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    • January 16, 2012 3:21 PM CST
    • agree!

      kopper said:

      That's easy. Cheater Slicks "Thinkin' Some More" from the Whiskey LP. 27:29 of garage-punk savagery. Not for the faint of heart.

    • January 17, 2012 2:12 AM CST
    • too good, you know I love all that Wayback Machine stuff! The art is pretty darn great too!
      Looks like the wayback machine really is a living link between the old radio and cassette days and the podcasting format we know now. Thanks for all the work putting it to digital format, I'll enjoy every second of it.

    • January 17, 2012 12:20 AM CST
    • I think pretty much everything here fits the description)) unfortunately the forum's in russian, but just click on any topic to witness the mad creations of soviet engineers.

    • January 16, 2012 4:44 PM CST
    • Just seen one of these up for sale. Had never heard of em before. Gonna do the lottery tommorow- see if i can win & buy it! What's your idea of rare 60s guitar porn?!

    • January 16, 2012 7:37 PM CST
      Bry Nylon said:

      OK here above is a pic of the label of one of our little gems

      methinks life's too short to simply restrict yourself to the good stuff - many of you of course may already know of this one - but for the benefit of those who don't - here it is again  

      (oh no !!!)

      ...anyway I posted this one a while back elsewhere on GRGPNK hideout -

      Burt Ward ( Boy Wonder from the original '60's Batman TV series - is here paired up with Frank Zappa - ouch) ...copies of this 45 seem to be promos ( I have never seen a 'standard issue' ) -  the B side of this 45 is called 'orange coloured skies' - and unbelievably it is even worse ... in fact it is so bad ...that it makes all of William Shatners output seem positively tuneful !!!! 

      be very afraid


    • January 16, 2012 7:35 PM CST
    • There's so many things , individually , and collectively , we'll never hear. That might be too bad for us on one level , but , too good for us on another.

      Ted Knight "Hi , Guys" - A whole LP of novelty songs , "Sung" by Knight , as Ted Baxter.

       I got shot down pretty bad , yesterday. I have nothing to lose by admitting I own and like the album.

      I'm also listening to a lot of exploitaion Rock LPs from the 60's and 70's , like The Haircuts and The Impossibles ,  The 31 Flavors , The Firebirds (Probably all the same studio hacks , I mean , cats.).  I have one that has a remake of Cheech and Chong's protopunk classic , "Earache My Eye". I mean , whoever it is , they re- recorded both the song AND the comedy routine. But Los Punk Rockers , from Spain , take  the cake. Maybe some of you have , or have heard , that.

      It was a tremendously inept studio "Band" , doing the entire "Never Mind The Bollocks" album. You still won't believe it , if you hear it. Last I checked , there was one song on youtube. I reviewed a bootleg of it , several years ago , and Gary Pig Gold wrote in and said he had an audience , recently , with John Lydon , who was keen to hear it. 

    • January 16, 2012 7:17 PM CST
    • It's like that , sometimes. Some acts are REAL inconsistent. I saw BOC once , in 1980.  It was a great show , I thought , but I was a little peeved that they did'nt have their laser show. I was 15 , that's where my priorities lay.   Two years later , they played at my then - place of employment , SIX FLAGS ! I missed them on my lunch break , but was going to stay after work and catch the night time show. But , my ride backed out , and I had to miss the show to get another ride....Sorry , nothing to do with bad shows. IF i COULD REMEMBER ALL the terrible opening acts of my"Stadium Rock" days , gee , there was Head East , Mistress (Both with BOC.) , Legs Diamond , and , I guess I shoulda loved 'em , but , The Babys (Both with Alice Cooper.) , and others that time has been merciful enough to let me forget....Oh , yeah , Willie Nile opening for The Who , in 1980. Never got it with him.
      Ghislaine Korb / THE PUSH-BACKS said:

      BLUE OYSTER CULT IN 2002,LONDON,UK.TE-RRI-BLE.I was a huge fan of the 1971-72-73 era,and to see them as old clowns was was so ''prepared''--it was like the death of my heros onstage.Giants falling down.Plus i got tons of shit by a couple of nerds 'cos i was smoking a cigarette right in front of the stage--that chick was OUTRAGED I was smoking.(i know smoke sucks,but its r-n-r,c'mon!)...Left after two songs.

      but i saw them again in 2008 in san francisco,they were awesome!:)

    • January 16, 2012 7:04 PM CST
    • Alison , whoever they were , that's the greatest review , good or bad , of their entire career. All done up like a doggie's dinner , and they still had to use the CBGB's men's room. Please try to see the wondrous irony of it all : )
      Alison said:

      Fall 2001 -  I hear there is this new New York band, supposed to be amazing, supposed to be all "garage rock" but also influenced by two of my favorite bands, The Velvet Underground and Television.  Get to the 40 Watt, see 5 "outifits" and 5 "haircuts" preening around the stage, a sonic commercial for Urban Outfitters, no edge, no sex, no dirt, not even reverb, the crowd of pretentious Athens hype hounds nodding with encouragement. Left after two "songs," embarrassed, blasted Sister Ray in the car ride home in an attempt to erase my mistake...

    • January 16, 2012 3:21 PM CST
    • Rasputina, Everyone sat on the floor and one of the band members scolded me in front of the club for not sitting on the floor. Really?

      -Erika Ebola

    • January 16, 2012 5:57 PM CST
    • Gretsch acoustic, Burns Cobra, Vox 'NightTrain' (15w, valve), Orange cab, Vox 'Brit Boost' (valve) trebble/volume booster, 'Nano Muff' overdrive/fuzz, & Boss (Hammond)/Leslie replicator pedals, Vox Continental (super II), & Shure Green Bullet Mic.

      All bought off Ebay, & Relatively cheap & cheerful (like me!)

    • January 16, 2012 5:32 PM CST
    • I love Northern RnB & early Northern Soul, but don't own much. Some of my faves are:

      'Where's My Money'- Willie Jones

      'Baby Don't You Weep'- Fred Bridges

      'Look At What I Almost Missed'- Pat Lewis

      'Angelina Angelina'- Stewart Ames

      'Arabia'- Royal Playboys

      'If It's All The Same To You Babe'- Luther Ingram

    • January 16, 2012 3:36 PM CST
    • youtubing and Northern Soul is too easy. I wanted to see what people here were into and what you guys would recommended. I'm not necessarily new the the genre just trying to dig deeper into soul and R&B


      Just type "Northern soul" (& maybe stick in; RnB/R&B) in youtube...

    • January 16, 2012 4:04 PM CST
    • the no talents

    • January 16, 2012 3:30 PM CST
    • Today is part of AUTO THEME WEEK -tune in for HOT ROD tunes today on the Wrekking Hrs 4-6pm

      two FULL hours of all HOT ROD Rockabilly & Psychobilly Music!!!  

      Tune in NOW & Listen live online - or w/ your favorite Phone App - via TuneIn Radio or the Publich Radio Player.   On FM radio at 89.3fm Detroit.

    • January 16, 2012 3:05 PM CST
    • thanks !!

    • January 16, 2012 2:42 PM CST
    • Let me see what i can do. I have some connections in Oakland too.

    • January 16, 2012 1:52 PM CST
    • Utangarðsmenn (Outsiders) 2001 when I was ten years old. It was their reunion gig. I had to leave before they finished their set because everyone were smoking inside.. Poor mom lol....

      Their second and last reunion in 2006..

    • January 16, 2012 1:39 PM CST
    • My first show was Jane's Addiction- 1988- Orlando, FL.

      My first punk show was The Damned- 1989- Miami, FL.

      The best show I ever saw was Alien Sex Fiend- 1998- Coney Island High in NYC.  They had a giant strobe blasting the audience, the music was incredibly loud, they played a very long set, and they were excited to play there.

    • January 16, 2012 1:30 PM CST
    • First Show... Queen(Supporting the album Jazz - yes Fat Bottom Girls)
      First Punk Show... Dead Kennedy's
      Best Show... The Cramps 

    • January 16, 2012 1:30 PM CST
    • First punk show was in a little bar on the Hillsborough River.  It was December 1976, and they had a "Punk Night."  A local band called "The Attack" was singing an original, and I still remember the lyrics: We're under attack, we're under attack, attack attack attack ack ack ack.  Sung with real snottiness, I can tell you!  I was pretty impressed...and soon The Ramones would be playing in Tampa.  Okay, I found my music!!!

    • January 16, 2012 1:24 PM CST
    • My first "official" show I ever went to was in 1990, and it was Teenage Fanclub with Superchunk as the opening.  The best show ever was seeing Fugazi on my birthday.  Nothing too mind-blowing, but I'll always remember those 2 concerts as being soooo much fun.  To this day I still love Superchunk!!!