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    • May 13, 2011 2:50 PM CDT
    • Gotta luv Elvis :):):)......great find..I wannna a copy 2:):)

    • May 10, 2011 5:18 PM CDT
    • Strictly speaking this should have gone into the Shameless Self-Promotion. So maybe next time you could put these events in there? Also make sure you add these sorta things to the events calendar so that everyone in the Hideout can see them. Cool?

    • May 6, 2011 8:45 AM CDT
    • Thanks a lot! Will do!

      Al Via said:

      Good luck! Wish I could be there. Tell Steve Blickenstaff I'll be wearing my Atomic Mosquitos shirt to show support

    • May 6, 2011 7:51 AM CDT
    • Good luck! Wish I could be there. Tell Steve Blickenstaff I'll be wearing my Atomic Mosquitos shirt to show support

    • May 5, 2011 9:23 PM CDT
    • Hey All,

      Wasn't sure if I should put this in here or in shameless self-promotion but since it involves 17 other artists I put it here.  The opening reception is Friday, May 6th from 7-11pm.  If you're in NYC and like monsters and art you should come by.  It's gonna be an awesome night!  Poster by Patrick McQuade.

    • May 9, 2011 3:34 AM CDT
    • well, i don't think i'll have enough time to leave the city.

      But if i can find a cheap Danelectro 59 or 56, i think i'll not resist...

    • May 8, 2011 2:51 PM CDT
    • If you want to buy old records or old musical gear you need to go outside of NYC.  Seriously.  They cost an arm and an ear in the city.  If you've got serious money to burn, then I'll tell you some places.  But honestly, I have to leave the city to buy that kind of stuff.

    • May 8, 2011 8:44 AM CDT
    • Is anyone can give me some adresses for musical instriment shop ?? vintage/garage/cheap guitars amps etc etc...


    • May 2, 2011 10:49 AM CDT
    • they're totally different. botanica is a pretty low key 60's soul affair. motor city is more of a ludlow street garage/punk bar hang. both fun.

    • May 2, 2011 10:34 AM CDT
    • ok ! i 'll try Crif dog so  !

      maybe on 7th or 8th !

      There the Mr fine wine soul dj night at botanica or Newyork train punk dj night at motor city on the 8th , i'll try to do both ! which one is better ?

      tell christophe to put up a party !



    • May 2, 2011 9:38 AM CDT
    • I'll be gone 9th to 12th of June, so we can meet up before I leave.

      The first issue of Bananas I wrote on Crif Dog.  Second issue I wrote about Honey Chiles, which closed.

    • May 2, 2011 3:25 AM CDT
    • Will we have a chance to meet ?

      Maybe around a pizza (love it) !?? it seems that you like food , what is the place you talk about in Bananas #1 ? i lost my issue somewhere...

      Charles Gaskins said:

      Oh yeah, I forgot i'm djing in canada. Killer diller is taking over the great white north!

    • May 8, 2011 8:09 AM CDT
    • Boston/garage/Lyres! Have her contact/friend me,I'll probably remember I still play from tyme to tyme....

    • May 6, 2011 12:13 PM CDT
    • Sam Black Church...oh, wait..nevermind.

    • May 6, 2011 9:17 AM CDT
    • Hey there! I have a friend that's going to Boston shortly and she wanted to know about any cool bands active in Boston. What bands should she ckeck out?





    • May 6, 2011 4:54 PM CDT
    • Anyone in here in SW FL who wants to put a rockin lil project together? I got drums.  VERY sleepy down here, this place needs to wake up BAD.   Thx  Elisa

    • May 5, 2011 8:42 PM CDT
    • Looks like I'm gonna be in Denver (from Calgary, Alberta, Canada) for a couple days in early July.  The 10th to the 13th I think. 


      What's the best stuff to do while there?  I'm talking record stores and venues mostly.  Where's a guy go to pick up some cool punk LPs and 45s? 


      Also, any info on the brewpub/micro brewery scene in Denver would be greatly appreciated. 



    • May 1, 2011 8:27 PM CDT
    • The Underdogs
      Bob Seger
      ? and The Mysterians
      The Woolies
      The Rationals
      The Wanted
      Unrelated Segments
      The Frost
      The Cult Heroes
      The 27
      The Blades
      Gang War
      Toby Redd
      Negative Approach
      Vivo Tempo
      Mystery Girls/Junk Monkeys
      The Treblemakers
      Bootsey X and The Lovemasters
      The Trash Brats
      Paul K.
      Angry Red Planet
      The Bushmasters
      The Detroit Cobras
      Outrageous Cherry
      Rocket 455
      Johnny Law
      The Twistin' Tarantulas
      Ten High
      Chinese Millionaires
      Fortune & Maltese
      The Volebeats
      The Wildbunch
      The Hentchmen
      The Go
      The Paybacks
      The Shanks
      The Fondas
      The Hard Lessons

      Some of these may have already been mentioned...

    • May 1, 2011 3:37 PM CDT
    • No problem. This is a huge thread now, so there's lots of info and a ton of bands mentioned. 

      The cool thing is that the list could go on and on if we really wanted to mention all the great bands around here.

      Blair said:

      My brain must've been flickering when I went past your original post.  Sorry 'bout that.  But glad we agree.

      ELECTROMAGS said:
      The Sights were one of the first ones mentioned in this thread, for the same reasons you mention.

      Blair said:
      Nobody's mentioned The Sights?  Seriously?  Eddie Baranek has gone through a number of different lineups, but ALWAYS gets very talented musicians.  AND the songs are great.  And he's a fantastic performer.

    • May 1, 2011 1:02 AM CDT
    • 6 hours west of Brooklyn, its just east of Erie.  We can also hook you up in Waterloo, ON and maybe Toronto too.

    • April 30, 2011 11:10 PM CDT
    • sounds doable for rond juky 15- whjerei s jamestown?

    • April 30, 2011 4:28 PM CDT
    • Hey there, we were actually looking for shows in july in NYC, specifically the 15th...  wanna swap for a show in Jamestown?

    • April 30, 2011 3:48 PM CDT
    • Hi Everybody,

      My name is Sam, I'm from Ontario and play in this band:
      We are touring with our good bud's The Music Box:
      We have planned a tour in the south with a feewwww holes in it and could use some help/guidance if anybody is willing to give us a couple of hints or pushes in the right direction.  Here is what we have so far...

      July 9th- Atlanta GA
      July 10th- ...
      July 11th-...
      July 12th- Athens GA

      July 13th-...
      July 14th- Virginia Beach

      July 15th...
      July 16th- Albany NY

      July 17th- Jamestown NY
      July 18th- Back home.  

      So we basically need some shows on the 10th, 11th, 13th, and 15th...  Can anybody help us out with some contacts or anything?