Of course, I know that the Cramps did write their own material! Or some of it! But part of their legacy is the discovery of a whole new world. So thanks for the tips, I'll continue my exploration. The Cramps had impeccable taste!
Off the Bone (1983)
Human Fly: yes people say it's Green Mosquito by the Tune Rockers but I'm not convinced. I find Kick Out by surf band The Safaris (on Wail on the Beach compilation) sounds much more like Human Fly !
The Way I Walk: Jack Scott
Domino: Roy Orbison
Surfin' Bird: The Trashmen
Lonesome Town: Ricky Nelson
Drug Train: Bill Allen, Please Give Me Something
Love Me: The Phantom
I Can't Hardly Stand It: Charlie Feathers
(Goo Goo Muck)
She Said: Hasil Adkins
(The Crusher)
Save It: Mel Robbins
New Kind of Kicks: The Sonics, He's Waiting
Smell of Female (1983 mini-LP)
Thee Most Exalted Potentate of Love: ?
You Got Good Taste: ?
Call of the Wighat: ?
Faster Pussycat: The Boss Tweeds, soundtrack to Faster Pussycat Kill Kill
Ain't Nuthin but a Gorehound: ?
Psychotic Reaction: The Count V
1985 maxi single
Can Your Pussy do the Dog: Del Raney's Umbrellas, Can Your Hossie Do the Dog (for the title only?)
Blue Moon Baby: Dave Diddle Day
Georgia Lee Brown: Jackie Lee Cochran
1986 maxi single
What's Inside a Girl: ?
Get Off the Road: R Lewis Band
Give Me a Woman: Andy Starr