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    • January 25, 2011 6:28 PM CST
    • I respect your view Marques as I used to get pissed of about the state of mainstream culture too.
      I'v learned not to pay attention to it hence my reason for joining sites like this. Here i'm associated with people on a similar wavelength. I like what i like and to be honest don't give a shit about "the industry". Sometimes being naive is allot more fun than being bitter and disgusted.
      Marques De Valia said:

      i liked what you had to say, so 'no offense' but something reminding me of Nirvana would be a reason for me NOT to rush to find it to listen to. although it might be good.


      shortly after grunge died a couple of other things happened, it seems now like the death of rock radio, TOTALLY like its death was a preordained thing.


      napster was destroyed.   destroyed!  i remember the original napster and it wasn't hurting anyone at ALL.  

      who was offended?  basically the greedy and untalented who seek to exploit talent, people in the INDUSTRY...


      then clearchannel.   clearchannel own most united states radio stations, i believe... a LOT of things contributed to people basically becoming more stupid than cool, and that's how it seems now. did i just 'wake up' and notice all the brutal dumbness?


      i started focusing more on making music like i HAD TO because i realised that something had died,

      but when things die, they serve a purpose: they make room for something new.


      people getting into music because they think they can get money and get their asses kissed in various ways, that's nothing new.    but it hurts most when things border punk and kiss ass for $$$ because:  that was supposed to be less susceptible to corruption, anything smacking of anarchy or defiance. (no pun intended: smacking; nirvana, bleah.)


      all in all i trust EVERYONE more but i trust INDIVIDUALS much less.

      i have met so many people who were utterly insincere, who put most of their efforts into insisting that people who didn't conform to their view about alternative culture, the underground, scenes were "lying to themselves."


      oh yeah, and the anti-emo thing, that was plenty Nazi.  emo was the new jew for a few weeks...


      just seeing the conformity thing become all important, it wasn't the death of the individual,

      it was more like the individual had to HIDE because the fascists, the chavs, the stupid brutal and dominant had come to rule scenes.   i am bitter and disgusted, and relate most easily to those who share my point of view.

    • January 24, 2011 7:35 PM CST
    • I like alot of Nirvana's music. I don't get into it as much these days but when i was in my early teens it was great cause here was a band that pissed of every kids parents. They sounded way more "dangerous" than Michael Jackson!

      I don't believe kurt was murdered though. I think he felt like shit because most of the people who were buying his music were the people he disliked. Although there is a quote from him in his biography that says something like "i wanna be a famous rockstar and die young like Jimi Hendrix". So maybe he got his wish.


      Like em or not they were the last band in commercial history to change the face of rock music. I just couldn't stand all those shitty copy cat grunge bands that came out years later like Nickelback and shit uuurrghh!


      Is anyone into Ty Segall at all ?? I hear alot of Kurt Cobain influence in his music (and his dress sense too) But that kid does it right! If you like Nirvana Lady Strange you should get Ty Segall's album "Lemons" if you don't have it already of course :-)


    • January 25, 2011 4:49 PM CST
    • Thanks for that link.  I ordered a used copy for $10.


      I've seen three documentaries that are spaced out over several years.  The first was an indy release and the second two were BBC productions (I think).  I don't think I've seen BCID.

      Recordgrooves said:

      Picked up a DVD on clearance from Amazon a while back for about 5bucks, 80 minutes of Milkshakes & Thee Headcoats.


      "The Genius Of Billy Childish" 2004 Cherry Red Records




      Amazing the stuff you find on Amazon not on the IMDb

    • January 25, 2011 1:51 PM CST
    • I love Billy.

    • January 25, 2011 2:04 PM CST
    • The Smiths are cool. NMA (sic) aren't, never have been, never will be.


      Mr. Neg

      South London


      Doc Sanchez said:

      There's absolutely nothing wrong with not liking NMA. If you want to check them out I'd also say to go for their old stuff. I stopped listening to them in '94, and even that's pretty late , and the albums after '94 pretty much sucked. And it's definitely true, they sound really dated from today's point of view.


      I always liked their folky tunes more than their "rock" songs, and my favourite album is "Thunder & Consolation", but that's probably because that's the first album I knew by them, and it did console me as a teenie... And besides, their folk songs really don't sound that dated.


      Still, when NMA were cool (in the 80's), they rocked, even though I hardly listen to them anymore.


      Cheers, Doc


      P.S.: And how do you like The Smiths, by the way?

    • January 25, 2011 11:01 AM CST
    • There's absolutely nothing wrong with not liking NMA. If you want to check them out I'd also say to go for their old stuff. I stopped listening to them in '94, and even that's pretty late , and the albums after '94 pretty much sucked. And it's definitely true, they sound really dated from today's point of view.


      I always liked their folky tunes more than their "rock" songs, and my favourite album is "Thunder & Consolation", but that's probably because that's the first album I knew by them, and it did console me as a teenie... And besides, their folk songs really don't sound that dated.


      Still, when NMA were cool (in the 80's), they rocked, even though I hardly listen to them anymore.


      Cheers, Doc


      P.S.: And how do you like The Smiths, by the way?

    • January 25, 2011 8:55 AM CST
    • Nothing wrong with being "a bit neg," Muck. Most music falls into that gray area of not being either "great" or "terrible," and NMA is definitely one of those. I listened to them for a while back in the mid '80s, esp. the first record, but that's only because we had it at the radio station I DJed at back then. At the time there were comparisons floating around to the Clash more than U2 (ugh). But I couldn't get into their other records at all. And now when I hear them, well, let's just say their music has not aged well. There are SO many more deserving bands to discuss... I'd suggest getting back to those. :)

      Lord Muck!! said:

      I just downloaded some of their stuff and it confirmed to me what I've long known - that I don't like 'em... sorry if that's a bit neg

    • January 25, 2011 7:10 AM CST
    • I just downloaded some of their stuff and it confirmed to me what I've long known - that I don't like 'em... sorry if that's a bit neg

    • January 24, 2011 4:19 PM CST
    • Hey Doc. I saw them a few times in their early days (mid-Eighties). They were a very refreshing take on punk with a lead singer/guitarist who wasn't afraid to express his Quaker beliefs, an incredible bass player who had been listening to JJ Burnell, but pushed it right out front and a rock steady drummer back there keeping perfect time. They had a lot of positive energy the time they released their second album (Vengence) it was all over for me. Their first mini-album - every tune a classic (Small Town England, Sex, Falklands Spirit...). If they're still out there and still doing it I say good for them and if you're into it that's cool, but not my cup of tea.

    • January 25, 2011 11:36 AM CST
    • twin reverb ftw! new spring reverb.

      g&l legacy and gibson sg standard and very old gibson accoustic guitar from the 40tys or 50tys.


      some yellow mudhoney overdrive, vox wahwah, peace of shit fuzz from beringer

      and more peace of shit petals that aren't worth for mention.



    • January 25, 2011 10:25 AM CST
    • Oh man, this is old but gold.

      Anyway, the GP Hideout gives new meaning to the words: "YE HEARD IT HERE FIRST."

    • January 25, 2011 10:14 AM CST
    • Cool! Looking forward to hearing it! That album sounds sweet too.

    • January 25, 2011 7:44 AM CST
    • I heard this song on Fowley's Underground Garage program on Sirius/XM this past Saturday, and I really liked it.  Thanks for providing me with some more information on this woman.

    • January 25, 2011 7:44 AM CST
    • She's got a whole album recorded, plus she's on the BLACK ROOM DOOM soundtrack. Coming soon on Kim's new label, FLESH-O-RAMA (his first record label since Chattahoochee).

      sleazy said:

      Gotta get this........what about any albums :):)

    • January 25, 2011 4:35 AM CST
    • Gotta get this........what about any albums :):)

    • January 24, 2011 1:01 PM CST
    • Kim Fowley's latest project is a brand new single by scream queen Victoria De Mare (Killjoy 3, Werewolf in a Women's Prison) called "World's on Fire."

      The single made its debut over the weekend when it was featured on Kim's XM/Sirius radio show, as well as on last night's "Rodney on the ROQ."

      I'll be featuring it on THE MAL THURSDAY SHOW #34: The Mean Season later this week, and not just because KF is my friend. This song is an instant classic, an infectious little rock n' roll record that has been described as "The Ramones meets the Ronettes" (Chris Carter, "Breakfast with the Beatles"), but I'd say it's more like the Raincoats meets the Runaways. In any case, it's pretty great.

      Victoria herself ain't bad, either:

    • January 25, 2011 2:00 AM CST
    • That's terrible ! I feel so useless...Just wanted to say to his wife that we support her too...for what it's worth. 

      Never met Scott in person neither but he was a great fun virtual friend.

      How could we help ?


    • January 24, 2011 3:51 PM CST
    • As someone who has known Scott off and on for the past ten years, I can tell you there have been few things he has loved more than all of the fine folks here at He was the one that turned me on to this place, since one of the big things we bonded over was b-movie/fringe film culture, trash rock, punk, all things psychobilly, etc etc. He's a tough guy who has weathered a lot of things in his life but something that always seem to bring him an insane amount of joy was this place and all of its fantastic podcasts and folks. My life was forever changed the day that I became friends with Scott and I am hoping and praying for a miracle. He's one of a kind babies.

    • January 24, 2011 3:26 PM CST
    • I was stunned, shocked upset annoyed when I heard this as I simile have had great support and interest from Scott over the many months to my podcast show, his enthusiasm for music and sense of humour for the WEIRD have kept me entertained and I'm sure loads of other trash fans too.

      I'm really only writing this to let someone somewhere know that Scott dose not deserve this BUT what the fuck can I do other than also pay tribute to one cool guy, lets hope that some kinda miracle in the non spiritual sense comes about to bring Scott back.

    • January 24, 2011 2:55 PM CST
    • We get tens of thousands of listeners on this here podcast network, but one of the most loyal and rabid fans has been Scott Law. He's also a great fan of exploitation movies and other fine cultural artifacts.

      I could always count on his enthusiastic response to every new 'cast I posted, whether it was THE MAL THURSDAY SHOW, FLORIDA ROCKS AGAIN!, or TEXAS TYME MACHINE.

      Last week, Scott suffered a brain stem aneurysm, and has been in a coma ever since. Those of us who have come to know Scott have been hoping for a miracle. Today, his wife Susan posted this on Facebook:

      "Scott is stable and doing better. He will live, but as a vegetable. Meeting with lawyer today to keep that from happening to him. He was too vital and loved life too much to live like that. Pray for me. Thanks."

      I'm pretty torn up about this, even though I have never met him person. He had planned on driving to Austin to attend the Sons of Hercules/Kenny and the Kasuals/Texreys show I'm doing next month, and I was looking forward to getting to know him better.

      I don't know what to do, there's not much I can do, but I just wanted to pay tribute to the man.

    • January 25, 2011 1:38 AM CST
    • sure!!!




      SylviASubSOnicAngel said:

      thanks Simone, can i send you promo copie to this adress : Simone Benerecetti
      Via n.cantalupo 15f
      17019 Varazze (SV) / Italy



      simone benerecetti said:

      ehm.... we aren't a list of fanzine...


      we are a ezine that love garage and rocknroll... ;)


      ciao simone

    • January 24, 2011 5:46 PM CST
    • thanks Simone, can i send you promo copie to this adress : Simone Benerecetti
      Via n.cantalupo 15f
      17019 Varazze (SV) / Italy



      simone benerecetti said:

      ehm.... we aren't a list of fanzine...


      we are a ezine that love garage and rocknroll... ;)


      ciao simone