Here are my tips for doing a boss community radio show. I've been doing one for 15 years.
Be on time-get to the station at least 15 min before "star time". This lets the DJ before you relax and lets you get your shit together.
At least know what your first tune is going to be-this sets the tone for your show-everything might go crazy from there,but that first track should be killer!
The entire point of your whole show should be to make it impossible for listeners to change the station! That is why "dead air" is to be avoided; people will move the dial to make sure the radio is still working, and they might find something they like more on a nearby station! Tell people whats coming up, both on your show and the next show so they will stick around! Stick to your genre, but put in some surprises to hook people in.
Change things up, some slow songs, some fast songs, some instros, some female vocals, etc. Don't let your listeners get bored!
Don't play the same records every week-it'll kill you.
Ahhh-I got a million of 'em-what are yours?