It's opening today here in Pittsburgh at the Manor Theater in Squirrel Hill. I'm going to see it tonight.
It's opening today here in Pittsburgh at the Manor Theater in Squirrel Hill. I'm going to see it tonight.
Intro to T.V. Eye popped into my head first as well, that's wild. Then I scrolled down before I hit "add reply" and saw that this was a common answer. I Got A Right(intro) too.
Dead Boys-Caught with the Meat in your Mouth.
M Jackson in 'Who's Bad' . Nah, another vote for Sonics. How do you do that shit without poping a vein?
I enjoy the gospel screams of Bunker Hill the most. I also like Wayne Cochran. One of my favorite garage rock songs is "Scream" by Ralph Nielson and the Chancellors. I'm not sure who's screaming on the song but man,what a blood curdling scream.
Joan Jett's scream at the beginning of the Runaways "Blackmail" is pretty darned good. Another lady with great pipes for screaming is Kyra LaRubia from Thee Headcoatees, A Lines, etc. Armitage Shanks backed her on a couple of singles one being Siouxsie and the banshees "Love In A Void." Like a dental drill through your brain.
It would have to go to Bunker Hill in my book!!!!
Ha! Good one, Elisa.
If only I could be a fly on the wall of your rock n' roll brain!
Thee Ms. Stixx said:
Maybe not "the best", but I'm been partial to those naughty boy, sexed-up, pure havin' fun screams by Marc Bolan....the first one at the beginning of "20th Century Boy" is unadultered "i'm a rock star and i'm going to get some pussy" howler......
BTW, you'll have to click the "photos" link at the top of the page. For some reason, that link won't take you straight to that page.
MikeL said:
Here's a link to the photo page of one of my favorite local venues, the 31st Street Pub here in Pittsburgh, PA...
For me, it's about memories. I got my first taste of garage rock at this place, i.e. Cynics, Swingin' Neckbreakers, Fleshtones. I also discovered Manda and the Marbles and the Paybacks at this place, and I also saw the Dictators for the first time at the Pub. My all time favorite local band, the Science Fiction Idols, played frequently at the Pub, along with the Ultimatics and the Cheats. The Takeover UK, another all time favorite band of mine, played there a few times (They were more into the Brillobox scene), but they were still enjoyable at the Pub.
As for the layout and atmosphere, it looks and feels somewhat like a homegrown version of CBGBs, minus the history and prestige. The stage is way in the back, the bar is along the right side, and the place has a very weather beaten look to it. It's also in a rather isolated area, which I kind of like because that gives it an enclave feel.
I hope this helps you out. This is probably one of the most interesting questions ever asked at this place.
Here's a link to the photo page of one of my favorite local venues, the 31st Street Pub here in Pittsburgh, PA... For me, it's about memories. I got my first taste of garage rock at this place, i.e. Cynics, Swingin' Neckbreakers, Fleshtones. I also discovered Manda and the Marbles and the Paybacks at this place, and I also saw the Dictators for the first time at the Pub. My all time favorite local band, the Science Fiction Idols, played frequently at the Pub, along with the Ultimatics and the Cheats. The Takeover UK, another all time favorite band of mine, played there a few times (They were more into the Brillobox scene), but they were still enjoyable at the Pub. As for the layout and atmosphere, it looks and feels somewhat like a homegrown version of CBGBs, minus the history and prestige. The stage is way in the back, the bar is along the right side, and the place has a very weather beaten look to it. It's also in a rather isolated area, which I kind of like because that gives it an enclave feel. I hope this helps you out. This is probably one of the most interesting questions ever asked at this place.
Windows & mirrors are the worst thing you can put into a club for acoustics. It makes for high end distortion.
I'm helping a friend design a local live music club. I'm interested in your input, what is one or two things about your favorite club that makes it special to you. Please don't just say "the music", I'm looking for ideas. Maybe it's the one foot stage or the way the bar is set up. Maybe you like the fact that there are no windows, or do you enjoy seeing people walk by. If your favorite club has a website, please put the name in your post so I can look it up. Is the name really important to you? list some ideas like "Garage Mahal", anything helps. Just pretend you have the money to build it from the ground up, but capacity will be about 200 people. Thanks in advance for your help.
Interesting interview but no one mentions them playing "Do The Ringo" on the Munsters show!
Here's a little "Gotta Move" for you... click on the link!
ratoonie said:
Victoria!!!!!;;;;; Waterlou Sunset!.... so tired.... presurvasion acts....sheeeeeesh ...too many!!!!
I'd feel bad if I didn't come back here and mention "I Gotta Move".
So many great songs to choose from: "House in the Country", "Shangri-La", "'Til the End of the Day", "Waterloo Sunset", "Celluloid Heroes"...
I think my favorite might be the Dave Davies song, "Lincoln County".
First track I played on the first episode of Way Past Cool [March 17th 2009]! Badda-Bing!
I think many of the bands I/we love have a similar sound to their songs. It's a vibe. Link Wray, The Cramps, etc. When it's that fucking cool why complain?
After seeing them live and being blown away, that only made me like them more. I don't like to critique a band too much when they've only made 2 albums though...
After listening to them a few more times since my last post, I do have to say there's definitely a serious similarity shared by all of their songs. Not that this is a bad thing -- the music rocks hard and it's really fun -- but it's a little repetitive. Nonetheless, I think the best way to describe their sound is what you'd expect to hear if Little Richard began his recording career after the invention of punk rock. Can't complain about that!
Alex said:
I've heard them popping up on a bunch of podcasts lately. The singer's voice is absolutely fearsome. "Elemental" is a pounder.
Close to 4 years after suffering a tragic fire, ? is finally getting his house built - He is desperately trying to raise $$ to get the present phase of the construction stabilized before the harsh Michigan winter sets in. He has some items that he is selling - please watch the video and pass it on to others in cyberspace - maybe you could buy a t-shirt or bandana??? Don't forget to post pix of you with your ? merch here on the fanpage!!
More info on donations and the sale at:
Saw BDOD in minneapolis when they played with Lover! But really my money is on Unwed Teenage Mothers! You should tour with the Mothers and come back to the midwest!
I'm pissed I miss it, I will be at the next one though. It's cool your gonna play the Yucca again, I don't think the extension was open last November, it's now twice the size. I'll bring a good group of people out for the show. john barrett said:
yeah hopefully heading back out west sometime after the record comes out. i played yucca last nov when i came through with lover!, we played with becky (ryan's girlfriend) and had a pretty awesome time. definitely wanna hit it up again.
yeah hopefully heading back out west sometime after the record comes out. i played yucca last nov when i came through with lover!, we played with becky (ryan's girlfriend) and had a pretty awesome time. definitely wanna hit it up again.
I know nothing about this other than this very brief press statement I was sent. I would assume that more information will be forthcoming when and if Ms. Franklin and her people wish for it to be released. Until then, let's all just keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
(Statement follows)
Detroit- Legendary Queen of Soul, Ms. Aretha Franklin was released from Sinai Grace Hospital on Saturday, October 30th following a brief stay. The Grammy Award-winning songstress was admitted to the hospital at the recommendation of her doctors.
Franklin is resting comfortably at home, but is anxious to get back on the road to perform for her countless fans around the world. Ms. Franklin added, “I would like to thank my friends, fans and supporters for all the beautiful flowers and their many well wishes.”
How about Violent Femmes, Neutral Milk Hotel, or Can Kickers? Some of Dan Bern's stuff. This is not something I'm an expert in, but I know it's out there.