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    • December 3, 2010 10:00 AM CST
    • Noriyuki Morita

      electrocute your cock said:

      Ralph Macchio

    • December 3, 2010 9:56 AM CST
    • Ralph Macchio

    • December 3, 2010 6:58 AM CST
    • Abso-freakin'-lutely. He is amazing. But if you're looking for a really DIRTY album, I'd recommend Snatch & the Poontangs, which was an x-rated blues album done by Johnny Otis. Hilarious and utterly filthy!

      Gonzo said:

      RL Burnside

    • December 3, 2010 2:10 AM CST
    • yeeeess Burnside is my electric best.

      the people who dig Howlin' could suggest me a record?

    • December 3, 2010 1:49 AM CST
    • RL Burnside

    • December 2, 2010 10:45 AM CST
    • choice is the great SON HOUSE.

      damn, that "death letter blues" is unbelivable!

    • December 3, 2010 8:03 AM CST
    • play the black flag stuff you know in surf style

    • December 3, 2010 7:58 AM CST
    • Hallo everybody,

      I play in a band called 'I said god damn,GOD DAMN!'(pulp fiction scene,after link wray's rumble).

      We used to play black flag,ramones,some clash,black flag and of course stooges.

      We decided to stop playing this stuff and become a surf band.The problem is we can't make a good playlist.We have a lot of ventures,couple of man or astro-man,marketts,and some songs from the garagepunk surfcast, i don't know the names.(garagepunk surfcast 07 19.41 min is onte of them,check it out it's a kick ass!)

      We also decided to play some cramps,and remakes,like louie louie,eddie cochran ,green onions,stuff like that,but with our own style.

      Anyway i just wanted some suggestions for surf tracks to add to tha playlist.Note that we are a trio,now,no exclusive vocals(just me and the bassist),and we can have a piano player as a guest,and propably a saxophonist.

      So  come on,tell me some songs.

    • December 3, 2010 3:39 AM CST
    • Jack White actually uses power chords in most of his songs, not just Blue Orchid.

      ThePostOps said:

      Go for full barre chords, or even regular chords, like A and E, which you learn when first playing guitar. Those have the fullest sound. Power chords have their place, too, though. Isn't Link Wray credited with being the first to use power chords in a popular song? And, of course, Jack White, who's in your profile pic, uses them on songs like White Orchid.

    • December 3, 2010 12:53 AM CST
    • Go for full barre chords, or even regular chords, like A and E, which you learn when first playing guitar. Those have the fullest sound. Power chords have their place, too, though. Isn't Link Wray credited with being the first to use power chords in a popular song? And, of course, Jack White, who's in your profile pic, uses them on songs like White Orchid.

    • December 2, 2010 7:53 PM CST
    • You have asked a very good question! I think it depends on the song you are playing. If as has been said, you want a garage sound, play triads predominately. You can change very quickly between the inversions ie. *top 3 strings* 232=Dmajor...ok? 432= Bminor..433=Gmajor.. 453=Eminor..all in the key of D (orG). But can you see you're only making a slight change every time- one or two fingers moving a fret or two. Imagine having to do that with barre chords...5th fret, 7th fret...3rd fret..7th fret! Besides that the sound of a power chord, is..well..powerful, maybe The Ramones yeah, but it can make yer average band sound like AM sludge....when I do it it does anyway..

    • December 2, 2010 3:40 PM CST
    • I agree with Alex. Jack can sell his limited edition records for whatever he can. Something is worth the amount when the buyer and seller agree to exchange the goods/services for money. Jack and Co can do whatever they want with the money. Charity is a very good use although he’s giving out of his abundance (if you’ll pardon the biblical reference) and he gets to feel good about himself along with free publicity.
      Why are “the fans” angry; because they can’t get the music? No, it’s available in other formats. They want these limited editions because they’ll “be worth something someday.” It’s a potential money-making investment to the vast majority of the people who want one. The minority probably think it will bring them closer to the rock god, somehow. I don’t know which is more pathetic.
      The only reason fans would have to be angry at him would be for making shit music.

    • December 2, 2010 1:53 PM CST
    • Meh, they are giving 15 grand to charity. But the business of folks like the White Stripes earning royalties on a record that someone thinks is worth $300 is stupid. If it is a limited edition and Mr White is set to earn, what, $100 off each one? But they are limited so that's a few thousand dollars. The guy must be a multimillionaire and gets revenue every time he sneezes. Why does he have to bicker over relatively small change?

    • December 2, 2010 8:06 AM CST
    • Astoundingly petty, in a league with Metallica suing their own fans.

    • December 2, 2010 3:19 PM CST
    • I won't ruin their fun so long as they don't make me buy their shitty new record.

      I'm kidding Sonics, I'm kidding! Jeez, these old guys are so touchy.

    • December 2, 2010 1:17 PM CST
    • Hideout Admin said:

      Yeah, didn't they attempt this at some point in the '70s or early '80s, too? I remember hearing something like that back around 15 years ago and thinking it was pretty bad (compared to their early stuff).

      BTW, Bonzo, the Sonics have played some festivals in the past couple years, both in the US and Europe. But I think they're done...

      electrocute your cock said:
      Sounds a lot like hard rock to me. Not bad or anything, just not The Sonics at all.
      Thanks for the info. I guess that just passed me by. Agree with IDON MINE though. If they're still getting a kick out of doin' it, then why the hell not?!

    • December 2, 2010 12:10 PM CST
    • Well thanks for that.
      It's the Sonics, so I'm not complaining. Let them have their fun.

    • December 2, 2010 1:58 PM CST
    • I went to Richmond, VA  to see the "History of Rockabilly in the Commonwealth" Exhibit...very interesting, never before seen videos of Link Wray, Gene Vincent, was great.  Thought all you guys would be interested in seeing this.  Let me know whatcha think!  If you can't see the vid below, here is the link:

    • December 2, 2010 12:25 PM CST
    • There goes my night.

    • December 2, 2010 11:29 AM CST
    • My favorite guitar is my H75 Harmony ('64?). I bought it about 5 years ago for $400 with a small crack. That does effect the tone at all though. It sounds so dam 60's I luv it! Sounds good with fuzz too. One thing that helped was grounding the pickups! I don't play too much feedback anymore but it can do it. Kind of like the Outsiders CQ feedback not like that blue cheer if that what your going fo.

    • December 2, 2010 2:57 AM CST
    • um... i guess maybe these

      Gories - I Know You Fine, But How You Doin
      Dirtbombs - Ultraglide In Black
      Supercharger - s/t
      Cramps - Songs The Lord Taught Us
      Jay Retard - Blood Visions
      White Stripes - De Stijl
      Modern Lovers - s/t
      Milk n Cookies - s/t
      Cheater Slicks - Don't Like You
      Gang Of Four - Entertainment