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  • A Visit to the Ruins of Jim and Tammy Baker Land and Couple of Quickie Movie Reviews

    I had some business in Charlotte, NC last week and could not resist tracking down the ruins of Heritage USA, the theme park built by the Jim Baker PTL empire before being wrested from him in the wake of the sex scandal by Jerry Falwell and then crashing and burning in disarray. From what little scr...
  • Jigoku AKA Hell (1960) Shintoho

    D: Nakagawa Nobuo Forget the giant rubber monsters! This very serious Japanese film contains a lot of guilt, drinking and some pre-Herschell Gordon Lewis blood 'n guts, though it's not as gory as I imagined it from the review in The Psychotronic Video Guide. Picture a vision of Hades somewhere betw...
  • Devil's Tomb (2009)

    D: Jason Connery Cuba Gooding, Jr. and some modern Iraq some soldiers go into a cluastrophobic underground place where they encounter Bible verse and acid-spewting zombies, gory after effects and a sick looking Henry Rollins in a clerical collar. They hallicinate and there's some nudity. Bill Mosel...
  • Completely Unneccessary Movie Review: Star Trek (2009) Paramount

    D: J. J. Abrams W: Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman By the time you read this you'll know all about it. I'd like to see this on a double feature with Trekkies. This ultra-fast paced "reboot" may remind some of the internet-only series Star Trek the New Voyages which also featured 20-something actors...
  • Movie Review: Tokyo Gore Police (2008) Fever Dreams LLC

    D: Yoshihiro Nishimura If the Motion Picture Academy of Art and Sciences weren't such a bunch of snobby limp- wristed sissies this should have won for best foreign-language picture of 2008. Near future Tokyo is run by private police who look like crosses between a samaurais and Darth Vader. A glee...
  • Pepsi Throwback: So Good It'll Make Your Teeth Ache!

    High fructose corn syrup! I never asked for it. Did you? But noooo! It was just foisted on us during the Reagan-atric 80's when the only moral compass that corporate America and all the yuppie-larva I went to school with was "What're they gonna do?" I doubt that most of the morons at my next-door c...
  • Movie Review: Mexican Hayride (1948) Universal

    P: Robert Arthur D: Charles Barton S: Oscar Brodney/ John Grant Sunday morning the '70's there wasn't anything on TV besides preachers other than Abbott and Costello. My grandparents had cable and I would constantly be over at their house because they got WGN out of Chicago and WOR out of Secaucus,...
  • Movie Review: I am the Cheese (1983) Almi

    D/S:Robert Jiras 15 year old Adam Farmer's (Robert McNaughton) parents were put in the witness protection program when he was 4 and the memories are slowly seeping back to him in flashbacks during a long bike trip across Vermont while carrying a mysterious package. Robert Wagner tries to cure of of...
  • Movie Review: Gomorrah

    Gritty, scummy, gangster film from Italy--which looks like a sleazy third world backwater. Everything takes place in a post-nuked-looking decayed concrete block housing where you can almost smell the fermented piss and fear sweat. The pastaland of Frederico Fellini isn't even on the same planet as t...
  • Movie Review: The Dunwich Horror (2009)

    Bitch all ya want about this, but it's hard enough to read Lovecraft never mind adapting him to the screen. This recent entry manages to keep up the heavy opressive atmosphere without getting bogged down. Due to come out next month and starring Dean Stockwell from the much-maligned original. It's g...