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    • January 17, 2011 9:59 AM CST
    • Hard by Christchild.

    • January 17, 2011 8:09 AM CST
    • You just love those dirty band names I can see.

      Blaine said:

      The urinals

      Vomit pigs

    • January 16, 2011 10:35 PM CST
    • The urinals

      Vomit pigs

    • January 16, 2011 6:34 AM CST
    • Yeah, thats a good one, people with eye patches are badass. I wonder if his girlfriend did that to him? Hey maybe youd be affected to if somebody stole your eye. I am a massageanist, I massage chicks only!

      John Choples said:

      How about The Depressions self-titled LP from 1978 on Barn records?  Once you get past the affected misogyny & punk cliches it's not a bad record at all (ditto for The Vibrators).

    • January 17, 2011 9:50 AM CST
    • Yeah, heavier strings sound better on electric too.  Fenders play heavier than other guitars.  So if you like the feel of 11's on a Gibson, get 10's or an 11/10 custom gauge for the Fender.  I like some of the custom gauges, but stock up, since those get discontinued without warning. As far as brand, Dean Markley, Ernie Ball and DR are all good names. And there's nothing wrong with skipping official lessons. Learn from your friends, and from playing along with awesome music.

    • January 17, 2011 5:08 AM CST
    • Hi!


      I was always playing the cheapest strings I could get here in my town. Then I discovered that Thomann had Ernie Balls for pretty little money, and since I've heard of them back then, I now play those. Can't tell the difference in sound really, but they last longer than the cheap ones, and maybe they sound clearer and more poewerful. But that may be wishful thinking.


      For my acoustic guitar, I use the thickest strings I can get (.13) - this may hurt a bit, but my guitar sounds that much fuller and richer and louder and more powerful. With the electric guitar I'm not so sure if that's also the case. Maybe the specialists here know about that.


      Cheers, Doc

    • January 16, 2011 10:41 PM CST
    • I've played guitar for 5-6 years, I've never taken lessons and it shows, I suck.  Just wondering if some of the more knowledgeable players could tell me about certain strings to try out. 



    • January 17, 2011 8:34 AM CST
    • My wishlist would be.

      The Who/High Numbers live @ Railway Tavern circa 64 set

      Steampacket with Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger & Rod Stewart

      The Birds with Ron Wood Ali McKenzie and Tony Munroe

    • January 17, 2011 8:28 AM CST
    • Hi Dave, If you in Europe you be pleased to know you can catch Cyril and Roy live in London on Sunday 24 April @ Le Beat Bespoke 7, cheers Rob

      whatwave dave said:

      1. Flamin' Groovies

      2. Flamin' Groovies

      3. Flamin' Groovies....


      Detect a pattern here? Last time they played in Canada was 1978 and i didn't go to see them as i wasn't a huge fan. Now that i'm older (but definitely not wiser) and a HUGE fan of The Groovies AND Roy and Cyril are out doing shows, i gotta see them!! A-Bones are the perfect back up bands as Mirian was the Prez of The Flamin' Groovies fanclub for many years.

      I did get to see Magic Christian (Cyril's new combo) about 2 years ago and that just whet my appetite even more for a real Flamin' Groovies show!!

    • January 17, 2011 7:54 AM CST
    • Hey Kopper, I know this list doesn't include any 7" or 12" records, but it's definitely worth mentioning that Billy Childish recently appeared in a new band, The Guy Hamper Trio, who put out a single on Damaged Goods Records in 2010.

    • January 17, 2011 5:05 AM CST
    • That's good: Life won't get boring.

    • January 17, 2011 5:00 AM CST
    • "!Billy be Childish!"

    • January 15, 2011 9:40 PM CST
    • True that!  He's like the Wilt Chamberlin of Garage Rock!

    • January 15, 2011 8:10 PM CST
    • 112 Albums and counting... frickin' amazing.


      Greatest Hits (1979) The Pop Rivets
      Empty Sounds from Anarchy Ranch (1979) The Pop Rivets
      Talking 'Bout... Milkshakes (1981) The Milkshakes
      14 Rhythm and Beat Greats (1982) The Milkshakes
      After School Sessions (1983) The Milkshakes
      The Milkshakes IV—The Men with Golden Guitars (1983) The Milkshakes
      Sing and Play 20 Rock & Roll Hits of the 50's & 60's (1984) The Milkshakes
      The Milkshakes in Germany (1984) The Milkshakes
      Nothing Can Stop These Men (1984) The Milkshakes
      Showcase (1984) The Milkshakes
      They Came They Saw They Conquered (1984) Thee Milkshakes
      Thee Knights of Trashe (1984) Thee Milkshakes
      Thee Mighty Caesars (1985) Thee Mighty Caesars
      Dangerous Charms (1985) The Del Monas
      Beware the Ides of the March (1985) Thee Mighty Caesars
      The Delmonas 5 (1986) The Del Monas
      Thee Caesars of Trash (1986) Thee Mighty Caesars
      Acropolis Now (1986) Thee Mighty Caesars
      107 Tapes (1986) (Early demos/Live) The Milkshakes
      Live in Rome (1986) Thee Mighty Caesars
      Wiseblood (1987) The Mighty Caesars
      The Milkshakes Revenge -The Legendary Missing 9th Album (1987) The Milkshakes
      Fun in the U.K. (1987) (Compilation) The Pop Rivets
      I've Got Everything Indeed (1987) Wild Billy Childish
      Don't Give Any Dinner to Henry Chinaski (1987) Thee Mighty Caesars
      Which Dead Donkey Daddy? (1987) Billy Childish & Sexton Ming
      Punk Rock Showcase (1987) Thee Mighty Caesars
      Laughing Gravy (1987) Wild Billy Childish & Big Russ Wilkins
      Plump Prizes & Little Gems (1987) Billy Childish & Sexton Ming
      The 1982 Cassettes (1988) Wild Billy Childish
      Live in Chatham (1988) Thee Milkshakes
      YPRES 1917 Overture (Verdun Ossuary) (1988) Billy Childish & Sexton Ming
      "i remember..." (1988) Wild Billy Childish
      Poems of Laughter and Violence (1988) Billy Childish
      Brimful of Hate (1988) Jack Ketch & the Crowmen
      Play: Capt'n Calypso's Hoodoo Party (1988) Wild Billy Childish & the Blackhands
      Do the Uncle Willy (1988) The Delmonas
      English Punk Rock Explosion (1988) (Compilation) Thee Mighty Caesars
      The Delmonas (1989) The Delmonas
      John Lennon's Corpse Revisited (1989) Thee Mighty Caesars
      Headcoats Down! (1989) Thee Headcoats
      Long Legged Baby (1989) Wild Billy Childish & the Natural Born Lovers
      Surely They Were the Sons of God (1989) (Compilation) Thee Mighty Caesars
      19th Nervous Shakedown (1990) (Compilation) The Milkshakes
      The Kids Are Square—This Is Hip! (1990) Thee Headcoats
      The Earls of Suavedom (1990) Thee Headcoats
      Beach Bums Must Die (1990) Thee Headcoats
      Live in Germany '79 (1990) The Pop Rivets
      Heavens to Murgatroyd, Even! It’s Thee Headcoats! (Already) (1990) Thee Headcoats
      50 Albums Great (1991) Wild Billy Childish
      Girlsville (1991) Thee Headcoatees
      W.O.A.H! Bo in Thee Garage (1991) Thee Headcoats
      Headcoatitude (1991) Thee Headcoats
      I Am the Billy Childish (1991) (Compilation) Various
      The Sudden Fart of Laughter (1992) Billy Childish
      Der Henkermann—Kitchen Recordings (1992) Billy Childish
      The Original Chatham Jack (1992) Billy Childish & the Blackhands
      Have Love Will Travel (1992) Thee Headcoatees
      Caesars Remains (1992) (Compilation) Thee Mighty Caesars
      The Wurst Is Yet to Come (1993) Thee Headcoats
      The Good Times Are Killing Me (1993) Thee Headcoats
      Cavern by the Sea (1993) Thee Headcoats
      Torments Nest (1993) Billy Childish
      Live in the Netherlands (1993) Wild Billy Childish & the Blackhands
      Native American Sampler—A History 1983–1993 (1993) (Compilation) Various
      At the Bridge (1993) Billy Childish featuring The Singing Loins
      Hunger at the Moon (1993) Billy Childish
      Caesars Pleasure (1994) (Compilation) Thee Mighty Caesars
      Live at the Wild Western Room (1994) Thee Headcoats
      Connundrum (1994) Thee Headcoats
      Ballad of Insolent Pup (1994) Thee Headcoatees
      The Sound of the Baskervilles (1995) Thee Headcoats featuring Thee Headcoatees
      In Tweed We Trust (1996) Thee Headcoats
      Deerstalking Men (1996) Thee Headcoats Sect
      Knights of the Baskervilles (1996) Thee Headcoats
      Made With a Passion—Kitchen Demos (1996) Billy Childish
      Bostik Haze (1997) Thee Headcoatees
      Chatham's Burning—Live '77 & '78 Demos (1997) The Pop Rivets
      Punk Girls (1997) Thee Headcoatees
      The Jimmy Reid Experience (1997) Thee Headcoats
      Devil in the Flesh (1998) Billy Childish/Dan Melchior
      The Messerschmitt Pilot's Severed Hand (1998) Thee Headcoats
      Sherlock Holmes Meets the Punkenstein Monster (1998) (Japanese Compilation) Thee Headcoats
      Brother Is Dead...but Fly Is Gone! (1998) Thee Headcoats
      17% Hendrix Was Not the Only Musician (1998) Billy Childish & His Famous Headcoats
      Taylor Meets Thee Headcoatees (1998) Thee Headcoatees
      Crimes Against Music—Blues Recordings 1986-1999 (1999) (Compilation) Wild Billy Childish
      The Cheeky Cheese (1999) Billy Childish & Sexton Ming
      English Gentlemen of Rock'n'Roll/the Best Vol. 2 (1999) (Japanese Compilation) Thee Headcoats
      Here Comes Cessation (1999) Thee Headcoatees
      The Sisters of Suave (1999) (compilation) Thee Headcoatees
      In Blood (1999) Billy Childish & Holly Golightly
      Ready Sect Go! (2000) Thee Headcoats Sect
      I Am the Object of Your Desire (2000) Thee Headcoats
      Elementary Headcoats—Thee Singles 1990-1999 (2000) (compilation) Thee Headcoats
      Live at the Dirty Water Club (2001) Thee Headcoats
      This Is This (2001) The Buff Medways
      Steady the Buffs (2002) Wild Billy Childish & The Buff Medways
      25 Years of Being Childish (2002) (compilation) Various
      Here Come the Fleece Geese (2002) Billy Childish & Sexton Ming
      1914 (2003) Wild Billy Childish & The Buff Medways
      Medway Wheelers (2005) Wild Billy Childish & The Buff Medways
      Heaven's Journey (2005) Wild Billy Childish & The Chatham Singers
      My First Billy Childish Album (2006) Various (compilation)
      Punk Rock at the British Legion Hall (2007) Wild Billy Childish & The Musicians of the British Empire
      The XFM Sessions (2007) Wild Billy Childish & The Buff Medways
      Poems of a Backwater Visionary (2007) Billy Childish (spoken word)
      Christmas 1979 (2007) Wild Billy Childish & the Musicians of the British Empire
      Thatcher's Children (2008) Wild Billy Childish & the MBE's
      Juju Claudius (2009) The Chatham Singers
      Archive From 1959—The Billy Childish Story (2009) Three LP Compilation
      Poets of England (2010) The Vermin Poets

    • January 17, 2011 5:23 AM CST
    • New episodes: Yup! Checking it out of course!

      I need to call in, just need to get my shit together there....

      Hideout Admin said:

      I don't think there were any voice messages "collected" (as if I get that many to "collect" them, haha!) for Savage Kick that were not used... but hell, I could be wrong. That was a year and a half ago, so one or two may have slipped through the cracks. But it's not like I can't start collecting new ones, so CALL!


      And don't forget to listen to the new episode here!

      IDON MINE said:

      Hey man, great to see you keeping the rolling, uhm, rolling.

      Cool to see the voice mail line up! Also, is there a chance we get to hear some old voice messages collected for the now long gone savage kick 70? Where there even any? It would just be fun to listen in.

      Questions over questions...

      Hideout Admin said:
      Call and make a request, leave a comment, tell me a joke, whatever! I might use it on an upcoming episode: 314-266-8472

      And don't forget to check my blahg for the latest episodes!

    • January 17, 2011 12:54 AM CST
    • Now if I could get that extra bass boost with an intact brightness from the mids along with that cardboard crunch I'd be happy.

      Jamie said:

      I'm thinking you might actually save money by just getting a different cab. A 6x10 Silvertone cab is probably pretty rare. I built one for my 1484 out of pine from Lowes. I just stained the bare wood and put some polyurethane on it. I ordered a fender style grillcloth online. It looks pretty decent. I might put a picture up here sometime.


      I used some 12" Eminence Legends because 1. I found them cheap on ebay and 2. supposedly they have a vintage Jensen/JBL vibe to them. I've never played through any vintage speakers so I couldn't tell you how they compare. They are very loud and clean. They don't really break much at all. They have good bass but are also pretty bright. They're just about right for the Silvertone as far as clean speakers go but are just a little too bright for my blackface Bassman head. They might continue to break in.  

      I think I'm going to build another cab and try to find some lower powered speakers so I can get that cardboard box sound you're talking about. I may try some tens.

    • January 17, 2011 12:49 AM CST
    • Mardy Pune,


      It's sounding more and more complex to me. I thought it would be as easy as doing a little math, matching ohlms, and soldering. I have looked at the speakers. I actually had to solder the wire back on one because it came undone. The speakers are wired in parallel. No transformers on the speakers as far as I can tell. One output transformer to 3 speakers. I am wondering if I should just find a tech that knows old amps. I  don't want to get fried.

    • January 16, 2011 7:46 PM CST
    • Very true, Gareth!  It's great that there's podcasts like the ones on here (Im not including me on this because I'm not all that great) that helps bring good music to our attention!  I didn't realize the situation was like that in the UK though, I figured it was pretty much a US problem...

      Gareth Brown said:

      It's the same here in the UK! The majority of music media here exists to push mainstream music. I suppose the situation is best explained by a tune called 'We Fuckin' Hate The NME' by Thee Headcoats (the NME being a very popular trend setting weekly music paper here in the UK).  I suppose there's been a moment for each of us where we've realised that we're just gonna have to search for the music we want to listen to.
      joey fuckup said:

      It's sad, I live in such a shitty radio market, I didn't even know who the hell the Clash was until "Combat Rock" came out!  No friggin' lie!!!  Of course I dug it, but then I had to dig deeper and buy such classics as "London Calling" and their self-titled debut release!
      Gareth Brown said:
      Hi - i'm new to The Hideout... very much enjoying all of your responses... For me it was listening to 'London Calling' by The Clash that first got me interested in all things punk/garage/r'n'r related!

    • January 16, 2011 6:52 PM CST
    • Watcha Weirdos

      Just wondering if anyone any of you trashy artists/graphicy people out there would be interested in putting together a cover for the You Got Good Taste Lux Interior anniversary podcast show????

      Appreciate any offers thanks Mr A


    • January 16, 2011 7:24 AM CST
    • Yes Hi, Im here to sign up for man-groupie-gigolo duty. Have no fear ladies.

    • January 16, 2011 7:01 AM CST
    • 5,7.5,8,9,10 are gooduns. I'd skip 6 though.

    • January 16, 2011 5:56 AM CST
    • Its impossible to pick one EP and not feel weird about it.

      BonzoB said:

      I can never pick one in these discussions, so you'll have to bear with me! The Stooges - Sick of You and Gun Club - Death Party. The EP format was great for socially aware punk bands like The Clash and SLF both of whom released more than one EP at the normal price for a 45 single with one track either side. My two favourites offer a long song on one side with two shorter ones on the other.