Playlist April 19/2012
This show goes out to Dick Clark who passed away the day prior to this edition, and Levon Helm who passed away mere hours before airtime...Levon played many shows here in London Ontario back in the late 50's as part of Ronnie Hawkins Band.
1. The Dictators...Who Will Save Rock'n'Roll?...from the DFFD LP, last studio LP by The Dictators. To answer the question, not me, that's for damn sure cause i sure wish they never taught the band to play Sgt Pepper. The Dictators played London Ontario on Saturday June 1, 2002 to about 50 strong. Manitoba (most of The Dictators) play London tonite.
2. The Martinets...I Don't Follow...from the CD love!hate! which features Daniel Rey on guitar and vocals. He's also in Manitoba for tonight's show. Check your Ramones LP's to see his name in the credits.
3. Manitoba...Haircut And An Attitude...from the ...And You? CD 1990 MCA Records.
4. The Dictators...Cars and Girls...from the 1975 LP Go Girl Crazy! One of my fave Dictators tunes and this used to be covered by local hipsters, The Boy From Nowhere.
5. Legend Killers...Had It Comin'...from the We're Workin' On It CD from 2006. A cover of a Manitoba song done by the only band that has appeared on every What Wave compilation cassette and record...think that's 13 releases not including the above CD and the Better Than Hammerin' 7".
6. 63 Monroe....Bad Bad Rock'n'Roll...from their latest 7" and they are opening for Manitoba.
7. Nihilst Spasm Band...This Is A Test...from their CD with the title made up of funny characters. Local noise troupe that has been playing since the mid 60's and are literally big in Japan!! It's a great song to segue into a live tune....
8. catl...Thunderbird ESQ...recorded live at Call The Office 3/16/2012....a cover of a Gories tune done for me. catl return to Call The Office May 12th, a show you don't want to miss.
9. The Hook Up...Burnin'...latest demo from this Montreal trio who are moving out west shortly. Drummer Josh Peters is leaving the band as he's getting hitched's Josh in his own words:
Hey Dave,
So with Dave and Jaime leaving for Saskatoon in June, and my wedding in June, I played my last show with The Hook Up tonight. It was excellent, and possibly our best sounding show in Montreal, ever, period.
I just wanted to tell you that the only reason we ever went anywhere, as far as I'm concerned, is because you vouched for us, pushed us and encouraged us, broadcast us, and recorded us. I've had a great time, and played nothing but excellent shows (really!), even if the money wasn't good and the crowds were sparse sometimes. I always had a great time on stage with The Hook Up, and you're the reason we ever got out of our jam space and on the road.
So thank you!
As for me, I'm getting married, and then I'm looking for another band to terrorize. Maybe I'll see you in London at a show!
Best, and thanks again!
Josh Peters
Me again....Thanx can't see me, but i'm blushing...and had a BLAST everytime The Hook Up came to London, Ontario!!!
10. The Fleshtones...American Beat 84...from the 12" of the same name and The Fleshtones name check scads of US based combos who are not only influential, but have played on Dick Clark's Bandstand as this is the start of our little tribute to the world's oldest teenager! And yes, The Fleshtones did play on American Bandstand!
11. The Beat...Rock'n'Roll Girl...from the 1979 LP The Beat. When Paul Collins played London back in 2009 as part of our Evening of PowerPop show at Moon Over Marin, Paul said that playing on American Bandstand was his career highlight!! And he mentioned how great Dick Clark was to the band interviewing them live on TV!
12. Freddy Cannon...Tallahassee Lassie...from the Explosive! LP. Another frequent guest on American Bandstand many years ago. We did get to see Freddy Cannon in the mid 80's doing a show at the Western Fair here in London and he was fantastic!! Opened up for Chubby Checker whom we walked out on as Freddy was SO much better!!
13. Light Bulb Alley...Pepper Spray...from the brand new Garagepunk Hideout Compilation CD, We Love Trash. And Light Bulb Alley will be in town on saturday night at Brennan's Beer Bistro here in town as part of our big show!
14. LIght Bulb Alley...Who Do You Love?...from the Sound Of Things CD on Ricochet Sound, same label as The Gruesomes, and it came out last year.
15. Weirdonia...I Like Rumble Fish...from their latest CD, Freak. Weirdonia will be in London on saturday for 2 shows, 4PM at Grooves Records as part of Record Store Day and then later in the evening at Brennan's.
16. above. Weirdonia are a young 2 piece outta Windsor, Ontario who put on great live shows!
17. The Reply....I Must Stop...brand new demo from this Toronto soul/mod/garage combo who are also playing at Brennan's tomorrow night. It's gonna be a great show!!
18. The Reply...Memphis above.
19. The Reply....I'm A Man...recorded live at Brennan's 11/5/2011, their 2nd show ever! See picture below...

20. Teenanger...Cheap Thrills...from their latest LP, Frights.
21. Evil Eyes...Honey Please...from the brand new Garagepunk Hideout Compilation CD, We Love Trash....Leather Upper Craig is on the skins.
22. The Living Deadbeats...Erik...from their soon to be released 12". Living Deadbeats are doing a cross Canada tour this July.
23. Ray Condo and His Hardrock Goners...The Sinister Urge...from the Hot'n'Cold LP. Another segue, this time into....
24. Florida Razors...New York Screamin'...from the Half A Rock'n'Roll Record 12' which is exactly that, one side has songs, the other, etchings. Florida Razors were an early 80's to late 80's Hamilton Ontario based rock'n'roll combo who leaned in the Stones/Flamin' Groovies direction. Leader Tom Wilson has since been in Junkhouse, Blackie and The Rodeo Kings, Lee Harvey Osmond and solo since these days, and always puts on an entertaining and sweaty show! Check your early What Wave zines for interviews/articles on Florida Razors.
25. Florida Razors...She Like To Dance...from the Beat Music LP. Played the Florida Razors as they seem to have been forgotten and certainly don't deserve to be. They were a great, no, make that GREAT rock'n'roll combo that constantly toured across the province delivering the rock'n'rol message to the masses!
26. Radio 4...I Don't Wanna Go To New York City....early 80's demo by this London based combo and we had to cut it short for In The Red which follows us here on CHRW....2.5 hours of rock'n'roll!!
Saturday Apr 21st...Brennan's Beer Bistro has Light Bulb Alley (Montreal), The Reply (Toronto), Weirdonia (WIndsor) and the debut of Hamilton's The noble Savages!! See ya at this show, might even be someone's birthday bash!!
Next week on Radio What Wave, Apr 26th marks the 47th anniversary of The Rolling Stones playing their only show here in London Ontario. It took place at the Treasure Island Gardens (later named London Gardens, then The Ice House and now it is a velodrome) which is way down in the south end of London, past the end of public transit routes. And what was so special about this show, it's the ONLY Rolling Stones show that never finished due to a riot!!! Yep, sleepy London teenagers went berserk when Brian gave them the grin through his perfect blonde bowl!!! So we're gonna play the full Rolling Stones set from that show....all 6 or 7 songs before the riot ended the show. Apr 26 1965.
Here's the link to listen to the archived show: