OK, um, Lutz, check the store now and see if those are what you wanted...
OK, um, Lutz, check the store now and see if those are what you wanted...
Ack! This was buried in the Support forum and I totally missed it. I'll have to look at this request when I have more time. Sorry, Gina!
Most of our podcasters (if not all) include playlists with their podcast blog posts (in the Blogs section).
Is that what you're looking for?
Anyone here ever heard of them? I just got their debut LP, "Snapshot," and it is very cool. They're a bunch of teen-agers from Ireland who really kick ass. I'm going to see them this March up in New York at the Bowery Ballroom, so I just thought I'd ask.
Kopper ,
YEAH , Mina and I talked about that. She did clear it up that my friend , Axel ,who was involved with the Voodoo Rhythm label in The 90's ( He gave me a few 45s ,inc. one by the Monsters. ) , did'nt own the label , but I'd forgotten who ran THAT corn-dog stand.
"My name is Beat - Man and I like....to Wrestling Rock'n'Roll !!!!".
John Battles said:
Hi , Mina . I'm not sure if I follow you , but "Punkabilly" has been used as a catch - all phrase to describe early bands that had their roots in Rockabilly and Punk , like , obviously , The Cramps , X , Alan Vega , even The Nips. Then , the whole Psychobilly thing happened , and changed the playing field.
It's still "Correct" to say something is "Punkabilly" if it fits that description. Voodoo Rhythm , that was Axel Gieseking's label , right?
No, she's talking about Beat-Man Zeller's label (they've run ads here in the past):
"what do you think of this new term?"
Uh, you're kidding, right? This "term" is probably older than you are...
Hell yeah
Oh yeah, that would be great.
What do you guys think? You want more of this crap?
Thanks, SeƱor Claus. I will keep an eye open. Hope they pass by Chicago.
cute, but uh sorta lacking in the energy department, aren't they????
Hey, yeah, they're actually supposed to visit this March, Las Vegas and LA (so I've heard). I've seen them live many times in Tokyo. They were in California last summer. Check out details on their facebook page. Cheers! J
Does anybody know if these nice fellows do tour the US? I'm totally hooked to their music and would love to know more about them.
Chris (?) - Nathan Barley? Book ? TV SHOW ? Neither ? Is it some extension of Steam Punk , only more Dickensian. I remember , if I'm not mistaken , Lee "Scratch " Perry had an LP called "Super Ape".....No connection , I guess. I know what you mean , you don't want to knock your local bands , if they're cool people.
MATT - Scion or Vice I don't know about , either. EXCEPT VICE MAGAZINE/RECORDS. Sounds like it's just as well..... It's almost too easy to take shots at Punk - Pop or Epitaph , excluding the Cramps and Wayne Kramer,......But , I'm not being innundated with it like I was in the 90's. A lot of things are under my radar , now , too.
Well , most people agree "Hate in The 80's" and "Scavenger of Death"were the best things Bobby Soxx did , but that was earlier. Bobby played out , early on, with the Dirkx Bros.( aka The Telefones , Dallas , and possibly Texas' , most popular Power Pop band . But , it seems they did'nt appear on that recent "Radio Ready" comp.) , who backed him on that 45 , as The Nazis From Hell (Such originality).....then revamping his group as The Teenage Queers (More originality - But it was a contest to come up with the most outrageous names - V.D.Generats , Sharon Tate's Baby , Vomit Pigs , Smegma ,etc.) , which , as I recall , was the formative Stickmen With Rayguns (Actually , a great name , but, live , I found 'em horrendous. Some agree , some don't.
Some people , if I tell 'em I lived in Dallas in the 80's , go "Stickmen ! Bobby Soxx !", as if The Nervebreakers never happened .
I was a big Kiss fan in Jr. High. They were the first Rock concert I attended , with Bob Seger and Artful Doger opening . But , unlike , say , Alice Cooper , when I walked away from Kiss , Aerosmith and solo Ted Nugent , I really never went back. Even tho' I DON'T MIND AEROSMITH IN MODERATION , NOW , And some solo Nugent , with Derek St. Holmes on vocals, they had some good toons. Just don't need to buy it.
Black Flag - I've only ever owned "Jealous Again" and the "Decline " tracks. Pre - Henry , I could take....I ONLY REALLY LIKED "T.V. PARTY" FROM "DAMAGED" , AND ONLY A SMATTERING OF LATER STUFF. I AGREE , THEY BECAME LESS INTERESTING. But , I was never much of a fan , to start with. Some of the bands I mentioned , for example , The Cars , they don't bother me as much , because I don't have to hear them almost daily , like in High School and early College. They were one of those bands , like AC/DC , I TRIED to get into , but , just could'nt......
I know I cited examples off the top of my head that are still well liked in many circles. But , as you say , each to his own.
There are so many other bands I really loathe , if I thought about it, and you might just agree.
God knows how we agree on BONE - O and U- Douche.....But , I admit , I liked their first album at the time , and parts of the second and third albums. This was still before they were a HUGE arena band. Bono accused Flock of Seagulls' Guitarist of ripping off and commercializing The Edge's sound. IN REALITY , though , it seems The Edge did the same with Keith Levene's Guitar sound....
Matt said:
Most bands mentioned are so far off my radar that I have no trouble ignoring them. I guess if I was forced to listen to Pennywise or NOFX...etc I would hate them. However, playing in bands and going to shows frequently, I tend to aim my haterd towards bands I am forced to sit through in order to see the band I came to see (not always, but frequently). Unfortunately these are usually local bands. There are definitely good local bands here, but also a lot of hipster Scion/ Vice/ Watered-down punk/ garage bands that really annoy me. I used to smoke cigarettes and always went outside to smoke durring these obtrusive bands, but since I no longer smoke it has become more of a bring-down on my nights out. I don't intend to out local bands that I hate, I'm sure they hate my bands too, but my point is, the other stuff I find easy to ignore, the stuff I am forced to hear is what I really hate.
I like over half the bands John hates. Not huge on Stickmen, but the Bobby Soxx with Learn To Hate/ Scavenger of Death single kills, I like all Black Flag up to My War and then even a lot of stuff after, but the albums got less interesting, KISS - I like the first 6 albums, Black Metal is too borad, but I like a lot of Black Metal bands... anyway, to each their own.
I guess U2 is a band I activly hate hate. Can't escape Bono.
Vice? That was the inspiration for Sugar Ape in "Nathan Barley". Anyway, most of the more Nathan Barley bands kind of get on my nerves sometimes, but there are good ones too. Fuck Buttons are quite Nathan Barley, the name just reeks of it.
Most bands mentioned are so far off my radar that I have no trouble ignoring them. I guess if I was forced to listen to Pennywise or NOFX...etc I would hate them. However, playing in bands and going to shows frequently, I tend to aim my haterd towards bands I am forced to sit through in order to see the band I came to see (not always, but frequently). Unfortunately these are usually local bands. There are definitely good local bands here, but also a lot of hipster Scion/ Vice/ Watered-down punk/ garage bands that really annoy me. I used to smoke cigarettes and always went outside to smoke durring these obtrusive bands, but since I no longer smoke it has become more of a bring-down on my nights out. I don't intend to out local bands that I hate, I'm sure they hate my bands too, but my point is, the other stuff I find easy to ignore, the stuff I am forced to hear is what I really hate.
I like over half the bands John hates. Not huge on Stickmen, but the Bobby Soxx with Learn To Hate/ Scavenger of Death single kills, I like all Black Flag up to My War and then even a lot of stuff after, but the albums got less interesting, KISS - I like the first 6 albums, Black Metal is too borad, but I like a lot of Black Metal bands... anyway, to each their own.
I guess U2 is a band I activly hate hate. Can't escape Bono.
I guess they figure younger people will relate to that... It does'nt even sound like teen angst . "Smells like Pre - Teen NAPPY !"
On the good news front , guess what? I found teh Viz second "Big Pink Hard ONE" book a few days ago! I could'nt believe it ! I have the first book , that's how I got absorbed The Viz Vacuum , some 25 years ago. God ! They're so primitive. There's only a half page , each , on Sid The Sexist and Biffa Bacon. We're getting Viz again , here in Chicago. When Tower Records closed , no one carried it for years. But , I generally only buy it if there's a Sid , a Roger NELLIE AND/OR BIFFA BACON. Still love Modern Parents and Fat Slags.....BUT , I saw the new issue the same day I found that book from 1989.....The differnce was like .......well , it was like Pete Shelley , Knox , Leonard Grave Phillips , Eugene Reynolds and other people who can carry a tune , and this WHINGING Pop- pUNK. NO , THAT'S NOT FAIR. THE NEW VIZ IS FINE , JUST A LOT MORE SLICK.
Why is pop punk so whinging? What would happen if you played something like The Sonics or "Sliced Tomatoes" by The Just Brothers?
I LIKE THAT. "BED WETTING BANDS". THAT'S HOW I'VE FELT ABUT PUNK POP/VAN'S WARPED TOUR BANDS......BUT. while I was once a teenage boy , myself , in my teens , Punk might have been dead , might have been , but it was so recent , they were still paying off the burial expenses and headstone fees. In about '97 , I was at a party of mostly underage drinkers. Oh , yes , I blew the whistle on 'em -" help. police. help". But they were playing all this terrible whiney , wet mypants PUNK POP GARBAGE. Sure , maybe I was just too old to get it , but , I had to think , these kids have access to all these great reissues of original 70'S pUNK stuff that I DID'NT HAVE. It WAS SIMPLY CALLED "oUT OF PRINT" , MUCH OF IT , BY THE EARLY TO MID 80's.
Plus , I thought , Punk Pop . or Pop Punk(As we used to call it.) , The Dickies could eat these bands for breakfast (And find a cool prize at the bottom of the box.), too say nothing of The Vibrators , Rezillos , Buzzcocks , Boys , Lurkers , etc. Just then , a Dickies song came on , proving my point. To myself , anyway.
I never saw the show, but what made it so bad?
I never watch it because I KNOW it's gonna suck, so I don't know (nor do I really care) what I missed. ;)
I guess its kind-of general knowledge around these here parts...but man, I just dont seem to fit in or understand at all THE GRAMMY'S. I mean, it was a horrible show. The way I see it, rock would be dead if it wasnt for groups like us.
Not that I know of, but if you find anything I'd love to read it.