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    • January 14, 2011 3:17 AM CST
    • my show, INTOXICA,  is a live broadcast which relies totally on the chaos that that brings, and i record it and post it as a podcast...sometimes i get these morons complaining that it is edited bad or some such podcastian blather & i have to explain that THIS IS A REAL RADIO SHOW! not something put together in mommy's offense to all the great podcasters out there!!! just the whiners..

    • January 13, 2011 2:11 PM CST
    • I recently have been provided with the opportunity to co-host a 2 hour radio show at my local community station.  I’m debating the merits of this over a podcast.  I know radio is supposed to be as dead as a can of Spam and you’ll get more listeners with a podcast but there’s just something about a live radio broadcast.  Are podcasts just preaching to the choir?  Is a radio show a waste of time and energy that could be better spent elsewhere?  What do you guys think? 

    • January 14, 2011 1:42 AM CST
    • Cool, yeah I heard about the Chicago show not working out. If he plays again when he gets better I hope to see it. For sure if it's within driving distance.

      Jimbo said:

      Your post gave me the idea to go on a trip with my dad to see Chuck Berry (he's 70 and he grew up listening to Chuck as it was happening), so i checked the website for future shows. Unfortunately:

      "Due to exhaustion, Mr. Berry was unable to complete his scheduled performance in Chicago at the Congress Theatre January 1, 2011. However, he is fine and has returned to his home near St. Louis. ... [Read More]"


      I suppose that's gonna be the last show ever? I hope not...

      Duke Of Earl said:

      Well sadly, most of them are no longer with us. In body anyways. Hmmm...If any of these groups could play with core lineups here are some of my choices. Im not including bands whose main members are buried(as far as I know). Hrd to always keep up with whos still breathing. If these are impossible, I'd be curious to here why.
      -flamin groovies(Roy Loney is playing this month, anybody have the dates)
      -hanoi rocks
      -berlin brats

      Can't really think of them all on the fly. Anybody know which original 50s cats are still playin, I'd hate to miss a limited opportunity to catch any of the originators? I missed Wanda Jackson again a few months ago. I know Chuck Berry did a show in Chicago recently. I have to see him soon at any given opportunity. There are a few that I saw at the tail end, that I'm eternally happy about and some that I kick my self in the pants for missing my last ever chance. R.I.P.

    • January 13, 2011 11:42 PM CST
    • Your post gave me the idea to go on a trip with my dad to see Chuck Berry (he's 70 and he grew up listening to Chuck as it was happening), so i checked the website for future shows. Unfortunately:

      "Due to exhaustion, Mr. Berry was unable to complete his scheduled performance in Chicago at the Congress Theatre January 1, 2011. However, he is fine and has returned to his home near St. Louis. ... [Read More]"


      I suppose that's gonna be the last show ever? I hope not...

      Duke Of Earl said:

      Well sadly, most of them are no longer with us. In body anyways. Hmmm...If any of these groups could play with core lineups here are some of my choices. Im not including bands whose main members are buried(as far as I know). Hrd to always keep up with whos still breathing. If these are impossible, I'd be curious to here why.
      -flamin groovies(Roy Loney is playing this month, anybody have the dates)
      -hanoi rocks
      -berlin brats

      Can't really think of them all on the fly. Anybody know which original 50s cats are still playin, I'd hate to miss a limited opportunity to catch any of the originators? I missed Wanda Jackson again a few months ago. I know Chuck Berry did a show in Chicago recently. I have to see him soon at any given opportunity. There are a few that I saw at the tail end, that I'm eternally happy about and some that I kick my self in the pants for missing my last ever chance. R.I.P.

    • January 13, 2011 11:21 PM CST
    • Well sadly, most of them are no longer with us. In body anyways. Hmmm...If any of these groups could play with core lineups here are some of my choices. Im not including bands whose main members are buried(as far as I know). Hrd to always keep up with whos still breathing. If these are impossible, I'd be curious to here why.
      -flamin groovies(Roy Loney is playing this month, anybody have the dates)
      -hanoi rocks
      -berlin brats

      Can't really think of them all on the fly. Anybody know which original 50s cats are still playin, I'd hate to miss a limited opportunity to catch any of the originators? I missed Wanda Jackson again a few months ago. I know Chuck Berry did a show in Chicago recently. I have to see him soon at any given opportunity. There are a few that I saw at the tail end, that I'm eternally happy about and some that I kick my self in the pants for missing my last ever chance. R.I.P.

    • January 14, 2011 12:43 AM CST
    • I'm thinking you might actually save money by just getting a different cab. A 6x10 Silvertone cab is probably pretty rare. I built one for my 1484 out of pine from Lowes. I just stained the bare wood and put some polyurethane on it. I ordered a fender style grillcloth online. It looks pretty decent. I might put a picture up here sometime.


      I used some 12" Eminence Legends because 1. I found them cheap on ebay and 2. supposedly they have a vintage Jensen/JBL vibe to them. I've never played through any vintage speakers so I couldn't tell you how they compare. They are very loud and clean. They don't really break much at all. They have good bass but are also pretty bright. They're just about right for the Silvertone as far as clean speakers go but are just a little too bright for my blackface Bassman head. They might continue to break in.  

      I think I'm going to build another cab and try to find some lower powered speakers so I can get that cardboard box sound you're talking about. I may try some tens.

    • January 13, 2011 3:58 AM CST
    • Yeah, you would still get speaker break up from some vintage 15" speakers but it still wouldn't sound the same as the 10's you've got in the cab. It's not really the quality of the speaker that causes the break up it's more the spec's.

      Have you opened up the cab and and looked at the speakers to see how they are wired? And do they have little transformers mounted on each of them?

      After looking at the schematic again there's a 500volt tap coming off the power transformer and connecting to the output transformer(s), I'd be careful, that's not something that I've seen in a guitar amps before. I don't wanna see you get fried!


    • January 13, 2011 7:58 PM CST
    • That Death record was pretty impressive. Yeah rare stuff, V.G. You are on the right track. -Victims-real wild child LP EPs are always of interest too. I just thought it would be more useful to talk LPs first since you get more bang for you buck usually with a longplayer.

      The Von Ghouls said:

      you mean unreleased stuff like Death (detroit) was recently uncovered - I have a test press that's a pre-punk band in studio dated '74 but have no idea who it is...everything good I know is on EP or 7" or comps...the reactors, V2, radiators from space


      I don't know if punk bands from those days could hold it together enough to complete an album...



    • January 13, 2011 7:01 PM CST
    • you mean unreleased stuff like Death (detroit) was recently uncovered - I have a test press that's a pre-punk band in studio dated '74 but have no idea who it is...everything good I know is on EP or 7" or comps...the reactors, V2, radiators from space


      I don't know if punk bands from those days could hold it together enough to complete an album...



    • January 13, 2011 9:35 AM CST
    • The Kids from belgium. They had a cd box set called Kids-anthology come out, it had all there material and a dvd. I didn't get it because it wasn't cheap enough after I spent all my money on beer. I've only ever heard there 1st two LPs. How's the later albums?

    • January 13, 2011 9:27 AM CST
    • So far these are all classic first wave punk LPs. I especially like that Lurkers LP, but I was starting this chat with the intention of hearing about lesser known albums, meaning rare ones that might have flew under the radar of even those who listen to the stuff. C'mon dig deep! I wanna hear about some mystery punk-rock groups here. I wasn't born yesterday. There was another talk goin on here about favorite 76-80 punk bands and I found it was getting redundant so this was meant to be for Rare-stuff.    

    • January 13, 2011 6:26 AM CST
    • Stiff Little Fingers- Inflammable Material

    • January 13, 2011 4:33 AM CST
    • The Lurkers - Fulham Fallout

    • January 13, 2011 2:02 AM CST
    • The Ruts - The Crack

    • January 13, 2011 5:22 PM CST
    • Wow Dave!  That's awesome!  Can't imagine meeting Link!  And he probably still put on one hell of a show!  Very cool!

      DammitDave said:

      I got to meet Link Wray in 1996 (97?) when he played in Champaign, Il.  I was friends with the opening band (The Bottletones) and got to meet him before the show.  He was the nicest guy ever and had some great stories about "The Killer" and writing Run Chicken Run (too naughty to tell here).  He also told about being on a tour with some teen heartthrob in the 50s that went through Kentucky.  There were tons of teenage girls there with their fathers and the fathers were there with their shotguns to protect the daughters' virtue!

    • January 13, 2011 1:58 PM CST
    • I got to meet Link Wray in 1996 (97?) when he played in Champaign, Il.  I was friends with the opening band (The Bottletones) and got to meet him before the show.  He was the nicest guy ever and had some great stories about "The Killer" and writing Run Chicken Run (too naughty to tell here).  He also told about being on a tour with some teen heartthrob in the 50s that went through Kentucky.  There were tons of teenage girls there with their fathers and the fathers were there with their shotguns to protect the daughters' virtue!

    • January 13, 2011 11:24 AM CST
    • That's great that it was a pleasant experience!  My fear has always been to meet a band/musician that I really liked, but they turned out to be major douchebags...I have met some that were arrogant or just asses (I won't name them), but that's just life, I guess...Back when I was on "Whiskey 'N' Waterbeds", I came away from a couple of experiences where I was like "Fuck this"!  I keep in mind "Love the art, not the person"...

      Doc Sanchez said:

      With my former band Filthy Cowboy Sunset we once opened for DM Bob and Jem Finer (of Pogues fame - a band that meant pretty much to me back then) with Bob's girlfriend Silke from the Watzloves, and hanging out with them was one of the least rock'n'roll things ever - but pretty great! We played on a weekday, and my band was tired from work, and they were tired from travelling, so we hung out in the backstage room and must have been a sight to see: Bob and Jem were playing chess, Silke was reading copied texts about Dadaism, our violinist was reading something else, our pianist and our drummer were sleeping, and me and our singer were just sitting there eating, amused about the scenery.

      The three of them were really nice people, polite, cool, nice, funny and modest - and so much fun on stage (which you wouldn't have thought seeing them playing chess like some elderly gentlemen on the porch)!


      So - hanging out with fave musicians for me was like watching TV with friends: a relaxing, funny thing, somehow without much rock'n'roll, but still a fine experience.

    • January 13, 2011 4:32 AM CST
    • With my former band Filthy Cowboy Sunset we once opened for DM Bob and Jem Finer (of Pogues fame - a band that meant pretty much to me back then) with Bob's girlfriend Silke from the Watzloves, and hanging out with them was one of the least rock'n'roll things ever - but pretty great! We played on a weekday, and my band was tired from work, and they were tired from travelling, so we hung out in the backstage room and must have been a sight to see: Bob and Jem were playing chess, Silke was reading copied texts about Dadaism, our violinist was reading something else, our pianist and our drummer were sleeping, and me and our singer were just sitting there eating, amused about the scenery.

      The three of them were really nice people, polite, cool, nice, funny and modest - and so much fun on stage (which you wouldn't have thought seeing them playing chess like some elderly gentlemen on the porch)!


      So - hanging out with fave musicians for me was like watching TV with friends: a relaxing, funny thing, somehow without much rock'n'roll, but still a fine experience.

    • January 13, 2011 9:27 AM CST
    • Cool. Yeah, Jason mentioned something about Greg having one, I think. I can't wait to get it. I've always been a fan of shortwave radio and just listening to weird radio broadcasts from all over the world, pirate radio, etc. But now with "Internet radio" it's gone beyond just owning a good SW radio receiver. This seems like the perfect culmination of all of that.

      Michael Kaiser said:

      Hideout Admin said:
      Just curious... have any of you ever listened via a wifi radio? I'm thinking of getting one (click the link).

      I have no personal experience with one, but my buddy Greg Lonesome (Rock N' Roll Manifesto, Mojo Workout) has one and says its the bee's knees! I'd love to have one.

    • January 13, 2011 9:24 AM CST
    • I don't think there were any voice messages "collected" (as if I get that many to "collect" them, haha!) for Savage Kick that were not used... but hell, I could be wrong. That was a year and a half ago, so one or two may have slipped through the cracks. But it's not like I can't start collecting new ones, so CALL!


      And don't forget to listen to the new episode here!

      IDON MINE said:

      Hey man, great to see you keeping the rolling, uhm, rolling.

      Cool to see the voice mail line up! Also, is there a chance we get to hear some old voice messages collected for the now long gone savage kick 70? Where there even any? It would just be fun to listen in.

      Questions over questions...

      Hideout Admin said:
      Call and make a request, leave a comment, tell me a joke, whatever! I might use it on an upcoming episode: 314-266-8472

      And don't forget to check my blahg for the latest episodes!

    • January 13, 2011 6:57 AM CST
    • aha thanx for the explanation

      sleazy said:

      The revolution in music and costume that was brought about by the advent of psychedelia :)

      Pim Scheelings said:

      Hey what's a psychedelic rev? 

      sleazy said:


    • January 13, 2011 4:24 AM CST
    • The revolution in music and costume that was brought about by the advent of psychedelia :)

      Pim Scheelings said:

      Hey what's a psychedelic rev? 

      sleazy said:


    • January 13, 2011 6:24 AM CST
    • Also, the double LP re-release of the Harvey Milk singles collection was damn good!

      Doc Sanchez said:

      No list (that'd be too much work), but just one record: Harvey Milk, A Small Turn of Human Kindness.

    • January 13, 2011 4:37 AM CST
    • No list (that'd be too much work), but just one record: Harvey Milk, A Small Turn of Human Kindness.

    • January 12, 2011 8:07 PM CST
    • Hey, there's just way too much good stuff from last year.  Had to limit the list to just a few.

      Hideout Admin said:

      Surprised you didn't include the new Demon's Claws. I think it's their best yet. I don't have a complete list, but the Red Dons' Fake Meets Failure LP from 2010 is pretty incredible, too.