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    • May 18, 2011 9:53 AM CDT
    • Any garagepunkers going to the Guitar Wolf show in Detroit tonight, drop me a line at

      Let's meet up. It will be one helluva good time. 

    • May 18, 2011 12:02 AM CDT
    • "Comin' Down"/"Pop Top" by The Sigma Five.

    • May 17, 2011 4:28 PM CDT
    • Hey guys I thought this would be fun, I noticed no one made  post about their favorite ORIGINAL  45 they own and the one they want the most so heres mine.


      The Jury - Who Dat? on Port records

      Also The Warner Brothers - Lonely I on dunwich(WLP)



      I'd sell anything I own for a copy of


      The Rogues - Train Kept Rollin' on Audition

      The Plagues - I've Been Through It Before on FENTON




    • May 17, 2011 6:56 PM CDT
    • Yeah, all that stuff really happened, ridiculous as it sounds.  If you google Dave Marsh and Louie Louie, you should be able to find some more info on that.

      Adrian Spink said:

      Is it really true that the FBI investigated this song in an attempt to determine what the lyrics really were?

      (and - Kingsmen version is the one)

    • May 17, 2011 4:08 PM CDT
    • Thanks man, hope I can dig this out somewhere europe related.


      Empress of Fur is rad, almost saw them once, but that is another story. Ha, the pooptones sound fun too!

    • May 17, 2011 3:46 PM CDT
    • I don't really know the answers to your questions, but I have a friend that has an original copy of it (the edition that is worth some dough). There are several other books out there with very similar content, photos, etc. under different titles that sell for much less money. 

      So, if you are a serious collector, cough up the dough for a sweet book you'll enjoy. Otherwise, pay a fraction of the price for a new copy of a book with much the same info/photos in it and you'll still have a good time.

      That's my two cents...

    • May 17, 2011 3:19 PM CDT
    • So am I missing something, why is this book only availble for silly money - is there a reason it's no longer in print?

    • May 17, 2011 3:25 PM CDT
    • Here's another vote for the Garage Beat 66 series, and I'll admit it was the Nuggets series (esp. Disc 2 of the first box) that drew me into the genre in the first place -- and because they're easy to find, I've found them to be a pretty good way to turn others on to the style.

    • May 16, 2011 11:09 PM CDT

    • Aldo said:

      Apart from the obvious choices listed above, Back from the Grave in particular...of the more recent ones I think there are some that truly stand out for GREAT GREAT music and COOL packaging:

      The IKON Story

      The FENTON Story


      2131 South Michigan Avenue

      Fort Worth Teen Scene volumes 1-3


      But that's all US stuff...I always loved comps like:



      The really really cool DIGGIN' FOR GOLD series, mostly European stuff but also US and OZ


      And I HAVE to mention Rubbles, especially some of the early volumes back in the early/mid-80s

      I've been meaning to buy the Fort worth teen scenes, but I've got and love all those US label stories you just listed. The Rubble series are pretty gnarly too. Some I believe don't have great sound to them though.

    • May 16, 2011 11:04 PM CDT

    • Thee Retroman said:

      I Was A Teenage Caveman is a delicious slice of primitive garage punk, I love that L.p to death. Pleased to meet you Phillip, any relation to Mick? :)
      Nope, but I've made people believe I was. It's a fun game to play with really wasted people. Haha.

    • May 16, 2011 2:37 PM CDT
    • Beyond the Calico Wall and 30 Seconds Before the Calico Wall are great Erik Lingren comps

    • May 17, 2011 8:05 AM CDT
    • That Magnificent Brotherhood video rules!

    • May 17, 2011 7:38 AM CDT
    • I love these guys.

    • May 17, 2011 6:00 AM CDT
    • Not garage or punk, but metal.  Red Fang's "Prehistoric Dog" is one of the funniest videos I've seen in a long time.


    • May 16, 2011 5:46 PM CDT

      Generally, the glory 90´s with the big big sales are over ! 

      The Pearl Jam vs album sold 1993 nearly one million physical copies in the FIRST week. Today you are in the top 10 of the Billboard Charts with nearly 40 000 sold copies ( sales as total sum).

      Back to the roots and maybe anyday a garage punk band will be in the Top 10 with 1000 sold copies !


    • May 16, 2011 4:45 PM CDT
    • Store distribtion is not of the same importance that it used to be, and becasue of the increased cost and work needed many labels would prefer if they didn't have to do brick-and-mortar (phsyical) distribution at all!  Of course it is cool to see your record at a good local store -- but it just plain isn't as practical as it used to be.


      With a niche product like garage-psych, mailorder is the best way to go for a limited release -- and then making sure a dedicated audience like the one here at the Hideout knows that it exists! Whether that can be done effectively by the band alone or if there is more advantage to partner with a label is my real question.


      I have had dozens of releases on small labels and almost all went very wekll for the band -- but times have really, really changed, lol. Still, I like the idea of being on a label with other bands I really dig.


      And finding like-minded people to partner with is certainly the key, I agree. Thank you for your thoughts!

      kopper said:

      I guess it depends on the sound, more than anything. There are lots of great labels out there still putting out vinyl (In The Red, HoZac, Goner, SS, Birdman, Trouble in Mind, etc.). Most of them are very small but have good distro and some even have pages here on the Hideout. The key is finding one that will like what you do and want to release your record and be able to get it in the most stores.

    • May 16, 2011 4:43 PM CDT
    • Not a bother!

    • May 16, 2011 4:36 PM CDT
    • Ah yes, we were proud to be on Get Hip for our 2nd 45 and 2nd & 3rd album "back in the day."

      A great label still, but with all the work needed for the Cynics, it can be difficult to get something going with them...but a great suggestion. Thanks!

    • May 16, 2011 4:28 PM CDT
    • I guess it depends on the sound, more than anything. There are lots of great labels out there still putting out vinyl (In The Red, HoZac, Goner, SS, Birdman, Trouble in Mind, etc.). Most of them are very small but have good distro and some even have pages here on the Hideout. The key is finding one that will like what you do and want to release your record and be able to get it in the most stores.

    • May 16, 2011 3:23 PM CDT
    • Do the POP!

    • May 16, 2011 3:22 PM CDT
    • They through most Wasps onto a 12"LP now called thiswaspunk

    • May 16, 2011 3:04 PM CDT
    • Thanks!
      Doing a few shows in Toronto right now, and we have some wild guerilla shows coming up here in the next week.

      St. John's!!!!!! Been really hyped on going there. This summer most likely.

      Mopey Mumble-Mouse said:

      i cannot tell you how many kinds of happy this makes me.


      here in st. john's NL there have been a couple guerrila shows in Bannerman Park. they run an extension cord out to this little gazebo. (i actually missed these shows unfortunately.)


      oh, and a blue dano 56, fuck yeah. mopey play a redburst 63, a white 56 pro, and i myself have a tangerine dano pro tuned to D standard.

    • May 16, 2011 3:02 PM CDT
    • For the whole security thing, my state of mind is always to act like you own the place and people don't give you trouble, especially when you tell them that higher management set the gig up. The guerilla show thing is so new (no one else has the balls to do it) that I have yet to encounter ANYONE that has a clue what we're doing.

      duke cottonhead said:

      how did you get your amp past security? if i tried that, they'd take me for a terrorist. you naughty boys!