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    • May 8, 2014 12:19 PM CDT
    • Mmm, you may be able to know some of these bands, but have you heard these tunses?

    • May 7, 2014 4:32 AM CDT
    • Hi! As a fan of The Birthday Party, The Scientists, Come, Captain beefheart, The Gun Club, and The Beasts of Bourbon, I'm often scanning for bands that share the unique quality of these bands (not exactly garage, swamp rock or blues, not goth, but dark, not generic specifically...), but I'm not great at fishing for bands I may like. Some example of bands like this from nowadays that I enjoy are The Slug Guts, The Movie Star Junkies or The Black Angels.


      Anyone here with similar interests can recommend some bands that have that sort of 'unique' thing?


      Thank you, people!

    • May 8, 2014 2:08 AM CDT
    • BTW - GG ALLIN "GIMME SOME HEAD". Definitely Bubblegum.  Any song that says Gimme twice or more is up for Bubblegum status , likE "Gimme Gimme Gimme Some" by The Skunks and SOns of HERCULES.

      GUM ! GUM ! GUM ! (Anyone remember that Wrigley's Spearmint Gum ad?.)

    • May 8, 2014 1:37 AM CDT

      But , Bubblegum revival is in order , tho' Lava Sutra (Whose great CD should still be readily available from Whitehouse Records, cheap.) flirted with it. Better than that , they got her digits !          oF Of course , The Ramones were chewin' out a rhythm on their bubblegum. I first liked them because they reminded me of The Ohio Express and Tommy James and The Shondells.

      The Cichlids were also a funny and good rockin' band , seeped in the GUM.

      Some say Glamwas a return to bubblegum . Sweet started out with early Bubblegum hits , "Funny Funny", "Papa Joe'' (Calypso Bubblegum), the great non - starter "Lollipop Man", and , later , "Little Willy " and  "Wig Wam Bam"....... Gary Glitter and Mud stuck to formula , but it worked.

      IN A WAY , IT was British Bubblegum , but you could say that already happened with The Troggs' "Hip Hip Hooray" and THE eQUALS' 
      lAUREL AND hARDY".....

    • May 7, 2014 8:58 AM CDT
    • Great band and great record. I can't stop to listen to thge first two full of style!

    • May 8, 2014 2:02 AM CDT
    • I'M TOLD IT'S ALREADY COMPLETED.......Now , it's just wait , wait , and wait some more.

      I saw them twice , late 90's - early oughts , maybe. The original band cancelled a booking here in Chicago , but John and Howie played with a different lineup . I think Billy Cole played both shows.

      I was bummed that it was'nt the classic lineup , but, they DESTROYED. They came back , later , using a local , pick -up drummer who'd practiced WITH THEM once , AND THEY STILL KILLED IT !!!


    • May 6, 2014 9:46 PM CDT

      Just dug this up, they are playing Brooklyn this month with The Woggles. It is times like this that I miss living in New York.

    • May 6, 2014 9:35 PM CDT
    • Wow I love The Real Kids! Great news. I really hope it's great. I saw them at Coney Island High in NYC when they started playing shows again, must have been late 90s/early oughts, and they were fantastic. Was supposed to see them again with The Lazy Cowgirls around the corner at The Continental not long after that but they cancelled the day of the show and then they just dropped off the map, if my memory serves me correctly (which it very well may not). Glad to hear John Felice is still at it. Big influence for me.

    • May 6, 2014 11:50 AM CDT
    • Saw this on John Schooley's wall on Fartbook:

      THERE IS GONNA BE A NEW REAL KIDS ALBUM, EVERYBODY! David Woods was kind enough to send me this 4-song EP of cuts from the new record on absolutely bee-YOO-tiful YELLOW GOLD vinyl. With a sweet Ace of Hearts logo, like it was 1978 or something. Listening right now - pretty great. Side one has a rocker with "She Don't Take It" but I really dug "Fly Into the Mystery" - amazing version of a Modern Lovers song. Boston rock n' roll, people.


    • May 8, 2014 1:54 AM CDT

      One from Daddy Frank



    • May 8, 2014 1:02 AM CDT
    • YES, "Let's Go To The Beach" , classic.

    • May 7, 2014 1:18 PM CDT
    • Agreed, love that Fidlar album. I always wondered if they would put out an album called "On the Roof," though.

    • May 7, 2014 11:47 AM CDT
    • This album makes me feel all summery.

    • May 7, 2014 11:44 AM CDT
    • Larry & The Loafers - Let's Go To The Beach  

    • May 6, 2014 8:06 PM CDT
    • I SAW THE GO - GETTERS , ONCE , CENTURIES AGO. THIS IS A GOOD VERSION , INSPIRED BY GENE VINCENT'S VERSION.......I have to go along with Miriam Linna , when she said , you only really need Gene Vincent and Rick Nelson's versions (Which was the blueprint for "We Ain't Got Nothin , Yet".) . There are other good ones , but the song's been done to death , buried , and dug back up to be done to death some more.........

      Just remembered , I bought a couple of 45s from The Go - Getters , they did'nt know how much to ask for them , in US dOLLARS.       I THINK I GAVE 'EM $6. That was about what 45s were going for , from touring bands. Now , it's more like $10 !!

    • May 6, 2014 6:18 PM CDT
    • A great take on the Gershwin standard:

    • May 6, 2014 12:25 AM CDT
    • YEAH , The tragic thing is , so many people think that's all Mungo Jerry ever did , when they released a plethora of Rockabilly , Glam , Blues , and , of course , Skiffle gems. RAY DORSET AND MUNGO JERRY JUST recently played in Brooklyn with support from Chicago's White Mystery.

      Huelyn Duvall   "Three Months To Kill".

      Trashmen  "Surfin' Bird" (Of course.)

      Cliff Richard and The Shadows  "On The Beach".

      Cramps "Bikini Girls With Machine Guns".

      The Bold "Gotta Get SOME".

      Cichlids "Lifeguard Dan".

      Surf Punks "My Beach".

      Al Casey "Surfin' Hootenanny"

      Raspberries - Long , Hot Days (Not one of their best moments , but , it fits the bill.).

      First Class - "Beach Baby" (C'mon , it's got everything. Plus , they were Germans , singing English phonetically.).

    • May 5, 2014 9:35 PM CDT
    • "In the Summer Time" by Mungo Jerry was the first to pop into my head.

      Also "School is Out" by Gary "US" Bonds and Sam Cooke's version of "Summertime"

    • May 8, 2014 1:53 AM CDT
    • GG could be VERY outgoing . He genuinely liked to meet people , especially if they shared his passion for Rock'n'Roll......GG's TASTES WERE A LOT MORE VARIED THAN MIGHT BE EXPECTED.

      I'm not defending certain things he did , but , everyone that knew him , back then , agrees that he was just an enthusiatic rock and roller. He spoke of just doing a straight Rock show when he got out of Prison. Would people have NOT gone to his shows if there were suddenly no bodily fluids or violence , mostly self - inflicted , involved?

      I asked him how he got Wayne Kramer and Dennis Thompson to play with him. He said "You're the first person who ever asked me that !".He said , basically , Wayne was just jamming in clubs (Gang War had just split up and he was minus a band.) , and agreed to play. Then , he found a classified ad saying Dennis Thompson was looking for a band. Neither one had seen the other for years , so they were VERY happy about this surprise GG laid out for them  . HE DONE A MITZVAH !

      GG claimed he almost got Thunders to play , as Gang War was'nt yet in rigor mortis , and Johnny seemed possibly opento playing with Wayne again. Who knows?

    • May 7, 2014 5:58 PM CDT
    • Yeah, Bite it You Scum is a good song. I agree he was an interesting guy, but more for his personality than his music in my opinion.

      Personally, I'm a big fan of the Dwarves. I think they took the best of what GG had to offer, had some good tunes, and don't take themselves so seriously.

    • May 7, 2014 4:39 AM CDT
    • I think GG was fascinating in himself. He didn't seem like an outgoing person offstage, his lyrics were mostly downright dumb and his music was mostly average in my opinion, but there's something genuinely angry and innocent in all the crazy shit he did. I love "Bite it You Scum", it sounds so sincere...

    • May 7, 2014 2:48 PM CDT

      I've just re-uploaded the very first episode of THE HOUSE OF WILD DELIGHTS.

       Down there :

      Follow the link and enjoy !

    • May 7, 2014 11:45 AM CDT
    • They played in Memphis last night. I didn't go. :(

    • May 7, 2014 7:31 AM CDT
    • I just found out yesterday that the Flamin Groovies are going to be in town tomorrow night and I'm probably going to go see 'em. Just wondering if any of you have seen them on this tour and how the shows have been. Reviews & thoughts, please!


      From the looks and sounds of a few of the videos I've found on YouTube, they sound pretty good...