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  • Iron Sky (2012)

    Don't miss this for Roger Corman humor in a big budget space film that could never have been made in Hollywood. A black astronaut land on the moon in 2018 to find that Nazis have been living there since 1945 in a swastika-shaped fortress. They capture him, bleach his skin, eyes and hair, and somehow...
  • Playing Garage Guitar in a House Full of Concert Violinists

    My wife is a mutant. She has a super-power called perfect pitch. If a train whistle goes by she can say, "That's a A chord with a sustained F#." This is both a blessing and a curse for her. If I've got the Cramps on she says it sounds like fingernails on a slate blackboard. Yet if I'm playing and ou...
  • Black Death (2011)

    Sort of a sword and sorcery flick without the sorcery. Maybe foreshadowing Game of Thrones. A bunch of guys on horses set out to find a refuge from the plague in this grim, depressing tale with a lot of Night of the Living Dead type conflict. Existential medieval grit . 
  • Womb AKA Clone (2010)

    Heavy, serious, arty sci-fi with no special effects. In the near future a tween girl falls in love at the seashore and then her parents move to Japan.  She comes back years later when they're both grown up to find Natalia Tena (Game of Thrones) in his bed, but the two hook back up again and go on a ...
  • Cookers (2001)

    The best and most terrifying amphetamine psychosis drug trip story EVER. Gritty, mean-spirited hallucinogenic filmmaking about an obnoxious fugitive (Hector) and his timid burned out girlfriend (Dorena) who hole up in an abandoned house in the woods, cook meth, become paranoid as rats and descend in...
  • Nude Nuns with Big Guns (2010)

    This is the segment you WISH make it into Quentin Tarantino's Grindhouse. Echoes of Satan's Sadists and Blue Oyster Cult's "The Last Days of May" A drug deal goes wrong for some nuns and priests on a schoolbus in the middle of Mexican desert with sadistic musclebound bikers. Nuns are sold into prost...
  • Mexican Werewolf in Texas (2005)

    Not a werewolf, but the chubacabra is attacking a small town in the southwest rife with racism between the rednecks and the very likeable Mexicans. With a doomed romance and a great looking monster.
  • Night Watch (2004) AKA Ночной дозор, Nochnoy dozor

    Complete absence of sanity rules in this incredible original gonzo modern day fantasy from Russia with 2 factions of vampires in a cold war. One watches over the day and the other watches over the night. They drink blood mixed with vodka (!?) drive around in souped-up vehicles (including a sportscar...
  • Stone (1974)

    Interesting biker film from Australia that foreshadowed the whole 'Mad Max' vibe by about 5 years. A pagan ritual making biker gang (who ride Kawasakis, it IS Australia, you know) allow an undercover cop into their ranks to protect them from a serial killer who may have something to do with an eco-t...
  • Andy Warhol's Vinyl (1965)

    I was psyched to see a pre-Kubrick adaptation of Anthony Burgess' 'Clockwork Orange' but the whole thing is like a b/w filmed stage play (on a very tiny stage with the worst acting this side of Herschell Gordon Lewis. With Martha and Vandella's "Nowhere to Run" (later used in 'The Warriors') and War...