South bay pork ruled , is it toast ? Does matthave any other podcasts
Really dug the cowboys and indians and the hobos episodes
Anyone point me to something similar
South bay pork ruled , is it toast ? Does matthave any other podcasts
Really dug the cowboys and indians and the hobos episodes
Anyone point me to something similar
...But the Residents are up there, too.
Much agreed!
whatwave dave said:
Los Straitjackets
Alex said:
The Mummies. End of discussion.
I was thinking about mentioning them myself.
John Choples said:
Whilst not generally regarded as paid-up members of the masked community, I'd like to think that Devo have more than paid their masked dues over the years.
Here they are. Lost Acapulco. Garage Surf from DF check them out.
They were The Undertakers, at least on most of the sessions. They had relocated to the US in '65 and Bob Gallo used them to record on most of the sessions.
The You-Know-Who Group - classic lame-o fake Merseybeat band, although they MAY have been authentically English. The cover of their album looks like the Pete Best Four in masks and capes to me!! Can anyone shed any light on this? Also heard they may have had something to do with The Undertakers.
Whilst not generally regarded as paid-up members of the masked community, I'd like to think that Devo have more than paid their masked dues over the years.
THE CREEPY CREEPS ~ outta' San Diego, and into the stratosphere!
Maybe it's better off to remain totally small minded about music, so you're not so overwhelmed by all the choices out there.
trashman said:
getting a good lesson here because there are some of these groups I only know by mp3s so had no clue they were masked marauders. Knuckel Drager and Apemen good examples (thought the apemen only wore masks for the album cover until I saw the embedded youtube). So many groups so little time.
DammitDave said:
Don't forget Phantom Surfers!
and the Bubble Men! (?????)
trashman said:
So many groups so little time.Oh yeah, the Bubble Men, too. :D
getting a good lesson here because there are some of these groups I only know by mp3s so had no clue they were masked marauders. Knuckel Drager and Apemen good examples (thought the apemen only wore masks for the album cover until I saw the embedded youtube). So many groups so little time.
Lost Acapulco from Mexico City.
Yeah The Nord is it.
We have 2 Farfisa's & a Gem (Vox Jaguar) They break constantly, and even here in LA the waiting time to get one fixed is usually around a month. The parts are getting really hard to come by. So we bought a Nord & find ourselves using it more & more often. It's not as cool looking as the Farfisa, but it's better than most modern keyboards.
Yep, If yer outta town and borrowing amps then having pedals you know and trust is a godsend!
Time For Tiffin said:
I tend to try and get the cleanest sound poss. from my amp then add a Tonebender pedal.
Been using an early 60's Fender Bandmaster head as piggyback on an early 60's Vox 2 x 12 cab for the last 15 yrs and it's never let me down.
Using just the pedal also helps when you play abroad as you don't have to spend time searching for a killer tone on someone else's set up.
norwich puppetman
Ima check out this Adkins cat, but have you gotten an earfull of Bob Log?! Tom Waits and Muddy Waters could have a love child...
bloodshot bill for sure!
I read MRR, wrote for them in the early to mid 80s and am here at the Hideout as well. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
I am firmly in the anti-Scion camp and just don't see the benefits and will never understand or accept the point of view of those that do or think that it's an okay thing (I am not going into this again plus there is absolutely no argument that you can present that I haven't heard or could possibly change my point of view). I'm also no fan of the way the term "garage" is thrown around. Most of these so-called "garage" bands are nothing of the sort and are really just boring bullshit indy bands. Any band that people can't label are all of the sudden called "garage" because it sounds cooler than "indy". There's almost no difference between a fair number of these bands and crap that was called indy 10-15 years ago. Any band that says they need corporate money to keep doing what they're doing are sellout pieces of shit. I know MANY bands that have been together and playing for 10,15,20 years and they don't have to bend over and take a corporate dick in their ass. Growing up in the late 70s/80s punk scene made me very anti-corporate (working for a record label and publishing house for 2 years only contributed to my contempt) and I don't think that it has any benefits. We always did everything ourselves (and still do) with a network of like-minded people. With the internet, it's 1000 times easier to network with people and there is no fucking reason at all to suck at the corporate teat unless you just want money. It's a slippery slope and one I will not take a step on. I have turned down corporate money in the past (once for close to 25 grand and another time rejecting a distribution from a label that represented itself as an independent but was owned and distributed by WEA) and I would do it again if they offered me even more. I am not a whore - I do what I do because I love to do it and I am willing to make whatever sacrifices I have to in order to make it happen. If not taking that money makes your life a little harder and you have to make a few more sacrifices to do what you love, so be it. If you can't handle the difficulties and the hard work, you're doing the wrong thing.
Alex said:
The past few issues of Maximum Rock 'n' Roll have had seriously angry rants against the whole Scion scene and the bands that participate in it, essentially claiming that they're inauthentic sellouts, and if they were true "punks" they wouldn't be taking any money from anyone. I think it's very interesting to see the difference between those who are more into hardcore/punk and read MRR vs. those who are more into garage/rock 'n' here at the Hideout.
I think John meant the Black Lips, not the Black Keys.
Here is a great deal on a great little device that you can do a lot with. It is a very small multi-tracking porta-studio that doubles as a stereo field recorder, much like the ones mentioned above, but you can do so much more with it. These things list for a lot, but this one-day deal is a steal: TASCAM Black Chrome DP-004 Portable 4-track Digital Multi-track Recorder Ltd Edition
A girl sings on my track. She's my daughter.