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    • February 2, 2011 7:58 AM CST
    • I don't know if you can, but that would be better to leave it there anyway, if someone else has the same questions then he can find it with a quick search on the website.

      There has been quite a lot of talking about the looks, I think I'll give you my opinion on that matter: Sure you want your band to look cool, and the way people dress themselves in a rock context is often linked to the music they listen to. But in my experience I found that most of the time the one with the coolest looks were the shittiest musicians, the one that just wanted to be in a band to be even cooler. It's hard to find someone that will fill your expectations on both esthetics and music. But if you choose the cool looking guys without talent or real will to make good music, you'll never be anything more than the cool local band that girls come to see. That being said, you can always decide of the image of the band when the line up is completed, I don't think that the Hives were wearing matching suits when they met, just sayin'...


      Duke Of Earl said:

      How do you delete this dicussion? Im done with it. Thanks to all 3 of you for your time.

    • February 2, 2011 6:32 AM CST
    • the way you look or do things can express things just like a song can.

      John Carlucci said:

       I've been in a million bands. The best way to get in a band is to get out there & meet people. Go see as many bands as you can, chances are you will come across a guitar player here, a drummer there, that are not happy in their current situation. If you see someone that you think is cool, talk to them, get the word out there. Ads are okay, but the chances of meeting someone with an ad is almost like winning the lottery. If you get out there & start playing, and you are any good, people will notice you & they will approach you.


       While it's good to have a certain look & an image in mind. Don't fall into that trap. Are you a musician or a fashion model? If you rely on looks, you will have a short career in the music business. Looks fade with age. Rely on your love of music & develop your talent & you will meet like minded people.

    • February 2, 2011 6:28 AM CST
    • I allready said thanks to ya honey. Dont worry about me too much. Im gonna take it to the top you'll see. Just checkin to see if maybe there was some ideas I might have mised. I think maybe I just ain't too much of a people person. The # of bands somebodies been in means nothing to me as a bragging right. That speaks nothing of the quality of band. I've been in 2 shitty ones. Those were easy to form. Id like to avoid being in a 3rd and find the "right guys" first. How do you delete this dicussion? Im done with it. Thanks to all 3 of you for your time.

      Michele Ari said:

      "It appears Im getting bad advice here. I allready know what to do now"


      That is quite an interesting response to the people who took the time to try to help you. My advice might or might not  be bad, but I always have a band, make records, sell them, tour and get world-wide positive press and I take time out of my VERY busy day to help another if they want help as I did with you. I can't know nothing at all or have no idea what I am doing. And the others who posted gave good advice too and were nice enough to give it.

      You don't have to like my advice or use it. To say its "bad" after I clearly took a lot of time to try to be helpful is a bit over the top and downright rude. If you already know what to do then don't ask for help. It seems the biggest problem you have is your bad attitude and narrow mind. That will get you nowhere . And its not likely to help you get support from people who do know what they are doing.


      Over and out.   

      Duke Of Earl said:

      I want my band to look cool,and like to relate to my friends a bit. I dont like talking to every single person, cus I dont like most of em anyways. If you look like a trendy fag, you probably like shit bands and are in a dork-trap. About concert going, Thats tough because I dont like most of the new bands enough to pay a dollar on them.

      It appears Im getting bad advice here. I allready know what to do now. The answer is not to play with dorks or talk to as many people as I can. I'll get an acoustic and make songs or cover them and then I'll go out with it until I meet people for an electrified band.

    • February 2, 2011 7:17 AM CST
    • seasick steve

      king automatic

      dead elvis and his one man grave


    • February 2, 2011 6:36 AM CST
    • I'm gonna be all out of context here, sorry: GARAGEPUNK is my old-new favourite band.

      Seriously, I fall in Love with so much stuff, my brain cells can't keep track!

    • February 1, 2011 9:54 PM CST
    • Scott H. Biram


      Rev Beat Man


    • February 1, 2011 7:56 PM CST
    • George Formby is the fucking maaaaaan...

    • February 1, 2011 12:42 PM CST
    • everything mentioned! i also like the fly and his one man garbage out of japan. and BBQ!

    • February 1, 2011 11:42 AM CST
    • Haunted George, Beat Man, Bloodshot Bill, BBQ, can take or leave Cheap Time but Jeff Novak's omb stuff was great, Dead Elvis is a lot of fun, John Schooley of course, and where the hell is King Louie? Seems like ages since he put out anything.

    • February 1, 2011 11:05 AM CST
    • I'm kinda partial to Bloodshot Bill as i've seen him many times. Another guy that i've seen a coupla times and really like is Scott H Biram who records on Bloodshot Records. And John Schooley too.


      And we can't forget Reverend Beat Man!


      There's so many cool one man bands out there right now..

    • February 2, 2011 6:01 AM CST
    • Thanks ID

      Appreciate your offer, I've got two lovely ladies who've put seperate covers together so I reckon I'm covered BUT in the future I'm changing the format of show away from the themed show to a more looser format! And I'm more than happy to shw off yours or any other GP's work. I do enjoy looking for images myself but it would be good to promte any artist/graphic listeners out there.

      Mr A

    • February 1, 2011 7:27 PM CST
    • I dig the hideout way more anyway, I just wanted another place to push my wares. 


      John Carlucci said:

      That forum sucks. It's full of negativity. You're not missing anything.

    • February 1, 2011 7:18 PM CST
    • That forum sucks. It's full of negativity. You're not missing anything.

    • February 1, 2011 5:19 PM CST
    • I tried to join about a year ago, once, and never got  conformation.

    • February 1, 2011 12:21 PM CST
    • Huh. Guess not!

    • February 1, 2011 12:02 PM CST
    • Can you still join the terminal boredom message board ? ( not that its as good as the hideout ! )  I've filled out the username passwork thing a few times but never hear back.



    • February 1, 2011 12:07 PM CST
    • Bit ironic, though, that a lot of people featured in this were around ten years ago the last time the media got excited by this stuff and were completely ignored.


      And Nobunny's great. Do the fuck yourself!

    • February 1, 2011 8:06 AM CST
    • I found this film interesting. I'm not saying I did like all the bands. But because of that film I got to know Thee Oh Sees( I live in middle of nowhere so all my connection to this scene is the internet don't jugde me..) Thee Oh Sees are awesome.. I had listened to The Gories while ago but after seeing them in the film it got them more interesting and Im really digging them know. I found this guy from Lollipoppe Shoppe cool. also props to black lips &ty segall.

      But these guys forgot about The Horrors(usa) that's the dirtiest shamless rock n roll I ever fucking heard.

    • February 1, 2011 12:54 AM CST
    • I am waiting for the NoBunny unmasked album , a companion piece to Kiss Unmasked.

      KK Dirty Money said:

      It is for sure a "cute" song, but I gotta agree: it is one of the cooler/fun tunes I've heard around lately from a "new" band.

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      Yeah, sorry, I really don't hear it.  I don't even hear obnoxiousness.  Everything about it just seems too cute.

      Hideout Admin said:

      Seriously? This is one of the best songs I've heard in years. Catchy, trashy, slightly obnoxious... exactly what I love about garage rock:

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      Art student rock...that's a good one.  I'm gonna use that to describe someone like No-Bunny.  Fun for some but I don't see what's so great about it.

      Axel said:

      Until today I had never heard of scion, nor would I have thought that it's a car brand. So I learned at least something from that documentary. Fred and Tody Cole are great as always, and thanks to the Spits there is  a 2nd good band included. Furthermore I got the impression that jay retard was a total idiot, just like the guy from the smith westeners and that what some people call garage I'd call art-student rock. But it could be worse: UK Garage Music

    • February 1, 2011 12:34 AM CST
    • What passes for one.

      enzo said:

      Wait, you hear a melody?! 

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      Oh my god, I think you're right.  It's the melody.

      enzo said:
      I listened to 19 seconds of it.  anybody else hear Randy Newman?  Not great.

    • January 31, 2011 6:27 PM CST
    • Wait, you hear a melody?! 

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      Oh my god, I think you're right.  It's the melody.

      enzo said:
      I listened to 19 seconds of it.  anybody else hear Randy Newman?  Not great.

    • February 1, 2011 11:55 AM CST
    • Just wonderin'. Mine's A after at least 15 years but I love D in a way that would make grandma scream.  I can hear her now...

    • February 1, 2011 1:04 AM CST
    • That is all my 4 yo sings-- I want to strangle him sometimes, but then again he likes every thing I play for him

      Dynamite - Taio Cruz. Seriously If hear this song one more time I will personally kill the person who puts it on.

    • February 1, 2011 12:58 AM CST
    • Independent music needs to purge itself of Brown eyed, brown haired, slim women that sing like their are trying not to wake up the baby. They are a dime a dozen-- cute only lasts so long. I think Feist is due for a Lady gaga like transformation...

      whatwave dave said:

      That song on the commercial for Apple nano ipod (or something like that) which Feist sings that fucking 1 2 3 4 song.....that fucking drives me insane......

    • January 31, 2011 6:29 PM CST
    • So, I'm in the beginning of cutting together a demo, and I've got everything else I need, but the one thing that I'm missing is a good harmonica microphone. Do you think a Shure SM58 would work, or should I look into a specialized mic? If I am going to use the SM58, do you have any suggestions for what to do to get a better sound? I've been playing around with it through a low-wattage bass amp that I have and it's not doing a whole hell of a lot(don't know if it's the mic, the cable, or the amp).