......I WON'T FORGET SOMETHING Damita (is it?) from L7 told me ( Not a fan , but , I met 'em twice , they were very nice people.). She said "Yeah , we clawed our way to the middle.".
Sometimes , you may have more success with your band than expected , but , I think a majority of bands are not so delusional. They know it costs more to tour than they're likely to make doing gigs , and , possibly , selling merch , besides. Some bands are too proud to take a "For gas money " gig on a weeknight. Even your big name Rock stars you may or may not care about are having to cut the costs wherever they can.
It's kind of funny how The Hentchmen got lumped in with this post - White Stripes Detroit (Area) Garage "Explosion". I first saw those guys in '90 or '91 , maybe.... If they had more success after they changed their sound, more power to 'em , they're great guys. I saw The White Stripes about 5 years before they made it. I thought they were competent Jeffrey Evans wannabees (But not as good at it as Knoxville Girls.) , but , I could'nt have foreseen their success.
What's amusing is , I saw Steve Miller and Tesco Vee promoting their book , "Detroit , Rock City" (Yeah , you should buy it.). Miller said he happened upon flyer for a "GARAGE !!!!" show in Chicago , and said "Hey ! We started this ! "(Umm..no , it started in the Northwest while Elvis was in the army .)......Yeah , Detroitland had The Hentchmen , 3-D Invisibles , Gories , Snake - Out , etc. , when the only Garage band happening in Chicago was The Cunts , and they only played private parties to assembled groups of 10 or more. But , as far as that later stuff is concerned , much of what I've heard from Detroit AND Chicago , in recent years , does'nt sound very Garage at all. However , I had to tell Miller , when he said there's always been a rivalry between our cities , I said , on the contrary , I think there's always been a camaraderie between us.