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    • July 22, 2011 7:35 PM CDT
    • I kinda like the dark country sounds, I blame Hank Williams, so check this dark place out.

      Hank Ray - Countricide

    • July 22, 2011 2:11 PM CDT
    • Another one I've got to get my hands on!

      swt said:

      And don't forget The Gibson Bros. I like the album they did with Workdogs, Punk Rock Drivin' Song of a Gun.



    • July 22, 2011 1:49 PM CDT
    • And don't forget The Gibson Bros. I like the album they did with Workdogs, Punk Rock Drivin' Song of a Gun.



    • July 22, 2011 11:40 AM CDT
    • You should also check out Pat Todd (former lead man of the Lazy Cowgirls) and the Rank Outsiders. Good stuff there, as well.

      And not necessarily "cowpunk," but the Reigning Sound and the Compulsive Gamblers both have some cool countrified garage tracks.

    • July 22, 2011 7:26 PM CDT
    • Good for him!

      By the way, this happened six months ago. Where ya been? ;)

    • July 22, 2011 7:17 PM CDT

    • ..shit never ends.

    • July 22, 2011 4:03 PM CDT
    • If you're still in Oregon, you should definetly hit Portland every now and then as it has a good number of record stores that still have decent records mostly in the Broadway district.

      Suzanne Walter said:

      I was in college before I got to listen to garage. Montana can be something of a cultural void. So working radio in Eugene I heard Thee Headcoatees, Billy's girl band with Holly Golightly. Then the Cramps, the Candysnatchers, April March (& the Makers), I still don't know shit and that's all I know for sure. I do love the sound though.

    • July 22, 2011 3:42 PM CDT
    • I would have to say that back when I was about 7 years old.  Going through mom's records, she only had a few.  I found the Shangri Las, "Leader of the Pack"  and have been hooked since then.

    • July 22, 2011 10:22 AM CDT
    • Going all the way is a blinding tune :)

      Dan said:

      I think it was Pebbles Vol 1, sometime around 1990 - that skip in 'Action Woman' won me over straight away. Beaver Patrol, Potato Chip, 1-2-5, Going All The Way, etc...

    • July 22, 2011 10:19 AM CDT
    • Amazing record :)

      The Ultimatemost High said:

    • July 22, 2011 10:18 AM CDT
    • Live 69 by the velvets - still love that record to death

    • July 22, 2011 9:00 AM CDT
    • Oh wow, I would love to have seen that Crypt special!

      shredder said:

      "!!Destroy-Oh-Boy!! by the NEW BOMB TURKS. Bought it on vinyl after seeing their video (in connection with a Crypt special) on german music channel Viva (which is kind of unbelievable looking back now!) in 1995.

    • July 22, 2011 7:31 AM CDT
    • "!!Destroy-Oh-Boy!! by the NEW BOMB TURKS. Bought it on vinyl after seeing their video (in connection with a Crypt special) on german music channel Viva (which is kind of unbelievable looking back now!) in 1995.

    • July 21, 2011 5:19 PM CDT

    • Well, I'd say you definately have good taste, and the more you stick around here, you'll find more of that sound!
      Suzanne Walter said:

      I was in college before I got to listen to garage. Montana can be something of a cultural void. So working radio in Eugene I heard Thee Headcoatees, Billy's girl band with Holly Golightly. Then the Cramps, the Candysnatchers, April March (& the Makers), I still don't know shit and that's all I know for sure. I do love the sound though.

    • July 22, 2011 1:34 PM CDT
    • I normally play through one of these (picture stolen)


      but I when I play with a group, I use a Vox AC30 reissue that is part solid state and has one tube to make it sound real.  I love it.

    • July 22, 2011 1:31 PM CDT
    • Show #334: "The Eggman Collection #100"

      Every 3 weeks I do a series of shows called The Eggman Collection, which originally was an old tape/cd collection of songs that I like. Now since I have little time due to work and stuff, I made it into a radio program. It's a big mix of songs I like, no matter what they are, what genre, style, or era...whatever...If I like it, I play it. This provides a big potpourri of music from all sorts of different artists, and also brings out several guilty pleasures you wouldn't expect me to listen to. TONIGHT IS EGGMAN COLLECTION #100!! Tune in two weeks from now for a special 100th Eggman Collection Special compiling the BEST OF THE BEST of the first 100 shows!! But still, tune in tonight (Friday) at 10pm EST for the 100th installment of The Eggman Collection and hear bands and artists like: Strange, Nirvana, The Koala, The McCoys, Bojoura, Kevin Ayers & The Whole World, Billy Nicholls, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, The Byrds, Fickle Pickle, Michael Rother, Sabana Breeze, The Buckinghams, Deep Purple, Gandalf, Tim Buckley, Electric Light Orchestra, Tales Of Justine, Faust, Alice Cooper and many many more!!!

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live, listen to past shows, view playlists, etc…check out my website: or (click on "listen live") Friday nights at 10pm EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!

      Watch my playlist unravel before your eyes LIVE here:


    • July 22, 2011 11:39 AM CDT
    • get yourself two plain heavy glasses. Make a sandwich with the vinyl and then you have two options:

      - put it in the oven, low temperature and door open for some minutes, always keeping an eye on it

      - or in a warm sunny day, make the same and let the sun do the job


      That's a good record that deserves to be saved!

    • July 22, 2011 11:32 AM CDT
    • Hey guys I guess this would be the best place for this question. I have a really nice copy of The In Crowd - Nothing you do / Midnight Hour on Ronn. It's got a big hump in the middle of it. I'd really like to repair it but have no idea on how to go about doing that without screwin up the record. Any good solutions?

    • July 22, 2011 1:04 AM CDT
    • since young loud and snotty was one of my first "punk" albums i gotta go with that!!! it was years later before electric eels or mirrors showed up here in small town australia... what a hell of a scene cleveland had!!  but DAMNED AND DEMONIC DEADBOYS all the way!!

    • July 22, 2011 1:02 AM CDT
    • whoa!!!  sounds like my idea o' heaven (or is that hell?) :D  gotta get this baby...

    • July 22, 2011 1:01 AM CDT
    • there's a chosen few ep recently re-issued too (with the band's permission) - i'll find the details and post em up

    • July 22, 2011 1:00 AM CDT
    • i just finished reading Spraypaint The Walls - got me all enthusiastic about Black Flag again!  I'm not one of those who only likes the early stuff... being in Australia it wasnt until Damaged that i discovered em anyway (actually the first song i heard was  Police Story on the Let Them Eat Jellybeans comp and that just blew my mind) and i liked the later heavier, uglier stuff... one of those bands that thanks to Rollins' popularity and Ginn's stubbornness sometimes gets lost in the bickering...

    • July 22, 2011 12:27 AM CDT
    • Just started listening. I thought Southern Culture on the Skids wrote "Daddy was a Preacher Mama Was a Go-Go Girl" Guess I was wrong. This version by Miss DeLois is more trashy than country. I love it!

    • July 21, 2011 11:55 PM CDT
    • Here's a favourite of mine:


      Ronnie Hawkins - Who Do You Love? (yeah, it's a Bo Diddley cover, but the screaming and the nasty-ass guitar are out of this world.  It definitely splits the difference between garage and rockabilly)


      I'm not sure if Ronnie has much fame in the states, but he's pretty famous in Canada.  He was from the US (Tennesee, I think) but was one of the first rock and rollers to tour Canada.  He thought it was nice up here so he stayed and pretty much introduced Rock and roll to Canada.  He got pretty shitty in the 70s by adopting a real Nashville country sound and doing weak ballads.  His backing band "the Hawks" later became The Band (yeah, Levon Helm, Robbie Robertson "Last Waltz" and all that horseshit).  I think he's still alive.  A couple years ago I saw him on TV telling stories about smoking dope with John Lennon, Yoko Ono and Pierre Trudeau (our hippie Prime Minister of the 70s).


      But I digress.  Most of his early albums are pretty solid rock'n'roll/rockabilly but DEFINITELY listen to "Who Do You Love?"  The B-side of that single "Bo Diddley" (yeah, another cover, but one from THE BEST) is really stellar too.

    • July 21, 2011 11:47 PM CDT
    • A version of this was published in The Santa Fe New Mexican
      July 22, 2011

      The Romweber kids are back, and they’re bursting with joyful noise.

       I’m referring to the Dex Romweber Duo — Dex and his sister Sara on drums — and their new album Is That You in the Blue?, which is scheduled for release on Tuesday, July 26. It’s a worthy follow-up to their 2009 album Ruins of Berlin.

      A primer for newcomers: Dex Romweber was the frontman for an earlier dynamic duo called Flat Duo Jets. Though the group never got as big as The White Stripes or The Black Keys, FDJ is properly credited for being an important pioneer of the two-person blues-bash sound.

      Is That You?, like DRD’s previous album, is a minimalist masterpiece basically consisting of Dex and Sara bashing away, subtly aided by other instruments in certain spots — an organ here, a sax there, stand-up bass here and there. Their North Carolina compatriot Rick Miller of Southern Culture on the Skids helps out on guitar on the opening cut, “Jungle Drums,” while Mary Huff of SCOTS lends some background vocals on “Midnight Sun.”

      DRD is the second band I love that has released a version of Billy Boy Arnold’s “Wish You Would” this year. Dex one-ups The Fleshtones by doing two versions of the song here. The first version is the best, but it’s hard to say whether I like that one better than The Fleshtones’ cover. Both bands capture the essence of this blues classic.

      “Nowhere” is one of those slow, smoky minor-key songs Dex so loves. He croons the verses and shouts on the choruses. Another one of these is “Midnight Sun,” which is even spookier than “Nowhere.” And speaking of crooning, Dex sings the living bejesus out of the song. He wrote it himself, but it sounds like some powerful pop ballad of the ’50s.

      One of the highlights here is DRD’s version of “Brazil,” a song that has been covered by Frank Sinatra, The Coasters, and many in between. Dex adds a “Viva Las Vegas” riff to this jumpy little version. After the first three or four listenings, my favorite tune here is the cover of “Redemption.” This is one of the strange visionary religious songs from the first American Recordings volume. The band speeds it up, with Sara putting some voodoo in her drums.

      Dex does a solo acoustic cover of “Homicide,” an obscure rockabilly tune by Myron Lee and the Caddies. It’s not bad, but it could have used a crazy sax like the original version. If that’s the most serious complaint I can find, this has to be a pretty good record. In fact, it’s a mighty fine affair.

      Also recommended:

      * Peyton on Patton by The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band. Somewhere in the Big Cosmic Blues Afterlife, the angel Charley Patton probably has a chip on his shoulder. “How come that young upstart Robert Johnson gets so much of the credit?” he grumbles to the other blues angels. “I was playing the blues before the devil ever tuned his damned guitar!”

      It’s true that Patton has never received nearly as much credit as he deserves as one of the titans of Delta blues.

      He was the archetype. Patton was known as a crazy entertainer, tossing his guitar in the air, popping his bass strings like a proto Bootsy Collins, singing about jellyroll one minute and then getting all holy and shouting the gospel the next.

      He recorded about 60 songs between 1929 and 1934. And while several compilations of Patton material are available, gives this depressing disclaimer: “No one will never know what Patton’s Paramount masters really sounded like. When the company went out of business, the metal masters were sold off as scrap, some of it used to line chicken coops. All that’s left are recordings of scratchy 78s.”

      But Josh Peyton, known professionally as “The Reverend Peyton,” is out to rescue Patton’s music from the chicken coop. His latest album, just released, is a sweet and powerful tribute to the departed bluesman.

      Peyton isn’t from the Delta. He’s from Indiana. But the country blues of Patton and those who followed are the chief driving factor of Peyton’s music.

      Rev. Peyton's Big Damn Band
      Rev. Peyton at Santa Fe Brewing Co. Feb. 2010
      Some of Patton’s greatest tunes are included here — among them “Mississippi Boweavil Blues,” “Shake It and Break It” (which was recorded by Canned Heat in the early ’70s), “A Spoonful Blues,” and “Tom Rushen Blues.” And there’s not one, not two, but three versions of Patton’s “Some of These Days I’ll Be Gone.” There’s one featuring an acoustic guitar, one with a banjo, and one with a slide guitar. The last is my favorite.

      My chief complaint about this album is that I miss the Big Damn Band — Breezy Peyton on washboard and Aaron “Cuz” Persinger on percussion, Though it’s not billed as such, Peyton on Patton is basically a Josh Peyton solo album. Breezy supplies strong call-and-response vocals on “Elder Greene Blues” but you barely hear Persinger. The only drumming he does is slapping a tobacco barrel like bongos with his bare hands. True, most of Patton’s recordings were done solo. But I think the full band, which itself is pretty minimalist, would have added more dimension.

      I don’t think Charley would have minded.

      Moving pictures with music