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    • January 5, 2015 9:10 PM CST
    • courtesty of emusicThe Dogs

      Black Chameleon Prayer

      Astma Records/ Phonophile


      This isn't the French Power Pop band from the 80s or that flashy rap group from the 90s. They look like the Hives, might be the only non-black metal band from Oslo (i kid) and the singer sounds like "Richard Butler meets Nick Cave". Having banged out two previous albums (Set Yourself On Fire And Follow The Smoke - 2012 and The Tears Are Voodoo - 2014) they straddle the line between garage rock and alternative rock yet have not broken the glass ceiling under either genre. 

      "Don't Let Me Down" kicks of the album with an urgent anthem that pulls equally from the the gutter rock of the Lords of Altamont and the Hives radio friendly garage rock circa Tyrannosaurus Hives. The strength of the band though is in their post punkish tinged gems. "Stay Away from Her", "Anything You Don't Regret", and "Reduced to Existence"  They mine deep catalogue of organ driven garage rock that The Horrors used to play (while they were playing to any crowd that would listen) on "I Don't Wanna". "Something That Bleeds", and "Why I Lie".

      The whole record finds a nice balance even though the band can't decide what it wants to be (new wave post punk vs. primal garage tinged rock). The gospel/ preachy elements confuse especially on the track "Those Blackouts" which is equal parts "CW" show background music and Hives Black and White-era.

      Regardless of what how this band see's themselves genre wise they put together a nice album and at least have piqued my interest to take look back. Hopefully this is enough or you to take a look.


    • January 5, 2015 4:40 PM CST
    • As for 2015, this is coming up next month:

      For Immediate Release
      January 5, 2015

      Saustex Records Announces "Ballsier" by the Grannies
      CD out January 20th - LP out February 17th
      Bay Area Shows - East Coast Shows with the Upper Crust

      Saustex is pleased to unleash “Ballsier”, the latest full length album from Bay Area cross-dressing, geriatric superstars The Grannies, out January 20th (CD) and February 17th (Vinyl). The new set picks up where 2011’s “For Those About To Forget To Rock” left off with an arthritic and defiant middle finger raised high above a squalid rawk’n’roll soundtrack. Lead singer Wizard Sleeves wails hard won lessons about dodgy friends, gentrification and love to the chaos while producer Jack Endino (Nirvana, The Gits, High On Fire) aptly synthesizes the band’s well-fermented bile and grungy, virulent twin-guitar attack on tunes like “Soviet”, “Wade in Bloody Water” and “Modern Medicine”. The CD edition of the album features remixes of “The Corner of F*ck and You” by Ben Addison (of UK acid jazz legends Corduroy) and “Glittersh*tter” by German producer, DJ and sound designer Matt Flores. Tour dates in the Bay and on the East Coast are listed below...the spring/summer will see them head for Texas and Europe.

      The Grannies story began on a hot July night in 1999, as five grown men dressed as old ladies crossed 11th St in San Francisco and hit the stage at the Paradise Lounge. 15 years, 8 Jack Endino-produced albums, 3 European tours, more than a few beer soaked house dresses, some delighted fans, some not-so delighted soundmen, an 8’ x 5’ oil painting by German artist Frank Bauer (that sold in Cologne for $25,000), some good press, some bad press; and these self-proclaimed “Masters of Quality Edutainment” are still at it. Still. Saustex label boss Jeff Smith has dubbed them “The hardest working ladymen in rock’n’roll”.

      Featuring former members of Ain’t (SF), Black Furies (SF), Hollow Heyday (Boston) and Hullabaloo (Boston) The Grannies have released albums on their Dead Teenager and Wondertaker labels and now unleash their full-length debut for Saustex. “Mixing the frantic three chord riff rock of G.B.H. with the in-your-face danger of the Dwarves and add in Divine's fashion sense for good measure -- and voila, you now have the ingredients for a Grannies' cocktail.” says Greg Prato of All Music Guide.

      These five are mild-mannered career and family men by day, occupying jobs ranging taxi driver to architect that allow them to don nothing but the latest in thrift store fashion on stage, “looking like a dystopian nightmare vision of glam”, notes Ken Shimamoto of The Stash Dauber. The San Francisco Bay Guardian says “this bunch of moldy old punk rockers, whose history consists chiefly of dressing up like old ladies, getting f*cked up and f*cking things up while decent folk look on in horror are a definite must see.” and Musicdownload was prompted to this bit of pith: “The band members look like Nick Nolte's mug shot if he had been dressed as the lady from ‘Mama's Family’...” But we’re getting too tangled up in visuals because it’s really the music that matters, right?

      While schtick gets The Grannies to the altar, the music ties the knot. Unbeknownst to most, the band has maintained the same five members for over a decade, but each has the unusual habit of changing their stage names from album to album. So, while you cannot count on consistent album credits beyond mainstay Seattle producer Jack Endino (Nirvana, Mudhoney, Murder City Devils, High On Fire) you can bet there will be some furious, juvenile and belligerent punk rawk and roll lurking within the packaging walls of any release by The Grannies. Sleazegrinder had this to say about the band: “...Best of all, regardless of what mode they’re in, whether it’s sincere rock revivalists or snotty, tranny-granny punk rock assholes, they lay on the hooks and the howls and the c*ck-rockin’ guitar solos like…like they’re not even dressed like arthritic 70 year old broads at all.” And Seattle weekly The Stranger beams “The Grannies assault your ears with something mean, something dirty and something completely rock‘n’roll.”


      Saturday February 28 San Francisco, CA Benders Noise Pop Afternoon Happy Hour
      Friday March 6 Oakland, CA Golden Bull
      Saturday March 14 San Francisco, CA The Knockout Afternoon Show

      East Coast dates with The Upper Crust
      All shows are with The Upper Crust & White Dynomite
      Thursday April 23 New York, NY Bowery Electric
      Friday, April 24 Somerville, MA Cuisine en Locale
      Saturday, April 25 Portland, ME

      For more information on Saustex visit and learn more about the band at

    • January 5, 2015 2:15 PM CST
    • Thanks for trying, John. There are two ways to listen. Radio Free America is sometimes spotty. Then there's (upper right ), where you can listen through iTunes, Window Media Player etc. As long as I'm turning this into a plug, Sound World is on 10 pm Mountain Time Sunday. My show from last night can be found at Radio free America.

    • January 5, 2015 12:57 PM CST
    • ...I wonder if Michael Weldon knows that The Electric Mess's video has an early Psychotronic , prominently displayed? I'm sure he'd get a kick out of it.  Steve , I listened to your show , the other night , but , it kept cutting out on me , unfortunately. John.

    • January 5, 2015 3:46 AM CST
    • Two of my favorite new ones are relatively new bands that haven't received much discussion in here but seem to be anchored in garage and punk. One is Benjamin Booker, a kid in his early 20s whose stated influences include The Gun Club (and Blind Willie Johnson). Then there's The Bloodhounds, East LA Chicanos who owe a lot to The Yardbirds (and have a weird jug band fetish. )

      Also I absolutely love The Electric Mess, a NY band I first met here in the Hideout.

      I recently posted my 2014 Top 10.

    • January 4, 2015 11:32 PM CST
    • I have'nt been buying alot of new stuff....Danny Amis' (Los Straitjackets) new CDS is great , in a Ventures/John Barry /HENRY MANCINI STUFFED IN A PHONEBOOTH KINDA WAY.

      Fleshtones' last album was great (Boy , who could have seen that coming?). Reverend Horton Heat's last one is pretty strong , just not as good as their ignored previous effort , "Laffin' and Cryin'". The Fuzztones' SELF - TRIBUTE ALBUM , with help from many true Garage legends , is killer , even if you don't like The Fuzztones. Gonn's last release makes an ass of anyone who fancies themselves "Garage Bands"....

    • January 4, 2015 9:26 PM CST
    • I would also pick Thee Oh Sees Drop from 2014 as a favourite.  Also worth checking out, Teenanger's EPLP (its more garage/punk), The Black Lips - Underneath The Rainbow and Parquet Courts Sunbathing Animal.

      Haven't heard the Real Kids reissue, will have to check that one out.

    • January 3, 2015 5:19 PM CST
    • Cool. But , of course , I meant The Real Kids. This is and event. So was their last EP and 45 , which was almost 20 years ago....I don't think the propsed live album on REAL o Mind (I think.) came out , either, just teh 45. Thanks for the info.

    • January 3, 2015 9:12 AM CST
    • John: Assume you mean the Real Kids LP, if so, it's on Ugly Pop Records on vinyl.

      Here's a link:


      Ugly Pop has released a ton of cool stuff, mainly reissues of long out of print recs. Lots of early Canpunk singles, ie The Spys, Hot Nasties, Simply Saucer and loads more. All pressed and packaged with loving care. My favourite Canadian record label.

    • January 2, 2015 10:31 PM CST
    • DAMN! Now it's 2015 , and this is the first I've heard of it .  I heard they were MAKING the album , but , we all knew that that meant it could be another year.....Well , I sure hope I can find it. I know it's not very "Punk Rock'' to buy your music in an actual record store , but , i'LL TRY THAT , FIRST.



    • January 2, 2015 9:25 AM CST
    • 2014 did bring a new Real Kids LP, Shake....Outta Control their first LP in many many years. It was long awaited for these ears and didn't quite live up  to what i was expecting. Although on repeated listens, it's been winning me over more each play.


      And finally the new Mother's Children LP, Lemon which beat The Real Kids at their own game. Pure power pop with loadsa hooks and guitars that play together so well. Easily one of my fave LP's of the year! These guys are off to Europe sometime this year, just wish they'd play some of the cities that within driving distance prior.



    • December 31, 2014 8:30 AM CST
    • Mine def is Drop by Thee Oh Sees, and VLMA's self stitled release.

      Skull Theft is coming out with a split with Ratboiler and they also have their own album coming out too, so that's exciting. VLMA's starting to record in January/Febuary for their next release, and anything released by them is gold. Old Indians record is coming out soon, too. That's all I got speculated so far.

    • January 4, 2015 9:38 PM CST
    • Here are the two most recent episodes of Revolution Rock.  

      January 3rd Play List:

      1. 999 - I’m Alive
      2. The Tomboys - I’d Rather Fight Than Switch
      3. The Len Bright Combo - You’re Gonna Screw My Head Off
      4. Young Rival - Elevator
      5. Acid Baby Jesus - Who’s First
      6. John Otway - Baby’s In The Club
      7. Wazmo Nariz - Tele-Tele-Telephone
      8. Queen’s Rug - Like A Plague
      9. AKA & The Charlatans - 634 Dog
      10. Little Richard - Keep A Knockin’
      11. Jack Scott - Midgie
      12. The Gestics - Invasion
      13. Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet - Theme From TV
      14. Davie Allan & The Arrows - Blues Theme
      15. CJ Ramone - Last Chance To Dance
      16. Fifth Column - Like This (Brave New Waves Session)
      17. The Animals - Don’t Bring Me Down
      18. Tire Swing Co. - Time Away
      19. The Black Angels - Molly Moves My Generation
      20. Sonic Jesus - Lost Reprise
      21. The Electric Vomit - Treasure Hunt
      22. Elvis Costello & The Attractions - You Belong To Me (Live)
      23. The Government - Telephobia
      24. Ty Segall - It’s A Problem
      25. Actual Water - Waldo Jackson
      26. Dead Ghosts - Summer With Phil
      27. Dead Ghosts - Cold Stare
      28. Roy Orbison - You’re Gonna Cry
      29. Roy Orbison - I Never Knew

      Download/listen to this podcast here:

      Check out my blog post on Roy Orbison's Rock House here:

      December 27th Play List (Best of 2014):

      1. Parquet Courts - Instant Disassembly (Sunbathing Animal - What's Your Rupture? 2014)
      2. Parkay Quarts - Content Nausea (Content Nausea - What's Your Rupture? 2014)
      3. Guided By Voices - Planet Score (Motivational Jumpsuit - Guided By Voices Inc. 2014)
      4. Sam Coffey & The Iron Lungs - Hold Me Close (Gates Of Hell - South Paw Records 2014)
      5. Paul Jacobs - Waking Up (Do It Again - Self Released 2014)
      6. James O-L & The Villains - Late Night Drive (On The Banks Of The Detroit River - Famous Last Records 2014)
      7. Ought - Weather Song (More Than Any Other Day - Constellation Records 2014)
      8. White Lung - Just For You (Deep Fantasy - Domino 2014)
      9. Ty Segall - Connection Man (Manipulator - Drag City 2014)
      10. Mac DeMarco - Blue Boy (Salad Days - Captured Tracks 2014)
      11. Ariel Pink - Nude Beach A Go-Go (Pom Pom - 4AD 2014)
      12. King Tuff - Magic Mirror (Black Moon Spell - Sub Pop 2014)
      13. OFF! - I Won't Be A Casualty (Wasted Years - Vice 2014)
      14. Chad Vangaalen - Leaning On Bells (Shrink Dust - Sub Pop 2014)
      15. The Black Angels - The Flop (Clear Lake Forest EP - Blue Horizon Records 2014)
      16. Kestrels - Wide Eyes (The Moon Is Shining Our Way EP - Noyes/Sonic Unyon 2014)
      17. Ty Segall - Manipulator (Manipulator - Drag City 2014)
      18. St. Vincent - Birth In Reverse (St. Vincent - Loma Vista/Republic Records 2014)
      19. Iceage - Forever (Plowing Through The Field Of Love - Matador 2014)
      20. Perfume Genius - Longpig (Too Bright - Matador 2014)
      21. The Black Lips - Dorner Party (Underneath The Rainbow - Vice 2014)
      22. White Fence - Anger! Who Keeps You Under (For The Recently Found Innocent - Drag City Records 2014)
      23. Swans - A Little God in My Hands (To Be Kind - Young God/Mute Records 2014)
      24. Sun Kil Moon - Pray for Newtown (Benji - Caldo Verde Records 2014)
      25. Teenanger - Sky Saxon (E P L P - Telephone Explosion 2014)
      26. Thee Oh Sees - Drop (Drop - Castle Face 2014)

      Download/listen to this podcast here:

      Check out my blog post featuring my favourite ten releases of 2014:


    • December 26, 2014 8:43 PM CST
    • On December 22nd, CJAM FM held their annual Joe Strummer Day Marathon.  My program focused on a collection of live Clash recordings.  Ken from The Trip! who also posts here di a program as well!

      JSD 2014 Play List:

      1. What’s My Name (Music Machine, London, England - July 27th, 1978 - From Here To Eternity: Live)
      2. English Civil War (The Lewisham Odeon, London, England - February 18th, 1980 - From Here To Eternity II)
      3. Safe European Home (The Lyceum Theatre, London - December 28, 1978 - From Here To Eternity II)
      4. Jail Guitar Doors (The Lyceum Theatre, London - December 28, 1978)
      5. Guns Of Brixton (Bonds International Casino - NYC - June 13th, 1981 - From Here To Eternity)
      6. (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais (Reital France - June 14th, 1980)
      7. Police & Thieves (The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio - February 13th, 1979)
      8. The Prisoner (St. Paul, Minnesota - June 12th, 1979)
      9. I Never Did It (The 100 Club - London, England - August 31st, 1976)
      10. How Can I Understand The Flies (The 100 Club - London, England - August 31st, 1976)
      11. Remote Control (Mont De Marsan Festival - France - August 5th, 1977)
      12. Cheapskates (The Lyceum Theatre, London - December 28, 1978 - From Here To Eternity II)
      13. City Of The Dead (The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio - February 13th, 1979)
      14. Jimmy Jazz (The Capitol Theater - Passaic, NJ - March 8th, 1980)
      15. Stay Free (The Capitol Theater - Passaic, NJ - March 8th, 1980)
      16. Magnificent Seven Armagideon Time Medley (Shea Stadium - October 13th, 1982 - Live At Shea Stadium)
      17. Ivan Meets GI Joe (Japp Edenhall - Amsterdam, Netherlands - May 10th, 1981)
      18. Bankrobber (Brixton Fair Deal - London, England - July 30, 1982)
      19. One More Time (Japp Edenhall - Amsterdam, Netherlands - May 10th, 1981)
      20. London Calling (Japp Edenhall - Amsterdam, Netherlands - May 10th, 1981)
      21. Radio Clash (Bonds International Casino - NYC - June 9th, 1981)
      22. The Call Up (Bonds International Casino - NYC - June 9th, 1981)
      23. Complete Control (Bonds International Casino - NYC - June 13th, 1981 - From Here To Eternity)
      24. Koka Kola (The Palladium - NYC - September 21, 1979)
      25. I'm So Bored With The USA (The Palladium - NYC - September 21, 1979)
      26. I Fought The Law (The Lyceum Theatre, London - December 28, 1978)
      27. Janie Jones (Aragon Ballroom - Chicago, Illinois - September 14, 1979)
      28. Garageland (The Capitol Theater - Passaic, NJ - March 8th, 1980)

      Download/listen to the podcast here:

      Check out my blog post on this program here:

    • December 22, 2014 5:51 PM CST
    • Recently, Revolution Rock had an episode made up of two hours of music from Guided By Voices.  The program featured a wide variety of early, rare and newer recordings from the band's career.  

      GBV Play List:

      1. A Salty Salute (Live) (Hardcore UFOS - 2003)
      2. Hot Freaks (Bee Thousand - 1994)
      3. Everywhere With Helicopter (Universal Truths And Cycles - 2002)
      4. Postal Blowfish (Brain Candy Soundtrack - 1996)
      5. Draw(In)g To A (W)hole (God Save The Clean - 1997)
      6. Cut-Out Witch (Under The Bushes Under The Stars - 1996)
      7. Weed King (Propeller - 1992)
      8. A Good Flying Bird (Alien Lanes - 1995)
      9. The Unsinkable Fats Domino (Let's Go Eat the Factory - 2012)
      10. Worm W/ 7 Broken Hearts (Class Clown Spots A UFO - 2012)
      11. Liar’s Tale (Self-Inflicted Aerial Nostalgia - 1989)
      12. Demons Are Real (Bee Thousand - 1994)
      13. Kicker of Elves (Bee Thousand - 1994)
      14. Robert Pollard - Back To The Farm (Superman Was A Rocker - 2008)
      15. The Other Place (Forever Since Breakfast - 1986)
      16. Captains Dead (Devil Between My Toes - 1987)
      17. Taco, Buffalo, Birddog and Jesus (Suitcase: Failed Experiments and Trashed Aircraft - 2000)
      18. My Valuable Hunting Knife (7 Inch Version) (Tigerbomb EP - 1995)
      19. Shocker In Gloomtown (The Grand Hour EP - 1993)
      20. #2 in the Model Home Series (Vampire on Titus - 1993)
      21. Drag Days (Under The Bushes Under The Stars - 1996)
      22. Drinkers Peace (Same Place The Fly Got Smashed - 1990)
      23. Little Whirl (Alien Lanes - 1995)
      24. Shine (Tomahawk Breath) (Motivational Jumpsuit - 2014)
      25. The Sudden Death Of Epstein’s Ways (English Little League - 2013)
      26. Crybaby 4-Star Hotel (English Little League - 2013)
      27. Surgical Focus - (Do The Collapse - 1999)
      28. Sister, I Need Wine (Isolation Drills - 2001)
      29. Girls Of Wild Strawberries (Half Smiles Of The Decomposed - 2004)
      30. Can’t Stop (Sandbox - 1987)
      31. Sensational Gravity Boy (Briefcase - Suitcase Abridged: Drinks And Deliveries - 2000)
      32. I Am A Tree (Mag Earwig! - 1997)
      33. I Am A Scientist (Live at X-Fest 1999) (X Fest 99 - 1999)
      34. Smoggy Boy (The Bears For Lunch - 2012)
      35. Males Of Wormwood Mars (Cool Planet - 2014)
      36. Teenage FBI (Original Version) (Wish In One Hand EP - 1997)
      37. Game Of Pricks (Alien Lanes - 1995)
      38. The Ugly Vision (Alien Lanes - 1995)

      Download/listen to the podcast here:

      Check out my blog post on GBV here:

    • January 3, 2015 2:40 PM CST
    • Playlist 01/03/15

      Psychedelic Furs - India
      Adverts - No Time To Be 21
      Generation X - Night of the Cadillacs
      Rezillos - 2000 AD
      Double Date With Death - Ride
      Jagged Lines - Kickin' The Habit
      Occult Tofu Soup - Rude
      El Cine - Laundromat
      Meatbodies - Disorder
      OBN IIIs - Off The Grid
      King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - I'm In Your Mind
      Wax Witches - Social Introvert
      Thee Oh Sees - Crack In Your Eye
      Blind Shake - Go Lie
      Ausmuteants - Freedom of Information
      Pere Ubu - The Modern Dance
      Dirty Looks - Let Go
      DMZ - Mighty Idy
      Blue Hearts - Be Nice
      FOC - In The Back
      Thee Wylde Fuzz Show - Stunner
      Mighties - I Hope This Letter
      Narco States - Lost In Time
      Loose Pills - Stop
      Chesterfield Kings - You Better Look Now
      Syn - Grounded
      Lyres - Self-Centered Girl
      Teardrop Explodes - When I Dream
      Body Futures - Hooks & Eyes
      Spits - Trouble
      Sonny Vincent & Spite - Wait
      Love Me Nots - No Myth
      Sugar - The Gift
      Screaming Trees - Change Has Come
      Salem 66 - Playground
      Harmonica Lewinski - King Mountain
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • January 3, 2015 8:40 AM CST
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on for its first show of 2015 on Saturday January 3rd. There will be the usual mix of Punk, Garage, and Psychedelic tunes. You can listen at 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or streaming live at

    • December 20, 2014 3:21 PM CST
    • Playlist 12/20/14

      TVTV$ - Daddy Drank Our Xmas Money
      Huntingtons - It Is Always Christmas At My House
      Hawaii Mud Bombers - Santa's Wish
      New Bomb Turks - Christmas (Baby , Please Come Home)
      Wild Billy Childish & The MBE's - Christmas Lights
      Thee Fine Lines - I'm Giving You The Blues For Christmas
      Fleshtones - Hooray For Santa Claus
      Humpers - Run Run Rudolph
      Damned - There Ain't No Sanity Clause
      Spinal Tap - Christmas With The Devil
      El Vez - Feliz Navi-nada
      Ramones - Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight)
      El Cine - Laundromat
      Occult Tofu Soup - Rude
      Double Date With Death - Ride
      Jagged Lines - Kickin' The Habit
      Andy Smash - Little Drummer Boy
      Luther & The BBB's - Are You Ready for Christmas
      Chesterfield Kings - Hey Santa Claus
      Gefilte Joe & The Fish - Hanukah Rocks
      Dr. Chompski & The Grey People - Stop The Dreidels! (It's So Hard To Be The Only Jew At Christmas)
      Business - Step Into Christmas
      Splodge - 12 Days of Christmas
      Waistcoats - I Wish You Could Be More Like Santa Claus
      Lowell George & The Factory - Candy Cane Madness
      Sonics - It's Christmas
      Taildraggers - Let's Talk About Claus
      Thee Wylde Fuzz Show - Thinking
      Mighties - Let You Go
      Loose Pills - Nail
      Harmonica Lewinski - The Lewinski Stomp
      Descendents - Christmas Vacation
      Riptides - I Can't Have A Merry Christmas
      Shonen Knife - Space Christmas
      Buzz Zeemer - Psychedelic Santa
      Meatbodies - Disorder
      Sonny Vincent & Spite - Disinterested
      Spits - Trouble
      Ausmuteants - Freedom of Information
      Cool Ghouls - And it Grows
      Los Straitjackets - Pipeline
      Empty Hearts - 90 Miles An Hour Down A Dead End
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • December 20, 2014 8:38 AM CST
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday December 20th from 1:00-3:00 PM EST. In addition to the usual garage-punk nonsense, I will be playing some naughty and nice Christmas tunes (mostly naughty). You can listen at 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or streaming live at

    • January 2, 2015 9:18 AM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist Jan 1/2015 All 2014/late 2013 recordings

      First off, Happy New Year from Radio What Wave!! This show will only be recordings from 2014 and late 2013 as we highlight some of the releases that made it to WW HQ's. This will NOT be a best of, nor top 10 or any of that crap! Simply some really cool music that we came across and hopefully you too will dig some of this!! Big Thanx to all the labels, bands, artists that still send us actual physical copies and links for downloads! Much appreciated!!

      1. The Mogs....Swamp Love...from the El'Mogamundo! CD. Had to start the show with this one as our good pal Rob Munro played guitar/sang/wrote the songs and it was his long time dream to get this CD out. Luckily, Rob was able to get this out before his untimely passing this summer. We were pals with Rob for approx 25 years as I still remember him coming up to us at a Gruesomes show at Call The Office and raving and ranting about how good The Gruesomes were and how he and his pal James Bond were starting a band that was going to be similar...and the birth of the Frankenstein 5! Rob played a big part in the London Ontario scene for many years, playing in bands like the mentioned F5, The Mood, Groove Things, Scratching Post, solo and The Mogs prior to moving to Burlington Ontario several years ago. And then the bug caught him again and we re-connected in Hamilton, seeing many cool bands like Magic Christian, The Cynics, Ugly Beats and so many others. From there he helped form The Noble Savages which you can hear later on in this show. Miss your rambling Rob!
      We also lost several other local musicians this past year, Jake Proctor, Rob Brent (The Demics, Mettle) and Jeff Depew (Legend Killers, 63 Monroe, Taplash, Hogbitch, Scratching Post and many more).

      2. Lionel Lodge....Putting Down My Gun...from The Agitator CD. Lionel is presently in Austria where he plays regularaly, but promises to be back in London on Friday Feb 6th for a show at Fitzrays.

      3. Roger Zuraw....Keep Your Mouth Shut...from a CD single and written on the front 'For The Downtrodden and the Oppressed' a timely message. And a big shout out to Roger as not only a regular listener, but a frequent phone caller to Radio WW!! Thanx Roger!

      4. Dustbin Flowers...Saturday's Ashes...from their II CD. Local combo featuring the man of a 1000 bands, Jeffy B. They play out fairly often, so catch them if you can.

      5. Eugene Ripper...Punks and Pushers...from the Hangman CD. Eugene was in the early 80's Toronto combo, Stark Naked and The Fleshtones, not to be confused with The Fleshtones from NYC.

      6. WIlko Johnson....Going Back Home...from the CD of the same name in collaboration with Roger Daltrey. Wilko was diagnosed with terminal cancer and had just a few months left. Roger phoned him up and said 'wanna make a record', to which Wilko replied 'I've only got a little time left, so we gotta do it quick' which they did. Out popped this marvelous CD featuring Wilko's staccato guitar burst and Roger's hearfelt vocals. Miraculously Wilko had surgery and is cancer free and continued on playing after a recovery hiatus. For those not familiar, Wilko was the original guitarist in Dr Feelgood and Roger sings for The Who.

      7. Jim Jones Revue....Catastrophe...from the Savage Heart LP. UK combo who finally made it to London Ontario and put on an absolute Killer show last January!! One of my fave shows of this past year! Since then, the band has decided to pack it in.

      8. Vintage Experience...You Don't Look Good To Me....from a demo from this Oneida based combo. Guitarist vocalist Ryan In The Red, had a long time show on CHRW called In The Red and presently does a podcast on The Garagepunk Hideout called Rock City Madness. Check it out, you won't be disappointed.

      9. The Mongrels....7 and 7 Is....recorded live at APK 8/3/14 as part of the Rock'n'Roll Rent Party that happens the first sunday of the month. Next one happens on Sunday Jan 4th at 3PM and features the next band....

      10. Straight Jacket....Jesus Love Porn Stars....from a recent demo and as mentioned above, SJ will be playing at 3PM this coming sunday at APK in downtown London Ontario.

      11. Holy Roller...Bicycle Day....recent demo fromt his 3 piece pop combo who recently played a Rock'n'Roll Rent Party.

      12. Pacanomad....Heaven Can Wait....from their recent Restless EP CD. Yet another combo who has played the Rock'n'Roll Rent Party!

      13. Frankie And Jimmy....Let It Rock....from their Scream The Blues LP. Hamilton based 2 piece blues combo.

      14. catl....Save Myself....from This Shakin' House LP. 2 piece Toronto based rock'n'roll/blues combo that play London fairly regularly. And ALWAYS put on a killer show!!

      15. O Lendario Chucrobillyman....Midnight Jungle....from his Man Monkey CD that came out on Off Label Records from Germany. One man band from Brazil that tours the world and is on my list of bands to see....maybe someday!

      16. Vikki Vortex and The Cumshots....Countdown To A Breakdown....from the latest Garagepunk Hideout compilation download. This is their 10th download covering the world of garagepunk music and VV come from Germany.

      17. Great Dismal Swamis....Loch Ness Lightning....from their Fandango 7" and this is another combo that i've connected via the garagepunk hideout. Check them out, it's free to join.

      18. Delusionaires....The Scrump....a recent single on Hidden Volume Records from Philidelphia. This label has released a ton of cool singles and are well worth checking out. The Delusionaires come from Florida, hence the hot'n'greasy vibes!

      19. Excelsior.....Pornos...from their brand new 7" EP on It's Trash Records from London Ontario. The record is called Punk Floyd EP and you can pick it up locally at Speed City, Grooves, Village Idiot etc....there's a rumour that a couple of these guys may have been in a combo called The Dropouts who left London several years ago and re-surfaced in Vancouver, releasing a couple of CD's during their existence.

      20. Excelsior....Wildlife Death Match...from the It's From London 7" EP on It's Trash Records. BTW, It's Trash is also a radio show here on CHRW, broadcasting every 2nd friday at 6PM.

      21. Heart Attack Kids...Eh Ok...from their recent 7" EP on Speed City/It's Trash Records. Local 2 piece garagepunk combo that might be appearing at the next Kissin' The Carpet show in Hamiton Ontario.

      22. Noble Savages....Music Will Kill You...from the brand new Marshmallow Generation LP on It's Trash Records. Noble Savages as you should all know by now, call Hamilton Ontario home and have recently acquired legendary drummer Stacey Case for future draft choices.

      23. Hurricane And Able....Day More Day....from their most recent download and the 3rd for this Toronto/London based combo. Still waiting for these guys to play here in London.

      24. King Tuff....Headbanger....from the Black Moon Spell CD. Had to fade this out as we the bell rang and the ref stopped the show....back with more next week.

      Big Thanx for the phone-ins, emails, facebook messages and Heys!!! From the above listing, guess it was a pretty good year for least for my ears! We'll continue with some more songs from 2014 next week and then maybe do a special on something or'll have to tune in to find out as i haven't decided yet. Next week same time, same channel.

      Here's a link to the archived show:

    • December 19, 2014 6:45 PM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist December 18/2014  All Xmas Songs!!

      1. Marshmallow Overcoat....Santa Fuzz....from their double Best Of LP that came out earlier this year. And vocalist Timothy Gassen also released the excellent Knights Of Fuzz book that makes a great Xmas gift for you or yours!

      2. Joey Ramone....Merry Christmas ( I Don't Want To Fight Tonight)....from the 2012 Ya Know? CD.  Way different than the more known Ramones version.

      3. Mack Rice...Santa Wants Some Lovin'...from Trailer Trash Christmas CD.

      4. Mojo Nixon....Trim Yo above. It's a 1999 compilation CD put out by Platinum Entertainment.

      5. The Fleshtones....Canadian Christmas...from the Stocking Stuffer CD on Yep Roc from 2008. Bassist Ken Fox who just happens to be Canadian, penned this little upbeat number. Caught The Fleshtones live this spring in Hamilton Ontario and as always, the most energetic and real rock'n'roll band on the planet!!! And that was the last time I got to hang out with Rob Munro who passed away this summer!

      6. The Fleshtones...Mr. Santa Claus...from the above.

      7. The Fleshtones....Christmas with Bazooka Joe....from the above.

      8.  The Gruesomes...Santa Claus....from the Unchained 12" EP on Primitive Records. They used to change the words a little bit when playing it live around us.....something about a new What Wave hahahahaha!

      9. The Sonics....Don't Believe In Christmas...from the Black Christmas compilation.

      10. Lazy Cowgirls....Sock It To Me Santa...from a Bomp 7" and originally done by Bob Seger back in the mid 60's.

      11. 63 Monroe....White Christmas....from a single they released in 1984. One side mono, the other stereo and meant for radio play.

      12. Bitchlove....All I Want For Christmas Is Some White Stuff....local 2 piece combo and from a demo.

      13. Bitchlove...Santa Eats Your Cookies While You Sleep.... as above.

      14. The Youngsters....Christmas In Jail....from the Black Christmas compilation.

      Right around this time we had our usual Christmas message from The Legendary Stardust Cowboy!!! Thanx Ledge!!!

      15. The Razorbacks....All The Girls Look Prettier at Christmas....1987 7" on Tradition Records. Toronto rockabilly combo who used to play London a fair bit.

      16. MX 80 Sound....Christmas With The Devil....from their American Music CD from several years back.

      17. Plan 9....Merry Christmas....from a 1984 7" on Midnight Records. Plan 9 made several trips to London from about the mid 80's to early 90's. Each time they had a slightly different lineup and a slightly different sound moving from 60's punk/psychedelic all the way to jazz rock with psychedelic overtones. Always a fun time to see Plan 9 playing live.

      18. Thee Eviltones....It's Christmas...a demo from last year. UK combo.

      19. Shonen Knife....Space Christmas....from a 1989 7"

      20. Paul James Band...Run Run Rudolph....1986 7" from this Toronto combo.

      21. Mach Bell....C'mon Santa....from the Gulcher Chrismas sampler CD. Mach was in Thundertrain, a Boston area combo that released at least one LP that is kinda proto-punk sounding.

      22. The Shanks....Christmas Star....from their The Dark Richard Show CD from 2010. Orangeville Ontario duo who are big in Germany and almost unknown around these parts. Doesn't make sense at all....

      23. The Cheepskates....Christmastime With You....from the Midnight Christmess compilation LP from 1984.

      24. The Rooks....Christmas....from a 1992 demo CD. NYC based powerpop combo.

      25. Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet.....Xmas Medley.....from a CBC Radio special, probably 1989 or so and we had to fade this one out as time elapsed.

      Big thanx for all the phonecalls, emails, facebook messages and Heys!!! Taking next week off and Megan (from CHRW's Play Dead Radio) will be hosting and playing even more Christmas tunes.  Back on January 1st in the usual time slot!! Happy Holidays!!

       Here's a link to listen to the archived show and there's also blogs to read if you're bored:

    • December 31, 2014 8:12 AM CST
    • I wouldn't say record, but the first time I saw VLMA live, it became clear to me on what I wanted to hear in music outside of stoner metal. They made music like I wanted my drawings to look. Wild, kill'em all experimental, and scumboppin.

    • December 19, 2014 9:04 AM CST
    • Spies, Thighs and Private Eyes!  

      Listen here:

      The setlist: 



    • December 19, 2014 6:46 AM CST
    • I'd definitely put FIDLAR on that list.  Also, here's a few bands I've been digging in 2014:


      Golden Pelicans

      Gino & the Goons

      Buck Biloxi & the Fucks (maybe a little more punk than garage)


      Endless Bummer

      Pookie & The Poodlez

      Life Stinks

      No Bails

      Diarrhea Planet

      Zig Zags

      Mozes & the Firstborn

      Cherry Glazerr


      Natural Child

      Denney & the Jets

      I Get Mynze

      Hector's Pets

      Flesh Panthers

      Son of a Gun