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    • January 28, 2013 2:16 AM CST
    • 1st gig i ever went to was the fall in early 79,it was shit,as an impressionable 12 year old i remember thinking,sod this live music bit,im gonna stick to records.

    • January 27, 2013 5:54 PM CST
    • I just put in a request to MRR to publish the old Motards interview from '95! Would love to see it in print once more, but I dunno, we'll see.

    • January 27, 2013 5:45 PM CST
    • dave , I started a message , but , it was 'ET.

      Yeah , I have 45s BY ALL OF THOSE SA BANDS WE MENTIONED, have'nt listened to 'em in years , but , I have'nt traded 'em in , either , so , I must have liked them. I've purchased a total of three copies of MRR in my life , and I was mentioned in two of them. Don't get me wrong , I'm fully aware of how little I have to show for my efforts.


    • January 27, 2013 2:34 PM CST
    • Yeah, even tho' they'd review something like that Squires re-issue, MRR was waaay too hardcore oriented for me to read for years! Kudos to Tim for opening that portal. By the time that interview came out (wanna say late 95/early 96) they were stuffed with garage- and 60's punk fans. "Huzzah!"

      Big Drag, yeah, I'd forgotten about them! Great pop done w/ a dash of punk. Singer had a nice burr in his voice, played a half-stack. If you can find their 45s for cheap (Sleep King and Unclean come to mind), buy 'em. Jeff Smith (Hickoids) put out their CD after an Unclean deal fell through.

      You would prolly like the Drop-Outs, 60s punk done w/ a singer who put out a bit of country into his voice. They have a song or two on that Au Go Go Texas comp. from that time.

      Supercharger is a funny (strange) band, I couldn't get enuff of 'em in the 90s but today they just don't do it for me. Same for the Rip-Offs.

      John Battles said:

      Well , you touched on something.When I interviewed Sons of Hercules , they told me "We were out of it geeks. Like, we knew Thee Headcoats
      , but , we did'nt know about Supercharger!" They sold me on Supercharger , I bought their record , thank God it was 1/2 PRICE , BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS TERRIBLE. They were playing up their local bands , Inhalants , Cryin'Out Louds , Big Drag , Motards. There was another band , The Drop-Outs. They said Joe "King " Carrasco turned up at their gigs a lot. This was before Jon Horne from The Cryin' Out Louds  WON THE BUDDY BRADLEY LOOKALIKE CONTEST !  NOT AFTER, BUT WHILE , PETER BAGGE WAS DOING  THE 45 SLEEVE FOR JON'S SISTER , CHRIS HORNE'S , BAND , THE FABULOUS BROOD !!!! 

      P.S. I did'nt know  Sons of Hercules were even IN MRR. It was around that time , they started experimenting with Garage , when they could have been supporting it in the 80's , too.


      dave said:

      Yeah, it was just about exactly that time. It was that Sons interview in MRR that Tim Stegall did where Danny says they weren't aware of Birdman. And it wasn't me that hepped 'em to it, probably Tim Hayes (Cryin' Out Louds) or Lisa Rickenberg (Inhalants). Tim prolly gave 'em the video, too, he had a LOT of R&R stuff! He showed me a gig in the Funhouse where Birdman's fans were goin' apeshit, it was inspiring! It freaked out John Wilson (Motards), too, he couldn't understand fans getting so worked-up.

      I was just joking about bein' sore at missing them, it woulda been cool, but I wasn't even aware of an American tour (yoiks!).

      John Battles said:

      You mean , SOH had'nt heard of Radio Birdman til you hepped them to it? That must have been a long time ago , cos I met them in the early 90's , whentheir first LP came out , and I know we spoke about them at the time , as Dan Hoekstra (Now w/Purple Stickpin) and Dale Hollon were telling me about a Birdman/Saints video they had (Which they eventually got me  a copy of...). Maybe it was the second time they were here , but even that was before the second LP came out (I remember ,because my artwork was being considered for the cover.).....I remember, too , they did "(I'm) Misunderstood" by The Saints the first or second time they were here. I'm sorry , I figured you had the chance to see Radio Birdman
      on one one of their U.S. reunion tours. They played  here , twice , but ,I did'nt go the second time , because it was hotter than FUCK in that place , take a very old building , no A.C. , OVERSOLD TO THE HILT , middle of summer......Yes , it was'nt Texas - hot outside, but ,it sure was , inside. Both shows were mid - summer , a year apart.   John Doe raised Hell about how hot it was (The place is called Double Door , and they have crappy sight lines , besides.), once , but a cool - headed Jim Heath (Horton Heat) just said , "It gets real hot in Texas , too , but , we've got something you don't have , here......ADEQUATE AIR - CONDITIONING.".       "aLTAMONT '69" . ha ha ha. I've never heard anything about 27 DEVILS JOKING PLAYING OUT IN THE LAST 15 YEARS.
        , I figured BrYon S.Curley went back to New Mexico. But , it's been over 15 years since I've been to the town where you have to sell your soul to get a taxi.

      dave said:

      Oh, sure, rub it in, eeeeevvvvverybody sees some band Deniz Tek is in but me! Well, at least I got to say a few drunken words to him in Austin while the Sons of Hercules were playin' (while wearin' my leather w/ the Birdman logo on it!). "Hey, what's that emblem on your jacket?" hahaha... You could tell Tek knew the lineage of the Sons, and got off on their sound. Ironically, the guys hadn't heard Birdman 'til they got a following in Austin.

      Hey, I met 27 Devils Joking, I think they changed their name to Altamont '69 (genius!)...

      John Battles said:

      DENIZ TEK , WHO LIVES IN DETROIT , NOW (WELL...DOES ANYBODY?) , HAS BEEN PLAYING , OFF AND ON , WITH SCOTT MORGAN'S POWERTRANE. They played here , 4 or 5 years ago , with a frontline of Morgan (Rationals, Sonics Rendezvous Group,etc.), Tek , and Robert Gillespie (Rob Tyner , Mitch Ryder.) . Either of those Guitarists and singers could front a great band of their own , but, together , Holy Shit ! Less than 15 people showed , including the opening band, Thunderwing.......that's another subcategory "Best shows nobody went to"

      Mine would include - Divine Horsemen ,   Chris D.'s Flesheaters offshoot band , that , admittedly ,had'nt had much press yet. I ONLY KNEW ABOUT THE GIG , AND WHO THEY WERE , BECAUSE I WAS standing right outside the club , somewhat dejected after seeing a very competent but not very Garage (In sound or repertoirre) Larry and The Bluenotes , and I read a mention about the show in The Dallas Observer

      Ragin' Fire - Despite a Southern Rock Bar band - sounding name , this Nashville Roots /Country Punk outfit , fronted by a gutsy female singer , Melora Zaner, took me entirely by surprise. I think the 6 or 10 other attendees agreed.

      Voodoo Dolls - Cramps/Flesheaters /Roky - influenced Punk Rock and Roll. From Florida , their very early sides are on You  Tube , now.

      27 Devils Joking. THE OTHER 14 PEOPLE WERE THERE FOR THE OPENING BAND , BUT STAYED , ANYWAY. This , given the fact that the club stretched the truth just a BIT , and said Singer/ Bassist , Brian S. Curley had been in The 13th Floor Eleveators. It's possible he played in the reformed group for one gig in Houston in 1984  , after Ronnie Leatherman bailed. He did back Roky in The  Resurrectionists (With Nervebreakers Drummer , Carl Giesecke.) and Evil Hook Wildlife E.T. , as well as Lester Bangs with The Delinquents ,who also released a very B- 52's ish LP of their own. 27DJ rocked like Raw Power - era Stooges , with the expected nods to Roky and The Elevators , live. Guitarist Tom Trusnovic is in T.TEX EDWARDS' CURRENT GROUP (ONE of 'em.) , PURPLE STICKPIN.

      Best recent shows attended by 30 people or less (FOR SHAME , CHICAGO)

      Fleshtones at Double Door , ? and The Mysterians at Reggie's (TWICE ! CRIME !).

    • January 27, 2013 1:00 AM CST
    • Well , you touched on something.When I interviewed Sons of Hercules , they told me "We were out of it geeks. Like, we knew Thee Headcoats
      , but , we did'nt know about Supercharger!" They sold me on Supercharger , I bought their record , thank God it was 1/2 PRICE , BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS TERRIBLE. They were playing up their local bands , Inhalants , Cryin'Out Louds , Big Drag , Motards. There was another band , The Drop-Outs. They said Joe "King " Carrasco turned up at their gigs a lot. This was before Jon Horne from The Cryin' Out Louds  WON THE BUDDY BRADLEY LOOKALIKE CONTEST !  NOT AFTER, BUT WHILE , PETER BAGGE WAS DOING  THE 45 SLEEVE FOR JON'S SISTER , CHRIS HORNE'S , BAND , THE FABULOUS BROOD !!!! 

      P.S. I did'nt know  Sons of Hercules were even IN MRR. It was around that time , they started experimenting with Garage , when they could have been supporting it in the 80's , too.


      dave said:

      Yeah, it was just about exactly that time. It was that Sons interview in MRR that Tim Stegall did where Danny says they weren't aware of Birdman. And it wasn't me that hepped 'em to it, probably Tim Hayes (Cryin' Out Louds) or Lisa Rickenberg (Inhalants). Tim prolly gave 'em the video, too, he had a LOT of R&R stuff! He showed me a gig in the Funhouse where Birdman's fans were goin' apeshit, it was inspiring! It freaked out John Wilson (Motards), too, he couldn't understand fans getting so worked-up.

      I was just joking about bein' sore at missing them, it woulda been cool, but I wasn't even aware of an American tour (yoiks!).

      John Battles said:

      You mean , SOH had'nt heard of Radio Birdman til you hepped them to it? That must have been a long time ago , cos I met them in the early 90's , whentheir first LP came out , and I know we spoke about them at the time , as Dan Hoekstra (Now w/Purple Stickpin) and Dale Hollon were telling me about a Birdman/Saints video they had (Which they eventually got me  a copy of...). Maybe it was the second time they were here , but even that was before the second LP came out (I remember ,because my artwork was being considered for the cover.).....I remember, too , they did "(I'm) Misunderstood" by The Saints the first or second time they were here. I'm sorry , I figured you had the chance to see Radio Birdman
      on one one of their U.S. reunion tours. They played  here , twice , but ,I did'nt go the second time , because it was hotter than FUCK in that place , take a very old building , no A.C. , OVERSOLD TO THE HILT , middle of summer......Yes , it was'nt Texas - hot outside, but ,it sure was , inside. Both shows were mid - summer , a year apart.   John Doe raised Hell about how hot it was (The place is called Double Door , and they have crappy sight lines , besides.), once , but a cool - headed Jim Heath (Horton Heat) just said , "It gets real hot in Texas , too , but , we've got something you don't have , here......ADEQUATE AIR - CONDITIONING.".       "aLTAMONT '69" . ha ha ha. I've never heard anything about 27 DEVILS JOKING PLAYING OUT IN THE LAST 15 YEARS.
        , I figured BrYon S.Curley went back to New Mexico. But , it's been over 15 years since I've been to the town where you have to sell your soul to get a taxi.

      dave said:

      Oh, sure, rub it in, eeeeevvvvverybody sees some band Deniz Tek is in but me! Well, at least I got to say a few drunken words to him in Austin while the Sons of Hercules were playin' (while wearin' my leather w/ the Birdman logo on it!). "Hey, what's that emblem on your jacket?" hahaha... You could tell Tek knew the lineage of the Sons, and got off on their sound. Ironically, the guys hadn't heard Birdman 'til they got a following in Austin.

      Hey, I met 27 Devils Joking, I think they changed their name to Altamont '69 (genius!)...

      John Battles said:

      DENIZ TEK , WHO LIVES IN DETROIT , NOW (WELL...DOES ANYBODY?) , HAS BEEN PLAYING , OFF AND ON , WITH SCOTT MORGAN'S POWERTRANE. They played here , 4 or 5 years ago , with a frontline of Morgan (Rationals, Sonics Rendezvous Group,etc.), Tek , and Robert Gillespie (Rob Tyner , Mitch Ryder.) . Either of those Guitarists and singers could front a great band of their own , but, together , Holy Shit ! Less than 15 people showed , including the opening band, Thunderwing.......that's another subcategory "Best shows nobody went to"

      Mine would include - Divine Horsemen ,   Chris D.'s Flesheaters offshoot band , that , admittedly ,had'nt had much press yet. I ONLY KNEW ABOUT THE GIG , AND WHO THEY WERE , BECAUSE I WAS standing right outside the club , somewhat dejected after seeing a very competent but not very Garage (In sound or repertoirre) Larry and The Bluenotes , and I read a mention about the show in The Dallas Observer

      Ragin' Fire - Despite a Southern Rock Bar band - sounding name , this Nashville Roots /Country Punk outfit , fronted by a gutsy female singer , Melora Zaner, took me entirely by surprise. I think the 6 or 10 other attendees agreed.

      Voodoo Dolls - Cramps/Flesheaters /Roky - influenced Punk Rock and Roll. From Florida , their very early sides are on You  Tube , now.

      27 Devils Joking. THE OTHER 14 PEOPLE WERE THERE FOR THE OPENING BAND , BUT STAYED , ANYWAY. This , given the fact that the club stretched the truth just a BIT , and said Singer/ Bassist , Brian S. Curley had been in The 13th Floor Eleveators. It's possible he played in the reformed group for one gig in Houston in 1984  , after Ronnie Leatherman bailed. He did back Roky in The  Resurrectionists (With Nervebreakers Drummer , Carl Giesecke.) and Evil Hook Wildlife E.T. , as well as Lester Bangs with The Delinquents ,who also released a very B- 52's ish LP of their own. 27DJ rocked like Raw Power - era Stooges , with the expected nods to Roky and The Elevators , live. Guitarist Tom Trusnovic is in T.TEX EDWARDS' CURRENT GROUP (ONE of 'em.) , PURPLE STICKPIN.

      Best recent shows attended by 30 people or less (FOR SHAME , CHICAGO)

      Fleshtones at Double Door , ? and The Mysterians at Reggie's (TWICE ! CRIME !).

    • January 26, 2013 6:04 PM CST
    • Yeah, it was just about exactly that time. It was that Sons interview in MRR that Tim Stegall did where Danny says they weren't aware of Birdman. And it wasn't me that hepped 'em to it, probably Tim Hayes (Cryin' Out Louds) or Lisa Rickenberg (Inhalants). Tim prolly gave 'em the video, too, he had a LOT of R&R stuff! He showed me a gig in the Funhouse where Birdman's fans were goin' apeshit, it was inspiring! It freaked out John Wilson (Motards), too, he couldn't understand fans getting so worked-up.

      I was just joking about bein' sore at missing them, it woulda been cool, but I wasn't even aware of an American tour (yoiks!).

      John Battles said:

      You mean , SOH had'nt heard of Radio Birdman til you hepped them to it? That must have been a long time ago , cos I met them in the early 90's , whentheir first LP came out , and I know we spoke about them at the time , as Dan Hoekstra (Now w/Purple Stickpin) and Dale Hollon were telling me about a Birdman/Saints video they had (Which they eventually got me  a copy of...). Maybe it was the second time they were here , but even that was before the second LP came out (I remember ,because my artwork was being considered for the cover.).....I remember, too , they did "(I'm) Misunderstood" by The Saints the first or second time they were here. I'm sorry , I figured you had the chance to see Radio Birdman
      on one one of their U.S. reunion tours. They played  here , twice , but ,I did'nt go the second time , because it was hotter than FUCK in that place , take a very old building , no A.C. , OVERSOLD TO THE HILT , middle of summer......Yes , it was'nt Texas - hot outside, but ,it sure was , inside. Both shows were mid - summer , a year apart.   John Doe raised Hell about how hot it was (The place is called Double Door , and they have crappy sight lines , besides.), once , but a cool - headed Jim Heath (Horton Heat) just said , "It gets real hot in Texas , too , but , we've got something you don't have , here......ADEQUATE AIR - CONDITIONING.".       "aLTAMONT '69" . ha ha ha. I've never heard anything about 27 DEVILS JOKING PLAYING OUT IN THE LAST 15 YEARS.
        , I figured BrYon S.Curley went back to New Mexico. But , it's been over 15 years since I've been to the town where you have to sell your soul to get a taxi.

      dave said:

      Oh, sure, rub it in, eeeeevvvvverybody sees some band Deniz Tek is in but me! Well, at least I got to say a few drunken words to him in Austin while the Sons of Hercules were playin' (while wearin' my leather w/ the Birdman logo on it!). "Hey, what's that emblem on your jacket?" hahaha... You could tell Tek knew the lineage of the Sons, and got off on their sound. Ironically, the guys hadn't heard Birdman 'til they got a following in Austin.

      Hey, I met 27 Devils Joking, I think they changed their name to Altamont '69 (genius!)...

      John Battles said:

      DENIZ TEK , WHO LIVES IN DETROIT , NOW (WELL...DOES ANYBODY?) , HAS BEEN PLAYING , OFF AND ON , WITH SCOTT MORGAN'S POWERTRANE. They played here , 4 or 5 years ago , with a frontline of Morgan (Rationals, Sonics Rendezvous Group,etc.), Tek , and Robert Gillespie (Rob Tyner , Mitch Ryder.) . Either of those Guitarists and singers could front a great band of their own , but, together , Holy Shit ! Less than 15 people showed , including the opening band, Thunderwing.......that's another subcategory "Best shows nobody went to"

      Mine would include - Divine Horsemen ,   Chris D.'s Flesheaters offshoot band , that , admittedly ,had'nt had much press yet. I ONLY KNEW ABOUT THE GIG , AND WHO THEY WERE , BECAUSE I WAS standing right outside the club , somewhat dejected after seeing a very competent but not very Garage (In sound or repertoirre) Larry and The Bluenotes , and I read a mention about the show in The Dallas Observer

      Ragin' Fire - Despite a Southern Rock Bar band - sounding name , this Nashville Roots /Country Punk outfit , fronted by a gutsy female singer , Melora Zaner, took me entirely by surprise. I think the 6 or 10 other attendees agreed.

      Voodoo Dolls - Cramps/Flesheaters /Roky - influenced Punk Rock and Roll. From Florida , their very early sides are on You  Tube , now.

      27 Devils Joking. THE OTHER 14 PEOPLE WERE THERE FOR THE OPENING BAND , BUT STAYED , ANYWAY. This , given the fact that the club stretched the truth just a BIT , and said Singer/ Bassist , Brian S. Curley had been in The 13th Floor Eleveators. It's possible he played in the reformed group for one gig in Houston in 1984  , after Ronnie Leatherman bailed. He did back Roky in The  Resurrectionists (With Nervebreakers Drummer , Carl Giesecke.) and Evil Hook Wildlife E.T. , as well as Lester Bangs with The Delinquents ,who also released a very B- 52's ish LP of their own. 27DJ rocked like Raw Power - era Stooges , with the expected nods to Roky and The Elevators , live. Guitarist Tom Trusnovic is in T.TEX EDWARDS' CURRENT GROUP (ONE of 'em.) , PURPLE STICKPIN.

      Best recent shows attended by 30 people or less (FOR SHAME , CHICAGO)

      Fleshtones at Double Door , ? and The Mysterians at Reggie's (TWICE ! CRIME !).

    • January 26, 2013 5:52 PM CST
    • You mean , SOH had'nt heard of Radio Birdman til you hepped them to it? That must have been a long time ago , cos I met them in the early 90's , whentheir first LP came out , and I know we spoke about them at the time , as Dan Hoekstra (Now w/Purple Stickpin) and Dale Hollon were telling me about a Birdman/Saints video they had (Which they eventually got me  a copy of...). Maybe it was the second time they were here , but even that was before the second LP came out (I remember ,because my artwork was being considered for the cover.).....I remember, too , they did "(I'm) Misunderstood" by The Saints the first or second time they were here. I'm sorry , I figured you had the chance to see Radio Birdman
      on one one of their U.S. reunion tours. They played  here , twice , but ,I did'nt go the second time , because it was hotter than FUCK in that place , take a very old building , no A.C. , OVERSOLD TO THE HILT , middle of summer......Yes , it was'nt Texas - hot outside, but ,it sure was , inside. Both shows were mid - summer , a year apart.   John Doe raised Hell about how hot it was (The place is called Double Door , and they have crappy sight lines , besides.), once , but a cool - headed Jim Heath (Horton Heat) just said , "It gets real hot in Texas , too , but , we've got something you don't have , here......ADEQUATE AIR - CONDITIONING.".       "aLTAMONT '69" . ha ha ha. I've never heard anything about 27 DEVILS JOKING PLAYING OUT IN THE LAST 15 YEARS.
        , I figured Brian S.Curley went back to New Mexico. But , it's been over 15 years since I've been to the town where you have to sell your soul to get a taxi.

      dave said:

      Oh, sure, rub it in, eeeeevvvvverybody sees some band Deniz Tek is in but me! Well, at least I got to say a few drunken words to him in Austin while the Sons of Hercules were playin' (while wearin' my leather w/ the Birdman logo on it!). "Hey, what's that emblem on your jacket?" hahaha... You could tell Tek knew the lineage of the Sons, and got off on their sound. Ironically, the guys hadn't heard Birdman 'til they got a following in Austin.

      Hey, I met 27 Devils Joking, I think they changed their name to Altamont '69 (genius!)...

      John Battles said:

      DENIZ TEK , WHO LIVES IN DETROIT , NOW (WELL...DOES ANYBODY?) , HAS BEEN PLAYING , OFF AND ON , WITH SCOTT MORGAN'S POWERTRANE. They played here , 4 or 5 years ago , with a frontline of Morgan (Rationals, Sonics Rendezvous Group,etc.), Tek , and Robert Gillespie (Rob Tyner , Mitch Ryder.) . Either of those Guitarists and singers could front a great band of their own , but, together , Holy Shit ! Less than 15 people showed , including the opening band, Thunderwing.......that's another subcategory "Best shows nobody went to"

      Mine would include - Divine Horsemen ,   Chris D.'s Flesheaters offshoot band , that , admittedly ,had'nt had much press yet. I ONLY KNEW ABOUT THE GIG , AND WHO THEY WERE , BECAUSE I WAS standing right outside the club , somewhat dejected after seeing a very competent but not very Garage (In sound or repertoirre) Larry and The Bluenotes , and I read a mention about the show in The Dallas Observer

      Ragin' Fire - Despite a Southern Rock Bar band - sounding name , this Nashville Roots /Country Punk outfit , fronted by a gutsy female singer , Melora Zaner, took me entirely by surprise. I think the 6 or 10 other attendees agreed.

      Voodoo Dolls - Cramps/Flesheaters /Roky - influenced Punk Rock and Roll. From Florida , their very early sides are on You  Tube , now.

      27 Devils Joking. THE OTHER 14 PEOPLE WERE THERE FOR THE OPENING BAND , BUT STAYED , ANYWAY. This , given the fact that the club stretched the truth just a BIT , and said Singer/ Bassist , Brian S. Curley had been in The 13th Floor Eleveators. It's possible he played in the reformed group for one gig in Houston in 1984  , after Ronnie Leatherman bailed. He did back Roky in The  Resurrectionists (With Nervebreakers Drummer , Carl Giesecke.) and Evil Hook Wildlife E.T. , as well as Lester Bangs with The Delinquents ,who also released a very B- 52's ish LP of their own. 27DJ rocked like Raw Power - era Stooges , with the expected nods to Roky and The Elevators , live. Guitarist Tom Trusnovic is in T.TEX EDWARDS' CURRENT GROUP (ONE of 'em.) , PURPLE STICKPIN.

      Best recent shows attended by 30 people or less (FOR SHAME , CHICAGO)

      Fleshtones at Double Door , ? and The Mysterians at Reggie's (TWICE ! CRIME !).

    • January 26, 2013 3:29 PM CST
    • Oh, sure, rub it in, eeeeevvvvverybody sees some band Deniz Tek is in but me! Well, at least I got to say a few drunken words to him in Austin while the Sons of Hercules were playin' (while wearin' my leather w/ the Birdman logo on it!). "Hey, what's that emblem on your jacket?" hahaha... You could tell Tek knew the lineage of the Sons, and got off on their sound. Ironically, the guys hadn't heard Birdman 'til they got a following in Austin.

      Hey, I met 27 Devils Joking, I think they changed their name to Altamont '69 (genius!)...

      John Battles said:

      DENIZ TEK , WHO LIVES IN DETROIT , NOW (WELL...DOES ANYBODY?) , HAS BEEN PLAYING , OFF AND ON , WITH SCOTT MORGAN'S POWERTRANE. They played here , 4 or 5 years ago , with a frontline of Morgan (Rationals, Sonics Rendezvous Group,etc.), Tek , and Robert Gillespie (Rob Tyner , Mitch Ryder.) . Either of those Guitarists and singers could front a great band of their own , but, together , Holy Shit ! Less than 15 people showed , including the opening band, Thunderwing.......that's another subcategory "Best shows nobody went to"

      Mine would include - Divine Horsemen ,   Chris D.'s Flesheaters offshoot band , that , admittedly ,had'nt had much press yet. I ONLY KNEW ABOUT THE GIG , AND WHO THEY WERE , BECAUSE I WAS standing right outside the club , somewhat dejected after seeing a very competent but not very Garage (In sound or repertoirre) Larry and The Bluenotes , and I read a mention about the show in The Dallas Observer

      Ragin' Fire - Despite a Southern Rock Bar band - sounding name , this Nashville Roots /Country Punk outfit , fronted by a gutsy female singer , Melora Zaner, took me entirely by surprise. I think the 6 or 10 other attendees agreed.

      Voodoo Dolls - Cramps/Flesheaters /Roky - influenced Punk Rock and Roll. From Florida , their very early sides are on You  Tube , now.

      27 Devils Joking. THE OTHER 14 PEOPLE WERE THERE FOR THE OPENING BAND , BUT STAYED , ANYWAY. This , given the fact that the club stretched the truth just a BIT , and said Singer/ Bassist , Brian S. Curley had been in The 13th Floor Eleveators. It's possible he played in the reformed group for one gig in Houston in 1984  , after Ronnie Leatherman bailed. He did back Roky in The  Resurrectionists (With Nervebreakers Drummer , Carl Giesecke.) and Evil Hook Wildlife E.T. , as well as Lester Bangs with The Delinquents ,who also released a very B- 52's ish LP of their own. 27DJ rocked like Raw Power - era Stooges , with the expected nods to Roky and The Elevators , live. Guitarist Tom Trusnovic is in T.TEX EDWARDS' CURRENT GROUP (ONE of 'em.) , PURPLE STICKPIN.

      Best recent shows attended by 30 people or less (FOR SHAME , CHICAGO)

      Fleshtones at Double Door , ? and The Mysterians at Reggie's (TWICE ! CRIME !).

    • January 26, 2013 2:15 PM CST

    • John Battles said:

      DENIZ TEK , WHO LIVES IN DETROIT , NOW (WELL...DOES ANYBODY?) , HAS BEEN PLAYING , OFF AND ON , WITH SCOTT MORGAN'S POWERTRANE. They played here , 4 or 5 years ago , with a frontline of Morgan (Rationals, Sonics Rendezvous Group,etc.), Tek , and Robert Gillespie (Rob Tyner , Mitch Ryder.) . Either of those Guitarists and singers could front a great band of their own , but, together , Holy Shit ! Less than 15 people showed , including the opening band, Thunderwing.......that's another subcategory "Best shows nobody went to"

      Mine would include - Divine Horsemen ,   Chris D.'s Flesheaters offshoot band , that , admittedly ,had'nt had much press yet. I ONLY KNEW ABOUT THE GIG , AND WHO THEY WERE , BECAUSE I WAS standing right outside the club , somewhat dejected after seeing a very competent but not very Garage (In sound or repertoirre) Larry and The Bluenotes , and I read a mention about the show in The Dallas Observer

      Ragin' Fire - Despite a less than intriguing name , this Nashville Roots /Country Punk outfit , fronted by a gutsy female singer , Melora Zaner, took me entirely by surprise. I think the 6 or 10 othe rattendees agreed.

      Voodoo Dolls - Cramps/Flesheaters /Roky - influenced Punk Rock and Roll. From Florida , their very early sides are in You  Tube , now.

      27 Devils Joking. THE OTHER 14 PEOPLE WERE THERE FOR THE OPENING BAND , BUT STAYED , ANYWAY. This , given the fact that the club stretched the truth just a BIT , and said Singer/ Bassist , Brian S. Curley had been in The 13th Floor Eleveators. It's possible he played in the reformed group for one gig in Houston in 1984  , after Ronnie Leatherman bailed. He did back Roky in The  Resurrectionists (With Nervebreakers Drummer , Carl Giesecke.) and Evil Hook Wildlife E.T. , as well as Lester Bangs with The Delinquents ,who also released a very B- 52's ish LP of their own. 27DJ rocked like Raw Power - era Stooges , with the expected nods to Roky and The Elevators , live. Guitarist Tom Trusnovic is in T.TEX EDWARDS' CURRENT GROUP (ONE of 'em.) , PURPLE STICKPIN.

      Best recent shows attended by 30 people or less (FOR SHAME , CHICAGO)

      Fleshtones at Double Door , ? and The Mysterians at Reggie's (TWICE ! CRIME !).

    • January 26, 2013 2:12 PM CST
    • DENIZ TEK , WHO LIVES IN DETROIT , NOW (WELL...DOES ANYBODY?) , HAS BEEN PLAYING , OFF AND ON , WITH SCOTT MORGAN'S POWERTRANE. They played here , 4 or 5 years ago , with a frontline of Morgan (Rationals, Sonics Rendezvous Group,etc.), Tek , and Robert Gillespie (Rob Tyner , Mitch Ryder.) . Either of those Guitarists and singers could front a great band of their own , but, together , Holy Shit ! Less than 15 people showed , including the opening band, Thunderwing.......that's another subcategory "Best shows nobody went to"

      Mine would include - Divine Horsemen ,   Chris D.'s Flesheaters offshoot band , that , admittedly ,had'nt had much press yet. I ONLY KNEW ABOUT THE GIG , AND WHO THEY WERE , BECAUSE I WAS standing right outside the club , somewhat dejected after seeing a very competent but not very Garage (In sound or repertoirre) Larry and The Bluenotes , and I read a mention about the show in The Dallas Observer

      Ragin' Fire - Despite a Southern Rock Bar band - sounding name , this Nashville Roots /Country Punk outfit , fronted by a gutsy female singer , Melora Zaner, took me entirely by surprise. I think the 6 or 10 other attendees agreed.

      Voodoo Dolls - Cramps/Flesheaters /Roky - influenced Punk Rock and Roll. From Florida , their very early sides are on You  Tube , now.

      27 Devils Joking. THE OTHER 14 PEOPLE WERE THERE FOR THE OPENING BAND , BUT STAYED , ANYWAY. This , given the fact that the club stretched the truth just a BIT , and said Singer/ Bassist , Brian S. Curley had been in The 13th Floor Eleveators. It's possible he played in the reformed group for one gig in Houston in 1984  , after Ronnie Leatherman bailed. He did back Roky in The  Resurrectionists (With Nervebreakers Drummer , Carl Giesecke.) and Evil Hook Wildlife E.T. , as well as Lester Bangs with The Delinquents ,who also released a very B- 52's ish LP of their own. 27DJ rocked like Raw Power - era Stooges , with the expected nods to Roky and The Elevators , live. Guitarist Tom Trusnovic is in T.TEX EDWARDS' CURRENT GROUP (ONE of 'em.) , PURPLE STICKPIN.

      Best recent shows attended by 30 people or less (FOR SHAME , CHICAGO)

      Fleshtones at Double Door , ? and The Mysterians at Reggie's (TWICE ! CRIME !).

    • January 26, 2013 12:26 PM CST
    • You Aussies get alla the Good Stuff!  :D

      Any Birdman-kinda stuff is right up my alley!

      And Lightning Bolt is waaay too intense for a measly 2-piece!

      And those beautiful Australian ladies, ooh!!

    • January 26, 2013 4:00 AM CST
    • First show - Pretty sure it was Madness at Melbourne's Festival Hall, must have been about 16 or 17. Probably 1980. I still remember the scary looking skinheads in their boots and braces and the totally hot woman wearing a clear plastic raincoat and nothing else.

      First punk show - Dead Kennedys at Monash Uni. 1983 I think. They played with The Corpse Grinders. Awesome night. I still have a ticket stub.

      Best Show - Where to start. I saw Lightning Bolt a few years ago. They played to a room of about 300 people. Perhaps the most powerful gig I have ever seen in 30+ years of live music. What about Nomeansno and DOA supported by Front End Loader. Ort any New Christs gig, especially the night they played Melbourne Uni with Exploding White Mice. Or feedtime, or The Cosmic Psychos, or the meanies, or Lubricated Goat in front of 25 people, or the Dirtbombs at Golden Plains or Off  two night ago  ............................................................   

    • January 27, 2013 8:42 PM CST
    • Show #407: "R.I.P. 2012, Part 3 of 4" playlist:

      In memory of John Harrison, bassist/producer (1942-2012) ...and...
      In memory of Huw Lloyd-Langton, guitarist (1951-2012)
      Hawkwind - "Paranoia (Part 2)/Seeing It As You Really Are"

      In memory of Steve Rhea, drummer/singer (1950?-2012)
      Icewater - "All I See Is You"

      In memory of Herb Reed, singer (1928-2012)
      The Platters - "The Great Pretender"

      In memory of Lou Pride, singer (1944-2012)
      Lou Pride - "Your Love Is Fading"

      In memory of Dennis St. John, drummer (1941-2012)
      Barbara Keith - "The Bramble And The Rose"

      In memory of Bob Welch, guitarist/singer/songwriter (1945-2012)
      Head West - "Someday"

      In memory of Jimmy Elledge, singer/pianist (1943-2012)
      Jimmy Elledge - "Funny How Time Slips Away"

      In memory of William Lindsay, singer (1937?-2012)
      The Twilighters - "Half Angel"

      In memory of Don Grady, singer/drummer/songwriter/actor (1944-2012)
      The Yellow Balloon - "Yellow Balloon"

      In memory of Lol Coxhill, saxophonist (1932-2012)
      Kevin Ayers & The Whole World - "Shooting At The Moon"

      In memory of Kitty Wells, singer/guitarist/songwriter (1919-2012)
      Kitty Wells - "Making Believe"

      In memory of Jon Lord, keyboardist/singer/songwriter (1941-2012)
      Deep Purple - "Highway Star"

      In memory of Bob Babbitt, bassist (1937-2012)
      Stevie Wonder - "Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours"

      In memory of Ingus Naruns, cellist/pianist (1925-2012)
      The Beatles - "Eleanor Rigby"

      In memory of Larry Hoppen, guitarist/bassist/singer/multi-instrumentalist (1951-2012)
      Boffalongo - "Please Stay"

      In memory of Darryl Cotton, singer/guitarist/songwriter (1949-2012)
      Zoot - "Little Roland Lost"

      In memory of Osvaldo Fattoruso, guitarist/drummer/singer/songwriter (1948-2012)
      Los Shakers - "The Longest Night"

      In memory of Bill Doss, singer/guitarist/keyboardist/songwriter (1968-2012)
      Olivia Tremor Control - "NYC-25"

      In memory of John Weitz, guitarist (1949-2012)
      Raven - "Feelin' Good"

      In memory of Jimmy Jones, singer/songwriter (1930-2012)
      Jimmy Jones - "Handy Man"

      In memory of Johnnie Bassett, guitarist/singer (1935-2012)
      Joe Weaver with The Don Juans - "Baby I Love You So"

      In memory of Mike Kelly, singer (1944?-2012)
      The Duprees - "Goodnight My Love"

      In memory of Bill Tillman, saxophonist/flautist/singer (1947-2012)
      Rose Colored Glass - "Mystic Touch"

      In memory of John Stockfish, bassist (1943-2012)
      Gordon Lightfoot - "Sundown"

      In memory of Lou Martin, keyboardist (1949-2012)
      Killing Floor - "Nobody By My Side"

      In memory of Scott McKenzie, singer/guitarist/songwriter (1939-2012)
      Scott McKenzie - "San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers In Your Hair)"

      In memory of George Gallacher, singer/guitarist (1943-2012)
      The Poets - "That's The Way It's Got To Be"

      In memory of Joe South, singer/guitarist/songwriter (1940-2012)
      Joe South - "Games People Play"

      In memory of Dorothy McGuire, singer (1928-2012)
      The McGuire Sisters - "Sugartime"

      In memory of Gerd Wollschon, bassist/percussionist/singer (1944-2012)
      Floh De Cologne - "Wir Werden Immer Mehr"

      In memory of Johnny Perez, drummer/songwriter (1943-2012)
      Sir Douglas Quintet - "The Rains Came"

      Click here to stream this show now:
      or to download:

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live via the web click this link: ... to listen to past shows, view playlists and more, fan the show on facebook: ... 6748511750
      Live every Friday night at 10pm to 1am EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!


    • January 27, 2013 7:36 AM CST
    • Hi to everyone in garage land!

      The Great Dismal Swamis, from Chesapeake, Virginia, USA, have recently setup and updated our page on the GP Hideout. The Swamis have been playing RNR garage music together for about a year, and are in the process of releasing a full length 12 track album.   The album is complete, available as a digital download via bandcamp, and will be available on ITunes within the next month.  Pressing a super limited amount of CDs to sell at shows, maybe make some available to sell or trade.  Really would love to press this album, or even selected tracks on vinyl, but right now the money and distribution is just not right to do so ourselves. I love pressing records, but it is not the most effective way to recoup the expense of recording and manufacturing a hard copy version of music.

      The Swamis have all been in previous bands and outfits.  Doug Duncan has played with the Candy Snatchers, River City Rapists, Dirty Fingers, Phantom Creeps, and more.  Jeff and Jason both played together in the Hydeouts.  Steve Marsh has played with Big Bobby and the Nightcaps, as well as the lookers.  We've had a blast playing shows and recording since we started playing together.  Hope we can connect with some new faces and bands here on the Hideout.  We would love to try to bring your band, to the swamp to play your rock n roll.  Check out our page!



    • January 26, 2013 1:56 PM CST
    • The Eruptors, a band from the UK and Ireland (I guess that means that 'on average' we are based on the Isle of Lunn!)

      Looking forward to hearing from garage rockers (and mods and.....anything) from all over the world.

      Please stop by our profile page and send us an 'add' if you like what you hear.

    • January 27, 2013 6:22 AM CST
    • Playlist 01/26/13

      Husker Du  Ice Cold Ice 
      Bloody Hollies  You're So Cold 
      Social Distortion  Cold Feelings 
      Bellrays  Cold Man Night 
      Screeching Weasel  Cool Kids 
      Death By Unga Bunga  I Wanna Go Wild 
      60 Second Swingers  60 Second Swinger 
      Improbables  Angel with Batwings 
      Pack A.D.  Sirens 
      Kiss Kiss Bang Bang  Desperate Teenage Living Nightmare 
      Legal Weapon  I'm Gone 
      Palmyra Delran  Born 2 Make U Cry 
      Evens  King of Kings 
      Livids  Savage Eyes 
      Lords of Gravity  Danger Girl 
      Mobbs  This Pounding Heart 
      Ungodly 77s's  Run Outta Town 
      Trashed Romeos  Gotta Find A New Love 
      Left Arm  New Kind of Kick 
      Evil Tenors  Living with Ghosts 
      Mahones  The King of Copenhagen 
      Stiv Bators  It's Cold Outside 
      Charms  Snowflakes on Velvet 
      Roky Erickson  Cold Night for Alligators 
      Mojomatics  Kiss Me When I'm Cold 
      Shams  You're So Cold 
      Velvet Undergound  Foggy Notion 
      Long Ryders  Never Got To Meet The Mom 
      Eddy Best  Things I Should Have Said 
      Zeros  They Say That (Everything's Alright) 
      Dictators  Young, Fast, Scientific 
      Lazy Cowgirls  Frustration, Tragedy & Lies 
      Fluid  Is It Day I'm Seeing 
      Head Candy  Soul Grinder 
      RJ and the Del Guapos  Shake!! 
      Harmonica Lewinski  Code Green Jellyfish 
      Fleshtones  Girl From Baltimore 
      Godfathers  Gone to Texas 

    • January 26, 2013 9:02 AM CST
    • Stuck indoors because of the cold weather? You can listen to the Jeff of the Future Radio Show on Saturday January 26th from 1:00-3:00PM EST on 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or streaming live at I'll be playing many garage-punk tunes about the cold just because I can.

    • January 26, 2013 1:59 AM CST
    • Yes, try to get up 300 copies of a slab of vinyl... then go for digital stream/download on the net (we can probably help ther if you want) worldwide.

      In my opinion bands have to have huuuuge cred to sell many copies thru distro. Our BIG sellers (never more than 1000 printed) has sold like 70% at gigs, not thru distro.

      But of course it's good to have a distro back when people ask in record stores...

      Feel free to PM us here or at info at & we can try help...

      Cheers / ToBBA Z

    • January 26, 2013 7:46 AM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist Jan 24/2013.   Canadian Garagepunk Sandwich Part 1

      This is an incomplete history of Canadian garagepunk music (according to my subjective views and what's left of my memory), with Radio WW covering the 80's and onwards and the show that comes right after us, The Freakout, playing 60's Canadian Garagepunk. It was originally going to be a one show affair, but with the amount of material, we've gone to 2 shows. The Radio WW portion of the history is arranged chronologically, although we had to deviate in a few places to keep the flow. Enjoy!!

      1. The Gruesomes...3 Men 1 Coffin...from A-Billy, a 7" EP that came with WW #18. This song is also on the Live In Hell cassette, Gruesomology CD (Sundazed) and Live In Hell CD (Ricochet Sound). Originally done by the infamous sludgeabilly duo, Deja Voodoo, The Gruesomes did this as a tribute to their pals and label mates. Started this show with The Gruesomes as they are probably the best known garagepunk band to come out of Canada.

      The Gruesomes at Call The Office, London Ontario

      2. Simply Saucer...She's A Dog...Pig Records 7" and bonus track on the Cyborgs Revisited CD. I had to play 3 bands that pre-date the whole garagepunk movement as Simply Saucer and the 2 following bands have influenced many of the bands that are played later in the show.

      3. The Secrets...All The Girls...Teenage Rampage LP. 3 Viletones and a Diode break away from punk rock at it's height in Toronto and form a rock'n'roll band. Possibly a bad move at the time, but the critics adored them and their music stands the passage of time. And there's a connection back to 60's punk in this combo as their vocalist was in a late version of Syndicate of Sound (Hey Little Girl).

      4. Raving Mojos...Yeah Yeah Uh recording from The Turning Point in Toronto,7/1/82. These guys took Stoogisms, 60's punk and blues to a whole new level and called it rock'n'roll. There's a video out there of these guys pounding it out live, and the singer appears out of nowhere doing cartwheels across the stage! The bass player for this band is currently in the greatest live band ever, The Fleshtones!

      5. UIC...Let's Dance On...recorded live at Call The Office, London Ontario.3/16/85. From Exeter, a small town just north of London, where you could pick up those Detroit radio stations back in the day and it warped these young men something fierce! These guys were playing this noise from about 1981 onwards, but didn't record until years later. This particular show, was video taped by Wayne Fisher and some of the songs appear on youtube. Yep, that's me dancing up front by the stage on some of the songs.

      UIC in Lucan Ontario, fall 1984

      6. 10 Commandments...Feel It...from their cassette Pagan Fest-a-go-go. Possible the first Toronto band to delve into 60's garagepunk with both feet. Lead singer James Lord is now a music director with our national radio network, CBC.

      7. 10 Commandments...Not True...from their first LP, Weird Out. They self released at least 3 LP's and later went to a more powerpop type of sound.

      8. The Beaumonts...She Treats Me Right...from the Time Machine CD on Stomp Records from 1996. This CD isa  history of the Canadian 60's garage punk and surf scene from 85-95. The Beaumonts were from Vancouver and birthed 2 Toronto bands (both of which will appear in Part 2 of this show), The Cheshyres and Drums Along The Gardiner.

      9. The Enigmas...Windshield Wiper...from their Strangely Wild 12". Another Vancouver combo, they released at least 2 12" EP's and appeared on a couple of compilations and members went on to later Vancouver combos.

      10. Terminal Sunglasses...The Coyote Finally Wins...from their Wrap Around Cool LP. These guys added some psych sounds to their 60's punk sounds and finally the roadrunner gets his due. Unfortunately one of the members found out he was allergic to cigarette smoke and couldn't play bars due to the smoke...hence the band packed it in.

      11. Boy From Nowhere...Train Kept A Rollin'...recorded live at the Langarth Bar and Grill 11/1/86 Halloween party. The first London Ontario band to dig into 60's punk and mix it up with blues. 

      Boy From Nowhere at Langarth Bar and Grill 1986

      12. The Gruesomes...Psycho...recorded live at Larry's in Toronto 3/29/86. This was The Gruesomes first show in Toronto and was a part of a show called The OG Easter Party and was a showcase for OG Records. Deja Voodoo, Ray Condo, Chris Houston and UIC all played this packed showcase. It was our first meeting with The Gruesomes and everything we had heard about them was true!!

      13. The Gruesomes...Boredom...recorded live at Key West, London Ontario 1/11/87. We finally get The Gruesomes to London, a sunday night and we're figuring the place will be empty. WRONGO!! The place was packed and The Gruesomes musta played over 2 hours!! Then they stayed at our place and didn't leave for several days as they devoured all our junk food, watched our cheesy movies (especially that Beatles mockumentary of the kids trying to get into see The Beatles in NYC) and played most of our 60's and blues records. Loads of fun.

      14. The Gruesomes...What Wave...from Mr Garager's Neighbourhood, an LP on OG Records that we compiled. Nope, we didn't ask The Gruesomes to do this, they thought it up all by themselves.

      15. The Gruesomes...some radio promos they cut.

      16. Legend Killers...99th Floor...early demo from this band of drunks that figured anybody can do this and they proved themselves right! Another combo from London Ontario who are the only band to have appeared on every What Wave compilation record, tape and CD! And we're honoured to have them!

      Legend Killers coming out of their cave! Photo by Martha Rutherford.

      17. Legend Killers...Strychnine...another early demo, this time released on Slippery's Club Hits,the cassette that comes with WW#24. AND....this cassette is currently #1 on the CHRW charts!!!! Holy crap Batman!! How can this be!!

      18. The Rosy Red...Cavin' In...from a brand  new demo as we take a musical interlude to introduce the 4 bands that would be playing on Jan 25th at the very first Kissin' The Carpet, a soon to be monthly garagepunk show in Hamilton Ontario.

      19. Magic Shadows...Parasite...a demo from this Hamilton combo who are also at Kissin' The Carpet.

      20. The Mystics...Waiting For You...from their very first CD and like the 2 bands above, are at Kissin' The Carpet.

      21. The Pow Wows...EIO...from their Get Hip LP, Nightmare Soda, and like the 3 bands above....

      22. Purple Toads...Strychnine...from a demo. The Purple Toads evolved out of Durango 95 and went into the 60's garagepunk sound fueled by alcohol and drugs. 

      A dancing Purple Toad!!

      And we're out of time. Check the show that came right after this, The Freakout as Ryan played an hour of 60's garagepunk.

      We'll be back next week with part 2 of The Canadian Garagepunk Sandwich.

      All photos courtesy WW archives unless otherwise noted...please put proper photo credits when using these pics.

      Here's a link to the archived show:

    • January 26, 2013 6:31 AM CST
    • Au contraire!... I´m totally shooooooocked!! Outch!  

      You say you don´t like Nico´s singing?, OK, I´m fine with IT and I´m not picking at you!! But I can tell you something: She had such a beautiful voice while talking!!! So sexy and deep...  I was lucky enough to spend a whole night with her (No! not having sex with her, you perverts!!).  But a lot better: Alk, stuff and talk...whatever, none of your business ;)   more important then her strong voice: she was simply such a beautiful person!! You would love her voice that much as well, if you just got to know her! :)
      Rest in Peace, Christa. :*

      TipplerMario said:

      I don't think this will be shocking but, I hate everything The Velvet Underground did with Nico, I hate it, I can't stand it, is it her voice, idk, I just don't like it.

    • January 26, 2013 1:20 AM CST
    • Is it possible to call them "a Music Machine wannabee"-band just for a single glove used by a young Rudi, while on the other hand, still today, you have bunch of bands wearing bones-chains a la Fuzztones? Are they Fuzztones wannabee bands?? I´m confused...  
      (but hell, it may be!.. ;)

      Unfortunately my english is not that good, so I´m not sure to understand the rest.. BUT accidentally, I did compare them as well to Cramps or Ramones (or Gun Club or a few more)  in the past, just, not in their look!! But in their vigor? In their generate of energy live?  in the (lot of) gigs i´ve been witness, (since  mid 80s)?.. their coolness, their singularity?
      Hell! Yeah! Nobody can tell me they are a "cover-band"!! They are TOO special!!

      John Battles said:

      Well , specifically , in The US. I KNOW THEY'VE ALWAYS BEEN HUGE IN EUROPE. It's just always been cool to call 'em a Music Machine wannabee in the clothing department (When their look leaned just as heavy on The Cramps and The Ramones , I always thought.). So , they don't sound like they're playing guitar with their dicks. that makes 'em BAD? In the 80's , Garage meant , copy Pebbles songs ,or Brit R'n'B ,  not much else. Today , it means all kinds of things that have NOTHING to do with Garage , and some things that do. Rudi's still doing what he 's always done , the way The Cramps and The Ramones still did their thing , dig it or don't.        

      Tersicore said:

      Hey John,

      "It's never been cool to like The Fuzztones" Where??
      Do you mean here in GHP? or in the USA? 
      In Europe is always been cool to love The Fuzztones and we still love them!!
      And I´m sure I can speak for the most.
      They shaped a whole generation here. Me included! :)
      ..and their gigs are still great!!

      John Battles said:

      Yeah , exactly. I'm not saying everything Childish did was shit , but , he was the "Garage " act that people who know nothing about this music gravitated toward in the 90's , in particular. A couple of carefully curated comps , like the one Sub Pop did , might cast him in a better light , but he did more records than Frank Zappa 20 years ago.

      Chesterfield Kings , I liked to a point. They were always inconsistent , live. They could be great, or terrible. I never bought any of their records , except a bootleg from the first tour i saw them on , in '88.      Fuzztones , I still like. Maybe not everything , but "Salt For Zombies" was probably the best thing they ever did. It's never been cool to like The Fuzztones , which kind of makes me like them , more. There's very GOOD FOOTAGE On YOU tUBE  of their recent gig in Italy.   I kind of felt I was being put on with The Mummies , tho' I can take a joke. People take them seriously , now.   When I saw The Gories , in 1990 , opening for The Gibson Bros. , I was the only person standing in front of the stage . Everyone else was in the rear of the club.... I knew they were on to something , but their legend loomed larger in death. Now that they have reformed , they're playing to hundreds of people a throw, many too young to have seen them the first time around. And , they were kind enough to ask me to open for them , two years ago. I sort of felt like they must have , in 1990 , but , WE WERE ALL THERE TO HAVE FUN. There's still this innocence about The Gories. They are not Rock Stars , and they do not have a master plan. "It's Rock'n'Roll , and the message is DO IT ! TO IT !".
      dave said:

      Can't stand the Fuzztones or Chesterfield Kings, in fact most 80s 'garage bands' just make me cringe. Didn't like new stuff 'til the Mummies/Gories for the most part.

      Oh, and John, I'm with ya about the Childish thang. You could prolly make about 4 compilation LPs of related stuff, but jeez, enuff!