John- That's true, I think most of us want to know that we're fighting the good fight, and you can't mass-market cool (not to toot our horns, ahem ;) There are still people out there who are shocked by the ideas contained in punk songs.
John- That's true, I think most of us want to know that we're fighting the good fight, and you can't mass-market cool (not to toot our horns, ahem ;) There are still people out there who are shocked by the ideas contained in punk songs.
dID'NT sPLODGENESS aBOUNDS ALSO DO THE "tWO pINTS AND A pACKET OF cRISPS" or whatever , song , too? ....It seems I saw different versions on TV and in the movies in the mid - to late 80's. I remember being surprised to see Invisible Sex , English Beat , Splodgeness Abounds , and Chelsea when I saw it on the big screen....BUT , i THINK THEY SHOWED IT IN IT'S ENTIRETY AROUND THE SAME TIME , ON CABLE.......I only taped a few bands , at the time...You've got to remember, blank video tapes were at least about $6 in '86 ,when I first started using a VCR in earnest..
Jeff of the Future said:
Gary Numan is on it.
There is'nt , but for the same reason some people say "Elvis Presley or Elvis Costello?" , some folks feel a need to make that distinction.....I don't LOATHE Bocephus , but, he does'nt do anything for me , either...."Hank III" , I SAW ONCE , EXPECTING A GREAT COUNTRY SHOW , BASED ON GLOWING REVIEWS (THAT IS , WHEN HE WAS'NT DOING AN AXL ROSE, and splitting after 10 minutes .)....If he wanted to do some Punk Rock , too , that was all right by me... Instead , he did this HORRIBLE Sub - Rage Against The Machine/Ministry (Minus the drum machines, at least.) set that never waivered in it's suckiness , with genius lyrics like "If you don't like our Hillbilly Punk Rock.....FUCK YOU !!!". THE GUYS IN HIS BAND WERE VERY NICE . iT JUST WAS'NT COUNTRY or Punk , Nor anything I needed to hear. I've no doubt he does good shows when he wants to , but that put me off , pretty much for good....
I'm probably more forgiving towards Hank Jr. than most people (and I'm still on the fence about Hank III), but even so...there is no need to put the word "Senior" in front of Hank Williams' name.
John Battles said:
I used to meet people in my own neighborhood with similar tastes.....But , we had a great record store , which helped.Now , there's no small business , because the University (Fuck you , Loyola.) has taken over everything , no sense of community. It's all college students. I don't begrudge them , but , it's a REALLY square environment. Even Goths or Hot Topic Punks ARE A RARITY .....a FEW YEARS BACK , THO' , I was making some flyers , at a Kinko's driven out by Loyola , TWICE , when a young guy asked me if I knew about THE (fIRST) Nuggets box set. He asked if I thoughthe should buy it.....I said , yes , because it took years for me to find those songs , and now you and I can have them all, with GOOD sound.......I told him , he's lucky to be around now , when there's so many great re-issues . Then he asked me if I liked Hank Williams , Sr. I told him ,there's only ONE Hank Williams.
I used to meet people in my own neighborhood with similar tastes.....But , we had a great record store , which helped.Now , there's no small business , because the University (Fuck you , Loyola.) has taken over everything , no sense of community. It's all college students. I don't begrudge them , but , it's a REALLY square environment. Even Goths or Hot Topic Punks ARE A RARITY .....a FEW YEARS BACK , THO' , I was making some flyers , at a Kinko's driven out by Loyola , TWICE , when a young guy asked me if I knew about THE (fIRST) Nuggets box set. He asked if I thoughthe should buy it.....I said , yes , because it took years for me to find those songs , and now you and I can have them all, with GOOD sound.......I told him , he's lucky to be around now , when there's so many great re-issues . Then he asked me if I liked Hank Williams , Sr. I told him ,there's only ONE Hank Williams.
almost never which is pretty lame. But whats worse is when you finally meet someone who likes the same music and they're really annoying.
I rarely if ever meet anyone with my musical tastes up here in Idaho. I live in a town of about 7800 people in the mountains, the nearest record store is 45 miles away. My husband likes some of the same music, and when I play something he hasn't heard before he usually (not always) likes it, same with my daughter.
We were also asked to come up with a garage primer, way before the Nuggets box sets were available (and it was on cassette because burning CDs was not yet an option). Songs we included that haven't been mentioned yet..
Ain't No Friend of Mine - Swamp Rats
Try It - Standells
Shake - Shadows of Knight
Milkcow Blues - Chocolate Watchband
What A Way to Die - Pleasure Seekers
You Burn Me Up and Down - We the People
Thoughts of a Madman - Nomads
Save My Soul - Wimple Winch
Wild Man - Tamrons
Action Woman - Litter
I Hate You - Monks
Tienes Algun Dinero - Shakers
My Iconoclastic Life - Beech-Nuts
As easy as its become to pull these sorts of lists together and create a playlist on an iPod, I kinda miss the days of pulling out the vinyl, cueing up the track and hitting "record" on the tape deck and trying to figure out how to get maximum use of a side without cutting off a song.
I agree :):)
Ido GalOn said:
Demolition Dollrods
on of the best!
on of the best!
I hear you John, The $20 Hullabaloos 45 was musically disappointing, {I don't mind their Buddy Holly type stuff} but to find it in WV was. well, enough shock for me to splash out.
I feel sorry for my 2 year boy who now is my hunting companion on our day trips out of this hicksville holler to the big city. I fear for his future. " Dadee, wecords, dance" and you are right, perseverance will get you something eventually. Round here it is bluegrass/country gospel that is the main eyeball fodder. Occasionally, I am so desperate for a vinyl fix that some religious atonal tripe comes home with this atheist, my wife's' eyes roll, "honey, I only spent 3 dollars on all these records and this one is worth 50 bucks.." "but you never sell them" " hummm, actually those records have payed rent in hard times"
Ana sorry for hijacking your topic xx
John Battles said:
That's funny ,now I have 6 bucks.....I don't believe in spending too much, Thebest stuff I've found was a dollar or less,.....BUT , that's because I look and look and look until Lester Young , Dinah Shore and Barbara Streisand are rolling around in my brain......A lot of people can't handle it , they jump ship. Amateurs, Good on youwit those finds.
That's funny ,now I have 6 bucks.....I don't believe in spending too much, Thebest stuff I've found was a dollar or less,.....BUT , that's because I look and look and look until Lester Young , Dinah Shore and Barbara Streisand are rolling around in my brain......A lot of people can't handle it , they jump ship. Amateurs, Good on youwit those finds.
hicksville hogwash said:
John, me too rarely spend 1 buck on a 45 these days. But today 20 of my $33 bucks was spent on The Hullabaloos "i won't turn away now" picture sleeve, knocked the antique lady down from 35. Also got a bunch of small label releases including a pretty cool lo-fi primitive "garage?" 45 by a band called The Townsmen You left Me Crying/Friends on Albun. I can find no mention anywhere on the net about it... I love it and hate it when that happens. Another unknown 3rd rate garage beat found.
Also cool doo-wop Arthur Butler -Lock Stock and Barrel (one went for 80)
and this soulster... way cool.
So now I have 6 dollars to spend on Yo Yos.
Yeah If it was 6 dollars I would get it too... Anyway Thanks!!
Here's a long shot of the old bass.
I don't bend the wood, I glue pieces together and sand them. Pro shops would also lathe them on CNC machines or something, but drums don't require that kind of thing, just ask any djembe carver.
I'll try and post some pics of our bass player's old Strat and pedal steel guitar that he inherited from his dad. It is a bit of a shame that he's playing an old Sears type bass when he has this kind of guitar too, but, hey it's only rock and roll. May as well post a pic of the bass too. It may be a legend by now!
John Carlucci said:
Yeah, have to agree with whatwave dave, I saw the fuzztones in Waterloo On around the same time at the City Hotel, and it was a rockin' show. I have the album, Live in Europe on Right Side Records and Fringe, and I still like it. Don't be ashamed John, some of us don't give a shit about the poliitics, we just remember a good time and still rock out to your tunes. I do remember someone in the "scene" of the time complaining about the singer coming on to their girlfriend. So he's a womanizer, no shortage of them in the world. Act accordingly.
whatwave dave said:
Show #369: "Bands & Artists Starting With D, Part 10" playlist:
The Duponts - "Screamin' Ball (At Dracula Hall)"
Cornell Dupree - "Teasin'"
The Duprees - "Goodnight My Love"
Alison Durbin - "Don't Come Any Closer"
Judith Durham - "Again And Again"
Rick Durham & The Dynamics - "I Got My Eyes On You"
Dusk - "If We Just Leave Today"
Dust [AR] - "Through A Silk Keyhole"
Dust [NY] - "From A Dry Camel"
Dust [IL] - "Gone"
The Dusters - "Rock At The Hop"
Dutch Masters - "The Expectation"
Jacques Dutronc - "L'opportuniste"
Huelyn Duvall - "It's No Wonder"
Boeing Duveen & The Beautiful Soup - "Jabberwock"
Bob Dylan - "Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands"
The Dyna-Tones - "The Skunk"
The Dynamic Dischords - "Passageway (To Your Heart)"
The Dynamic Hursemen - "You Tell Me Why"
The Dynamic Nutones - "Sick And Tired"
The Dynamics [PA] - "The Girl I Met Last Night"
The Dynamics [THAI] - "Used To Be"
The Dynamics [WA] - "All She Said"
The Dynamites - "Walkin' The Dog"
Dynasty [UK] - "Tatankhamun"
The Dynasty [US] - "I've Gotta Shout"
The Dynastys - "Forever And A Day"
The Dynatones - "The Fife Piper"
The Dynels - "Just A Face In The Crowd"
Y Dyniadon Ynfyd Hirfelyn Tesog - "Cwmwl Gwym"
Dzamble - "Dziewczyna, W Ktora Wierze"
Dzyan - "Magika"
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***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live via the web click this link: ... to listen to past shows, view playlists and more, fan the show on facebook: ... 50?sk=wall … or check out my website (to be updated someday):
Live every Friday night at 10pm to 1am EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!
Show #369: "Bands & Artists Starting With D, Part 10"
Every 3 weeks I do a series of shows I call the "Alphabetical Series" where I randomly draw a letter of the alphabet from a hat. Whatever letter I draw, I take all the bands and artists in my collection (from the 50's, 60's & 70's only) that start with that letter and play them in strict alphabetical order one by one until I run out of time. This week I drew the letter "D". This is the tenth time I've drawn the letter "D", so I will start from where I left off on show #9 (which was with Duo Kribo). This will be the FINAL installment of the letter D! So, tune in tonight (Friday at 10:00pm EST) to hear 3 hours of bands and artists that start with "D" like: Cornell Dupree, The Duprees, Alison Durbin, Judith Durham, 3 bands called Dust, Dutch Masters, Jacques Dutronc, Boeing Duveen & The Beautiful Soup, Bob Dylan, The Dyna-Tones, The Dynamic Dischords, 3 different Dynamics, 2 bands called Dynasty, Dzamble, Dzyan, and many others!!
***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live via the web click this link: ... to listen to past shows, view playlists and more, fan the show on facebook: ... 50?sk=wall … or check out my website (to be updated someday):
Live every Friday night at 10pm to 1am EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!
Watch my playlist unravel before your eyes LIVE here:
Playlist Apr 12/2012
1. Dr. Johm....Ice Age...from the recently released Locked Down CD. Produced by Dan Auerbach of Black Keys fame.
2. Pointed Sticks....Marching Song...from the Perfect Youth LP from 1980 and a request.
3. Thee Dirtybeats...You Turned Your Back On garagepunk from North Carolina and features the person responsible for the Tobacco A-GoGo compilations on the tubs.
4. The Damnsels...Legend...from their first 7" from 2007. One of The Damnsels is now living here in London.
5. Living Deadbeats...Hey Girl...from their soon to be released 12". From Vancouver and features former Londoner Peter Gripp on bass.
6. Lightbulb Alley...Pepper Spray...from their The Sound Of Things CD and they will be at Brennan's Beer Bistro here in London on Sat Apr 21. Another Radio WW presentation you don't want to miss.
7. Weirdonia...Masked Boy...from their new Freaks CD and they will also be in town at the same show as Light Bulb Alley...and they'll be playing earlier in the day at Grooves Records.
8. Raised By Weeds...Come September...recorded live on CJAM from Windsor on the Revolution Rock Radio show, hosted by our pal David K who is also in the Windsor combo The Hypnotics. Revolution Rock is on tuesday mornings on CJAM and is highly recommended for Radio WW listeners.
9. Lost Patrol...Blow Me Away...from their only LP that came out in the late 80's on Stop It Baby Records from France. They were Windsor based, appeared on several WW comps and are having a reunion show on Sat Apr 28th in Windsor.
10.The Reply...I Must Stop...brand new demo from this Toronto soul/mod/rock'n'roll combo who will be at Brennan's here in London on Sat Apr 21st...highly recommended!!!
11. The Reply...Memphis above.
12. Echo And The Bunnymen...Crocodiles...from the 1980 LP of the same name and a request.
13. Aunt Beezy...Crawl demo from this Toronto combo who have a Von Drat or 2 in the band.
14. The Kards...Cry Just A Little...from the Here's The Deal LP. Local combo who play around fairly regularly.
15. Wild Ones...WIld Thing...original version of The Troggs Wild Thing from the Ace Records compilation You Heard It Here First!
16. The Dictators...Young Fast and Scientific...from the Manifest Destiny LP from 1977. This goes out to Ritchie Teeter who passed away this week. Also, Manitoba is playing Call The Office on Fri Apr 20th...with Handsome Dick Manitoba, Ross The Boss, Thunderbolt Patterson and Daniel Rey.
17. The Barreracudas....Baby Baby Baby...recorded live on Terre T's show on WFMU 11/12/11.
18. The Dictators...Borneo Jimmy...from the Bloodbrothers LP from 1978.
19. The Ills...Gorehound...from their recent 7"
20. The Dictators...16 Forever...from the Every Day Is Saturday double LP on Norton Records. If you don't have anything by The Dictators, this is the place to start as many of the included demos are superior to the actual releases that came out.
21. Urban Verbs...Subway...from their first LP from 1980. Washington DC based art/punk combo who only released 2 LP's and one member was a brother of a Talking Head.
22. Orie Hitt Machine...Slaving Meat Wheel....demo from a crazed local combo.
23. Captain Beefheart...Floppy Boot Stomp...from the Shiny Beast LP from 1978 which was just re-issued for the first time.
24. Orie Hitt Machine...Killer Inside Me...more madness from this local combo.
25. Godfrey and Friends...Down Whittier Blvd...from the Dionysus compilation LP East Side Sound Volume 2 which came out in 2000. Collection of East LA combos from the mid to late 60's who mine the soul/garage sound.
26. Sheep Look Up....Jumper...from their first cassette from about 1981...London combo.
27. Eliza and The Strange...White Lies...from their debut LP and had to cut this one off as we ran out of time...
Apr 21st is our big show at Brennan's, with The Reply, Weirdonia, Light Bulb Alley and the debut of Hamilton's The noble Savages...9:30PM start.
Thanx for all the calls, emails, requests etc...back at ya next week at 6PM
This week's program featured music from New York Dolls, Link Wray, Ty Segall, Sloan, Joel Plaskett Emergency, The Black Lips, The D4, The Clash, and rare music from The Last Pogo Soundtrack from The Secrets and The Everglades.
Download the podcast here:
Check out this week's blog post on the Toronto Punk Documentary and soundtrack for The Last Pogo:
Here's The Play List:
1. The New York Dolls – Trash
2. T-Rex – 20th Century Boy
3. The Shins – Bait And Switch
4. Velvet Underground - White Light/White Heat
5. Cowboy Junkies – Fuck, I Hate The Cold
6. Papermaps – US And Them
7. Joel Plaskett Emergency – You’re Mine
8. Jaill – She’s My Baby
9. Link Wray – Commanche
10. The Secrets – Teenage Rampage
11. The Everglades – Rock n’ Roll Cliché
12. Teenanger – Cops (But Not)
13. Sloan - Living With The Masses
14. Ty Segall – Maria Stacks
15. The Angry Dead Pirates – Moon
16. Neil Young – Walk On
17. The Stooges – Little Doll (John Cale Mix)
18. The Gruesomes – For All I Care
19. The Black lips – Family Tree
20. Ramones – I Can’t Be (Demo)
21. The D4 – Mysterex
22. The Clash – Bankrobber (Live From Here To Eternity II)