I would never play a Hitler guitar--Kramer & Ibanez also a bit iffy...
I would never play a Hitler guitar--Kramer & Ibanez also a bit iffy...
I would never play a jackson or a dean
for me it's all about the looks. and the sound I can get out of it. brand doesn't matter. I had a 63 Gretsch until this afternoon and it looked awesome and, hey it's a GRETSCH, but I couldn't use it for garage-punk. so I use a 80s squire stratocaster right now. not perfect but it does the job for now.
I run into a lot of "label whores" who won't play say for example a Squire or Peavey because of the name. I own a Peavey hollow body and have played the Squire Classic Vibe Bass, (very nice instrument). I think people feel the have less of a guitar if it doesn't say Gibson or Fender. I play a Dano Longhorn Bass and it looks like a toy, but it plays and sound great so I'm sticking with it. What's your thoughts?
I want to get one and found out that there are a few clones around. does anyone have experience with any of them? which ones do you recommend? from the 4 boxes I found sound-samples of(fuzzbox-world, northwind-trading, ashbass fuzzrite, fuzzcracker) it seems the UK version(northwind-trading) sounds the best?!?
This month's episode is called "Psychic Flotsam." Sit down. Relax. Look deep into my eyes. The Spirits are about to speak.
You're going to hear some mystical sounds of Carbon/Silicon, The Ding
Dongs, The Tandoori Knights, The Gories, The Rockin' Guys and so much
more, all very cosmic -- in a trashy kinda way
Find it right here at the Hideout
girl's got a turtle by the driving stupid
the question is, and maybe there's some expert here who has the answer, what pick-ups are in the old Mosrites? there are(and were) tons of Mosrite looking guitars around but I wonder if they also sound like one?
There is a guy in a local surf band that plays one of these, kind've expensive, but way cheaper than a Mosrite:
Check out Eastwood Guitars, they have replicas of the famous mosrite guitars, inexpensive and they get good reviews.
If you don't want to spend a lot of money, check out the Peavey JF-1. Some people have a problem with Peavey but I found their products to be built very well. I picked up the guitar last year for about $200.00 and I haven't had one problem. They get great reviews and look really good.
Check out I slept with Joey Ramone, It's written by his brother, I enjoyed it.
Patti Smith, "Just Kids". It's incredible, and it just won the National Book Award for non-fiction.
I try to read as many as I can, even if I'm not into the individual or the music. I'm currently reading the Keith Richards rag and am enjoying it very much. How 'bout choos guys?
In my old band thee templars (RIP), I used it a couple a times to record the actual rehearsals. Worked a treat in capturing the raw sound of the band. Needs a bit of trial and error to get the right balance which only involves moving it round the room. Beauty is that it can be converted to MP3 straight away, then you can take out the SD card, pop it in your PC and upload /edit as you want. Good little piece of kit
It's not bad! For a really over-driven,saturated sound I just hit record and use that, but you can really get a nice smooth recording with the built in also if you can find a quiet spot and turn the input level down. I've been messing with a preamp and different mics and it can do some cool stuff.
What're you using, if anything?
All the Back from the Grave stuff for me really as no psych filler just pure Garage Punk.
There's a #9?!
Dana V. Hatch said:
Garage Punk Unknowns #9 one side of wacky vocal tracks and one side of killer instros. The Nuggets box is a perfect jumping-off point for new converts. And as Tim Warren pointed out, BTFG #8 would be one of the best if it contained
the Chancellors' "On Tour" and nothing else but it has 27 more great songs.
uptight tonight, freakbeatfreakout, not garage but as good,chocolate soup for diabetics, psychotic moose and the soulsearchers are a few ive got as well as BFTG, garagebeat 66, nuggets, teenage shutdown. scream loud, the fenton story. its great discovering these comps, you never know what might turn up next.
The Cramps - Bad Music for Bad People
The Gories - 1st and 2nd album, combined
The Rip Offs- Got a Record
No Bunny - Love Visions
The No Talents (A great french band, It might be hard to find this cuz its out of print, but its so worth the search)
Loli and the Chones - P.S, We Hate You (out of print, but not that hard to find)
Our band is great too haha, (self promotion alert)
-The Ills
I agree The Clash is total energy integrity and sound completely diffrent form all the other Punk bands of the era.
giga lol
Great stuff, use an old Roadster Ibanez at the moment
Dose said:
Beautiful Teisco guit! Here's my '69 Guyatone (Mosrite copy) and 60's Silvertone.
The X-Ray Harpoons are pretty good at playing 60s Punk imo.