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    • January 21, 2011 11:00 PM CST
    • I like a lot of the bands mentioned allready here's a few more...


      Bad Sports

      Useless eaters

      Parting Gifts

      Half rats




      Mylein Sheaths


      A lot more too.  There is a ton of awesome bands out there(not as many as shit ones) and a lot 'em I'll never hear. 





    • January 21, 2011 8:02 PM CST
    • Wow, This is a hard question .. *insert intense thinking face*

      Hmm .. Well the only band I can think of that's fairly new is infected mushroom and I only like a few of their songs. Haha basically all the bands I like are really old. Although there is dream theatre, They're ok I guess (:

    • January 21, 2011 10:45 PM CST
    • Was thinking more along the lines of "When I Talk To Loretta" 


      Although.......I want head till I'm dead
      TeenFink said:


    • January 21, 2011 10:37 PM CST
    • Would love to meet the Mummies and the Woggles!  Did you let the Woggles baptize you in bbq sauce like they would at Sleazefast?

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      I've made friends with a lot of the early 90s bands like the Mummies and Makers, And Woggles but I thought it was cool meeting the Romantics a few years back.  A lot of musicians toured together promoting Camel Cigarettes, but it was people like Wayne Kramer, Peter Zaremba, and Pat Dinizio from the Smithereens and the show was free and everything was laid back so talking to these people was really easy as there was no security people and what not.  That was in 1996 or 97.

    • January 21, 2011 5:57 PM CST
    • I've made friends with a lot of the early 90s bands like the Mummies and Makers, And Woggles but I thought it was cool meeting the Romantics a few years back.  A lot of musicians toured together promoting Camel Cigarettes, but it was people like Wayne Kramer, Peter Zaremba, and Pat Dinizio from the Smithereens and the show was free and everything was laid back so talking to these people was really easy as there was no security people and what not.  That was in 1996 or 97.

    • January 21, 2011 9:00 PM CST
    • I don't think so, hahahahaha!  I am related to actress Colleen Camp, you know...the chick that rode shotgun with Jerry Reed in "Smokey & the Bandit 3", was the mom of the valley girl in "Valley Girl", and other roles....Yeah, still trying to get around on here...Lots of techie stuff!!!  I will definately live up to my name on here!!!!

    • January 21, 2011 4:59 PM CST
    • Welcome Joey. Are you related to the Fuckup family in New Mexico? I know a lot of Fuckups here.

    • January 21, 2011 3:36 PM CST
    • Welcome Joey Fuckup to the squad! He's replacing Bradx, who has gone MIA as of late, and who hasn't posted an episode since last September and hasn't responded to any of my emails, Hideout, or Facebook messages. So be it!

    • January 21, 2011 7:53 PM CST
    • hell its the tits man !

      where else could you hear such music ?

      sure i heard the elevators and the seeds back in the 80s but these were rare and exotic things back then.

      the US is so huge and the music so diverse,

      the music this site offers is a real eye opener, i find all sorts of stuff  i never knew existed,

      the US soul scene is well served here in england many black artists who barely made  a dent on the us charts in the sixties are given almost god like status in uk soul club circles and rightly so.

      but the garage is still an unknown to most.

      i like my music raw.

      i like my music honest.

      i like my music groovy.  


    • January 21, 2011 5:41 PM CST
    • Because this is still going by links and actual pages (instead of that new fangled generated pages) and you have to click refresh to actually see something new that appeared in the last minute, this is actually the fastest website when it comes to loading on my computer.  And content is always a big plus.

    • January 21, 2011 7:46 PM CST
    • Wow...hard to limit to just ten. I'll give it a go, but don't hold me to these:












    • January 21, 2011 6:21 PM CST
    • Haha yeah so I was looking through all the discussions and I noticed there wasn't really anything for this so yeah (:


      My Top Ten:

      • The Sex Pistols 
      • Misfits. 
      • The Clash
      • Dead Kennedys
      • Black Flag
      • The Ramones
      • Exploited
      •  The Buzzcocks
      • The Adicts
      • The Top Dolls

    • January 21, 2011 7:41 PM CST
    • Hehe :DD

    • January 21, 2011 7:28 PM CST

    • Alex said:

      oh, oh, oh, oh!
      you gotta treat a woman rough
      you gotta treat a woman tough
      be a caveman (oh, oh, oh)
      and keep her in line

      oh, oh, oh, oh!
      you gotta pull her by the hair
      hold her tighter than a grizzly bear
      be a caveman (oh, oh, oh)
      and keep her in line

      you gotta show a woman who wears the pants
      if you want her to stick by you
      you can have her eating right out of your hand
      heres what ya gotta do..

      show a woman that you're a man
      you gotta show her where you stand
      be a caveman (oh, oh, oh)
      and keep her in line

      oh, oh, oh, oh!

      be a caveman!


      I'm also including a YouTube link with a funny video to go along with the song.  Enjoy!

      Giannis KRI said:

      It would be funnier if i could understand the lyrics....

      Alex said:

      "Be a Caveman" by the Avengers is pretty funny.

      -Hahahaha; Oh that's great :DD

    • January 21, 2011 5:33 PM CST
    • Wau y Los Arghs

      Thee Vicars

      The Urges


      But I'd also haven't ever seen the Fleshtones still as well as the Lyres and it's rumored that the Chocolate Watchband MAY do some shows.  They did record some songs according to one friend of mine.

    • January 21, 2011 5:27 PM CST
    • Listening to oldies led to listening to garage rock, I suppose. 

    • January 21, 2011 5:13 PM CST
    • I think if I had never liked Nirvana so much I would not have heard songs like in the pines  and started searching for a grittier sound to listen to...I always liked the ramones and Pistols but Nirvana was my generation.  as far as  Kurt Cobain's death  I think the fucking drugs killed him.

    • January 21, 2011 4:39 PM CST
    • Love being a signed up Republican and close friend of GW Bush worked closely on Cobain's demise, knowing full well that his future career would become the soundtrack to a Democrat victory. Bush was later advised by Love in 2001 on how to start a war with Afganistan and she said that the only solution would be to destroy the twin towers. All those drug addled benders and times in rehab were all just tricks. She was not loaded but just diverting attention every time a fellow rock band got too close to the mechanisms. John Lee from Feeder knew too much and so too was bumped off in 2002.

    • January 21, 2011 3:44 PM CST
    • He may have deserved it? How's that?

      enzo said:

      BRIAN JONES!!!! He may have deserved it...but, hey, Ruby Tuesday.

      TeenFink said:

      eh? really?

      i don't really think much of him. overrated. nirvana's first album was alright i guess, but i could never understand the adoration for them or him.

      i think a more important discussion would be "WAS BOBBY FULLER MURDERED?" or what about BRIAN JONES?

      kurt cobain. pfft.

    • January 21, 2011 3:01 PM CST
    • BRIAN JONES!!!! He may have deserved it...but, hey, Ruby Tuesday.

      TeenFink said:

      eh? really?

      i don't really think much of him. overrated. nirvana's first album was alright i guess, but i could never understand the adoration for them or him.

      i think a more important discussion would be "WAS BOBBY FULLER MURDERED?" or what about BRIAN JONES?

      kurt cobain. pfft.

    • January 21, 2011 4:07 PM CST
    • Big ups to LINY!!! Anyone...?

      Hideout Admin said:

      Don't forget New York City. I'd say its garage scene is bigger than any of those others. Hell, Memphis, too, for that matter.

    • January 21, 2011 3:46 PM CST
    • Don't forget New York City. I'd say its garage scene is bigger than any of those others. Hell, Memphis, too, for that matter.

    • January 21, 2011 2:49 PM CST
    • I got mugged in Chi-Town.  San Fran was ok-head to Austin for STUBBS, every time-order the MAJOR with as much beer as you can handle.

    • January 21, 2011 2:58 PM CST
    • Depends on what sound you want man.  11's or heavier, flatwound will give you that plunky surf tone that you've heard on countless records.  Dick Dale uses flat 13's.  Rounds are brighter and have a thinner tone than flatwound. D'Addario flats are around 13 bucks, wound are about 8.  Save some dough and try 'em all-the string and gauge will find you.

    • January 21, 2011 2:25 PM CST
    • the documentary about him is great, too. what the hell was it called...??? oh yeah, Billy Childish Is Dead!