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  • TV Eye: Two (2) New Shows and One (1) That Time Forgot But Is Now Starting to Remember and a Book

    Sometimes I feel like a creature from another time, especially when I talk to younger people. For decades I never knew anybody who was younger than me. I was always the youngest. All my gang in the old stoner days was into these old shows like Star Trek, which was too talky and not enough monsters f...
  • The Good, The OK, The Great (though nobody else thinks so), and Another Complete Waste of Time

    THE INNOCENTS b/w(20th Century Fox, 61) S: William Archibald, Truman Capote P/D: Jack Clayton There's some good scares in this classy, beautifully photographed (by Freddie Francis) and well acted adaptation of THE TURN OF THE SCREW. A rich single guy (Michael Redgrave) pawns off his two adopted orph...
  • Never To Be Forgotten: David Carradine

    DAVID (John Arthur) CARRADINE (72) from Hollywood, CA of English, Scottish, Welsh, German, Spanish Italian, Ukrainian and Cherokee ancestry was the eldest son of horror great John Carradine. He was the brother of Bruce Carradine and half-brother of Keith and Robert Carradine. Although he was best k...
  • More Completely Useless Remakes: Halloween (2007) Dimension

    D/S/P: Rob Zombie About the only reason I can that Rob Zombie saw it necessary to remake a perfect film was to show the sickening backstory and to pipe in a lot more blood. The angry, swearing white trash characters made me want to leave the room. A lot of the first hour is so vile, repulsive and d...
  • Nude for Satan (1974) P.A.B. Distributors

    D: Paolo Solvay P: Remo Angioli S: Luigi Batzella Sexedelic euro shocker with tons of full-on bush nudity, mindbending now-you-see-him-now-you-don't camera tricks, identity confusion (like in Performance), sadomasochism, a lesbian dream sequence and a girl with a breast popping out getting caught in...
  • File Under Completely Useless Remakes: Last House on the Left (2009)

    No way I can be the slightest bit objective on this one. Remaking LHOTL borders on sacrilige in my book. Why not repaint the Mona Lisa or remake Citizen Kane fer Crissakes! Like a train wreck from which you can't look away I just had to see this out of some masochistic urge. I wanted to hate this s...
  • Adaptations of the Late Great J.G. Ballard

    Re/Search books once put out a volume dedicated to him. He wrote some incredibly flipped out stories in the late 60's on a par with anything by William Burroughs or Thomas Pynchon, some more straight sci-fi and then scored a hit in the mid-80's with Empire of the Sun based on his own life in a POW c...
  • Top 5 TV Shows of the Current Decade

    30 Rock Trailer Park Boys True Blood Weeds Wonderfalls
  • Japanese and Movies About the Japanese and one about Funerals

    Bridge on the River Kwai MGM (1957) D: David Lean P: Sam Spiegel S: Michael Wilson, Carl Foreman Spectacular locations in Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) and seeing Obi Wan Kenobi (the original one, kids) Alec Guiness as the overzealous Colonel Nicholson make this great. I feel like a complete douchebag fo...
  • Justification to Lay Off the French

    You always hear on Howard Stern and in the pages of Maxim lot of stuff badmouthing the country that helped the good ol' US of A win the American Revolution AND gave us the Statue of Liberty (ahem). They also gave us OSS 117 Music Box Films (2006) D: Michel Hazanavicius S: Jean-François Halin Michel...