One of my friend's kids is rebelling by shutting out music , completely. I did'nt mean kids should be imitating their parent's "cool" friends , but , they might learn from them.....There's a LOT more access to media than when I was getting into this stuff. When I first saw my little Godchild jumping around the room , happily , to The Ramones , at age 2 , this old Grinch's heart grew to three times it's normal size. That NEVER would have happened when The Ramones were in their heyday , or , if it did , no one alerted the media.
Andy Climax said:
Yer right. monkey see monkey do! As long as there's a steady stream of cool movies, groovies an tv. As Mr Daltrey said... 'The Kids are Alriiight!' I do worry however about the rebellion years. What will our kids do to rebel??? We had Punk, Goth, Grunge (decent) Hip Hop and Rap, etc. Will they Become Chartered Accountants or worse... POLITICIANS? Aaaaaaaargh! who'd be an adult? I'm off to listen to 'Angry Young Them' Van the Man will guide us! haha