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    • March 7, 2012 6:29 AM CST
    • Guitar Wolf i guess...

    • March 6, 2012 3:54 PM CST
    • I love this and all things Ty and Mikal.

      Dave Giù la Testa said:

      Yeah I've wanted to check out their stuff, the S/T Moonhearts record is among my absolute favorites of the past couple years and Ty is already a legend.

      This video is awesome, the Epsilon dudes doing a fake Laguna Beach episode:

      Bringing things back on topic, doesn't qualify as Garage, but I've got about 150 releases/live boots from New Order. It's like 5 days worth of music. Granted it's all digital.

    • March 6, 2012 12:05 AM CST
    • I'd have to count but it's probably the Beatles, Kinks, Dylan or the Stones. Mainly because there are very few bands that have ever put out more than 3 or 4 good albums.

    • March 5, 2012 10:25 PM CST
    • Bob Dylan. It started off as a competition between my dad and I to see who could find the most obscure recording. So far I have approximately 200 records, CD and tapes from various concerts and outtakes. Not to mention the officlal recordings

    • March 5, 2012 12:42 PM CST
    • Yeah lol. When I'm in need for metal I always put on Sepultura for old times.

      But I was counting my vinyl collection and there is most with The Rolling Stones or 10 records (from my mom's collection) but I bought Their Satanic Majesties Request! There is also bunch of Rory Gallagher and U2(hell yeah). My personal record in records(lol) would be lp's from Spirit or 5 and next there is The Ventures or 4 records. 

      LastofmyKind said:

      @Axel Björnsson

      "I got like 8 Sepultura cd's"


    • March 6, 2012 10:59 PM CST
    • Hey Rod,

      The Woggles are so good, they are in a class of their own. I personally don't think they need the matching outfits. When I played in The Odd Squad (a side band I had with The Mighty Manfred) we did not wear matching outfits, and we tore the house down.


      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      What about the Woggles? 

    • March 6, 2012 4:14 PM CST
    • Unless you dress up like barbarians, Romans, or Tarzans

      Doug Dickerson said:

      Sandals are a fireable offense! ;)

      Thee Mighty Shake Spears said:

      Just wear SOMETHING!!  It's called a SHOW.  Don't get up on stage if you're just gunna wear your stupid cargo shorts & sandals with a backwards ball cap & play your stupid 6 string bass up high while reading charted music on a music stand.....there's A LOT of that shit here in nashville....yech!!!  XD

    • March 6, 2012 3:59 PM CST
    • What about the Woggles?  Yeah, they have the chops to back it up but a lot of people remember the show from the uniforms and stunts they pull off.

      John Carlucci said:

      HA! nope Not my up of tea.  I;m not against theatre in Rock N Roll, after all I was a huge Alice Cooper fan when I was in High Schhol, IT's just the Matching outfit thing that makes me want to run away screaming POSUER!!!


       Gringo Starr said:

      Oh come on John! I likes me some theater!!!!

      John Carlucci said:

       When I was a kid I went to Catholic School. I wore a uniform for eight years. I got into Rock N Roll to rebel against the status quo. I am and always have been a non conformist. To each his own, but I prefer bands with individuality.

    • March 6, 2012 2:36 PM CST
    • Del Tigers - theme is circus performers 

    • March 6, 2012 12:03 PM CST
    • That was the most unpredictable response I've ever saw coming.  Very profound.

      But yeah, I'd do what I could to help! :)

      Gringo Starr said:

      Are you gonna organize it?

    • March 6, 2012 10:00 AM CST
    • If it happens i want to play... haha

    • March 6, 2012 7:52 AM CST
    • Gringo Starr said:

      Are you gonna organize it?

      Haha, yeah! These sorts of things are a HUGE undertaking. Yes, the subject has come up or has been suggested before, lots of times. The problem is the logistics of such a festival. I organized a festival in St. Louis in 2007 that included a whole bunch of garage/punk/rock'n'roll bands from the state of Missouri (it was called the Show-Me Blowout) and that alone was enough to make me realize I never wanted to attempt anything like it again.

      But yeah, if anyone else here wants to organize it, go ahead. And good luck! :)

    • March 6, 2012 6:15 AM CST
    • Are you gonna organize it?

    • March 6, 2012 1:03 AM CST
    • If there isn't already, or plans underway, this would be amazing.  You know, sorta like Goner Fest, but GaragePunk Hideout fest! :)

    • March 6, 2012 3:23 AM CST
    • i gotta say....i kinda remember when the bruddahs you remember r'n'r radio,what was that musta been 'bout 81/82,i was fuckin horrified,ok so we,d had dont come close off of road to ruin,which was an obvious nod to there phil spector pop sensibilities and a not 'arf bad tune i reckons.

      but r'n'r radio was disgusting,it was diet ramones,a blatant prostitution of there raid firing riffola and surely a shameless attempt at gettin there arses on the a.m./f.m.cartels.i was leavin' school at the time and loved the bruddahs,still do (who dont?),but this corporate cash in hurt me (to the core of my very being),still does,never liked that tune.

      so i been thinkin....da bruddahs obviously wanted a piece of the pie which everyone else was enjoying at the time,you cant blame 'em for that.but it kinda answers its own question,in that back in the day radio was sooo ham that the bruddahs felt they needed to make such 'moderate rock' in order to get played on the radio.....yes even a band as uncompromising as the bruddahs did this....which has led me to this conclusion....... fuckin rubbish today as its always been


    • March 6, 2012 2:34 AM CST
    • Remember who the mainstream radio is trying to market to... The MAINSTREAM. It's their job to appeal to as many people as possible so that they can get higher Arbitron ratings and sell more commercials to stay alive. Though I personally don't like many mainstream radio stations, I totally understand why they play the music they play. The reason college and pirate stations play whatever they want is because they get their funding from sources other than ad revenue.

      Another interesting point is that mainstream radio is different depending on where you might be. I live in Miami and the biggest station plays techno, house, and reggaeton on the weekends to appeal to the gigantic audience that exists in Miami for that stuff. When I visited my brother in San Diego though, I was blown away when I heard Phoenix and the Gorillaz on a mainstream station. A good way to test this theory is to check out Clear Channel's IHeartRadio app and tune in to a station from a hip city like Portland or something.

      Basically, the lesson to learn is that the internet makes a lot of mainstream things look completely idiotic (tv, radio, newspapers...) because it allows people to find EXACTLY what they're into and people who are into it too.

    • March 5, 2012 4:49 PM CST
    • I really don't even feel it has to do if you're on radio anymore like it use to be since there are so many choices but whether or not you can get on television.  The majority of teenage girls want cute boys and most teenage boys want crappy rap metal and that's all that seems to make it on the airwaves (or dish or cables, whatever).

    • March 5, 2012 4:24 PM CST
    • this past summer there were a good number of alternative bands being played on stations like Sirius XMU (their alt pop channel) that dj would constantly bring up being garage influenced.  I liked the recurring reference and you could hear it in their sound.  But that is as close as it comes to the point Lastofmykind was getting at when he started this thread.

    • March 5, 2012 10:45 AM CST
    • But what comes first ? Are the medias/music industries making people dumb at first ? Or is people don't care about quality ?

      If people don't want to search for music that's ok, but how can they don't heard the quality of music ?

      Month ago, i was djing with a friend of mine, puting soul/rnb/rnr/punk 7" , everybody was dancing, but even then some people came to us asking for some Shakira or "real music" !

      For them the music was ok (pretty things or sonics for example) but it was just not enough something...

    • March 5, 2012 10:22 PM CST
    • OK the experience as a whole was AMAZING. I was seasick for like at least a week after afterwards, but it was totally worth the money. I mean it was a rock n roll tropical adventure... does it get any better?

    • March 5, 2012 10:18 PM CST
    • Damn, that looks amazing! How was it?

    • March 5, 2012 5:30 PM CST
    • So did anyone go?  How was it?  Worth the money? How were the bands?  Did you get seasick?

    • March 5, 2012 3:14 PM CST
    • the flytraps, A girl band not for pussies

    • March 5, 2012 11:56 AM CST
    • I'm actually going to be doing an all women led band show for Radio What Wave this thursday, Mar 8th as it's International Women's Day on thursday.

      Here's a link to the facebook event for the show:

      Got a lot of requests so far, including some of the above mentioned Bikini Kill, L7, Girlschool.

      And will also be playing: Neo Boys, Zellots, Donnas, Angry Dragons, Pack AD, Bobbyteens, Trashwomen and tons more.

      The most difficult thing is narrowing it down to 90m worth of cool music!!

    • March 5, 2012 1:12 PM CST
    • Just saw this posted on the Get Bent site... looks like a pretty good list of shows!

      MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2012

      BURGER CITY KICK OFF PARTY // The Grand 9:30 PM // FREE // 21+
      Bare Wires, Bad Lovers, Hector’s Pets

      TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 2012

      TRASH CAN CITY TAPES // Break It Down 2 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Nightmare Boyzzz, Hector’s Pets, Unknown Relatives, Niall, Pantyliners

      WHITE MYSTERY ROCK N ROLL RIVERBOAT // Lonestar Riverboat 4:30 PM // $18 // ALL AGES
      White Mystery, and more 

      HOOPENANNY // Trailer Space 6 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      A Giant Dog, Dikes in Holland, Elvis, Grape St., Coma in Algiers, Marriage, Church Shoes, Stuffies, Teenage News, Dahling, Ichi Ni San Shi, Randall Holt

      PANACHE PREVIEW PARTY // The Scoot Inn 7 PM // FREE // 21+
      Thee Oh Sees, White Fence, Dirty Ghosts, Grave Babies, Turbo Fruits, Bare Wires, K-Holes, Bleached, Natural Child, Chapter 24, Xray Eyeballs, Magnetix, Habibi, Terrible Twos

      MONOFONUS PRESS // Beerland 7:30 PM // $7 // 21+
      Cloudland Canyon, Psychedelic Horseshit, John Wesley Coleman, Wet Hair, Black Gum, Chapter 24, Stormshelter, SPECIAL GUEST

      WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 2012

      BURGERSTOCK // Trailer Space 12 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Thee Oh Sees, Night Beats, Mean Jeans, Tough Shits, Tiger High, Audacity, Pangea, Natural Child, Gap Dream, Sam Flax, Tomorrow’s Tulips, Salsa Chips, John Wesley Coleman, White Mystery, Forever Baby, The Zoltars, Haunted Tiger, Habibi

      CAN’T STOP THE BLEEDING // Beerland 12 PM // FREE // 21+
      Puffy Areolas, Unholy Two, Bare Wires, Mannequin Men, Obnox, Cruddy, G.Green, Apache Dropout (patio)

      Missing Monuments, Dead Ghosts, FIDLAR, Cosmonauts, Mannequin Men, The Amoebas, Mouthbreathers, Las Ardillas, Audacity, Ketamines, The Band in Heaven, Heavy Times, Mujeres, Fungi Girls, The Lovely Bad Things, Allah-Las, Bare Wires, Guantanamo Baywatch, Puffy Areolas, Natural Child, Turbo Fruits, Habibi, Summer Twins, Psychic Palms, Brown Brogues, Public Dims, Crooked Bangs, Dikes of Holland, Rayon Beach, Nightmare Boyzzz, Lola Cola, Hector’s Pets, and more

      SiiickXSW with CMRTYZ&PL and HOZAC // Cheer Up Charlies 6 PM // FREE // 21+
      Las Ardillas, Heavy Times, Ketamines, The Band in Heaven, Shark Toys, Sweet Tooth, Tropical Punk, Football, These Are Words

      SUPER SECRET, TWISTWORTHY, and SICK THOUGHT // Beerland 7 PM // FREE // 21+
      Flesh Lights, The Best, Nazi Gold, Serious Tracers, Manikin, Come and Take It, Ichi Ni San Shi

      BXBM HOUSE PARTY // Boss Mountain 8 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      TRMRS, Tomorrow’s Tulips, The Act Rights, The Mallard, Guantanamo Baywatch, Nightmare Boyzzz, Grave Babies, Ketamines, Pow Wows

      THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2012

      CQ RECORDS // Austin Java 11 AM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Broncho, The Wrong Words, Los Vigilantes, Mystery Twins, Los Headaches, The Ultra S/C, Love Collector, The French Inhales, Shitty Awesome, Bottle Service, Smithers

      COLONEL SANDERS // Trailer Space 12 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      The Strange Boys, White Fence, Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds, The Mallard, Natural Child, Spectrals, Habibi, SPECIAL GUEST

      CAPTCHA RECORDS // Beerland 12 PM // FREE // 21+
      Puffy Areolas, Supersonic Piss, Heavy Times, Weird Words, Purling Hiss, Lorelle Meets the Obsolete, Charles Albright, Cosmonauts

      SiiickXSW with CMRYTZ and CASTLEFACE // Warehouse 2 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Guantanamo Baywatch, Xray Eyeballs, Fresh and Onlys, Thee Oh Sees, Bare Wires, The Mallard, K-Holes, Gardens, Blasted Canyons, Coasting, Magnetix, Detective Agency, Chains of Love, Dead Ghosts, Grave Babies, Habibi, Manic Attracts

      HOUSE PARTY // Dikes House 2 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Puffy Areolas, Obnox, Icepick (SPECIAL GUEST), Mouthbreathers, Elvis, Shitty/Awesome, Apache Dropout, The Blind Shake, The Lovely Bad Things, Dikes of Holland, The Zoltars, Spray Paint, Modern Convenience, Cussins, Palit

      CAKE SHOP & DAED PIZZA // Trailer Space 7 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      The Traveling Dingleberrys (SPECIAL GUEST), Las Ardillas, The Wrong Words, Diarrhea Planet, Heavy Cream, Mannequin Men

      BURGER CITY ROCK N ROLL PARTY // The Liberty 8:30 PM // FREE // 21+
      Missing Monuments, Barreracudas, Dead Ghosts, Hector’s Pets, The Wolf, Eric and the Happy Thoughts, Burnt Ones

      FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2012

      AND SO… SXSW PARTY // Spider House 12 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Thee Oh Sees, The Strange Boys, Kid Congo Powers, Sleepy Sun, Mikal Cronin, Bare Wires, Football, Blind Shake, Dirty Ghosts, Grave Babies, K-Holes, Aaron Blount, Ketamines, Chapter 24, Magnetix, Habibi, Blasted Canyons, Burnt Ones, Terrible Twos, Xray Eyeballs, Young Prisms, Laura Gibson, The Darcys, Mean Jeans, Carnivores, Los Headaches, The Wrong Words, Throwing Up, Chains of Love, The Mallard, Lily Taylor, Shimmering Stars, Gardens, Far Out Fangtooth, Dead Ships, Guantanamo Baywatch, Carletta Sue Kay, and more

      MONOFONUS PRESS // Trailer Space 12 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Modern Convenience, Puffy Areolas, Same Sack, Shit and Shine, Dikes of Holland, Spray Paint, Heavy Times, Dope Body

      JOLLY DREAM and TIC TAC TOTALLY // Beerland 12 PM // FREE // 21+
      OBN III’s, Destruction Unit, Useless Eaters, Creamers, A Giant Dog, Terrible Twos, Party Bat, Wiccans (patio)

      AYE AYE AYE TAPES // Eastside Bikini Company 3 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      The Twerps, Turbo Fruits, Modern Convenience, Xray Eyeballs, Heavy Cream, Holy Wave, Low Times, Destruction Unit, Rayon Beach, Natural Child, Eets Feats, Cop Warmth, Ovary Action, Milli Mars, SPECIAL GUESTS

      GET BENT // Trailer Space 6 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      The Spirituals (SPECIAL GUEST), TRMRS, Heavy Cream, Useless Eaters, Pangea, Outer Minds, Blasted Canyons, Burning Itch

      SiiickXSW with CMRTYZ // Cheer Up Charlies 6 PM // FREE // 21+
      G. Green, Fungi Girls, Tacocat, Far Out Fangtooth, Mujeres, Pharmacy, Ziskis, Bosco Delrey, SPECIAL GUESTS

      GONER RECORDS // Beerland 8 PM // $10 // 21+
      Mikal Cronin, JWC III, Ex Cult, Manatees, White Fence, Toxie

      IN THE RED RECORDS // Emo’s East 9 PM // FREE w RSVP // ALL AGES 
      The Gories, The Spits, Cheap Time, Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds, Thee Oh Sees

      SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 2012

      BURGERMANIA // Spider House 12 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      6 STAGES, 73 BANDS including Jack Oblivian, Paul Collins and Peter Case of The Nerves, Las Ardillas, The Bad Lovers, Bare Wires, The Resonars, White Crime, Cosmonauts, Barreracudas, Missing Monuments, Useless Eaters, Heavy Cream, John Wesley Coleman, Audacity, The Tough Shits, Crystal Antlers, White Mystery, Apache, Terrible Twos, Pangea, Flesh Lights, Dikes of Holland, and more

      TROUBLE IN MIND // Trailer Space 12 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Night Beats, Apache Dropout, Mikal Cronin, The Resonars, The Wrong Words, Mean Jeans, Wheels on Fire, Hex Dispensers

      GET BENT and RUBBERNECK // Beerland 12 PM // FREE // 21+
      Bass Drum of Death, Terrible Twos, Video, Ex Cult, Flesh Lights, White Mystery, Los Vigilantes, Diarrhea Planet, Bad Sports (patio)

      12XU RECORDS // Trailer Space 7 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Terrible Twos, James Arthur’s Manhunt, Ex Cult, Unholy Two, G.Green, SPECIAL GUEST

      WFMU RADIO // Beerland 7 PM // $10 // 21+
      Death of Samantha, Supreme Dicks, SPECIAL GUESTS

      HOZAC RECORDS // The Liberty 8:30 PM // FREE // 21+
      Puffy Areolas, Obnox, Rayon Beach, Heavy Times, Nones, Far Out Fangtooth, Bleeding Rainbow, Ketamines, The Band in Heaven, Eric and the Happy Thoughts

      DIRTNAP RECORDS // Valhalla 9 PM // $CHEAP // 21+
      Mind Spiders, Mean Jeans, Bad Sports, Something Fierce, Steve Admayk Band, Sonic Avenues

      SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 2012

      PANACHE HANGOVER PARTY, Beerland, 11:30 PM, FREE, 21+
      Thee Oh Sees, Dikes of Holland, Gardens, Crooked Bangs, Terrible Twos, Foreign Mothers, Burnt Skull, OBN III’s, When Dinos Rules the Earth, Vockah Redu, Flesh Lights, Idiot Glee, Each Other, The Twerps, Royal Baths, Magnetix, Xray Eyeballs, PUJOL, Mikal Cronin, Black Belles, Janka Nabay and the Bubu Gang, Happy New Year, Carletta Sue Kay, Onleyville Sound System, Coasting

      SiiickXSW DRAG PARTY with CMRTYZ and BURGER RECORDS, Iron Bear, 6PM, FREE, 21+
      Vomettes, Audacity, Pangea, Chapter 24, Vockah Redu, Carletta Sue Kay, Blue Jungle, SPECIAL GUEST