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    • July 24, 2011 6:31 PM CDT
    • Here are my tips for doing a boss community radio show.  I've been doing one for 15 years.

      Be on time-get to the station at least 15 min before "star time".  This lets the DJ before you relax and lets you get your shit together.

      At least know what your first tune is going to be-this sets the tone for your show-everything might go crazy from there,but that first track should be killer!

      The entire point of your whole show should be to make it impossible for listeners to change the station!  That is why "dead air" is to be avoided;  people will move the dial to make sure the radio is still working, and they might find something they like more on a nearby station!  Tell people whats coming up, both on your show and the next show so they will stick around!  Stick to your genre, but put in some surprises to hook people in.  

      Change things up, some slow songs, some fast songs, some instros, some female vocals, etc.  Don't let your listeners get bored! 

      Don't play the same records every week-it'll kill you.

      Ahhh-I got a million of 'em-what are yours?



    • July 24, 2011 6:14 PM CDT
    • I'm probably too late to respond to this, but I gotta say, the rewards of broadcasting live are amazing.  Just being part of an actual community (your city) instead of the bogus "cyber" ghetto is reward enough.  I know that I'm talking to people at work, or in their cars or just doing whatever, and that they are real people, not just hipsters on the infonets.  I meet people all the time who never knew that they were rockabilly (my shows' theme) fans until they tuned me in!  My show is underwritten by local businesses and I can promote local shows, record fairs and other events. My show is not archived, so people better not miss it!  That urgency to be there and tune in works for me too; who's going to be upset if your podcast is a few days (or hours) late?  Being on the radio means being ON TIME motherfucker, and of course it's not going to be perfect, but what does being perfect have to do with rock & roll? (Or music, or life?).  My two cents, anyway.  hope you made the choice that's right for you!

    • July 24, 2011 4:59 PM CDT
    • NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • July 24, 2011 10:59 AM CDT
    • I thought it would be neat to see some photo's of cool gear. Here's a 1966 Gibson Kalamazoo bass I scored on Ebay for $50. It was totally trashed & I restored it. What you got??

    • July 24, 2011 3:18 PM CDT

      Cherry Cannoli said:

      I would love to read a book about this era in NYC. Really. I read "Girl Bomb" which is about the city at that time. Please, bring your stories to the press!,

    • July 24, 2011 3:15 PM CDT
    • Bright Stars


      the VANES



    • July 23, 2011 11:09 AM CDT
    • important is a BIG word, but for me Mick Collins the man. he challenged me to look into other genres; rhythm&blues, soul, funk, punkrock, pop. for the big audience Jay Reatard is the man

    • July 24, 2011 2:04 PM CDT
    • Word, that's what I thought would be the way. I'd rather leave it out in the sun. Knowing myself, I'd forget I what I was doing and forget it in the oven. haha. Yeah I got it for like 3 bucks cuz of the warp. It seems pretty much unplayed for that reason also.

    • July 24, 2011 12:22 PM CDT
    • So, I might be able to get my hands on a Silvertone 1464.  I can't find a whole lot of info on them online; anybody had any experiences with using them, feel like offering me any feedback?

    • July 23, 2011 7:49 PM CDT
    • You should join the The Bookshelf group. There's heaps of info in there about this topic!

    • July 23, 2011 3:17 PM CDT
    • If you like the Fleshtones, Joe Bonomo wrote an eye-opening history on the band called "Sweat: the Story Of the Fleshtones, America's Garage Band". It's amazing what this band has been through, and yet still keep on going. Even if you have just a casual interest in their music, you would come away from this a dedicated fan. There's a complete discography not just of the band, but the side projects as well. Hell, there's even a list of all the cover songs they've ever done at their live shows. Plus, when you buy the book, their label, Yep Roc gives you an online code to get an unreleased track, free tracks from their albums "Beachhead" and "Do You Swing", and a 10 song sampler from the label itself.

    • July 23, 2011 3:09 PM CDT
    • If you want a good read on garage rock 'n' roll from the late '80's to say 2001, Eric Davidson of the New Bomb Turks wrote an excellent book called "We Never Learn: the Gunk Punk Undergut, 1988-2001". It covers the scene all right, detailing the histories and insights on bands like the Dwarves, Gories, Supersuckers, Devil Dogs, Cynics, Mummies, Rocket From the Crypt, Hives, Nashville Pussy, etc., plus labels and fanzines that were a part of it all. It even comes with an online code to get a free downloadable comp of 20 choice cuts!

    • July 23, 2011 1:12 PM CDT
    • never seen that one, shall scour Amazon now. Fuzz acid and flowers is a must.

    • July 23, 2011 5:23 AM CDT
    • What are your favorites? 


      I just ordered this:


    • July 24, 2011 9:45 AM CDT
    • Country Girl With Hot Pants On - Leona williams does it for me Steve! Loving this comp.

      swt said:

      Just started listening. I thought Southern Culture on the Skids wrote "Daddy was a Preacher Mama Was a Go-Go Girl" Guess I was wrong. This version by Miss DeLois is more trashy than country. I love it!

    • July 23, 2011 2:04 PM CDT
    • Thanks for the free download. And the Evelyn West picture gives me something to do for 15 minutes while I'm waiting.

    • July 23, 2011 4:06 PM CDT
    • sucks ass, but I stopped thinkin' 'bout such things since 'Have Love Will Travel' was used for a Sprite commercial...well, even better than most of the songs (ab-)used for commercials out there...still dig the Blues Explosion a lot. My god, 'Here Comes the Summer', hehe...

    • July 22, 2011 7:52 PM CDT

      By the way this version kicks ass as usual..



      And a 7" split double version with Melvins has been released too.


    • July 23, 2011 2:08 PM CDT
    • Supersuckers at Deluxe in St. Louis. Absolutely killed.

    • July 23, 2011 7:17 AM CDT
    • I love 'em to death, but don't think the Jet Black Berries ever really got their due.....





























    • July 23, 2011 3:21 AM CDT
    • Show #334: "The Eggman Collection #100" playlist:

      Strange - "Jimi"
      Nirvana - "Excerpt From 'The Blind And The Beautiful'"
      The Torquays - "Surfer's Cry"
      The Fool - "We Are One"
      The Koala - "Scattered Children's Toys"
      Phil Cordell - "Red Lady"
      The McCoys - "Song For Jainie/He Likes It"
      Eroc - "Sonnenfluch"
      Bojoura - "Everybody's Day"
      Attic Sounds - "Pitter Patter"
      Kevin Ayers & The Whole World - "May I"
      Doug Kershaw - "That Don't Make You No Better Than Me"
      Natural Acoustic Band - "Free"
      Billy Nicholls - "Feeling Easy"
      Black Sabbath - "Lord Of This World"
      Pink Floyd - "Remember A Day"
      The Poppy Family - "I Was Wondering"
      Van Morrison - "Ballerina"
      Satori - "Time Machine"
      The Byrds - "It Won't Be Wrong"
      Fickle Pickle - "California Calling"
      Al Casey - "The Hearse"
      Michael Rother - "Feuerland"
      Anno Domini - "Bad Lands Of Arguth"
      Sabana Breeze - "Slave"
      The Buckinghams - "Song Of The Breeze"
      Spirogyra - "At Home In The World"
      Deep Purple - "Child In Time"
      The Monkees - "(I Prithee) Do Not Ask For Love"
      Gandalf - "Can You Travel In The Dark Alone"
      Tim Buckley - "Aren't You The Girl"
      Electric Light Orchestra - "Mr. Blue Sky"
      Tales Of Justine - "Monday Morning"
      Faust - "Jennifer"
      Alice Cooper - "Dead Babies/Killer"

      Click here to stream this show now:
      or to download:

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live, listen to past shows, view playlists, etc…check out my website: or (click on "listen live") Friday nights at 10pm EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!


    • July 22, 2011 9:05 PM CDT
    • Yo's. Not really new but havn't posted in here yet.I'm Andrew from Melbourne, Australia. Work as a communications technician. I enjoy my folk/psych/garage/hardcore/protopunk/shitgaze/lofi/krautrock/postpunk and so forth. I mostly follow my local scene in Australia...UV Race, Slug Guts, Straight Arrows, Royal Headache etc.