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    • May 13, 2011 12:54 PM CDT
    • The Residents - with the big eyeballs heads - ye!

    • May 12, 2011 10:42 AM CDT
    • The Phantom and the Mentors.

    • May 12, 2011 10:12 AM CDT

      Love the Rip Offs!


    • May 11, 2011 7:54 AM CDT
    • Los Straitjackets are good and The Creepy Creeps :)

    • May 12, 2011 10:57 PM CDT
    • Do you have MADAME RITARD'S HORRORS OF THE WAX MUSEUM in a file that you could possibly send me It's a great comp
      one of my fav's

    • May 12, 2011 7:05 PM CDT
    • pretty lol. but I allways thought you're no good was a Dylan's song....

      It's a bob dylan cover competition in the state radio right know.. This was my vote to the game...

      guess it didn't work out as I thought.. haha..


      Axel Björnsson-You're No Good


    • May 12, 2011 10:40 AM CDT
    • On the Road Again - Novas, does the Race Marbles' Like a Dribbling Fram count? I hate the Dead but they did a few cool singles before shitting out a bunch of lame albums and It's All Over Now Baby Blue was one of 'em. It ain't garage but Elvis's version of Tomorrow Is a Long Time, tacked onto the Spinout soundtrack, is a beauty.

    • May 11, 2011 3:18 AM CDT
    • "The Ballad of Hollis Brown" by Thee Headcoats

      Old Bob's turning 70 this month.

    • May 12, 2011 10:07 AM CDT
    • Apart from the obvious choices listed above, Back from the Grave in particular...of the more recent ones I think there are some that truly stand out for GREAT GREAT music and COOL packaging:

      The IKON Story

      The FENTON Story


      2131 South Michigan Avenue

      Fort Worth Teen Scene volumes 1-3


      But that's all US stuff...I always loved comps like:



      The really really cool DIGGIN' FOR GOLD series, mostly European stuff but also US and OZ


      And I HAVE to mention Rubbles, especially some of the early volumes back in the early/mid-80s

    • May 12, 2011 5:55 AM CDT
    • I Was A Teenage Caveman is a delicious slice of primitive garage punk, I love that L.p to death. Pleased to meet you Phillip, any relation to Mick? :)

    • May 11, 2011 11:33 PM CDT
    • Hey guys, this is my first post. 
      My first comp was Fuzz Flaykes and Shakes so I'll always have a soft spot for those comps. The Norton Unissued Acetate series, all 5 are awesome. Cazumbi has some really great songs. The two Dunwich cds and the Dunwich story LP make me feel all warm fuzzy inside also. The newly reissued Off the Wall is pretty rad too.

    • May 11, 2011 9:10 AM CDT
    • I love Rue Morgue Radio's 'Hymns from the House of Horrors' volume two(and wish I could find somebody who has the first one and would be willing to share).

    • May 10, 2011 8:33 PM CDT
    • The Radio Birdman compilation from Sub-Pop Records is tops.

    • May 10, 2011 11:48 AM CDT
    • Quit looking at me Tommy, i'm getting paranoid...LOL...


      There were 5 volumes of It Came From Canada....then we put out (with OG Records)) Mr Garager's Neighbourhood, which some people group in with the It Came From Canada series as there is a little bit of overlap. 

      Tommy Careless said:

      It Came From Canada on OG Records, not sure how many there are 5 or 6  (I'm loooking at you Whatwave ! )

      Really cool Canadian stuff from the 80's. I bring 1 and 2 every time I DJ.



    • May 10, 2011 5:33 AM CDT
    • The Rough Trade Rock'N'Roll 1 (was there ever a 2?) comp

      Brings back happy memories of listening to it in the car driving back and forth to the hospital when my eldest child was born.

    • May 11, 2011 5:01 PM CDT
    • The Wendy's gig was the first guerilla thing we EVER did, and the guy who filmed it is sitting on the footage doing nothing (despite his promise to see more.) Sure it will see light of day at some point. Here's another one y'all might like:

    • May 11, 2011 4:23 PM CDT
    • So where is the "whole video" of that Wendy's gig?

    • May 9, 2011 3:43 PM CDT
    • Cool,

        If someone did that at one my shows I would be mad a first, but totally into it after a minute or two. And yeah, I'd just be pissed I didn;t think of it ; ) Great videos !  


      Will Crum said:

      Well, we had our equipment in the shitter.. so no #2's. Though, the folks takin a piss loved it all.. then after a few minutes the bathroom got so packed you couldn't do anything in there except dance.

      I'm not sure what Ty thought. Probabaly happy but also pissed he didn't think of it. I have a friend (who is a journalist) call the venue the next day. She spoke to the owner and they were happy about being crashed. I always expect cops and venues to get mad, but no one ever does. Rock n roll is fun!!!

    • May 11, 2011 11:24 AM CDT
    • I have never gotten around to seein' this, but thanks for the reminder that I need to, Steve!

    • May 10, 2011 11:11 PM CDT
    • Excuse me if this already has been discussed in here, but I just saw a very cool DVD called NOTHIN' BUT TRASH, featuring videos and live footage of acts like Wau y Los Arrrghs, Gun Club, Link Wray, The Monsters, The tall Boys, some nut called Lightning Beat-Man and a whole mess of Childish -- Milkshakes, Headcoats, plus Thee Headcoatees and Sexton Ming. Most of the bands are ones I hadn't heard of before -- The Tikitiki Bamboos, The Pooptones, Empress of Fur (featuring a sexy Bettye Page impersonator) and more. Mainly European groups I believe. Mostly shot in London and at the Wild Weekend festival in Spain . Check it oot. It's on Netflix

    • May 10, 2011 11:31 PM CDT
    • For my first post since finally joining Garage Punk I'd like to throw out there a great band from Buffalo, NY - The Enemies. They also went by Billy Piranha and the Enemies. The album is Product of the Streets. About as raw and garage as it gets. I listen to it all the time to this day.

    • May 10, 2011 8:59 PM CDT
    • 1. Teenage Head's initial lp

      2a. The Saints' Stranded

      2b. Radio Birdman's Radios Appear

      4.  Stiff Little Fingers' Inflammable Material

      5.  The Clash London Calling

      * honorable mention Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers LAMF

    • May 10, 2011 9:07 PM CDT
    • The Bleach Bloodz - any of their 3 CD's.  Trust me on this - their tunes are tight.