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  • Boom (!) (1968)

    If you've seen Pink Flamingos as many times as I have you can't help but have noticed the poster for this movie in the background in the scenes at the Marble's house (which was John Water's house) He's a huge fan of this film and calls it one of the greatest "failed art films, a genre which does not...
  • Bruiser (2000)

    I hate to say it but I'M SICK OF ZOMBIES!!!! It's been done to goddam death by now. As much I am a fan of George Romero's early work, the later films just were indigestible to me.  Now it's zombie-this and zombie-that. The great GM would do well to take a tip from his colleague David Cronenberg and ...
  • Vampire Men of the Lost Planet AKA Horror of the Blood Monsters (1970)

    Admittedly, this has been written about elsewhere so I'm just rehashing here. Do NOT attempt to watch this before 2:AM. Then, this movie will cause you to doubt your sanity. By the amazingly inept late great Al Adamson (who I met at a horror convention mere months before he was murdered in his own h...
  • Blue Velvet Deleted Scenes (1986)

    When this came out it was like, "Wow, David Lynch is doing a movie in COLOR!" Whoah! The deleted scenes are good enough that most of them should have stayed in the movie, even though it would have made it 3 hours long (which was de rigour by the mid-90's anyway) There's a blues guy in a bar where Fr...
  • Quante Volte...Quelle Note (4 Times Every Night) (1972)

    Mario Bava doing a sex (ahem) comedy. Not a lotta larfs. The whole thing is like one of those HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER episodes where you get several different people's version of the same story. In this case some douchebag picks up a smokingly hot girl, takes her out to a (pre-disco-era) discotheque a...
  • Young Playthings (1972)

    This is the kind of movie that died with the advent of hardcore porn. The late great Joe Sarno made sex movies steeped in psychology and Jungian myth. While actual naughty bits aren't on display (much) there's tons of nudity, bad acting, and weird behavior. He filmed this one on a budget of about $5...
  • The Battle of Algiers (1966)

    Serious epic story of Muslims rising up against French colonialists. It's tense, gritty, violent and may have been an influence on Quentin Tarentino decades later. The main character is set up to shoot a policeman, but the gun handed off to him by a woman in a burkah is empty--it was a test of loyal...
  • Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)

    Four guys go back to 1986 by some Russian energy drink called Chernobly spilling into the electronic console of a hot tub at a ski resort. Suddenly, everyone's wearing neon colors and Poison is playing. John Cusak says, "I hate this decade...we had Reagan and AIDS" but he hooks up (almost) with a co...
  • Porn is Dead: Long Live Something Weird

    If you've ever read the incredibly influential ReSearch book Incredibly Strange Films Jim Morton states "The advent of explicit pornography...was the death knell for sexploitation. Filmmakers who had previously invented unusual plots  and situations to showcase their non-anatomically-graphic sex fou...
  • The Unholy Garden (1931)

    A suave bankrobber escapes Paris, gets chased by the cops in Algiers and hides out in an abandoned castle in the "Arabian" desert where the authorities won't go. There are a bunch of other criminals also hiding out including a doctor who murdered his wife who are all trying to get their greedy hands...