it was definately not the Clash who managed to become at least as legendary without getting their number 1 record banned or swearing on TV.


      Reason why American bands don't write crap about Britain is because Britain doesn't run a corrupt, brutal empire anymore. Corrupt, less brutal country but when British agencies go back to abducting foreign nationals and organising millitary coups in other countries then I'm sure the songs will come flooding in.

      Dana V. Hatch said:

      The Clash's punk stance was purely cosmetic. They made it by aping the Sex Pistols. They weren't street kids, they were R&B musicians getting nowhere in the pubs. Still not as heinous as other bands who appropriated a new wave image to sell their crappy retrograde FM ready rock (Police, Tom Petty, Cars). First alb still had some good songs like What's My Name and I'm So Bored With the USA. When will an American band write a song about how much England sucks?

    • February 2, 2011 9:56 AM CST
    • The Clash's punk stance was purely cosmetic. They made it by aping the Sex Pistols. They weren't street kids, they were R&B musicians getting nowhere in the pubs. Still not as heinous as other bands who appropriated a new wave image to sell their crappy retrograde FM ready rock (Police, Tom Petty, Cars). First alb still had some good songs like What's My Name and I'm So Bored With the USA. When will an American band write a song about how much England sucks?

    • February 2, 2011 6:31 PM CST
    • Very cool!  Did you tell them to use more cowbell?  Sorry, but that seems to be heard everywhere now!  So did you see them at a club?  Honestly, I didn't even know they were still around...Well at least you did get to meet somebody!

      Heather Drain said:

      All of you have far cooler experiences than mine. (The Fleshtones AND Gun Club. Swoon.) My big encounter lasted all of a minute when I got to meet Blue Oyster Cult. This was the more recent line up with Buck Dharma, Eric Bloom and Rudy Sarzo on bass. They were all pretty nice though as soon as I walked up I think I heard Eric say something like "Whoah tall girl!." Granted I'm around 5'9 and was probably the tallest person in the area. Are all rock & rollers hobbits or am I just some Amazonian R. Crumb girl? News at 11!

    • February 2, 2011 6:16 PM CST
    • All of you have far cooler experiences than mine. (The Fleshtones AND Gun Club. Swoon.) My big encounter lasted all of a minute when I got to meet Blue Oyster Cult. This was the more recent line up with Buck Dharma, Eric Bloom and Rudy Sarzo on bass. They were all pretty nice though as soon as I walked up I think I heard Eric say something like "Whoah tall girl!." Granted I'm around 5'9 and was probably the tallest person in the area. Are all rock & rollers hobbits or am I just some Amazonian R. Crumb girl? News at 11!

    • February 2, 2011 5:45 PM CST
    • That's funny. Especially since they DID ban me from terminal boredom Island! lol!

      Tommy Careless said:

      Wait a second ! You just wrote something negative.  I banish you to Termbo Island.


      John Carlucci said:

      That forum sucks. It's full of negativity. You're not missing anything.

    • February 2, 2011 2:34 PM CST
    • Haha! You can slice the irony in that post with a knife.

      John Carlucci said:

      That forum sucks. It's full of negativity. You're not missing anything.

    • February 2, 2011 1:20 PM CST
    • Wait a second ! You just wrote something negative.  I banish you to Termbo Island.


      John Carlucci said:

      That forum sucks. It's full of negativity. You're not missing anything.

    • February 2, 2011 4:30 PM CST
    • Love this album, Mick Collins is ten years ahead of his time!

    • February 2, 2011 4:26 PM CST
    • I've just ordered "Party Store," the new Dirtbombs LP where Mick Collins and co. cover 9 classic Detroit techno classics. I've heard a couple of songs and they sound ace. I reckon all the garage purists are gonna hate it. Love to hear some opinions.

    • February 2, 2011 9:02 AM CST
    • Hey now,


      Just wondering if anyone one here has used Lucky Lacquers yet, or more specifically a one-two punch like Lucky to Rainbo ( they do a cheap rate if you use them in tandum )


      Was it any cheaper, or better quality ?





    • February 2, 2011 10:39 AM CST
    • Teddy, I aint a musician, Im just a hack with a guitar. All the talk about looks is getting over-amplified here. Some of the ideas though like trying to get people to change the way they dress or talking to everybody sounded retarded. I just wanted to know if maybe there was some sites I could post some adds on. Basically I just need another amateur guitar player with similar interests as me who would be available to practice some songs, and its proven to be way harder to find than I would have ever thought. My "bad attitude" doesn't plan on changing anytime soon so I'll always think most people are knobs, and do things my own way. 

      I dont know about you but I like music that gets me excited and as a matter of fact I like it so much that I even prefer people who remind me of a music. I've told people right to there face that were actual musicians that No sorry I dont wanna jam with you, you wear a baseball hat/or No you look like my dad, or an insurance salesman, or walk like you hide gerbals in your ass, so Im upfront about it. I don't give a shit if they like that or not. 

      Because Im not a good musician Im not concerned with musical talent but more with people who share interest in playing similar stuff. I dont beleive you have to be a top-notch musician to make the bands I like. You just need to be playing often, and you'll get good at your songs. 


      Teddy Jungle King said:

      I don't know if you can, but that would be better to leave it there anyway, if someone else has the same questions then he can find it with a quick search on the website.

      There has been quite a lot of talking about the looks, I think I'll give you my opinion on that matter: Sure you want your band to look cool, and the way people dress themselves in a rock context is often linked to the music they listen to. But in my experience I found that most of the time the one with the coolest looks were the shittiest musicians, the one that just wanted to be in a band to be even cooler. It's hard to find someone that will fill your expectations on both esthetics and music. But if you choose the cool looking guys without talent or real will to make good music, you'll never be anything more than the cool local band that girls come to see. That being said, you can always decide of the image of the band when the line up is completed, I don't think that the Hives were wearing matching suits when they met, just sayin'...


      Duke Of Earl said:

      How do you delete this dicussion? Im done with it. Thanks to all 3 of you for your time.