Italy's one and only "Joan Jett"..........
Does anyone here remember "The Teen Scene" 'zine that Blair Buscareno did back in the '90s? Not sure how long it lasted, although I know he stopped doing it years ago. I've looked around and I can't find any of my old copies... I've no idea what happened to them. Anyway, it was a great 'zine that focused on garage & power pop (mostly in the Northeast) that I remember being mostly text (newsletter style), just copied and stapled together. He used to also post it on the old Bomp List back in the day. Tons of great reviews of records, live shows, festivals, etc. It started out as a 4-page newsletter in 1990.
It'd be great to have these issues archived online somewhere. What d'ya think, Blair?
Thanx Kopper, i'll be checking out Pork Zine for sure...
There's also Bananas zine outta NYC:
It's a newsprint thing that covers a mix of new and some 80's garage combos. Lots of reviews and great graphics/artwork!
Forgot to mention this one... PORK Magazine was discussed recently in the main forum:
Looks pretty great!
Playlist Dec 29/2011
Last show for 2011, but certainly not a best of 2011 show as we'll leave that for someone else who is more connected with current music...probably some faux hipster dude with a beard who hasn't bathed for awhile...shades of 1968 as history always repeats itself.
1. Gruesomes...What Wave...from Mr Garager's Neighbourhood LP from 1989 on OG Records.
2. The Cynics...Cry Cry at Call The Office 10/29/11. These guys have been around since the mid 80's and been to London 3 times in total. This was THE BEST EVER!!! They were on fucking fire that night and i'd just wished i'd done a proper recording of this show. This was recorded at Gregg's side of the stage, right near his amp,hence the heavy guitar emphasis in the mix. I thought it would be a go through the motions show...i was dead fucking wrong!! The Cynics were supposed to play here back in Dec 89 with The Legend was one of those heavy snowfall days and The Cynics got stuck in Buffalo and the LK's had to do a full night to a packed house. The 10/29 show more than made up for the cancelled show!
3. 63 Monroe...Bad Bad Rock'n'Roll....from their latest 7". Supposedly an LP coming in the new year.
4. NFG...Weekend Punx...recorded live, possibly at the York Hotel back in the late 70's. Pure punk rock anger!! NFG devolved into 63 Monroe.
5. High Mother...New Hero...from the brand new Gotta Get Love CD. Windsor Ontario hard rock'n'rollers!
6. Etta James...Tell Mama....from her Greatest Sides LP. Etta is not doing well..
7. King Khan and His Shrines...Saba Lou..from the Three Hairs and You're Mine CD on Voodoo Rhythm Records. King Khan and the boys were in London a coupla years back as the first date of their North American tour....there were just as many people in the band as in the audience. What the fuck is wrong with London?!? And the band were absolute killers that night!!!
8. Real Kids...Do The Boob...this song could easily be about London...listen to the lyrics closely.
9. The Barracudas...Next Time Around...from the Garbage Dump Tapes LP. Jeremy brought his young Barracudas to The Black Shire here in London and were just amazing!! All 40 people in attendance would agree!!
10. The Demics....Talk Talk... from the New York City CD and the start of our tribute to Sean Bonniwell of The Music Machine who passed away last week.
11. Music Machine...Trouble.
12. Music Machine...Masculine Intuition.
13. Music Machine...Talk Talk...all of these songs were taken from the Rhino Greatest Hits and the Big Beat re-ish of the first LP. Talk Talk was/is possibly one of the angriest of the 60's garage punk tunes and rated by many as THE best song of that era. No disagreement here as the energy/anger in that song is just so perfect!!
Music Machine would hit the stage clad from head to toe in turtle necks, tight black trousers, and each member would wear one black leather glove! Certainly ominous for the mid 60's and set the precendent for such 80's combos as The Fuzztones and Gruesomes, both borrowed the imagery, with The Fuzztones emulating the music and making a career out of it. Certainly nothing wrong with that...borrow from the best!!
14. Dave Rave...Anne Marie...from the Live With What You Know CD on Bongobeat Records. Major airplay in the US for Dave with this powerpop gem and Radio WW was the first to air this tune as label honcho Ralph Alfonso handed us the CD hot off the presses!! And Ralph says he'll be at the next London record show coming up in a few weeks.
15. Robin Lane and The Chartbusters...When Things Go Wrong...from the Rhino CD Mass Ave, a collection of Boston combos from 75 to 83. Great emotional powerpop!
16. Party Lights...Before You Came 7" from this NYC based combo.
17. The Hook Up....Tantrum Girls Deserve To Die...from the brand new Call Up The Devil CD from this ultra hardworking combo from Montreal. In 2011 they released 2 CD's and a cassette! And played a shitload of shows in Ontario and Quebec....and appeared on one of the garagepunk hideout CD's!
18. Marshmallow Overcoat...Tears...from the brand new 6 CD box set called The Complete Sound. All of this combo's output in one box set!!
19. Marshmallow Overcoat...Won't Go above.
20. The Diodes...Catwalked...from the just released CD issue of Action/Reaction. The Diodes were here in London last month and were just amazing!!
21. The Finks...Don't Bring Me Down...local combo from the 80's who released a 7" and this is one of the unreleased demos. Peter Gripp played bass in this combo and he's presently in Vancouver in the Living Deadbeats.
22. Thee Hypnotics...Preachin' and Ramblin'...from a 12" from the late80's. Was reading the latest Shindig and there is a huge indepth article on this combo. This song was listed as one of their best, hence the radio play. Jim Jones was vocalist and he has his own combo called The Jim Jones Revue who put on Killer live shows!
23. Immortal Lee County Killers....Boom Boom...from their 3rd and last CD. Saw this combo just before they broke up and i became an instant fan for life!! This particular CD, These Bones Will Rise To Love You Again is the perfect mix of gospel, blues, punk and Detroit guitar noises that never fails to blow me away every listen!
24. Bon...Hey Suzette...from the Static Electricity CD that came out this year. This one just gets better every listen as the pop, psyche and guitar sounds meld together so nicely.
25. The Pack AD...8...from their Unpersons LP on Mint Records. When they were in town a week or 2 ago, drummer Maya dedicated this one to me! Right back at ya Maya!!!
26. The Demics...Factories...from the New York City CD. This song will be next show's theme as another factory is about to close here in London putting another 700 people out of work.
27. Deja Voodoo...Monsters In My Garage Got Married...from the Big Pile Of Mud LP from 1988. Gerard from Deja Voodoo made a rare appearance here in London this past summer and did a short set with a mystery drumber!!! Sometimes things work out really well in life!!!
28. Deadly Hearts...As The Night Ends...from their self titled debut CD. From Halifax and Myles Deck is the drummer.
And so ends the last show for 2011.....Huge Thanx for all of the phone-ins tonite!!! Missed a couple of phone calls as there was just too much going on!!
Happy New Year and see ya next week!
Here's a link to the podcast:
Beyond AWESOME! I used to do a zine called Hell In A Handbasket....sigh, makes me want to start doing it again. Sean, keep up the good work man!
I like a lot of the new bands that have a garage and/or psych influence, yet are adding their own twist to it.
As far as trendy goes, it's def. gained in popularity over the years, but I'm ok with that. 60s garage bands were inspired by the British invasion who in turn were largely inspired by girl groups. So if it weren't for trendy commercialized music, garage may not have existed : P.
Love them. I'm a big fan/pusher of Icelandic bands in general. Dead Skeletons! Two Step Horror! GoGo Darkness! Singapore Sling! Amazing stuff, imo.
Axel Björnsson said:
well wow.. these are just MY lo fi demos. not my band.. but thanks for checking it out lol.
This is my band. We're going to a studio in Berlin in next month and record our first real album :)
These are our best recordings so far but it will be so much better..
The Dandelion Seeds - Beautiful Stranger [Mono] by Alex Nehru
Haha, John! I've noticed that in a lot of different social circles too. When I was younger the punk kids hated on rockabilly (which they never even educated themselves on!), yet it was ok to like Johnny Cash and Eddie Cochran.
The rockabillies didn't like 'long hair 60s shit' but were cool with the Sonics.
The hipsters didn't like rockabilly or psychobilly, but liked the Cramps. Etc. Etc.
In my late teens I gravitated to (still very underground) psychobilly because the psychobillies embraced all of it : D. The more I got into early psychobilly the more I realized a lot of the songs were covers of garage and psych bands. Hence I am who I am today.
I agree but then again there are those who like garage and psych, it's the later end of the sixties. Rock-a-billy Trash & Surf may not appeal to them as such. With the Sonics you get tough rock and roll and it isn't too distant from the rock-a-billy thing :)
John Battles said:
HI , MINA . I'M JOHN. I LIKE BOTH . A #$@!!* OF A LOT. (I know you know me. But , hey...)
The deal is , I know a lot of people who like Rockabilly , but , it seems The Sonics are the only Garage band they're allowed to like. You could go to the beach , and name every grain of sand after a Garage band. I don't know why people limit themselves....I don't meet a lot of people who like Garage bands , unless it's new stuff with virtually no Garage influence . MAYBE MY TAKE ON IT IS DIFFERENT. I'VE ONLY BEEN LISTENING TO BOTH FOR OVER 30 YEARS. TO ME , LIKING ROCKABILLY AND NOT GARAGE , OR VICE VERSA , IS LIKE LIKING YOUR DAD AND NOT YOUR MOM !
Mina said:I haven't met any new people who digg garagerock or rockabilly..
Oh and I hated the Strokes, thank god they're gone and forgotten.
if it gets trendy it wont last, folks have gotta really dig lo fi to stick at it. Those guys just following a fad will soon disappear into the next thing that sounds cool .
HI , MINA . I'M JOHN. I LIKE BOTH . A #$@!!* OF A LOT. (I know you know me. But , hey...)
The deal is , I know a lot of people who like Rockabilly , but , it seems The Sonics are the only Garage band they're allowed to like. You could go to the beach , and name every grain of sand after a Garage band. I don't know why people limit themselves....I don't meet a lot of people who like Garage bands , unless it's new stuff with virtually no Garage influence . MAYBE MY TAKE ON IT IS DIFFERENT. I'VE ONLY BEEN LISTENING TO BOTH FOR OVER 30 YEARS. TO ME , LIKING ROCKABILLY AND NOT GARAGE , OR VICE VERSA , IS LIKE LIKING YOUR DAD AND NOT YOUR MOM !
Mina said:
I haven't met any new people who digg garagerock or rockabilly..
Oh and I hated the Strokes, thank god they're gone and forgotten.
The Sect were not mods as such but the original South London mods loved to see them live with their pure R&B sets and the Irish mods followed Them as an R&B band, again not mod as such but the music suited. Mods never really had their own bands they listened to R&B and take from anything thats cool! they had taste!
John Battles said:
Artwoods and John's Children , I agree with. I never thought of The Sect or Them as Mod , so much as hard R'n'B , but ,then , The Sect were all over the place. Funny thing , tho' , I heard some mod organizations hired The Sect and The Troggs for their events. Then comlained that they did'nt sound enough like their records....If they sounded any more like their records , now, they'd have to announce Winston Churchill's death between sets.
Dan ring said:
The prisoners are a great example of the mod sound. Another band that had some bite,also from the 80's was les elite.
...more on the power pop tip but a personal fave of the mod revival groups of the 80's was the teen beats! They had a great 7" out called I can't control myself.
Thee Retroman said:The Prisoners were a mod band with bite! and so were the Daggerman... the energy of these bands was how mod should sound.
The Eyes
The Sorrows
Johns Children
Downliners Sect
The Wheels
The Artwoods.......................
theres a few to start you off lol
Absolutely. When The Creation played in New York , rumors abound that ex - Birds/Creation members , Ron Wood and Kim Gardner (Who , sadly , passed away before the gig.) were due to make guest appearances..
The Creation played Chicago the same night as The Stones. While rumors did'nt get around about Woodie turning up ,he's been known to do so.
The Birds have a great bit part in "The Deadly Bees".
SarahJayne said:
If you like the Creation, you'll prob. like the (British) Birds as well. Ronnie Wood <3
adventure with the saint-episode 5-the helpful pirate
New magnificent adventure of the saint in the enchanted world of the rock'n'roll.
No criminal will be spared no woman can resist.
We all have a saint in paradise.
1) The Eyes - I'm rowed out (VV.AA Nuggets II Original artyfacts from the british empire & beyond,2001)
2) The Bradipos IV - Mysterion (Live at KFJC Radio U.S.A.,2011)
3) Gravedigger V - Spooky (VV.AA. Be a caveman Best of voxx garage revival,2000)
4) Gigliola Cinquetti - Zero in amore (Il treno dell'amore,1969)
5) Betty and the Werewolves - Heathcliff (Teatime favourities,2010)
6) Guido & Maurizio DeAngelis - Gangster story (O.S.T. La polizia incrimina la legge assolve,1973)
7) Captain Higgins - Not good enough (Here's captain higgins,2011)
8) Docteur Legume et les Surfwerks - Zombie crocodile from wha dimension (Le planete sauvage,2011)
9) Queers - Get over you (Surf goddess,1994)
10) Emilio Mazzone e i Favolosi - La tua carica (VV.AA. Atto di forza # 4-100% italian beat from the mid 60's)
11) Steeplejack - Under a thunder of stars (Pow wow,1988)
12) I Monelli - Ritorna Debby (Il tempo non ritornerà,2011)
13) Thee Dirtybeats - Cool one (S/t,2011)
14) Suzy & los quatros - In my dreams again (Hank.2011)
15) Lyres - Help you Ann (On fyre,1984)
Yeah , very interesting. There was a good segment on Fuller's Death on "Unsolved Myseries" with my friend from Chicago (Now L.A.) , Writer Dan Epstein. I believe , beyond the shadow of a doubt , that Fuller was brutally murdered. Reports claim that it would have been extremely unlikely , if not impossible , to willfully consume as much gasoline as he had , and ,if his wounds were self - inflicted , he would have had to have been ten times the contortionist Roy Head was , and then some. The "Kicks" article tells the whole, horrible story.
YES , I LIKE "THE GREAT SPONTANEOUS APPLE CREATION" , "REST CURE", ETC. But I think of him in terms of albums , The (Unreleased) second Crazy World album (Finally released on Reckless.) is terrifying , The Kingdom Come stuff (Galactic Zoodossier , Journey , etc.) is great , early Space Rock , like his soulmates , Hawkwind (Arthur does a number on Rob Calvert, From Hawkwind's "Captain Lockheed" LP , which also features most of Hawkwind , including Lemmy , and members of The Pink Fairies , as well.......). Arthur's take on "The Green Manalishi (With The Two - Pronged Crown)" from the Peter Green tribute album , is extraordinary ! The other day , I FINALLY found Arthur's last release (To my knowledge) , "Voice of Love"...I don't think it was even released in the US. It's a very personal , low key affair , but , he gets some great screams in , as well as some phenomenal poetry.
Did you know Arthur had a service in Austin , where he and a Psychiatrist would discuss a patient's problems , and Arthur would write and record an original song as a therapeutic device , for the patient to keep ? All for only $100 !!! I'd have done it ! Strangely , the service , which proved highly successful , was not called "Rest Cure".
ratoonie said:
i absolutly Love that colorful albuum w/ the star on it....i dont have access to it right now.. its in storage..way up in sacramento.. i saw him on the tom jones show... my aunt bought the album 4 me from a bargin bin at the supermarket... its a great record!!!! kinda English version of alice cooper!!!!!
kopper said:
Don't forget Craig Moore & GONN! Here they are rockin' St. Louis a couple years ago:
Fleetline , streamline , Military brass , she knows the General's Daughter , but The Killer KICKS ASS !!!! And I'm rockin' , Rockin' my life away , My name is JLL , AND I'M HELL , BUT I'M WELL , AND I'M DAMN SURE HERE TO STAY !
sleazy said:
Yeah , you know , that's crap , but it is'nt going to stop anytime , soon (The Mosh pit) , that's partly why I have'nt gone to see SLF a second time , tho ' they were great when I saw them (With Bruce Foxton of The Jam , From The Jam , Bruce Foxton's Jam , etc.) ...But , I'll probably see 'em again , given the chance. Slamming was'nt a big deal , early on. It was kind of playful , and usually between two people. I saw a guy get carried out for trying to start a pit at a ROKY ERICKSON show !!! Some clubs don't condone it , but give you a second chance if you try to jock out with all your might.
swt said:
You're just a kid. Matthew. I'm 58, and I thought I was the oldest one here until I saw Old Man Shore's post.
I might have shared this story here before, but last summer while in Austin, I took my son to Emo's to see Stiff Little Fingers. ABout halfway through the first song, the youngsters started their slam dancing. I got hit in the back and knocked around and realized my fucking dentures had been knocked loose. I retreated to the back. I don't think I could have stood the irony of losing my false teeth at a punk rock show.
In case you missed it, here's a good podcast for us oldsters:
Fleshtones - "We Remember The Ramones"
A few reasons why Ian McCulloch is one of the punkest motherfuckers alive:
"Speak before you think. The sentence will usually be better than the thought."
"You can't teach these posh people the true meaning of soul and belonging."
"All great art can be easily reached and can be understood. It’s not to be feared. And it’s all laced with humour. Shakespeare wrote for the man in the street."
"Mullets are the worst. And Bono did have a mullet, I mean God love him but he was a mullet-wearing dude."
"At heart I'm just a frustrated black soul singer in a white man's underpants."
"Talking to yourself is not a bad thing. Everybody has loads of voices rattling on in their head. The only difference is, I talk back to them. I don't know what quiet sounds like."
The Stalin, Roosters, and Rockers (Japanese punk bands) - Burst City
The Strawberry Alarm Clock - Psych Out