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    • August 10, 2012 10:20 AM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist Thursday Aug 9/2012

      When i arrived to do the show, there was a pre-recorded segment airing...(ie nobody was at the station and they were playing some show that had been broadcast prior) so i hijacked the station and started at about 5:30PM, hence the longer playlist.

      1. X Ray Spex....Let's Submerge...from their Germ Free Adolescents LP from 1978. 'We're going the the underground' has always been a battle call for underground music in my books!!

      2. catl...Got A Thing For You...from their latest CD, Soon This Will All Be Gone.catl in action at Call The Office 4/25/10

      3. Eddie Coffin and His Invisible Men...Invisible Boogie....Hamilton blues punk combo.

      4. Eddie Coffin and His Invisible Men...Them Alley Cat above. Crude, rude and fun blues the way it should be done!

      5. Bobby Fuller 4....Nervous Breakdown with a promo for a show on Friday Aug 10th...only $1 at the door!

      6. Light Bulb Alley....Pepper Spray....from the Garagepunk Hideout compilation CD, We Love Trash!

      A well attired Light Bulb Alley after a show at Brennan's 4/21/12

      7. The Hypnotics...Here She Comes Now...from their Static Fuzz Radio LP and they will be playing tonight in Windsor at FM Lounge. And singer/guitarist Dave has a radio show called Revolution Rock, every tuesday 10:30AM - 12 Noon on CJAM out of Windsor University...well worth checking out!

      8. The Dustaphonics...Catwoman's Strut...from their Party Girl CD on Dirty Water Records.

      9. The Blue Demons...Cougar Country...from a new 7" on Boppa Do Down Records outta Toronto.

      10. Drive Train...Time Is Of The Essence...7" on Tombstone Records from 1988.

      11. Wax Mannequin..R&R abbreviation for Rock'n'roll will never die and from The Price CD and a request.

      12. Familiar Fiends...Shut Up Little Man...from a brand new 7" compilation called BTFD Rock Vol 1 and from Brantford Ontario...about an hour east of sleepy London Ontario.

      13. Tyranna...My Neighbour....from the recent Rave Up LP and this particular song was recorded at The Edge (Toronto new wave/punk club that closed down June 1981) as Wayne/Jayne County was recording a live LP there that night and someone offered to record Tyranna as well.

      14. Evil Eyes...Honey Please...from their brand new 7" and we've been informed that drummer Craig Leather Upper is doing his last show with the band tonite at Mitzi's in Toronto.

      15. Persian Claws....Mysterious Mystery...from a demo and goes out to Rufus Noble Savage as we were talking about this band the other day and i said this was my fave song by them.

      16. Radio Birdman....Aloha Steve and Danno...from a 7" and goes out to Mike Baarda as he asked about Chris Masuak who will be at Call The Office on Sept 28th doing Birdman, Screaming Tribesmen, Hitmen, New Christs and other songs from his long illustrious career.

      17. New Christs...Born Out Of Time...from the Detritus 12". One of those songs that just bleeds honesty and energy!!! I'm trying to convince Chris Masuak to play this song when he comes to London....any help appreciated!

      18. The Hitmen...Rock'n'Roll Soldiers...from the 78-82 LP on Survival Records.

      19. 63 Monroe...Strike 3...from their Rave Up LP which collects some of their early tracks. Singer Steven R Stunning and his fiancee have a Buck And Doe happening this weekend at Call The Office with 63 Monroe, Johnny Terrien, Alcohollys, Jayne Mansfield's Head and several other bands playing.

      63 Monroe back in The Cedar Lounge in London Ontario.

      20. 63 Monroe...Give 'em Up....recorded on closing night at The Cedar Lounge, May1/82.

      21. 63 Monroe...Hijack Victim...from the Rave Up LP.

      22. Alcohollys...don't know the name of the song, but it was recorded at Call The Office 7/23/12.

      23. Fist City...Buried....this is the start of our La Ti Da Records special as we received a bunch of new releases....and Fist City come to London monday Sept 3rd...

      24. Tranzmitors...Concrete Depression....another brand new La Ti Da release.

      Tranzmitors at Call The Office 5/8/2011

      25. Needles/Pins....Getting On Home...another  brand new La Ti Da release from this Vancouver power/pop styled combo.

      26. React....Sounds That I've Heard...another brand new La Ti Da release. 2 members of The Tranzmitors form a new combo that ventures into late 60's freakbeat style sounds!

      27. Ballantynes....Misery....yet another brand new La Ti Da release.

      28. Ballantynes...The Railtown Abbey...from their previous La Ti Da 7" and a fave around Radio WW!

      29. The Reply...Memphis Train...since we're on a soul kick, let's play this demo from our fave soul/mod/garage/R&B combo from Toronto.

      The Reply at Brennan's, Apr 21/2012

      30. The Living Deadbeats...Beauty Of The Rose...from their recent LP.

      Living Deadbeats....Call The Office 7/23/12

      31. The Bomboras...He's Waiting....recorded live at Call The Office, 11/98. That was the night that was the night keyboardist Jake Cavaliere set his keyboard on fire!! Obviously part of the act, but it was a sight to pics from that night unfortunatly.

      32. UIC....What I Want....recorded live at Call The Office 3/16/85 and had to cut this short as the clock on the wall says it's time for Ryan In The Red to takeover with his Freakout show!!!

      Back again next week with a special called....E L V I S...That's The Way to Spell Success!

      It's the 35th anniversary of The King's passing so we're gonna play some tributes to Elvis, poke some fun at him and you'll hear some songs you won't hear anywhere else, all in the name of Elvis!  Here's a link to the facebook event for the show:

      And here's a link to this show and a few previous shows:

      Thanx for all the phone-ins, requests, emails, facebook messages and HEYS!!!

    • August 10, 2012 2:49 AM CDT
    • Aaah, life and the places it takes us...

      gary gilmore said:

       -just remembered listening to this on a neon yellow sony walkman on my way to this chic-who-never-ended-up-being-my-true-love house! hah!

      Anyhow, I found myself pondering this question A LOT this morning, trying to come up with the perfect playlist song-by-song. I came to the conclusion that there are several variables to be taken into account - whether it's a brisk sunny morning and you're on your way to the gym or the beach, a grey afternoon and you're stuck in the after work traffic, of if it's a cool evening stroll, destination unknown. To me, the answer would be drastically different on each occasion.

      But, based on the commute this morning (it was a bit chilly but sunny outside), I would have to say that in the ideal situation I would've:

      - started off with some good ole 70s/80s power pop, as that tender, not-quite-awake-yet state of being calls for some sweet, up-beat melodies (btw, I consider it important not to put the music on before stepping out of the door, but preferably just as you breath in the first of the fresh morning air):




      - then, around the time I got on the bus, feeling energized and positive, I'd crank it up a notch, and the person sitting next to me would just have to deal with my lip-syncin'-head-boppin'-eyes-closed demeanor:





      - finally, getting off the bus and taking the short walk to the office, I would pull out all guns and yank my neck like crazy with my fists in the air, parading my armpits to everyone present:




      Then, when I got to work I'd be like "What? Those stats don't add up? That meeting's been cancelled? We're going bankrupt? SO THE FUCK WHAT, BRING THE MOFO ON! I'M READY! YEEEEEEEAAAAOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      (Holy shit - I really gotta try this out one of these mornin's...)

    • August 9, 2012 8:24 PM CDT
    • I used to think it was "Where the beer cans shine". Is'nt it "Real o - mind"?
       Believe it or not , I have an old 16  WITH THE LYRICS to "Down on The Street" and a pic of IG with his dog collar !
      gary gilmore said:


      Down on the street
      where the faces shine.
      floatin' around i'm
      a real low mind.

       -just remembered listening to this on a neon yellow sony walkman on my way to this chic-who-never-ended-up-being-my-true-love house! hah!

    • August 9, 2012 8:21 PM CDT
    • My favotite song to start out down the street with my ipod (I listen to tapes on my Walkman more often , if anything , these days.) is "I Don't Believe in Anything" by The Nevebreakers. Mainly because it's the first song of theirs that turns up , but , also , it's a good one to face the hordes out on the street with.... 

    • August 9, 2012 7:05 PM CDT
    • Huh!

      Down on the street
      where the faces shine.
      floatin' around i'm
      a real low mind.

       -just remembered listening to this on a neon yellow sony walkman on my way to this chic-who-never-ended-up-being-my-true-love house! hah!

    • August 9, 2012 1:08 PM CDT
    • While I'm walking down the street? Usually it's whatever song is playing in my head at the time.

    • August 9, 2012 3:16 AM CDT
    • Which make me think about the first song in the Radioblivion intro i can't figured it out, it goes "Wild Street, Wild Street, I'm just born on a Wild Street", i guess it's a psycho band...

      any idea?

    • August 9, 2012 3:05 AM CDT
    • Perfect song !

    • August 8, 2012 9:19 PM CDT
    • Well, as it seems much more easier to put on some music instead of listening to people's conversation while using the local public transport i.e., what's your favorite music on the go?

      some of my personal faves, no particular order...

      NEW BOMB TURKS - '!!Destroy-Oh-Boy!!', 'Info Highway Revisited', 'Nightmare Scenario' LPs

      BLACKTOP - 'I Got A Baaad Feelin'...' Comp.

      DIDJITS- 'Hey Judester' LP

      DEVIL DOGS - North Shore Bitch

      PVC - 'Punk Rock Berlin' Comp.

      T.V. KILLERS - Babyboomers Motherfuckers

      THE HOT POCKETS - 'Mess of Fire' LP

      THE MULLENS - 'The Mullens' LP

      SPACESHITS - 'Winter Dance Party' LP

      THE RIP OFFS - 'Got A Record' LP

      THE KIDNAPPERS - 'Ransom Notes...' LP

      THE PNEUMONIAS - 'Cheap Trash Rock & Roll' Comp.

      THE ONYAS - 'Get Shitfaced...' LP

      SUPERSUCKERS - 'The Smoke Of Hell' LP


      TEENGENERATE - 'Get Action' LP

      THE SHOCKS - 'The 7 Inches' Comp.

      THE BREEDERS - 'Last Splash' LP

      DAYLIGHT LOVERS - King Of Useless Drinking

      THE WONGS - 'Reanimate My Baby' LP

      THE CHINESE MILLIONAIRES - 'Detroit Double Cross' LP

      THE HUMPERS - 'Positively Sick On 4th St' LP

      THE SPLASH FOUR -'Do The Earthquake Shake!!!', 'Shame Shame Shame' LPs

      SCAT RAG BOOSTERS - 'Scat Rag Boosters' LP

      ANGRY SAMOANS - 'Back From Samoa', 'Inside My Brain' LPs

      BLACK LIPS - 'Black Lips', 'Let It Bloom' LPs

      MONACLES - I Can't Win

      DC SNIPERS - 'Missile Sunset', 'DC Snipers' LPs

      BASSHOLES - I Saw Beauty

      THE BEGUILED - I Walk Alone

      THE HARD FEELINGS - 'Fought Back And Lost' LP

      THE MOORAT FINGERS - 'Punk As In Prison' LP

      THE QUEERS - 'Don't Back Down', 'Love Songs For The Retarded' LPs

      THE KING KHAN & BBQ SHOW - Zombies

      THE REAL KIDS - 'The Real Kids'

      THE BRIEFS - 'Sex Objects', 'Steal Yer Heart' LPs

      BOBBY FULLER - I Fought The Law

      GAUNT - I Don't Care

      THE PROBLEMATICS - Bad Habit

      BEEHIVE & THE BARRACUDAS - The Real Blue Flame

      JET BUMPERS - 'It's A Sey Burnout' LP

      CHEATER SLICKS - Hook Or Crook and 'Don't Like You' LP

      THEE HEADCOATS - 'Elementary' Comp.

      HEX DISPENSERS - 'Hex Dispensers' LP

      THE DRONES - Corgi Crap

      THE MANIKINS - 'Agalmatophilia' Comp.

      THE KIDS - 'The Kids' LP

      BEASTIE BOYS - Egg Raid On Mojo

      ARMITAGE SHANKS - '25 Golden Showers' Comp.

      THE REDS - 'The Reds' LP

      SEDATIVES- 'Sedatives' LP

      SHAKIN' NASTIES - 'Refrigerated' LP

      BLITZ - Razors In The Night


      THEE VICARS - You Better Watch Out

      MURDER PUNK Vol 1/2 Comps


      ZODIAC KILLERS - 'Society's Offenders', 'Radiation Beach' LPs


    • August 10, 2012 2:06 AM CDT
    • I found a live recording from back in the 60's at the Hollywood Bowl a while back on the net... Way cool performance, immaculate energy produced by the original line-up! Couldn't be matched in the later years by whatever randoms playing for Saxon...

    • August 10, 2012 1:51 AM CDT

    • Will do!

      KK Dirty Money & Las Drogas said:

      Cool, this should be good and interesting. Keep us posted!

    • August 10, 2012 1:51 AM CDT
    • *cracked me up here...*

      +1 I can't get over Bob's "C'mon guys, let's ROLL! I'm peeing my pants here!" pose...

      John Battles said:

      His friends call him "Kid".

    • August 9, 2012 8:37 PM CDT
    • Cool, this should be good and interesting. Keep us posted!

    • August 9, 2012 8:34 PM CDT
    • His friends call him "Kid".

    • August 9, 2012 4:54 AM CDT
    • Dunno if this is already old news for everyone, but since I couldn't find an existing topic for it, here goes:

      In The Red Records Facebook announcement:
      "This new un-named band recorded a single this week at NY Hed studios. Mick Collins, Bob Bert and Kid Congo Powers. Sounds awesome!!"

      The Great Uncles of Garage Rock! WIPPEEE! This should be sweeet...

    • August 10, 2012 12:37 AM CDT
    • Glad you all liked it. Will keep looking for more gems like this and get them on here.

    • August 9, 2012 6:43 PM CDT
    • Suedehead! Very good SoulSka... for the rude boy in us all !!!!

    • August 9, 2012 2:44 PM CDT
    • Cheap Freaks, Bury Them All. Trashy garage punkabilly/countryblues. Crampsy,surfy, psychedelic and with a 60's feel to it. Quite accessible and catchy yet GOOD and the album is inexpensive too.

    • August 9, 2012 3:03 PM CDT
    • I really enjoyed Mo Foster's book on his life in the music industry "Seventeen Watts". It's a sort of mixture of a collection of interviews, anecdotes and gear descriptions, about the early days of British Rock and Roll and Mo's career as a session bass player through the late sixties to the seems to have got stupidly expensive at the moment....hopefully it will get a reprint......

      Seventeen Watts (Hardback)

    • August 9, 2012 2:27 PM CDT
    • I really like The (International) Noise Conspiracy a lot. The Mainliners are pretty great too. Mando Dio's first couple of albums had a nice garage/punk feel.


    • August 9, 2012 2:24 PM CDT
    • O and I forgot: another Geraldine album is mentioned "Abenteuer Eisenbahn". (All Music describes it's genre as: pop/rock, children's ??), but it's unclear to me if it was ever released.  Anybody out there who ownes it?

    • August 9, 2012 9:36 AM CDT
    • In 2001 Geraldine from (as far as I know) Athens, Ohio, made a speedy, grungy blues punk masterpiece called "Pure Bastard Rock". After that: Nothing.

      Does anybody know what happened to them?

    • August 9, 2012 3:58 AM CDT
    • Man I wish they would announce some dates... It's been so long just Greg running circles around the subject in interviews etc. Of course Reigning Sound is also working on an album, so we'll see which will come out first. I interviewed Greg for the Finnish Webzine NRGM a couple of weeks a go. He only wanted to do it via email, so I'm still waiting to hear back from him. Man it would be cool if he would make some sorta announcement...