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    • July 17, 2011 3:18 PM CDT
    • Start boiling the water, I need to make a phone call.

    • July 17, 2011 3:00 PM CDT
    • steam powered.

      Johnny sic said:

      Kopper, what kinda phone do you have? 2 cups and a string? :)
      kopper said:
      Doesn't work on my dumbphone. :(

    • July 17, 2011 2:48 PM CDT
    • Kopper, what kinda phone do you have? 2 cups and a string? :)
      kopper said:

      Doesn't work on my dumbphone. :(

    • July 17, 2011 2:46 PM CDT
    • Now my phone isn't completely useless. It now has a " special purpose"

    • July 16, 2011 5:42 PM CDT
    • check out the Urges, their Psych Ward lp from '07 is amazing, vinyl released on Screaming Apple

    • July 16, 2011 2:27 PM CDT
    • Today's bands: of course Curlee Wurlee! (see seeeeeeeensational new release on my page) feat. VOX Super Continental and Hammond, from Germany: The Hara-Kee-Rees on Farfisa, from Irland: The Urges, from Greece: The Frantic V on Farfisa (new release out now too), from France: Sheetah & les Weissmüller. And next to those great 80s bands you mentionned before, i was missing the fantastic Prisoners on Hammond (as well as almost all Graham Day bands). 60s bands: there are plenty of them... in addition to your suggestions, i'm also thinking of The Fabs and The Heard right now (ultra cheesy organ sound) and... of course The Monks (Philicorda)!

    • July 16, 2011 11:04 AM CDT
    • Check out the Crimson Shadows, from Sweden and the Sound Explosion from Greece.

    • July 16, 2011 3:09 AM CDT
    • Check out The Movements from Sweden, Göteborg


    • July 15, 2011 9:05 AM CDT
    • Many thanks. I knew the sound wasn't exclusive to the Farfisa, but had forgooten about the Vox.

      Old School Hero said:

      One song in general...
      Little Willy & The Adolescents-Get Out of My Life

      Also keep in mind (because I had once thought the same thing,) many of the great organ work you hear in 60's Punk or Revival stuff isn't always the sound of a Farfisa, but the sound of a Vox Continental. I'm not trying to be a snob or anything, just offering some knowledge. The sound of the Continental is amazing. Nothing pleases my ears more in the Organ vein.

      You also can't go wrong with ? & The Mysterians...because just about every song has some catchy Organ in it.

      A new group that used a Farfisa organ that I can think of is Thee Allmighty Handclaps. I wonder what happened to them.

    • July 15, 2011 5:14 AM CDT
    • Lords of Altamont ..... Brilliant


    • July 15, 2011 12:44 AM CDT
    • Check out The Strollers and The Creeps both from Sweden and both heavy on the Farfisa!!!

    • July 14, 2011 10:38 PM CDT
    • Different strokes and opinions, right? Makes the world go 'round. Definitely like that song, will re-visit and focus on the early stuff.

    • July 16, 2011 7:26 AM CDT
    • Dead Moon, all the way!

    • July 15, 2011 4:27 PM CDT
    • flying v's lame? check out lonnie mack!

      The Enthusiasts said:

      very true.  i thought flying V's were lame until jay reatard rocked the shit out of them.

      The Dark Rags said:
      I think it's all up to the person playing the guitar. I bet Link Wray would look cool rocking an Ibanez.

    • July 15, 2011 4:15 PM CDT
    • hi john! just thought i'd reply, cos i'll chilling on a beach for a week. first of all i'd like to say i suffer from G.A.A.G.S...."gotta 'ave a gretsch syndrome"....., although those little 300-buck danelectro dano pros are soooo sexy! to reply to your question...this site is so amazing that i don't have time to fully investigate all it's possibilities...ergo, thinks get done on a whim, rather than with the methodical, systematic rigour of, say, a computer programmer(hi there kopper!). i'm just happy to get any sort of response; humorous, technical, sociable or reprimanding. as long as i(and others) learn something, or at least have a laugh! :+)) why don't you start a discussion about that very same topic, john? i'd willingly contribute. i remember those lonely, frightening, bewildering first days at university....sometimes i feel like that on the hideout! when i come back, we'll talk guitars...., and how they ruin our lives:+) all the best!

      John White said:

      I have found that it's hard to get replies in bands and musicians, there are so many groups and I think most people just stay on the main site. Have you had this same problem?

      duke cottonhead said:
      i agree it should have been in bands and musicians, but there you go!

      Mardy Pune said:

      haha great topic! Should be over in the Bands and Musicians group though.

      I've got a '94 Japanese Fender Strat. 62 reissue something. Gutted the pickups out, dropped some decent ones in, gave it a setup and fucking rock n roll she goes!

      I love it, it does everything I need it to. Every other guitar I look at is just a cheap whore as far as I'm concerned!



    • July 15, 2011 3:44 PM CDT
    • I have found that it's hard to get replies in bands and musicians, there are so many groups and I think most people just stay on the main site. Have you had this same problem?

      duke cottonhead said:

      i agree it should have been in bands and musicians, but there you go!

      Mardy Pune said:

      haha great topic! Should be over in the Bands and Musicians group though.

      I've got a '94 Japanese Fender Strat. 62 reissue something. Gutted the pickups out, dropped some decent ones in, gave it a setup and fucking rock n roll she goes!

      I love it, it does everything I need it to. Every other guitar I look at is just a cheap whore as far as I'm concerned!



    • July 15, 2011 11:29 AM CDT
    • so that girls like you will reply to my topics :+)

      Mina said:

      why do you wanna be cool?

    • July 14, 2011 11:27 PM CDT
    • G.A.S. Guitar Acquisition Syndrome

      duke cottonhead said:

      dear phil, what is cheap G.A.S. syndrome? is it an allergy to expensive guitars?

      Phil holloway said:

      Sorry,  but I totally disagree with the French chick and tears analogy.  Unless you mean tears of joy.

      French chicks who love rock and roll can totally can rock and roll.

      Bring it on!!!

      But to each his own.

      Cottenhead is brilliantly, bravely and honestly expressing something many of us feel and probably have debated about for years but would have never thought to admit to in writing.

      "just checkin out some of the cool things happenin' along the way"  -Fleshtones

      Sorry but I can't find a link to the original Fleshtones version.


      Hi ,  My name is Phil and I suffer from cheap G.A.S.  syndrome.








    • July 15, 2011 3:46 PM CDT
    • Devi Ever is the queen of fuzz, she makes them for both guitar and bass. Check out her site, many product videos.

    • July 15, 2011 11:15 AM CDT
    • Yeah, the Nuggets boxed set brought me back face-first, which was a good thing since I wasn't really listening to garage anymore at the time. Garage rock 'n' roll really didn't exist here where I live due to a shitty radio market and lack of interest here. So yeah, Nuggets blew it all back open for me...thankfully!

      kletzl said:

      gotta say it was Nuggets in my case, which a friend brought back from England transferred onto a tkt cassette, waaaay back.

    • July 15, 2011 5:52 AM CDT
    • Actually, everybody was just normal people then.  So no autographs, couple of articles about the bands and some gigs they did is about all.

      joey fuckup said:

      Man, talk about some memories! So did you get lots of stuff autographed? And do you still have those items? Pictures maybe?

      Randy Goodell said:
      Grew up in the sixties in the av in CA in a biker club.  Uncle was a drummer jamming alot with a bunch of friends, The Hanleys and Terry Wimberly on keyboards and others.  What really set me on the music was watching Frank Zappa sit in on a late night session in the living room of one of the guys.  Terry played keyboards on a couple of albums for him.  Later met Captain Beefheart (through Terry), who was ecclectic in person as on the albums.  Very cool man and his mother was a sweetheart.  Came back to the music hardcore with the Cramps - Garbage Man.  BTW lovin' the new to me music and musicians all over this place.