So much better stuff from that time period. Theres so many great albums that were/are unknown outside of the areas where they played to most people.
So much better stuff from that time period. Theres so many great albums that were/are unknown outside of the areas where they played to most people.
Lee Ving
-(F-U guys I'm leaving!)
Has anyone mentioned-
Nazi Dog-Viletones
Lydia Lunch
Yaxi Highriser=Alien Sex Fiend
Andy Sex Gang- Sex Gang Children
Joey Shithead-DOA
Mickey De Sadist-Forgotten Rebels
There is a super great song by DeRita Sisters entitled "Born without a Punk Rock Name". It is in classic punk style and should be in everyone's collection. "Rat Scabies...I am just LeRoy" "It's a goddam, motherfuckin' shame. I was born with a punk rock name"
(I'm new. Am I allowed to quote bad language?)
These are my top 5 favorites :
5 - Smokestack Lightning - Howlin Wolf
4 - Mama Keep Your Big Mouth Shut - Bo Diddley
3 - Peter Gunn - Hank Mancini
2 - Come See Me - Pretty Things
1 - Feel It - It's All Meat
Duck Dunn and James Jamerson need to be mentioned. Alot of people take a dump on punk rockers saying they don't know how to play but the bass playing in Stiff Little Fingers, The Ruts, and especially The Rezilloes (No and Flying Saucers are my favorites) is top notch. I'd like to see the friends top 25 list.
Good on ya! Eric Avery's playing is top notch!
Kill, Baby...Kill! said:
I am going to throw this out there fully prepared to get flamed for it. In the past 20+ years, some of what I have found to be the most memorable bass lines were written and performed by Eric Avery from Jane's Addiction. Sure, simplicity was key, but one cannot deny the power of the bass lines from Mountain Song, Three Days, Pigs etc.
How can you not include Love Song by The Damned?! Agree with JJ Burnell, Paul Simonon and John Entwhistle - almost anything by these three guys would appear in my list. But as an ex-bass player I Wanna Be Your Dog by The Stooges has to be right up there, along with Powerline by Husker Du. Probably much more will come to mind but that's an off the top of the head stab.
"I am Spartacus!"
ha! thee soul preacher has called me sean before. sean is at a lot of the places I go though.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgh !!!
All my apologizes Sean ! Forgive me, I'm so confused...
I think he, I mean the Kojak man is Scott. Or am I confusing again ???
Anyway, never trust a confused man as I, I don't even know who I am !
But I swear I'm not a Robert Plant impersonator dressing like Michael Jackson !
Am I ?
Sean Law said:
Jeez, don't tell me his NAME is SEAN too??
Jeez, don't tell me his NAME is SEAN too??
Sean, that so funny I've almost pissed my beers in my pants !!!
S.Law said:
So I guess the moral of this story could be : Never trust a Robert Plant vocal impersonator dressing like a Michael Jackson impersonator...and dressing like a Michael Jackson impersonator....
I totally agree: in no way does this represent "garage rock today" as a whole.
It merely talks from the perspective of bands affiliated with Goner and In The Red Records.
So, it is pretty much a promoter of those two labels, as well as Scion and Vice.
Def one-sided, but still cool (IMO).
Sectmaniac said:
I saw these videos and I'm sort of in agreement with Count and Dana. First of all - how can you make a documentary on "garage" and not mention or interview The Mummies, Russell Quan, Billy Childish, and Mike Lucas?
Part of it made me happy to see young kids getting into rock n roll, but then it made me sick to see it become a "hipster" bullshit thing.
Am I purist? I don't know. I just like what I like.
I saw these videos and I'm sort of in agreement with Count and Dana. First of all - how can you make a documentary on "garage" and not mention or interview The Mummies, Russell Quan, Billy Childish, and Mike Lucas?
Part of it made me happy to see young kids getting into rock n roll, but then it made me sick to see it become a "hipster" bullshit thing.
Am I purist? I don't know. I just like what I like.
Wow, that's pretty hard core. Keep on keepin' on, bro.
I gotta ask: why are there so many rules? I thought one of the reasons people really got into rock n' roll and all that it stood for was because rockers took risks, broke rules, avoided rules, liked to piss people off, and just tried to do their own thing.
So what fuck does it matter whether you do this, or they do that?
It doesn't make anybody any better than anyone else. That guy's opinion is just as important and just as ridiculous as some other guy's different opinion.
Everyone's different and why do we give such a fuck about all these tedious cred statements like "I don't know what this is", "I don't do this, but I sure do that". You're one in a million, and that is great. Keep rockin'.
But to be holier than thou is never a cool thing. Poser hipsters do that.
I say "fuck yes" to all you: the bands, the purists, the video, the car, the kids being kids; keep on changing things up.
If everything was so damn rule-specific and "hard core", we'd all be pissed about that, too.
Ya know we're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't, right?
It's OK to care, but shit man this is getting a little too snooty to be cool anymore.
All those 60's bands you love so dearly did the exact same thing all these new/kid bands are doing now, you understand.
And 40 years from now, some of these kids in these "fresh new bands" are gonna be the snooty curmudgeons telling the young'uns to get outta their lawn.
Quod tu es, ego fui, quod ego sum, tu eris
I love Rock'n'Roll as a way of life, not as an advertisement...
And yes I'm quite a bear !
And yes I try to avoid Google, Facebook etc...
And what the hell would a Grizzly bear do with a cellphone ?
Oh, I plead guilty for the internet...sorry...but I use it to prepare Revolution !!! Naive bear ? Of course !
Naive but fighting !
Don't even know what Chuck Taylors are...No kidding ! I'm avoiding brands and logos as the plague anyway.
Plead guilty for the car too (the jalopy shall I say...) since there ain't no public transportation in the hole I live in. Second hand car of course, easy choice since I couldn't afford to buy one new anyway...
Never buy a cd...always steal them but please don't tell no one...
As for vinyls...most of mine are second hands or from small independant labels, whatever that means.
And you may call me stupid, integrist or unable but I play and record music since I'm a teenager (and you know I'm so fucking old now...) and have never even tried to make money out of this ! But once again, please keep it to yourself coz that's a secret...
Making music shouldn't be a job...just a bunch of persons sweatin', strummin', bangin' or whatever together just to have fun and make the squares sick and afraid ! Not to earn money !
Not that I blame bands or labels making money out of music, I even support some of just doesn't have to be the aim.
That said, you've probably guessed I'm really not a social kind of guy.
But I still love and buy In The Red records and Goner records whenever I can...but still piss on Vice and Scion.
And doesn't even have watched this documentary so what the Hell am I doing here ???
Cheers to everyone here especially to Count Brockula and Dana Hatch !
Jesus, That was hard work,Not the film the responses, I liked some of it and some of it made me wanna puke, The bottom line is there are some great bands having heaps of fun and dare i say it being young people. This site seems to have a faction of people who are purist 60s garage fans and people who just like what they like and fitter the bullshit as they see fit. I loved the Fred and Toody stuff, those guys are so amazing.
Very well put, John :)
John White said:
Why do people care how Garage Rock is getting exposed, if a big company wants to use it to get eyeballs to their ads I say good for them. When it's all said and done, maybe a couple of kids will like the music and get into it. That's the only way to keep it alive. I call bullshit on anyone that says they are anti corporate, it might be cool to say, but I bet we can find a Big Mac wrapper somewhere near them.
Thanks for the other links. Great video especially on vimeo is real good quality!
The Cavestompers! said:
that's some youtube facism, i dunno how to fix it, but here are alternative links for the video
sorry bout youtube bugs
that's some youtube facism, i dunno how to fix it, but here are alternative links for the video sorry bout youtube bugs
This video is not available in your country?
Buzz Buzz Buzzzzzz Vol. 2
Passing this on from Facebook:
Our good friend [and Hideout member] Howie Pyro has been involved in a bad car accident this
past week. Fortunately he is okay but his car is not, it was nearly
totaled. And to top this off, his computer died the week before the
We thought if each one of you who responded to his
facebook postings (and anyone else who cares to) would be so kind to
donate any amount of money whether $5 or $500 or $5000, he can get back
on the road & get back to you online.
Below is Howie's personal paypal address & any amount that you so graciously send will go directly to him.
**Please note - Howie agreed to this invite/posting and he is very grateful for any help and thanks you.
Evert L Pipkin is my absolute favorite MOAM? vocal track. To the best of my knowledge, the only time they ever performed it live was at their 2006 reunion at The Bottletree in Birmingham, AL. After years of searching, Jonny Browning, their new rhythm player, finally hooked me up with a great bootleg of the show.
Destination Venus is all you need...!
Kill, Baby...Kill! said:
Man or Astro-man? had/have lots of songs with lead vocals. Below is the best list I can compile with song and album. These are all actual vocal songs and not the songs using samples...I also did not include live versions and still may have missed a few....
Mermaid Love - Is it Man or Astro-man?
Mystery Science Theater 3K - Destroy all Astromen
Destination Venus - Destory all Astromen/Your Weight on the Moon
Max Q - Intravenuos Television Continuum/Project Infinity
Calling Hong Kong - Intravenuos Television Continuum
Manta Ray - Project Infinity
U-uranus - Deluxe Men in Space
9 Volt - Experiment Zero
Anoxia - Experiment Zero
Television Man - Experiment Zero
Specific Gravity - 1000x
Universe City - 1000x
With Automatic Shutoff - 1000x
Lo Batt - Made from Technetium
Junk Satellite - Made from Technetium
Breathing Iron Oxide - Made from Technetium
Static Cling - Made from Technetium
Evert L Pipkin - Made from Technetium
U-235 PU-239 - EEVIAC
Domain of the Human race - EEVIAC
Psychology of AI - EEVIAC
As Estralas Agora Elas Estao Mortas - EEVIAC
Within One Universe There are Millions - A Spectrum of Infinite Scale
Interplanet Janet - Schoolhouse Rocks
Jimmy Neutron Theme - Never released and is Starcrunch Solo with MOAM backing him.
Philip K Dick (vocal version) - Obscure mail-in only track never officially released