Voix de garage #15 Special Drugs! Booze! Part I (05/02/2014)
*Intro* Know Your Product / The Saints / Eternally Yours / 1978 / Australie (Brisbane)
Dames, Booze, Chains and Boots / The Cramps / Look Mom, No Head! / 11/1991 / US (Akron, Ohio)
High On The Hog / TAD / Salt Lick / 1990 / US (Seattle)
Cheap Beer / FIDLAR / FIDLAR / 2013 / US (LA)
*60s Chapel* : Booze Party / 3 Aces & a Joker / Single / 1960 / US (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Cold Gin / Kiss / Kiss / 18/02/1974 / US (NYC)
Chardonnay / Mudhoney / Vanishing Point / 02/04/2013 / US (Seattle)
Born to die in Berlin / The Ramones / Adios Amigos / 18/07/1995 / US (NYC)
*5' French talk*
Too Drunk To Fuck / Dead Kennedys / Single / 05/1981 / US (LA)
Junkie Queen / The Richmond Sluts / The Richmond Sluts / 2001 / US
*Quiet moment* : Sweet Jane / The Velvet underground / Loaded / 11/1970 / US (NYC)
Sweet Leaf / Black Sabbath / Master Of Reality / 21/07/1971 / UK (Birmingham)
Moist Vagina / Nirvana / Rape Me/All Apologies (Single) / 1993 / US (Seattle)
*The lesson from Norway*: Librium Love / Turbonegro / Hot Cars And Spent Contraceptives / 03/1992 / Norway (Oslo)
*Must be played at maximum volume*: Stay Clean / Motorhead / Overkill / 24/03/1979 / UK (Stoke-on-Trent)
- See more at: http://www.trensmissions.ens.fr/voix-de-garage-15/#sthash.lge54ESM.dpuf