I've owned a lot of guitars over my lifetime & I keep going back to Fender. They are solid, well built, reliable, easy to play and they sound great. Who cares what some pop star uses as a prop in his video? Pop stars come & go. If you dig the Jaguar, get one. I had a Mosrite bass for a while & it did not come close to a Fender bass in any way. The strings were too close together, the sound was muddy & the pickups came loose rather easily. I think Mosrite guitars are better than their basses, but I just can not comprehend the huge price-tags asked for these instruments these days. I can remember a time when these were $50 guitars.They look cool, but IMO if it's all about the image, save your money & buy an Eastwood, a Hallmark or a Univox. These are decent guitars at a fraction of the cost. Do you really want to be babysitting a $2,000.00 guitar at your gigs?? If you are looking for the real surf sound, it's not just the guitar, but the amplifier that makes the difference. You'll also need a good reverb tank to get the real surf sound, and those too can be quite expensive. It's also about you as a player. Dick Dale uses a Stratocaster. He uses very heavy strings & uses a vintage Fender dual showman amp. He gets quite a different sound than most Strat players. Keep in mind, Johnny Ramone changed the pickups on his. So his guitar did not sound like most Mosrite guitars.