I was a Rock N' Roll fan first and foremost...
Lenny Helsing said:
Hey man you don't have to tell me it was rebel, I already know it, and yeah I also know about rat fink...a boo boo, but next you'll be telling me Link Wray wasn't punk ha ha...the thing is although we here all decide that The Sonics and the Seeds and all the 'rebel' mid-60s gangs are punk, it wasn't know as such at the time...and only when Lenny Kaye put the original 'Nuggets' together in the early 70s did anyone start using the term punk to mean raw and alive beat music...and of course it was only then that it was picked up by all the then new rebels, ie Ramones...Pistols, Damned, Clash, Adverts, Zeros, Saints, Eater, Boys, Rezillos, Valves, Scars, Prats, Dead Ks, Crime, Misfits, Exploited et cetera. I'm sure there will be many here who will agree...and me, well I ain't out to ruin it that's for sure...
ratoonie said:it was rebel!!!!!...... not pUnk!!........get out of your deniel!!!... rat fink was a super cool thing* back in the 60,s....... dont ruin it!!!!!!!!
Lenny Helsing said:au contraire mister teen fink ratoonie man punk was around long before you think